Shelter [Reader x Shouto Todo...

By Skylit128

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(Y/n) has been a friend of Izuku and Katsuki for as long as she can remember, and she's been protective of bo... More

Chapter 1 ~ A Day As the Best Friend of Izuku
Chapter 2 ~ More Action Than Anticipated
Chapter 3 ~ All Might the Trainer
Chapter 4 ~ Trust in Me
Chapter 5 ~ The Entrance Exams
Chapter 6 ~ The First Day in 1-A
Chapter 7 ~ Aizawa is a Troll
Chapter 8 ~ A Dangerous Rivalry
Chapter 9 ~ The Demon Emerges
Chapter 10 ~ Shoto Vs. (Y/n)
Chapter 11 ~ Borrowed Quirk?
Chapter 12 ~ First "Date"
Katsuki's Adventure (Part 1)
Katsuki's Adventures (Part 3)
Chapter 13 ~ That Damn Witch
Chapter 14 ~ Don't Vote For Y/n
Halloween Special ~ The Treasure Hunt
Chapter 15 ~ Attack of the Toddlers

Katsuki's Adventures (Part 2)

2.1K 69 82
By Skylit128

~~~~~ Katsuki's POV ~~~~~

I woke up in a massive room, the walls decorated with pinks and whites in fancy designs and fabrics. Mirrors could be found on every wall, bouncing the golden light around the room.

I sat up in an extremely comfortable bed, its materials matching everything about the room.

"Where the hell..."

I rolled over, looking around a little more.

"What, did Nakada take me here in my sleep? Where am I anyway?" I asked nobody in particular.

Outside the door were several identical hallways, open with giant, golden windows.

I touched one of the frames. "Is this real gold?"

Outside the windows were neatly groomed patches of grass. I could see a maze somewhere off in the background.

"Why the hell am I in this place?"

"It was the best option," Nakada said from behind me. I spun around. "You're certainly bad at listening, huh?"

"Where are we?" I asked.

She smiled. "The Suoh estate, Bunkyo, Tokyo."

"We're still in Tokyo? And another made-up city again?!"

She sat down at the corner of the hallway and poked at the wall, sulking. "It takes a lot of energy to go around the world. This one and one where giant titans terrorize humanity around the world were the only options..."


She stood up and pushed up her hair, making it flow back down. "I'm a very complex person."

She was still pretty tall but looked a lot younger than before. She had golden hair and violet eyes. Her skin was fair, covered by a long pink nightgown.

"So, can I just hang out here today?" I asked.

"Weeeell, in the last dimension, you didn't have to go to school because the laws were a little looser. Here, that isn't the case."

"So what are you saying? I have to go to school?"

She shrunk under my glare. "Yeeeeeeaaaah..."

I sighed.

'It'll be better than working in that shithole for hours-on-end,' I thought.

"You're strangely calm." She poked my hair. "Did Simon break you or something?"

"Oh, Lady Emica, what are you doing in the eastern wing?" a man dressed in fancy, black and white clothing asked, carrying a blue uniform.

I turned to her. "Emica?"

She pulled my silk shirt to her and whispered, "That's my name here."

I hadn't even noticed I was wearing different clothing. All yesterday, I was wearing a black jacket and some capris, but now I was wearing a white, silky, pair of pajamas.

Looking at my arms, I yelled, "Who the hell changed my clothes?!"

"Language, young man," the man that I assumed was a butler said, "That is quite disrespectful in the presence of Lady Emica."

She smirked at me, but it quickly disappeared. She still had her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry," she whispered, "I used my quirk to switch out your clothing for some more appropriate pjs."

I wiped off her hand and whispered under my breath, "Perverted lunatic."

"Excuse me," the butler said, "I brought the uniform you requested. Where would you like me to put it?"

She waved her hand at the room I slept. "Put in that guest room over there, where Katsuki is staying for today."

She let go of my shirt and relaxed a little, but didn't break eye-contact. "And for goodness sake, BE POLITE. You are going to a high-class establishment, so act your damn best to fit in, got it?"

Before I could answer, she pushed me to my guest room. "Now change, shower, and meet me downstairs in ten minutes. Everything you need to get ready should be in there, but the staff is prepared to help if you need anything."

"Stop! Wha-"


I twisted the door handle furiously.

"Oh yeah, I'm unlocking the door in ten minutes! Bye!!"

I banged on the door. "HEY, COME BACK HERE, BITCH!!"

After a few minutes, I decided to cave and headed to the bathroom.

The uniform she set out for me was fitting for how fancy that place was. It was mostly blue, but the pants and tie were black, along with a white undershirt and a logoed pin. Finally, there was a pair of black shoes that weren't much different from mine at home.

I finished a minute or two before she scheduled the door to unlock, so I inspected the room a little more.

I didn't trust this place whatsoever. Who knew what kind of traps could have been set up?

I found a photograph of eight people, including her. It was glued to the bottom of her bed frame. On the back of the picture was a short note written out in glitter. It read "Don't say that I never warned you!".

'Knock knock knock'

I hopped up, fumbling to put everything back in place. I kept the photo to ask Nakada about later.

A different butler from before came and led me to the ground level. There were five pictures of some random sparkling boys and a grand staircase.

