What Stays In Vegas: A One Di...

By Imagine_liam_1D

16.5K 201 77

"I don't know of any better way to explain it to her. 'Oh yeah hey Lara... You really don't remember much fro... More

What Stays In Vegas
1: Two Worlds Collide
2: A Brief Exposure
3: Reminders
4: Faulty Memories
5: Tick Tock
6: Rewind
7: Experienced Professionals
8: Trapped
9: Actions speak Louder
11: Misunderstandings
12: A Misstep
13: Decisions
14: The Mystery Continues
15: Car Trips and Regrets
16: Finding Stardust PART 1
16: Finding Stardust Part 2
Author's Note
17: Commercialized Fame
18: Always Read the Fine Print
19: Regrets
Author's Note

10: Good Will Hunting

661 9 2
By Imagine_liam_1D

10: Good Will Hunting

I like turtles.

And Spongebob.

Orange is my favorite color.

Oh and one direction haha in case you did notice.

I like this fanfic too.

I think I'll upload tomorrow... I have been holding out on you guys. So comments!! Sorry like 4 in one day is a lot for me. Lemme go cry from joy in a corner while you read. K?




I peacefully open my eyes in the morning to see white light coming from the open balcony and smile slightly at its beauty. I fell asleep with four boys in the bed and now it's just me.

How late did I sleep? I check the clock on the nightstand and it's only eight fifteen. I spread my arms out to yawn, stretching my arms across the bed. My arm hits something hard against the bed and I look closely to see a golden lock peep out of the mass of covers that must have been stolen from me.

"Niall." I whisper in a sing song voice. "Nialler...." He doesnt budge but I know he's awake. I slowly fall back into the bed and steal the covers back for myself. I wrap myself in the fluffy white covers and smirk under them. I pop by head out to see a very unhappy Niall.

"You...you took my covers?" He pushes his bottom lip out to make a cute puppy dog face and I duck under the covers once again.

"Noo! Not the puppy dog face!" He jumps off the bed and goes around the frame to be standing right beside me. "Wakey Lara!"

He grabs my hand from under the covers and pulls me back. "Don't you dare." I open my eyes widely and grimace in exhaustion. He reaches and grabs my other wrist and he smiles mischievously. "One..."

"No I wanna sleep."


"Please Niall?"

"Three." He launches me up out of bed into a standing position and I fall straight against him into a kiss. His hands drift to tickle my lower back slightly as I kiss back. I can interpret see his natural scent of vanilla and I feel the warmth of his hands on my cool back.

He let's go to reveal a wide toothy grin and his clear braces. He grabs both my hands in front of me and raises them up to ask,"Lara Croft.."

I pause at how serious his face has suddenly become. "Will you go to breakfast with me? I'm hungry." I gasp slightly. His face employs another cheeky grin and I punch him in the arm playfully. "Well what did you think I was going to ask?" He walks behind me still laughing as hard as ever.

Louis and Harry sit on the couch watching Spongebob and I jump over the back of the couch to join. "I love this show!" Harry turns to me and examines his shirt on me. "Yes, I'm still wearing your shirt and no, I didn't ruin it so wipe that concerned look off your face." Harry turns back to the TV solemnly and I poke the spot on his cheek where his dimples form.

He makes an awkward face and jokingly cries,"Don't ruin my favorite shirt!" I push against his face as I get up off the couch to take a shower. I turn on the water for the shower and before I can get any bit of clothes off I get struck with fear. I run back into the room.

"Harry. Niall. Where is the turtle?"

"What turtle?" Harry slowly turns his head to face me but Niall and Louis ignore me. "Niall have you seen the turtle?" Without a second thought, Niall responds with a "Nope" making sure to pop the p. I jump in front of the TV. "Liam's turtle? The one that was swimming in my tub last night? Where did he go?"

Louis looks back at me with a sneer as if to say,"Back off no one interrupts my spongebob."

"Oh no! Not Boris!" Harry grabs his head with his hands in shock.

"You mean Archimedes." Niall holds up his index finger making the point.

"Oh. Right. NOT ARCHIMEDES!" Harry grabs his head again trying to recreate the moment with the proper name. I raise one of my eyebrows,"How do you tell the difference?"

"Boris ate Archimedes' foot." Niall says it so matter of factly but I nod my head, unsure of what to say to that.

"Well he couldn't have crawled very far. He is a turtle after all,"Louis remarks with a shrug. "How are you all so calm about this. We lost a turtle!" I snatch the remote out of Harry's hand and they all look at me with angry faces. I shake my head in frustration, still holding the remote."Well?!"

"Well What? He'll show up." Louis extends his arms over the couch, searching to get the remote from my hand. "How can you be so sure? We lost a turtle in Vegas and not to mention. When was the last time you fed him?" I turn my head to look at the floor, "Poor gimpy turtle... How would you like to go a day without food Niall?"

At the thought of no food, his eyes widen and he shakes his head to push the thought out of his mind. "We must find that turtle." He triumphantly stands with his hands on his hips.

Harry and Louis reluctantly stand but seem ready enough to help. I extend my arm out to the center of our awkwardly formed oval-circle and shout,"Turtle team on three. One, two , three."


