Trip Across The Ocean (Jalex...

By kitkatbarakat

351 45 5

Alex has a job paying under minimum age, though one day he gets a once in a lifetime opportunity, meeting his... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

50 6 0
By kitkatbarakat

I woke up to Oli's alarm clock blasting through my ears, rolling off Oli and onto my left side, slamming down the off button. I wasn't a morning person, it didn't matter if morning meant 6am or 11am. I glanced at the clock to see it was only 8:30, so I had plenty of time, unfortunately not enough to head back to sleep. I sighed, laying on my back and running my hands through my hair. Wow, I was greasy. I heard Oli grumble and roll over to face me.

"Morning kitten," he mumbled with his sexy, hoarse morning voice. He was really sweet in the mornings.

"Morning," I whispered, kissing the top of his head, earning a content smile from him. "I'm gonna take a shower." He nodded, closing his eyes again and snuggling up to a part of the duvet. He looked really cute, I couldn't lie about that. The think with Oliver was that he could literally go from being a hardcore kinky dom, to being the softest little baby ever, and honestly both sides were great.

"You can borrow some clothes just grab something from the closet," he mumbled, almost inaudibly. I crawled out of bed, walking to the small corridor (I guess) on the riight in his room. He has two closets one on each side, one contained his jeans, jackets and shoes and the other side everything else. I quickly went through the hangers picking off a ripped oversized black sweater, not bothering with jeans as mine were freshly washed anyway so I had grabbed them on the way. I took a pair of boxers - batman ones - and bright red socks. That man didn't own any plain socks, they were all brightly coloured with stupid prints on them. I took a quick shower, towel drying my hair in front of the mirror, noticing how many purple marks I had on my neck. Jonathan wouldn't let me play like that... I got changed into olis soft sweater, the soft material hugging my now cold body and making me melt. It smelt so much like him. Walking back into olis bedroom, my hair still wet, I saw oli still in the same position, just now with his phone in hand scrolling through something.

"Hey do you have like a scarf or something I can borrow? Look st me neck," I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest as he smirked st me.

"I should have a scarf somewhere in my closet, you can take that," he smiled, yawning and stretching. I rummaged through his clothes, pulling out the black and white scarf and wrapping it loosely round my neck. It made me look so obviously gay it was unbelievable, but I kept it on anyway. I decided to start making my way to work early, grab a coffee before I start my show. I go round Oliver's side of the bed, taking my money and placing a kiss on the top of his head.

"Will you come back tonight?" He asked turning round to me, a tiny pout appearing on his face.

"I'm actually busy tonight Oli. I'd have to come over st like midnight," I frowned.

"Come over. Please. Call in sick the next day, I'll pay you, please?" His voice sounded almost needy, begging me to come over just once more.

"Fine," I said rolling my eyes and placing s kids to his lips. "I'll see you later." I jogged down the stairs, pulling my shoes on and grabbing my guitar, slamming the door to Oliver's house. 

*** LATER ***

I left work 15 minutes early to have enough time to get ready for the Panic! concert. I was stood in the mirror, down my stripy hoodie that was draped over a plain white shirt, fixing my hair. I heard a knock at the door and with one last look in the mirror and a dramatic sigh, I paced to the door.

"Hey Alex, you look good," smiles Jack after I opened the door. He was wearing a denim jacket and some cute boots, sunglasses over his nose. I smiled sloppily at him and locked the door behind him, following him to the taxi in front of the house. He looked good today. Then again, he did yesterday.

"So you like Panic! then?" he asked chuckling lightly.

"Oh god, yeah. Brendon is such an inspiration, hes helped me accept... myself and they got me into music," I smiled, processing that I'm actually going. I panicked that I almost said too much about myself. Not that I was ashamed of being gay, but that being one of the first thing you say to someone who is taking you to a gig is not the best. "I can't believe you're doing this for me."

"Of course kid, you deserve it," he said, placing his hand on my thigh and rubbing it lightly. It was short and a normal gesture, but something about it made my body flush with heat, my face probably rosy too. I chuckled nervously and looked away, concentrating on the outside.

"Aren't you meant to like, be there? Helping set up or something?" I asked, turning back to him once I had calmed down.

"Well, I guess so. But I'm mainly their manager, Matt manages their tours. So he sorts thing out with the stage crew, I'm here to keep their image up and organise the meet and greets, which happen to be after the show so I don't have to be there early. Though Matt will be mad since he prefers me to help anyway," he chuckled. The drive was quite long, almost an hour. But he kept me occupied so it wasn't awkward. We talked about how I got into music and how he became a manager, just some small talk to keep the conversation going. Once we arrived at the venue, he latched onto my arm, putting on his glasses again as well as a beanie, I'm guessing to hide from the people? Managers tend to be well known. He took me to a man round the back of the venue, who took me to the front of the line to the venue, allowing me to get barrier. There was some complaining but the security guards ignored it, and I just stood there a bit awkwardly. The doors opened after around 20 minutes and the crowd started flooding in. I really did get barrier, I was so close to the stage I was sure I'd probably feel Brendon's sweat drip on me.

The concert was amazing, it was the first time he'd played the new songs from Pray For The Wicked, though lets not forget the older classics. Bohemian Rhapsody was so amazing live, overall I cried at least 3 times, Brendon touched my hand (well not just mine but shush), made eye contact with me (yes, it was me shush), and I caught Nicole's guitar pick. I had the best night of my life, and I was sure to lose my voice. Once the gig had finished, I lined up to the VIP line, though while I was waiting, I felt an arm grab me and pull me out. Turns out it was Jack.

"Hey! Enjoy the show?" he asked, a grin on his face. I nodded. "Great, come with me. I want Brendon to spent longer with you." I was bubbling up with nerves, my stomach dropping every time I thought about what I would say.

He took me to a room in the back, and we sat around for a good hour, he treated me to a drink of beer but I declined, I was more of a wine type of guy. Suddenly the door burst open and the whole of panic st the disco came in, laughing together and stoping when they saw me and jack.

"Bren! Great show as always!" Exclaimed jack standing up, me doing the same.

"Course it was," grinned Brendon. "Who's this?" He asked, cocking his head.

"This is Alex, a friend of mine. I just wanted to give him some time with you," he grinned, pushing me towards Brendon and leaving.

"Hey dude, I love your hair," he grinned at me. And that's what set me off, just simple dialogue directed at me. I began to cry, feeling Brendon's strong arms wrap around me,

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