"Wait," I whispered to myself. I took out the photo from my pocket and stopped to compare it to the pictures.

"Why did she give me a picture of these punks and two others?"

I inspected the photograph. One had the same face frame as Nakada but looked like a guy. The other looked like a girl with short hair. It helped that she was wearing a dress, too.

We arrived in a large dining room where Nakada and some other guy who looked like her were eating. The boy looked irritated, tapping his fingers on the table and frowning.

'Her brother?' I wondered. I tried my best to remember the image. 'Was that who's in that photo? Why would she leave a picture of him hidden in my room? That seems unnecessarily complicated.'

The boy from the picture stood up when he noticed me walking through the doorway.

'Why does he still get to wear his PJs?!'

He spread out his arms and smiled widely. "Welcome, young Katsuki. I understand you're here to shadow our marvelous school."

I stared at him.

'Was that a question?' I wondered, 'Does he expect me to answer?'

Nakada stood up. "Yes, yes he is," she nervously laughed. "Sorry, he's a little tired."

Her brother's eye twitched as he closed his eyes, trying to mask how annoyed he was.

'What ticked this guy off?'

"No problem," he laughed, pointing to a chair which a nearby maid pulled open, "Come, sit with us."

I reluctantly walked over and sat down. I knew that if I wanted to get home, I'd have to behave, but there was nothing to eat, so I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do.

"Here is your meal," someone said as a few butlers placed plates and cups in front of us.

"Thank you," the boy said as he smiled, sparkles coming from it.

"Why are you sparkling?" I asked.

The room froze.

"What?" the boy asked.

Nakada leaned toward me and cupped her hands, whisper-shouting, "Don't be rude!!"

'What is it about this idiot that scares Nakada so much?' I wondered, 'She even went so far as to warn me about him and a few other people. Is he a secret assassin or something?'

"No, no," the boy said, waving his hand in a downward motion to Nakada. His eyes seemed to enlarge. "I'd love to talk about that subject. Come, let's eat somewhere more casual."

He snapped his finger and servants rushed to collect our food. While they were working, he walked over to me dramatically: swaying and sparkling.

'I hate these damn people, when am I getting home?!'

He didn't look much older than me but was taller., enough to tower over me.

When he got over to me, he took my hand and lowered, looking up at me with sparkling eyes.

"Shall I escort you to my room to chat?" he asked in a silky voice.

'Is this creep coming on to me?'

I jerked back my hand and scowled. "Fuck off! I'm not into guys."

"Ohhhh, haha!!!" Nakada said, grabbing onto my shoulders and directing me away from the weirdo, "Doesn't he just have the best sense of humor?!"

"Do you ever think before you say something?!" she whisper-shouted into my ear. "You can't just say something like that! He wasn't flirting with you, just being friendly, moron!"

"It's not my fault the guy's a creep!!!" I yelled back, ignoring that her brother could still hear me. "Why the hell do I have to act nice to some shitbag like him anyway!?"

"We'll be back, just stay right there!" she yelled to her brother, slamming the door shut behind her.

The room she brought me into was smaller than the last, but still huge. It had a bunch of chairs and couches set up with a table in the middle.

"Why did you force me to change into this damn uniform if we were going to kill time!? Why can he stay in his pajamas?! WHO IS HE!?"

She took a deep breath and sat down, irritation growing on her face.

'She does look like that freak, which is even more disturbing,' I thought.

"He's my brother-"

"NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!! Not like it was mystery of the year or anything!!!"

"Just calm down-"


She rolled her eyes at me. "You do know that my quirk hasn't disappeared, right? I just wanted to be kinder this time."


She stood up and slammed her hands down on the table. "Do you want answers or not?!"

I glared at her. "How would I know if you're just trying to trick me again or not?!"

She sighed and sat back in her chair. "Why would I lie here? Hell, I didn't lie before! All I did was not make telling you everything my first priority!"


She pouted, crossed her arms, closed her eyes, and turned her head to the side. "I was just testing you! It was purely to see if you were observant and agile enough to get out!"



"How do I know you won't try anything funny?!"

She closed her eyes and relaxed her features. "I guess you'll just have to trust me this time." She opened them and fixed her slouch. "Now, are you finally ready to listen?"

I eyed her movements as I sat down on the couch next to her. Her gaze drifted to a nearby wall that showed the group photo of the people I saw on the wall before.

'Why do these people have so many photos of some random kids? Do they have pictures of them in every room?! It's starting to border on stalking.'

"All your friends are so creepy," I said while examining the picture. I recognized Nakada, her brother, and seven more people. The girl from before was in a boy's uniform.

'Is she transgender or something?'

"Those are the people you'll see a lot of today," - she clenched her teeth - "That's why I sent you a warning."

"These weaklings couldn't even kill a fly; how much can they really do?"

She cringed. "You don't want to know what the small one with the bunny has done..." she shivered, "And the one with the glasses can be a monster..."

