A Different Kind of Purgatory...

By Silmarilz1701

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Sequel to "A Different Kind of Heaven," but takes place thirty-six Valian Years later (340+ Earth years). Top... More

A Different Kind of Purgatory
Prologue: Born to be a King
Chapter 2: Late Nights
Chapter 3: The End of the Beginning
Chapter 4: Niquelírë
Chapter 5: Catalyst
Chapter 6: Rings
Chapter 7: A New Design
Chapter 8: Beyond the Mysterious Beyond
Chapter 9: Training
Chapter 10: Celestial Song
Chapter 11: The Other House
Chapter 12: Familial Bonds
Chapter 13: Revelations
Chapter 14: A Promise
Chapter 15: Itarillë
Chapter 16: Schisms
Chapter 17: Punishment
Chapter 18: A Long Foreboden Party
Chapter 19: The Darkening
Chapter 20: The Beginning of the End

Chapter 1: The Good Life

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By Silmarilz1701


The soft mingling of Telperion and Laurelin at dusk painted hues of gold and silver across the sky of Valinor. Tirion's marble steps softly glowed. Few people wandered in the Great Square, and only a single woman sat beneath the bows of Galathilion, the great white tree. She sat on a bench before the statues of Tata and Tatië, engrossed fully in a book of blue leather. Soft tinkling of bells and a cool breeze ruffled her auburn hair which flowed down to her midsection. The weather approached chilly, but was not uncomfortable. Winter approached but had not yet arrived.

"What are you doing, Eve?" A voice to her left drew the woman's attention away from the book.

Eve stared at the newcomer. It was another woman, golden-silver haired, though the locks went only down below her shoulders in slight waves. Sharp grey eyes sat perfectly in the woman's well shaped face. She echoed both beauty and ferocity.

"I am reading, Artanis..." Eve rolled her eyes. "What does it usually mean when one is staring at a book?"

Artanis rolled her eyes. "Iríssë and I are heading over to the tavern, if you wish to join us. She wants to meet up with Tyelko."

Eve sighed and closed her book. "If you insist." She watched as the woman walked away towards the far corner of the square.

"Finno is there," Artanis shouted back without even looking at her.

Eve rolled her eyes with a smile and hurried after the elf. She lifted her blue dress slightly and hurried along before finally catching up to the woman. "Frankly I am surprised you want to go see any of the sons of Fëanáro."

"Hey," Artanis objected, rolling her eyes dramatically. "I do not hate them. I would merely prefer to spend my time with more interesting people."

Eve laughed. "More interesting than my brothers? You'd be hard pressed to find anyone."

"Irí!" called Artanis to a dark haired elf maiden with a white dress, thankful for the distraction. She waved, hoping the other woman would see them.

She did. "Eve, you came!"

"Of course I did," she scoffed, walking between them as they approached the tavern door. "You two would be lost without me."

Their laughter mingled with the laughs coming from inside the door as they went in. The place was exceptionally decorated. Pillars of white and grey marble held up ceilings of white and dark wood beams. Booths of matching wood lined the rooms with tables in the middle The floors, crafted of the same stone as the city streets, reflected the light of the many candles and massive fireplace. Trelices holding bottles of wine lined the walls.

"Any idea where they are?" Eve asked the two women.

But a shout caused all three to look to their left, to a smaller adjoining room.

"Irí!" Tyelko waved to her from a booth, raising a glass of red wine. "Over here."

Iríssë and Artanis immediately headed his way, the former smiling happily while the latter merely rolled her eyes at her cousins. Eve went to follow when a voice caught her off guard behind her.

"Hello Elmendë!" It came as a whisper and made her shiver.

But she grinned after the initial shock and spun to face the newcomer. "Finno."

"Carry this, would you," he asked, laughing and handing her two bottles of rose.

She pouted. "I don't like being handed things."

He rolled his eyes and planted a quick kiss on her lips. "Just do it please." He disappeared back into the crowd inside the tavern.

Eve chuckled to herself and made her way to the table that the other women had gone to. When she got there, she found a big group of them crowded into a massive booth. Next to Tyelko sat Iríssë, and beside her on the end Artanis. There also were Nelyo, Káno, Moryo, and Findo.

Empty glasses sat before them, except for Moryo's and Tyelko's who clearly drank the red wine that sat there already. At the sight of Eve and the two bottles of rose, Nelyo clapped happily. She rolled her eyes, setting the bottles down and standing before them in front of the booth.

