Her Own Kingdom

By _justalostgirl_

10.7K 592 332

KINGDOM SERIES BOOK 1 (SEQUEL: His Own Kingdom) Raegan, Rae for short, Jones is a princesss from Ireland who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note

Chapter 46

158 12 9
By _justalostgirl_

Rae's POV

Peter placed me down and whispered.

" Get behind me. "

I quickly obeyed and hid behind Peter. When you put Peter Pan and Captain Hook in the same room. It turns into a bloody mess.

" What are you doing here? " , Peter asked sternly with crossed arms.

" My crew and I are staying for a few days in Neverland. We had a long day of sailing from sea to sea and land to land and must rest and restock our supplies. " , Hook explained.

" Why don't you just stay somewhere else? " , Peter asked. A smirk formed on his face.

" Because your stupid magic always brings us back to his bloody island. " , Hook huffed. " It sucks being in your fairytale. "

" Oh well. Don't blame me. I didn't ask to have a gothic makeup artist who pretends to be a pirate to wander into Neverland in the first place. " , Peter said.

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion to Peter's reply. A gothic makeup artist. Captain Hook isn't wearing makeup. I squinted my eyes examining the captain. He wore all black clothing with a hint of red and black eyeliner around his ocean blue eyes. Oh. Now that makes sense.

" I didn't expect Neverland to be cursed or ruled by a bunch of teenagers. " , Hook scoffed. " Maybe you all should learn to grow up instead of hiding in your own imaginations. "

Peter glared darkly at Hook before he snapped his fingers. The sound of an alarm going tick tock was heard from the salty waters. Hook's eyes widened before he looked at Peter. Suddenly, a huge crocodile slowly crawled towards Peter leaving the shore and turned around to look at Hook before the crocodile smiled evilly.

" Remember who you are talking to, captain because I could easily tell this crocodile to attack you and your crew. " , Peter threatened.

Captain Hook's blue eyes displayed fear and worry. He hid his other hand behind his back and breathed heavily.

" Pan, get that bloody croc away from me. " , Hook demanded.

" And why should I? " , Peter taunted.

" Because if you do then I won't bother you. I will stay on my side of the island. No problems. " , Hook said quickly.

" Nice to know. " , Peter smirked before he snapped his fingers again and the crocodile disappeared as Hook sighed in relief.

Hook made his other hand visible before he looked at me.

" Another victim? " , Hook asked.

" No, she isn't a victim. " , Peter shook his head. " This is my shy girlfriend. "

My eyes widened. I glared at Peter before stepping out from behind his back.

" He meant a friend that is a girl. " , I quickly corrected.

" Sure. " , Hook said dragging the word.

I realized that Hook spoke in a thick Irish accent. Now that I could see him clearly, he did look like me a bit. I mean we had the same features.

" I apologize for Pan's behavior. The bloody demon is terrible at treating girls right. I'm Killian Jones or Captain Hook. " , Killian introduced himself taking a small bow.

" I'm Raegan. But call me Rae. " , I smiled slightly before doing a curtsy.

" Acually, she is Princess Rae from Ireland. " , Peter interrupted.

" A princess? From Ireland? " , Killian questioned scratching his beard with his hook.

" I was born in Ireland but there was no princess when I was there. " , Killian said confused.

" Interesting. " , I said with curiosity.

" What are you doing here at Neverland? Shouldn't you be in a castle? " , Killian asked.

" I came to Neverland. Long story. " , I said.

" Oh. You probably regret that. " , he muttered.

" Not really. " , I said quietly shaking my head.

Killian and I continued to stare at one another. Both of us examining one another. We both had black hair, blue eyes, fair skin, very stubborn, and an Irish accent being born in Ireland. We even both had the same last name: Jones.

" Where were you born in Ireland? " , I asked.

Killian chuckled. " You wouldn't believe me. " , he said.

" Let's get going, Rae. " , Peter said wanting to leave quickly for some odd reason.

" Hold on. " , I said to him before looking at Killian.

" Tell me anyway. " , I said stubbornly.

" I was born in a castle. Suppose to be the next heir to the throne but it never happened. " , Killian shrugged. " I know, a pirate coming from royalty. Silly nonsense. "

My eyes widened when I remembered something. Pan's shadow pretended to be a boy that had on a pirate costume. A hook on one hand and a map on the other. He was telling me that I was his brother and that my parents never told me.

" Rae. Let's go. " , Peter said with authority in his voice.

I ignored him.

" Do you have any silbings? " , I asked quietly.

" I have a little sister. " , Killian replied. " But I don't know where she is. But it's funny because she looks like you. " , he lightly chuckled.

I felt my eyes water.

" Killian...I'm your little sister. " , I whispered.

Then all of the memories came flooding back into my mind and I breathed heavily. I looked at Killian and the same probably happened to him because his eyes widened.

" Bloody hell. " , he mumbled.

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