"Yeah, right, wimp," I replied. "Why don't you save your warnings for something like that restaurant's stink from yesterday."

She sighed. "You do whatever you feel like, but don't hold me responsible when you're being chased by the strongest martial arts master ever and a police force of over one hundred."

I jumped up. "WHAT? How much money do they have just lying around?!"

She smirked. "A lot. But like I said, go ahead - if you want to die."

I glared at her.

"This is why you have to be careful, especially with these people! You're used to a world where you can burn your enemies to solve your problems, but it's different here. You're not in control."

"Shut up!! What the hell do you know?! You're a god damned murderer who doesn't know anything about me!!" I marched to the door. "I'M NOT GOING TO SCHOOL!!"


I raced up to my room - with servants yelling after me. Before I got there, I saw Nakada leaning against my door.

"DAMMIT!! SCREW YOU AND YOUR DAMN QUIRK!!" I ran in the other direction until I bumped into a maid passing by.

"Drive me away!" She absentmindedly looked down at me for a moment. "NOW!!"

She jumped out of her daze and led me to the front driveway.

"WAIT!!" Nakada yelled from a balcony. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! YOU NEED ME TO TAKE YOU HOME!!"


'She can't teleport in front of all these people, so I'm safe,' I thought.

"Where would you like to-" the maid began.


'As long as I'm away from that maniac, I don't care where I am.'

As if in spite of my thoughts, a body appeared from a flash of light in the corner of my eye.

I yelped and jumped up, tempted to jump out the window. The maid freaked out too, swerving a little before controlling herself.

Nakada was in the foot-space of the back seats, laying down.

"GET THE HELL OUT!!" I snarled.

She struggled to sit up.

"Lady Emica, I'm so sorry! I had no idea you were here!" the maid said.

"DRIVE, DAMMIT!!" I yelled.

I looked out the window and we were going somewhere near sixty miles an hour. I stuck my head out and remembered that it would be a little while until we got to normal roads since her property was so large.

"Dammit," I whispered under my breath, "I'm trapped." If I had tried to jump out there was no chance I would have survived.

I felt Nakada's hands seal my mouth shut, pulling back inside the car.

"Shhhh," she said as she squeezed tighter. She was cradling me in her lap. I squirmed around, but I was getting fainter by the second. Without much effort, I passed out.


I woke up in a nurse's office, the walls tall and reflective. It was hard to look around since the room was so bright. My eyes focused on some lady copying something into her computer across the room.

I winced from a pain in my neck as I sat up. I felt finger-shaped indents still on my neck. "Was she trying to kill me?!" I exclaimed.

The lady across the room - who I assumed was the nurse - clapped her hands and stood up. "I'm so glad you're awake! You're not in very bad condition and, with an ice pack, you should be good as new in no time at all!"

She handed me an ice pack and a slip of paper. I pressed the pack on the front of my neck. It was wrapped in some durable, thin paper material that made it the perfect temperature to cool my neck but not make me cold.

"Here," she said, holding up a picture of some guy. The frame had a handle, weirdly enough. I wasn't sure if it was advertisement or something, but I didn't care, so I didn't take it. She put it down after a minute.

"Someone will be waiting for you in the waiting area to lead you to Emica Suoh's class," she smiled. It was so forced it made my stomach sink. I was so homesick I couldn't help it.

I jumped up and snatched the slip, looking over the room to find the door she mentioned.

"I'll find it myself!" I said, inspecting the paper. It said a room number and floor, so I didn't think it would be a big deal.

"But, sir-"

"I said I've got it!!" I ran right past the man waiting for me. He didn't come after me.

I started walking toward the stairs that were, conveniently, in the same hallway I was.

I considered just running away and hoping for the best, but the woman can teleport! Who knew what else she could do to track me down?

'I can't wait to have my quirk again,' I thought. I picked up my pace on the next level. 'I can't wait to see (Y/n) again.'

I slowed down. 'Can't wait to see her? With that damn icy hot meathead?' I felt gravity tug on my legs more and more. 'No fucking way.' I stopped at the doors of a library. 'Maybe I shouldn't go back. What do I even have to go back for, anyway? Depression?'

I slapped my face and began to speed-walk through the halls. 'NO. FUCKING. WAY. I'M NOT GONNA LOSE TO THAT TWERP. And I'm DEFINITELY not letting my last fight be a loss to that fucking nerd. No way in hell am I staying here. I'm going to be the number one hero, that lunatic is NOTHING. I'm on a totally different level; just WAIT until we get back!'

There were posters of that guy from the picture the nurse handed me everywhere.

'Is this guy campaigning or something?' I didn't really care, so I didn't bother to think about it. I just noticed it because it was shoved down my throat.

I found Nakada quicker than I thought I would. She was in English class, one of my most hated. Classes were nothing exciting. They brought in an extra chair in and set it up next to Nakada, but it didn't really matter to me. I tuned out all the lessons they were teaching.