"TURTLE TEAM!" Louis squeaks and gets on his hands and knees to check the floor and beneath furniture. Harry follows me into my bedroom to check around. I make sure the bathroom is clear and Harry crawls on his hands and knees to check under my bed. I lift the covers to look. "No turtle in this room." I mumble saddened.

Harry jumps up and runs to my suitcase with his hand high in the air.

"Wait! There is one thing I have to check!" He lifts the top off and begins rummaging through my close and holds up a lace bra and smirks at me then pushes it back in.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing Styles?" I walk behind him with my teeth gritted together and he opens his mouth in excitement. Please don't say he grabbed another bra.

Abruptly he shouts,"FOUND HIM!" and lifts the turtle out of the bag with a lettuce leaf sticking out of his mouth. I tap the cute,little guy's head and he retreats into his shell

. "Hello Archimedes. I see you have been munching. Where did you get the lettuce in my bag?" I rummage through my bag to find the leftover salad from our airport layover. "Oooh," Harry and I chorus simultaneously.

Niall and Louis finally run into the room with exasperated faces of relief. I hold up Archimedes proudly and they grin. I toss the dry leaves of salad into the filled tub and put him back in. "Now that you have plenty of good Mr. Archimedes you have no reason to go scavenging yes?" He swims underwater as if to say that he isn't going anywhere.

I turn around to find Harry looking me up and down with a weird look,"You talk to the turtle like its going to respond." He draws back his head to look at me thoroughly. "Shut up Styles." I push him out of my way as I go to shut the suitcase on Niall who just saw the bra that is laying on the top.

"Out!" I point at the door but Niall and Louis don't flinch. I put my arms around them and push them out the door and shut it in their faces. Finally peace and...."I SAID OUT!" Harry sits on the countertop gazing at how utterly fascinating the ceiling is. He pretends to not be able to hear me because he is absorbs in his thoughts. He did this to me a thousand times when we were little.

I plump out my lips and ask in the sweetest voice possible,"Please get out Hazza?" He finally acknowledges my existence and grins at me. "Make that face one more time." I plump out my lips and open my eyes wider. He leans in closer to me to where I can feel his hot breath. Is he really going to...?

He grabs my face with his hands and squishes it together instead and exclaims,"LALA IS A FISHY!" then drops his voice to barely get out with his constant laughs," I like bubbles."

I gaze at him with narrowed eyes and he jumps off the counter to walk out the door. "I want my shirt back La." I hug myself tightly and say in a childish voice,"But I like it..." He just shuts the door behind him.

I let my head drop back in success as I exclaim,"Finally!" a little louder than I expected. Giggles occur on the other side of the room and I open it to have three boys appear listening and spying on me. I close the door again and turn the lock.

"Now that, boys, is why God invented locks!"



Might as well take a shower too. It's so nice to not have to wait for Zayn to take a shower. But Niall gets there first.

"You take too long Hazz! All you do is stand there!"


"I don't know that! But I'm going first anyways." He hops into the shower and I go wait with Louis. The music for the TV show theme song begins and I hop over the couch to start it with him. "Ooooh. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?"

"SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS." He yells it out and I just hope that neighbors don't complain. I jump back into the song with,"If nautical nonsense be something you wish.... SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS."

He stands up on the cushion and jumps as he sings "SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS," over and over again to finish the song.

I just give him a fistbump when he comes back down to calmly start the show. Lara peeps up behind us wearing a V-neck teeshirt and shorts and begins clapping dramatically,"Well done Lou." He smiles cheekily but Im not sure if it was a complement or not. That's just how advanced her level of sarcasm is.

"Well just give me fifteen minutes and we will go alright?"

"Fifteen minutes? El always takes half an hour to get ready at the least."

"Well I don't put too much effort into the whole ordeal okay Lou?" She wasn't wearing makeup for the majority of yesterday but still looked lovely.

Lo and behold, one episode later and Lara is ready to go with purse in hand and hair down. She has black perfect curls like me except the girl version....

Niall wears a red SnapBack and a matching polo with khakis and gasps when he see Lara's shirt. "Is it just me or do you support every band except ours?" I then notice that it says Coldplay at the bottom, hugging her hips.

"Well I don't really know your music too well. I'm mostly into Paramore, Green Day, Coldplay, Foster the People." I automatically perk up at the sound of Coldplay. "Coldplay's my favorite band too!" I sound a little too excited in comparison to Lara's cool tone but I disregard that fact and act like a dork.

"Well we finally have something in common hmm?" Ouch. She flattens her lips as she opens the door to get out.

"Can we eat already? I'm going to die...." Niall hugs his stomach as he walks into the elevator. "Don't worry Niall we'll get nutrition in you. Did anyone see any breakfasty places?"

By now its 10:30 and the buzz of people is beginning to fill the strip. We go to the shopping center underground and look for somewhere we can get a decent breakfast. Niall perks at every food he sees but we need to drag him away. Times like this make me wonder if Niall needs a leash in public places.

We pass by a ice cream shop that just opened up for the day with a sign posted "Come and get an Ice cream 'Sunday' buy one get one half off!"