"I see you found Finno," Nelyo joked. "We did not know you were coming tonight."

"Neither did I, but Nis found me and convinced me to come." Eve looked over at the woman critically.

Artanis rolled her eyes. "She was merely reading."

"Merely," Káno gasped, aghast, but then he laughed. "What was it that had your attention, Eve?"

"A collection of Elemmírë's poetry," she replied with a smiled at the man when he blushed slightly. "Speaking of her, how is she doing?"

"She is well," Káno replied, squirming in his seat. "That is, as of the last time we spoke."

"Which was not long ago," Nelyo added.

Kano glared at his older brother. "No. It was not."

Eve jumped with a gasp when she felt someone on her shoulder. She whipped her head to the side to see Finno leaning against her, his arm on her shoulder. The entire table laughed at her expression. She glared goodnaturedly at her beloved.

"You are a bit jumpy today, Elmendë," he laughed, removing his arm and placing a bottle of white wine on the table. "You may wish to speak to someone about that."

"You know what, Finno," she poked him on the nose. "You can just be quiet now."

With a snicker, he gestured for her to go ahead and scoot in beside Moryo. She did so, and he followed after her. Nelyo had poured drinks for each person, and he turned to Eve.

"What would you like tonight?" he asked her quickly.

She paused before nodding. "White."

He handed her a glass of white and nodded. "We're short a glass. You can share with Finno."

"Uh no." She shook her head. "I do not share drinks."

The entire table stared at her, but only Artanis had the nerve to say what they were all thinking. "You kiss him. What do you mean you will not share a glass of wine?"

Eve shrugged and shook her head. She folded her arms defiantly. "I. Do. Not. Share. Drinks. It's different. It's disgusting. I've never shared drinks and I won't ever share."

Finno broke down in laughter and shook his head. "I will go get another glass, then. Carry on." He slipped out of the wooden booth and headed back towards the main room. He dodged a few groups of elves, none of whom bothered to notice who he was.

"Where are Elenwë and Turvo?" asked Eve as she sipped on her glass of wine.

Findo shrugged, picking up his own glass of rose. "They couldn't be bothered to come."

"Enjoying married life," Irí said, rolling her eyes. "I hardly see much of my brother these days."

"It has been five years already," Eve laughed. "They need to get out more."

Finno slid back in beside her with his glass and passed it to his best friend. "You speak truly. I will be sure to get them to come with us north to the Hísimë festival."

"Is it being held near Formenos this year?" Irisse asked them.

Nelyo nodded. "Indeed. Somehow our mother convinced our father to help host."

"How kind," Artanis snorted, almost masked by the wine she drank.

Moryo struggled to hide a sneer. "What did you say?"

The table tensed. Artanis' disdain for Fëanáro was well known, and the children of the heir of Finwë tried their best to ignore her... at least the three eldest sons did. The younger ones, not so much. So as Moryo's face grew red, the more calm of the table's inhabitants hoped she would drop the issue. She did not.

"I said how kind of him." She didn't remove her gaze from Moryo's.

"Yes, indeed." He nodded. "How kind of him to lend the massive city that he crafted with the jewels and stonework he forged to host a celebration for all people, even those who do not follow him." He smirked. "Then again, how can I blame a child of an elf who is younger than Nelyo here. You simply don't know enough."

Artanis glared at him and leaned further across the table. Her knuckles were white from gripping the table top, but her older brother held her back. He sent her a firm glare as Nelyo sent Moryo one as well.

"When are you leaving for the festival," Finno asked Eve and her adopted brothers. "I should like to tag along if you will have me."

"Of course we will," Eve said with a nod, not waiting for the others to respond. Then she paused. "When are we leaving?"

Tyelko chuckled at her. "In a few days. It is a three week journey at the least."

"Good. Because honestly, I am tired of Tirion," Eve joked. "It is time we traveled again."

"It's not even been four months since the most recent festival," Káno laughed at her. "And we traveled for that!"

She shrugged and winked at him. Conversation devolved into smaller discussions at the table. They finished the bottles of wine several hours later. By that point, Káno, Moryo, Findo, Artanis, and Irisse had bowed out, leaving Nelyo, Tyelko, Finno, and Eve in the booth. They were chatting quietly about the no longer present Káno and Elemmírë when two red headed young men interrupted them.