The day stretched on forever. By the time the school day was over, I was ready to fall asleep. I might have earlier if Nakada wasn't silently glaring at me the entire time. Well, except for the time that she spent talking with other girls and this pair of twins.

I almost forgot where I was a few times since some of the teachers' voices were just as monotone as my regular teachers,

In sync with the ring of the school bell, she rushed over to me.

She latched onto my wrist and started speed-walking away. "We need to get downstairs before everything starts so I can introduce you for your one-day club."

"I'm not joining any-"

"Just trust me," she snapped, making surprising progress.

She dragged me down to the bottom floor and into a room labeled "Music Room #3".

"I'm not playing any music if that's-"

"This is the friend I told you about before," she said.

I ripped my hand away from hers. "DON'T IGNORE ME!!!"

"Hmm," the boy she was talking to said, "He definitely looks like the pictures, but his attitude is a problem."

"What did you say about me, you damn punk?!"

"Wait!" Nakada burst, holding me back by my arms.

"What the hell are you doing??!" I yelled, twisting and turning in her grip.

"You don't want to piss him off. Trust me, please!" she begged.

He straightened his glasses and smirked down at me. "So, your name is Katsuki?"

I tore away from Nakada's hands and sat down on a nearby couch. "What about it?"

He glanced down at some papers he had in his hands and scribbled something down. It ticked me off how calm he was.

"Did you hear me?" I mocked, "What the fuck do you want with me?"

He scoffed. "We'll have to do away with that dirty mouth."

I hopped up. "Who the hell do you think you are?!"

Nakada ran over and sat down next to me, pulling on my arm. "Don't fight," she warned.

"She's right. We're not here to fight."

"What am I here for?!?" I snapped.

He sighed. "So impatient. Are you sure anyone will want to go within ten meters of him, Emica?"

She nodded furiously. "He gets very high reviews in the popularity polls; getting first place in the last two! He got third in the very first, though."

He smirked again.

"What are you talking about, popularity polls?!"

He scribbled something down again and looked a little worried.


Attracting all the attention in the room, two boys came bursting into the room.

'Weren't those the kids Nakada was hanging out with in class?' I thought. 'WAIT - AREN'T THEY TWO OF THE KIDS FROM THE PICTURE!??!'

I pulled it out of my pocket and compared the images.

'That glasses kid is here too, so was she just showing me everyone in their club?'

The twins and the glasses kid had a conversation in the corner, trying to be secretive.

"What are you whispering about?!?" I yelled, making the twins jump. The glasses guy almost seemed to expect it, so he simply turned around with a sly smile.

The twins whispered something to the glasses guy again, fear painted on their faces.

"Don't worry," the glasses guy said, loud enough for me to hear, "His bark is worse than his bite."


"KATSUKI!" Nakada blurted, tugging on my arm to sit down. "Stop! It isn't a good idea to fight with these guys!"

"QUITE TELLING ME WHAT I CAN AND CAN'T DO!!" I huffed, trying to break away from her. It seemed like she was getting more serious. Her grip was as tight as when I first met her.

"No," she said simply. I wanted to respond, but I wasn't stupid. I knew there wouldn't be a point. I sat reluctantly sat down and Nakada let go of my arm.

Seconds after, the twins from before loomed over me with a brush and some scissors.

"Are you ready," said the first one.

"For our special treatment?" finished the second one. They both had devilish smiles on that creeped me out past my limit.

'The way they're exactly in sync reminds me of the stuff you'd see in horror movies,' I thought. I sat back down.

"Why don't you try and I can send you to an early grave," I simmered, throwing them an intimidating smile.

They whimpered a little and retreated back to the glasses guy.

'This is just a big waste of time,' I thought, 'Which is actually great cuz all I've got is time to kill.'

The doors opened again allowing a little blonde kid holding a bunny and a tall kid to walk in. I glared at them both.

The little kid took one look at me and hid behind the taller one, tears welling up in his eyes. The taller one just reflected my gaze.

"Who is this?" the taller one asked. His voice was extremely deep; I was beginning to wonder if these were even high schoolers.

"Katsuki no last name given," answered the twins, bouncing around the room. "He'll be working as a host today."

"I didn't agree to be any damned host," I said, turning to Nakada.

"It'll just be for today," she said in an unusually high-pitched voice. "Plus, it's only for an hour."

"Can't I just hang out at your place until night?" I asked, "Why do I have to stay with these losers?"

She smiled sweetly. Her smile somehow felt more genuine and kind. It just made me even more homesick. I was ready to do whatever I could to get back. I didn't want to spend another minute in that damned hellhole.

I stood up and started toward the door. "I'm leaving."

"Wait, where are you go-"

"And DON'T follow me!!"

I slammed the door behind me and ran as fast as I could, tears threatening to fall.

'It hasn't even been two damn days and I falling apart! What the hell is going on?!' I ran as fast as I could, not caring who I pushed or slammed into in the halls. As soon as I got outside the building's doors, I stopped.


