Not perfect: A Voltron AU

By hello_awkward834

99.7K 2.6K 1.4K

AU where Keith is actually depressed but everyone thinks he is just acting with the "jokes" he says. it's not... More

Lance's point of view
Keith's Point of View
Lance's point of view
Keith's point of view
Keith's Point of View
Keith's Point of View
Shiro's Point of View
Keith's Point of View
Why I have not updated this story. Includes life update and message to readers.

Keith's Point of View

9.5K 274 301
By hello_awkward834

⭐Strong language warning

   I must have fallen asleep while reading, because i am suddenly awakened by yelling in the lounge area. I quickly get up from my bed to find out what's going on. I run in to find that Lance and Pidge are facing each other as if arguing but then I hear what they're saying.

   "Haven't you people ever heard of..." Lance yells to her in a sing-song voice.

   "Closing the goddamn door!" Pidge yells back. They both begin singing as the song continues and my eyes go back to Lance. He looks absolutely stunning. The way his hair flies into his face as he dances around the room. The way his eyes light up as he sings. The way he doesn't care what he sounds like, and just does what he wants. He's perfect. I almost want to join in but I don't. They look like they're having fun and I don't want to bother them. I head to the training deck, tired of laying in bed all day.

   I train for what seems like hours before Allura tells us that we will be visiting a planet to restore their hope in Voltron. I would never admit it, but it's one of my favorite parts of being a paladin. Seeing the people faces change from worry to hope as we exit the castle and watching their faces light up instantly. I love it. I love how proud they are of the team. We end up giving lots of hugs to the small children and reassuring their worried parents that everything will be okay. We're about to head back to the castle when I spot lance talking to an alien girl.
   "Hey look at this!" he yells, throwing his gun in the air, causing it to do multiple flips before he catches it as it's inches away from the ground. The alien girl laughs and claps at his little stunt. I'm about to grab him and take him back to the ship before he says something that turns me red.

   "Of course, that isn't the only weapon I have," he says, with his signature wink and finger guns. I'm stuck in place for a few seconds before I quickly walk over to him, grab his arm, and quickly go back to the castle, keeping my head down so he doesn't see the redness in my face.

   Once on board, I tell him, "I think you've had enough fun for today," and push him towards his room. I begin to walk to mine when I'm quickly turned around and pulled against something hard. I shut my eyes tightly on instinct and it is not till I catch my breath that I open them. What I see next makes me wish I had kept them closed.
   I'm staring straight into a pair of deep ocean blue eyes and I feel my face get even redder if that was possible. Soft hands pull my chin upwards and my mouth falls open slightly. I'm stuck in this position, paralyzed. Lance moves his head down so he is no longer staring at me but So his mouth is lightly touching my ear. I can feel his breath on my skin and it gives me chills. In a deep, low voice, which makes it easier to hear the accent in his words, he whispers and I feel it go through me like a wave.

   "I was only having fun... maybe you should too..." he then walks away, towards the direction of the dining room, leaving me standing in the corridor, feeling like a melted puddle. I can feel the heat radiating of my face and already know it is very red. I stand here for what feels like hours but must have only been a minute or two, before quickly running to my room, making sure I shut and locked the door in everyway possible.

   I take two deep breaths, before I explode. This boy! This fucking perfect guy! Is such an asshole! Who let him be this mesmerizing! Who let him be this mean! He's playing me... He must have seen what he does to me, right!? He already flirts with almost every girl he's seen, so why would he say that shit to me! It's not fair! It's not fucking fair! When will he realize he can't go around flirting with any living thing he sees!? When will I stop thinking he's so goddamn perfect...

   Throughout this entire thought process, I've been throwing things around my room, making a huge mess. I even dented the door because of how many times i punched it. Now I sit against said door, hugging my knees as well as Charlotte, my stuffed hippo. My right hand hangs down so as not to get any blood on her. I feel tired, weak, and defeated.

   Yes, I love him. Yes, I loved when he flirted with me. But I hate how minutes before, he did the same to a random girl. And I hate how I know that he's straight. But I'd be lying if I said I was going to stop loving him.

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