By honeeylovee

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"My heart is torn between two. I love them both. I have to let one go" . . Jazmin thought she found everyth... More

Chapter One Intro: Sunset Views (Diary)
Chapter Two: Jacksonville (Diary)
Chapter Three: First Night In Redwood-Ville
Chapter Four: The Next Door Neighbor
Chapter Five: Senior Year
Chapter Six: Bright Stars
Chapter Seven: Late Night Thoughts
Chapter Eight: Letting Demons Out
Chapter Nine: A New Vibe
Chapter Ten: Mixed Emotions
Chapter Eleven: The Heartbreak
Chapter Twelve: Me Myself & I
Chapter Thirteen: School Project
Chapter Fourteen: War Declared
Chapter Fifteen: School Field Trip
Chapter Sixteen: The Healer
Chapter Seventeen: Take Me To Paradise
Chapter Eighteen: Facing Reality
Chapter Nineteen: Troubling Young Love
Chapter Twenty: Mending A Shattered Heart
Chapter Twenty-One: A Chance On Bad
Chapter Twenty-Two: Rumors
Chapter Twenty-Three: Rage
Chapter Twenty-Four: Burning Passion
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Dangerous Ex
Chapter Twenty-Six: Faded Memories
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Vivid Nightmare
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Aching Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Singing The Blues
Chapter Thirty: Singing The Blues (pt.2)
Chapter Thirty-One: Letting Go
Chapter Thirty-Two: An Old Friend
Chapter Thirty-Three: A Ghost From The Past
Chapter Thirty-Four: Secrets (Pt.1)
Chapter Thirty-Five: Secrets (Pt.2)
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Offer
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Open Wound
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Time Heals
Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Night Of Romance
Chapter Forty: Unfortunate Event
Chapter Forty-One: A Lustful Kiss?
Chapter Forty-Two: Bad Lies
Chapter Forty-Three: The Call
Chapter Forty-Four: Deception
Chapter Forty-Six: The Hide Out (Pt.1)
Chapter Forty-Seven: The Hide Out (Pt.2)
Chapter Forty-Eight: The Decision
Chapter Forty-Nine: The Capture
Chapter Fifty: A Dreadful Death
Chapter Fifty-One: Ticking Bomb
Chapter Fifty-Two: Life Goes On
Chapter Fifty-Three: Birth To A New Beginning
Chapter Fifty-Four: The Agreement
Chapter Fifty-Five: Back To A Loving Home
Chapter Fifty-Six: Birthday Surprise
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Confession
Chapter Fifty-Eight: A Passionate Night
Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Halloween Party
Chapter Sixty: Calling It Quits?
Chapter Sixty-One: The Reason Comes Out
Chapter Sixty-Two: The Return
Chapter Sixty-Three: Out For Blood
Chapter Sixty-Four: The Choice
Chapter Sixty-Five: Closing Two Chapters
Chapter Sixty-Six: A New Home
Chapter Sixty-Seven: Fateful Accident
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Farewell My Love
Chapter Sixty-Nine: A Life Changing Decision
Chapter Seventy: Sunset Views In Jacksonville

Chapter Forty-Five: The Proposal

177 8 0
By honeeylovee

(Following Morning)

Lina- Mom I told you I have this handled!!

Madison- That man looks dangerous! I don't want you getting involved with him!

Lina- I always get what I want! You should already know that! And right now who I want is JAKE! And I will do whatever it takes to have him for myself!

Madison- You will doom this family because of that powerful man! It will be on your conscious!!

*Knocking On The Door*

Lina- Well?? Don't you hear the door!? Go open it!

Madison- We are not done talking. I'll be right back!

*A Minute Later*

Alison- I'm so glad you're okay! I went over to the hospital and they told me you were here!

Lina- Ugh it's you..

Alison- You expected someone else?

Lina- Duh Alison..I was expecting my future husband...

Alison- SHUT UP! Jake proposed?!

Lina- *Rolls Eyes...Not yet but he will.

*Meanwhile Outside*

Jake- Hi Mrs. Madison is Lina awake?