I covered my face with one hand and leaned against the wall. "THIS WORLD IS FUCKING WITH ME!! WHEN AM I GOING TO BE HOME AGAIN?!"

Stress and fatigue overwhelmed me and my back slowly slid down the wall, leaving me in a ball on the ground.

"I don't know where I am or why I'm here and I really couldn't care less! I just want to go back to Musutafu, not this shitty place with its shitty people and shitty Nakada. I'm so sick of this dimensional crap! I just want it to end..."

I sat there for a few minutes, recovering.

"Why am I being such a baby?! Why can't I just sit still and stand it? Why..."

"Hey..." a voice from above me said. I didn't bother to look up.

"Go away!" I yelled, "Damn magical murderer."

"What? Is there a murderer around here? Is that why you're crying?"

I wiped away tears and looked up. "Who the hell are you?"

She started to sweat and looked off to the side. "What? Don't you remember me? I mean, I'm sorry it's not important. I was just passing by and then I saw you crying and I thought-"

"Go away."

She looked back down at me. "Huh?"

"What makes you think that I care?" I glared at her with everything I had.

"I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to upset you-"

"Just shut up," I snapped. I could feel my face heating up. I hid my head in my lap. "I don't need your pity, so go away."

Her reaction was unexpected.

I heard a bunch of squeals and a girl whisper, "So cuuuute!"

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY!??" I jumped to my feet and noticed there were more girls around me. I counted four in total. "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!"

"Are you alright, Katsuki? What's wrong?" the original girl asked, reaching out to me.

I wrenched away, running as far as I could.

"Where are you going?" one asked.

"Don't leave," another said. I peeked behind my shoulder and they were trailing me. "Katsuki!"


I managed to outrun them - unsurprisingly - and stopped to hide in a patch of trees.

I leaned up against a tree to catch my breath. "What the hell is going on?! I don't understand any of it!"

"Maybe I could shed some light on the subject?" Nakada's voice sang.

I looked around the area furiously. "Where are you?!"

"Up here~," she said. Her legs were swinging energetically from a branch a few feet above my head.

"I'm not doing whatever club you're in, I told you!"

"Yes, but we already advertised you! You were even resourceful enough to convince some customers to like you! Good job, you really are a natural."

I couldn't tell whether that was supposed to be sarcasm or not. "What are you talking about?! Those girls?!"

"Good job! You got it right!" She jumped off the branch and landed her feet right next to me.


"They requested you!"


She smiled and gripped my arm. "You are now!"

She teleported us to an area of the school near the clubroom, one that was empty of people.

"All you have to do is sit there and smile and you'll get to go home! Doesn't that sound like a good deal?"

"NO WAY!!" I twisted and pulled my arm to try to loosen her grip, but nothing would work.

"Oh, I almost forgot to mention something important!"

"I don't care! Let go of me!!" I struggled in her grip as her smile widened.

"You know, I peeked into your dimension and it seems like (Y/n) is really worried about you." I stopped.

"YOU CAN DO THAT?" I yelled, dumbfounded. "SINCE WHEN?!?"

"It seemed like she was on the brink of tears wondering where ever you went off to."

"DON'T IGNORE ME!! IF YOU CAN GO BACK, TAKE ME BACK, BITCH!!" A smile crept up her face.

She let go of my arm and slowly began to walk away. "TAKE ME BACK RIGHT NOW!!" I yelled from behind her. "Take me back!!"

She spun around on her heels and frowned. "She seemed too caught up with your disappearance to even look twice at Todoroki."

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME??!" I shouted. I marched toward her and gripped onto her arm. "Why do you keep refusing?!"

She scowled and yanked her arm back. "Don't think the rules for you and me are the same." I glared at her. She looked off to the side, avoiding my gaze. "I can come and go as often or fast as I want, but to bring you back, I have to wait." She turned her head back. "We have to wait."

"What if I don't want to wait anymore?" I asked.

She thought for a moment. "Then you'll be waiting forever because you won't be getting home."

She leaned into me, her eyes wide. "I don't think you've gotten it through your thick skull that I'm your only ticket home." She leaned her hand on the wall next to me, trapping me. "Without me, you're dead. Now, if you can do as I say for once and stop being an idiot, maybe we can work this out."

She leaned back. "But, if you want to be a baby, you're going to have to live here. Without an identity. For the rest of your life." Her eyes darkened. "Get the picture?"

The silence after her words made my head swirl and sting.

"Now, is fire-for-brains ready to be a host for an hour or so?"

The common sense side of me said, "Either we do this or we die, not a hard decision.", but the emotional side of me said, "I. DO NOT. CARE. GET. ME. AWAY. FROM. THIS. DEMON!!!"

So, to solve the problem, the common sense side of me tied up the emotional side of me and stuck it in a massive block of ice to silence it. And, just for safekeeping, the common sense side also sealed the ice in an underground tomb and froze the tomb.

🎊 Common Sense Wins!! 🙌