"Hey Telvo, Pityo!" Eve grinned and scooted in further, followed by Finno, to make room for the twins.

"We figured we would find you here," Telvo grinned, sidling in. "What might you all be doing here at this fine establishment tonight?"

"Chatting," Eve teased him. He reached for her glass. A bit of wine still remained. When he grabbed it, she slapped his wrist. "Get your filthy hands off my drink, Telvo."

He glared. "My hands are not filthy."

Tyelko now sat against the far wall of the booth where the seat changed direction, stretched out down the side with one leg propped up nonchalantly. He snickered. "She does not share drinks, Telvo."

She nodded. "That is one hundred percent correct. Get your own."

Pityo snickered as he sat down on the end in the space not occupied by Tyelko. "When are you heading to your houses?"

Nelyo shrugged. "Soon. We need to prepare for the journey north soon." He glanced over at the only woman present. "Eve?"

She yawned in response. "Soon. I haven't had a sleep in days."

"Amarië keeping you awake?' joked Finno as he nudged her.

Eve scoffed. "I'll have you know that Amarië is a wonderful housemate." When the Ambarussa began to chuckle she shot them a glare. "Living with her is certainly better than living with you two ever was, kiddos."

"Kiddos?" Telvo laughed. "It has been many years and even now I find a word from your old life that I do not recognize."

"Kiddos. Children," Eve translated quickly, then paused. "Surely I've used that."

"I do not think so," Finno shook his head. "But come, I am heading back to my house now. Do you wish for me to accompany you home?"

She smiled and nodded. "I would be foolish to reject that wonderful offer." She picked up her glass of wine and downed the last bit before placing it down firmly while staring Telvo in the face with a smirk. "Let's go, good sir."

They scooted out of their seats and bid goodnight to everyone at the table. Tyelko raised his glass to them in salute. He reminded both to be ready by next two days to head north to Formenos. The land called Formenos stood with Fëanáro's treasury and around it, dwellings for two thousand. Mostly for workers now, for the stronghold was far from complete the way Fëanáro wished it to be, the dwellings would someday form a town they hoped, after the manner of Tirion.

Eve and Finno left the tavern and walked out into the Great Square a few minutes later. Telperion now fully shined, leaving Laurelin faded, and a light rain had begun to fall. It was a more a mist than anything else, and Eve actually didn't mind it much. Her white fur cloak now draped over her shoulders, warming her amidst the chilly rain. Though the cold didn't bother her as an elf, she prefered the warmth of the cloak. Finno walked silently beside her, a leather black cloak around his body as well.

"Is Amarië in town right now?" he asked a moment later as they crossed beneath Galathilion. "Or is she in Valimar?"

Eve smiled. "She is here. I was surprised not to see her tonight."

"Perhaps she went to visit with Elenwë?" Finno shrugged as they walked through the side streets towards the house she now shared with the Vanya. "I believe she misses Elenwë much."

Eve nodded sadly. "I know she does. I wish I could fill her heart up by living there instead."

Finno smiled at her softly, pausing in the street. "I know you do. That is why I love you." When he saw her roll her eyes he shook his head. "I speak truly. You care so much about all of us. I wish we could all feel the same about one another."

"Artanis and Moryo will never get along," Eve replied, knowing he spoke of them. "I have accepted that."

But Finno frowned. "You should not have had to accept that. There is no reason we all cannot get along." He glared at the ground, his face flushing in frustration.

Eve grabbed his hand. "Hey, listen. It's okay. I understand. Not everyone has to like everyone." She sighed. "Yes. I wish that the men I consider my brothers would get along with those I consider cousins. But... well I don't know if that is possible." When he refused to look at her, she stepped closer to him and raised his chin with her right hand. "Look at me, Finno. We can try. We can try to make sure everyone gets along. But do not worry about me. I won't ever have to actually choose. It just might get a bit awkward, that's all."

He grabbed her hand that touched his chin. A small smile played at his lips and he nodded. "You are correct, as usual. Together we will keep them together. This family will never break apart."

They continued on through the streets until they reached the house Eve shared with Amarie. Now that the twins had moved out of Fëanáro and Nerdanel's house, Eve had decided to leave as well and give the couple some much deserved space. As she looked at the house on the quiet street, she noted that no lights shone in the windows. Clearly Amarië had not returned yet, or slept. With a kiss, they bid each other good night, and Finno left to head to his own house further down the road.

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