"Ice cream in the morning sounds good." Lara grabs Niall's hand and leads him into the shop as I see his eyes widen like a child on Christmas. This could end badly...

"Lara.. Are you sure Ice cream in the morning is ... Uhh... Safe?" I nudge my head towards Niall who is fogging up the glass looking at all the flavors.

"Of course it's fine. We have a lot to do... Find Zayn and Liam and Kat!" She drops her voice slightly then mumbles,"I doubt we can actually find Kat. She's long gone..." She inhales sharply and puffs out her chest.

Lara is like this. She can't show any bit of weakness. If she shows a tad bit of weakness she doubles that amount with bravery. Most of the time its bravery in situations where it's not needed. She strives to keep this image for herself.

"I'll have a banana split with birthday cake and... Cheesecake.... And strawberry shortcake." Niall grins giddily and waits for the preparation. "Do you realize you just ordered all cake flavors?" Niall grins as the lady hand him his sundae and he pays for all of ours in advance. Louis steps in front of me and orders a Neapolitan sundae and quickly moves on.

"I'll have the same as Niall. The blond Irish one..." The woman behind the counter nods and makes Lara's order. "Hmmm I'll have pistachio. Vanilla. And rocky road please." I smile widely as the woman takes my order with a sparkle in her eyes as if she knows me. I pray that she won't recognize me...

"How can you eat pistachio? That sounds disgusting?" Lara makes a grimace as I put my spoon into the sundae. Niall grabs a fork and puts it into the ice cream. "I'm eating with fork. I'm memory of Liam."

"In memory?" Louis snaps. "Liam isn't dead. Just dislocated." Niall nods and digs in but Lara still watches my face as I take another bite of the ice cream and I make a loud "Mmmm" to make a point.

She slowly eats her ice cream but gets up to buy a bottle of orange juice for all of us. I'm not sure how that will taste later but I'll go with it.

"Please try it Lara!" I hold out a spoonful of the pistachio and she rolls her eyes and looks at it in disgust. "You'll like it!"

"It's the spoon I don't want." She crosses her arms unwillingly.

"I don't have cooties or something. Aren't we a little too old for that?"

"Cooties exist in the form of Mono. I believe you have it because one of the symptoms is constant weakness and tiredness." She turns to Niall and Louis. "And we've all heard how slow he talks. As if he could fall asleep mid sentence." Louis guffaws and Niall snorts at the remark. Niall holds out his fist and Lara bumps it with her fist and before she can turn back to say "Well..." I shove the spoon in to see her create a face of hate. God, if looks could kill.

"You liked it didn't you?" She doesn't respond. "Well since you aren't grimacing I suppose you did. So HA!"

She rolls her eyes at me and takes another sip of her orange juice and Niall blurts out,"Did anyone notice that Lara smells like oranges?" He pauses at the awkwardness of his comment and shoves more ice cream into his mouth.

I nod feverishly and Lara's mouth drops. "What?! Did you both just spend the night sniffing me?" She looks from me to him then giggles. "It's okay I get it a lot. The woman at the orphanage knew my mum and said that she always used this orange body spray stuff. It kinda builds a connection that I never had with her ya know?"

Louis almost chokes on his bite but manages to get out,"You're an orphan?" He reaches over to run her back but she swipes his hand away. "It's not a big deal Louis. Don't make it a big deal. I thought I mentioned it.... I'm not related to Kat in any fashion thank god."

I rub my neck as she nudges her head to try to get me to say something as she eats,"Well uhh... Me and Lara... Uhhh... Lara and I...." I never finish my sentence.

"You knew each other a while back right?" Lou can be perfect at picking up exactly what I want to say.

"Well we used to be best mates.. But uhh.. Yeah."

Niall nods sarcastically,"And that brings us a perfect explanation of why she hates you."

"Lara doesn't hate me."

"Uhh yeah I do." Lara says flatly.

"Ouch." I open a corner of my mouth so say something witty back but decide against it.

"Its okay Hazza! Niall and I still love you." Louis makes a kissy face jokingly and wraps his arm around Niall. "Speak for yourself." I pout slightly.

"I'm just fucking with ya Haz. I love you all." He especially smiles at Lara. Total tease.

"Mind if we have a slight intervention?" Louis pokes Lara in the cheek from across the small table and she nods hesitantly. "So I was just wondering what led up to you hating Harry?" He places his elbows on the table and let's his head fall into them in patience.

"Well." She begins but doesn't know what to say and just stares at Lou.

"Well... Go on." He moves his arm in a circular motion to get her to begin speaking again.

"Well.. I just couldn't stand him any longer." She raises her voice and begins to flush with anger. "I mean how can anyone be friends with a boy that goes around telling every girl how much he loves her but ignores me?"

She lets her hands fall onto the table but lifts them up again to stammer,"I mean.. I -I.. I've said to much." She regretfully looks into my eyes the drops to look away. "Err... We all finished eating. Can we just go already? Err.. Big day." She stammers a bit more but just ends up throwing her bowl away and walking out without even caring if we are behind her or not.

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