~~~~~ Emica's POV ~~~~~

I was originally born in Katsuki's world, but I was given a quirk that allows me to master dimensions. Don't ask me how, I don't know. Most of the time, I'm just guessing and winging it. There are still a lot of things I don't know about my quirk, so I'm never 100% sure of anything.

Although there are things I've observed. For instance, if I die in another dimension or a pocket dimension, I don't die for real. I am just locked out of that one dimension.

And because I can rewind and fast forward whatever I want, I can successfully wipe minds and predict the future. Well, it's more like I've already been through the future. Most of the time.

I spend the majority of my time in other worlds, where I can take risks and do whatever I want. In my home, though, it's much more dangerous. I've developed an almost fear of going into my dimension because I don't want to die.

That's why I'm usually older in other worlds: I've spent more time there than my home. What would I do for fifteen years in a dimension like this one? Eat good food.

You'd be surprised by the abundant amount of dimensions with food that sucks ass. It stinks. What other places lack in luxuries, they usually make up for in entertainment or people.

Anyway, I've talked about myself enough. Now we can get to Katsuki. Specifically, why he so easily broke down. That wasn't something I was particularly proud of, but it was something I needed to do.

If you read part one of this, you saw that monstrous paragraph of my powers. Yeah, I'm a little overpowered. But I try not to meddle unless it's absolutely necessary.

Like when I took Katsuki away from his dimension in the first place. If I didn't, he would have attacked (Y/n) and Todoroki, causing them to try to defend themselves. Then, pro heroes would get involved and some casualties would have occurred. And that's not even to mention Midoriya and One For All. Yeah, it would have been bad.

So, to get rid of it all, I weakened Midoriya's mental state and took Katsuki away.

You might ask why I tested him. Well, that's personal (you'll probably find out later anyway).

Back to this dimension, I wanted to make a few extra bucks off of Katsuki. HEY! Basically every dimension have different currencies, so I have to start over every time! It's idiotic.

You might also ask why I need to make money if I'm part of the Suoh family. Well, I needed to pay off a favor from the school so they wouldn't ask questions about Katsuki's identity. As you can probably, guess, I can't exactly ask my family for money about that. They spoil Tamaki, but whenever I ask for anything, they're like, "If it's something stupid then you're working to make this back." And I couldn't explain what it was, so I'm left with the one option.

So, first, I needed to make him more appealing to the higher-class people. This was relatively easy, though, I just changed the population's perception of him. So, I didn't need to do anything to him directly, just everyone else.

His personally required a little bit of work. I had to find the most influential girls in the school (which turned out to be the gossipy ones), then, one by one, turn back their brains and project in fake memories of some cute bonding moments between them so they would have a crush on him.

Then, throughout the school day, whenever I saw them I shoved his name in their mind so they thought they liked him much more than they did. That worked as an added benefit, too, because they talked about him to everyone they saw.

So, within the day, the whole school was aware of his presence.

While Katsuki was sleeping in the nurse's, I talked to Kyoya Ootori (glasses guy) to get permission to have him be a one day host. I put up posters everywhere in the school of how Katsuki was a special, limited time host.

Of course, I couldn't let Katsuki now that there were posters of him everywhere, so I temporarily rewired his brain to see someone else whenever he saw himself. I was scared half-to-death when he looked in the mirror, but thankfully, he's an idiot.

All I had to do after that was weaken his mental state continuously throughout the day until I was able to make him show his emotional (I mean, besides anger and annoyance). The rest is history.

Back to the story, I took Katsuki to the clubroom and threatened him a bunch so he wouldn't make a scene. I said, "If you dare scare one girl, I'm going to a different dimension and leaving you here, got it?"

He was in a pretty bad position, huh? He's getting out of it soon, so don't worry. Well, soon as in 1.5 days.

We set him up in one of the school's outdoor seating areas with the rest of the host club.

(Quick side story) When Tamaki originally made the host club, he begged me to join - because nobody else wanted to. So, after years of nagging, I became the only host for lesbian girls (even though I'm straight). Haruhi still had to hide her gender, though, because she was introduced as a boy and she never bothered to correct anyone. So if she came out as just pretending, people would think it was weird.

Long story short, I was the only advertised female host. And for one day, we had eight advertised male hosts.

The girls who had crushes on his requested him, which led to more requesting him, which led to more requesting him, and so on. I also had a hand in convincing the girls to pick him a little, but I can't take all the credit. For whatever reason, they found his shaking from anger and general cat-in-water look appealing.

It was fifty minutes in when I began to worry that I made him too popular. All the girls requested him. ALL OF THEM.

You know, now that I'm rereading my writing, I think I may have gone a bit too far with the girls. I remember seeing Katsuki sneeze and they thought it was adorable.

Needless to say, he wasn't the happiest. Since I didn't really need to focus on making the girls like him, I spent it trying to contain his anger. It was exhausting. I can say with certainty that he is a very passionate person.

It was minutes until we would need to leave when I considered what we should do after that. I wasn't going to spend my night listening to Katsuki scream at me from inside his room, so I decided to make a little more money.

I approached Kyoya with an offer. For a little more percent of the profit, I was willing to let him keep Katsuki for a few more hours. Of course, the customers wouldn't really complain since they get more time with their one-time offer host.

He said yes.

I told him that I'd be going back to my house and to contact me if anything went wrong. Then, I slept.

Yesterday, I needed to send Katsuki away so that I could sleep. Can you guess why? I have to stay up all night setting up everything for the next day. So I had to do the same thing that day, I just happened to make a profit meanwhile. Am I as bad as I seemed from Katsuki's perspective now?

Well, either way, Katsuki came home ready to pass out. I wondered what he put the poor driver through, but only briefly.

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