Madison- Yes handsome she's inside her bedroom come in..You know your way to her room right?

Jake- Yes thank you.

Alison- How are you so sure?

Lina- Because poor little me is dying! *Fakes Cough

Alison- Why would you laugh at such a serious subject?..Lina are you seriously that sick?

Lina- Don't be stupid! Of course not! It's all an act his father wanted me to play for Jake...He too does not want that rat of Jazmin to be a part of Jake's life..So he chose me to be the one and only future Mrs. Kingsley!..

Alison- Omg haha you are soooo evil! ...But Wait isn't his last name Berkeley?

Lina- It's a long story that...Uh isn't your business!...Plus always remember I ALWAYS get what I want. No matter what.

Jake- (You're in for a surprise)



I woke up wrapped around in Miles arms inside his home. My eyes felt heavy and swollen from all the crying. After the unfortunate truth I had found out about Jake I called Miles to pick me up from my house. His hug the night before was the comfort I truly needed. He did not leave my side for one second. I couldn't get Jake off my mind. He even haunted my dreams while I slept. In my dream I saw us both romantically kissing each other inside the salty ocean water. When suddenly the rough tides pulled us apart. As I tried to swim towards him the strong current only pushed him further away from me. I cried out his name but a huge wave soon silenced me sucking me underneath. I helplessly drowned as my body gave up it's last pulse, I saw Jake's face one last time. He swam towards me and surely knowing I was going to die he hugged me. He was ready to drown with me. I woke up to that dream still vividly playing on my mind with tears rolling down my face.

Miles- Are you okay?

Jazmin- I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you..I should probably get going..My parents are going to kill me..

Miles- I'm sorry for sleeping in the same bed..It's just that seeing how bad you were last night I didn't want to leave you alone..

Jazmin- I appreciate your true friendship Miles..it means so much to me. Thank you for being here for me..You've become my unconditional best friend.

Miles- (A friend zone I doubt I'll ever escape)...You don't have to thank me..I honestly care about you Jazmin and because I care about you..I want you to be happy..I don't like seeing you this way.

Jazmin- I'll be fine...(My voice broke as I tried to keep everything I was feeling inside)

Miles- You need to talk to him..

Jazmin- I'll never talk to him!..I don't even want to see him..

Miles- (I knew what I had to do even if that screwed up any chance with her)...I'll be right back..

While he was gone I called Ashanti to ask her to lie for me incase my mother questioned her if I slept over. I then called my mom and spoke with her for a couple of minutes. She mentioned Jake going over early morning to look for me. I did not even want to hear his name being mentioned let alone see him. I didn't know how I was going to break the news to my mother and especially my father. I didn't want to ruin that special bond they had formed.

Although I wouldn't be able to stand being around Jake anymore. I hadn't told Miles about Jake's secret identity, nor was I planning on telling anyone else. There must've been a powerful reason why Jake would try to keep it a secret. I noticed Miles was taking quite some time so I decided to put my shoes back on and picked up my stuff. I was tired of the painful heartache and doubtful thoughts. 'No more tears Jazmin No more', I whispered to myself as I walked out of the room.

Miles- Um where are you going?

Jazmin- You took long..I thought you might have had plans and I didn't want to come in between them..

Miles- I will always have time for you Jazmin so don't say that..

Suddenly there was a knock on his door. "You're expecting someone?" I asked curiously. "Actually you are" he replied as he opened. I heard him tell someone that was standing outside to come in. "Jazmin we need to talk" Jake said to me as he walked inside. "I'll be outside" Miles said to me as he stepped out the door.

Jake- Please baby listen to me..


Jake- Will you just listen!?

Jazmin- I gave you a lot of time to listen to what you had to say and you never wanted to tell me what you were hiding from me!!...It's over Jake! I'm done crying over guys like you and James!! I'm done with the hurting and I am so done with this conversation!!...LEAVE NOW!

Jake- I'm not going anywhere until you listen to me!

Jazmin- FINE! Then I'll leave! (Before I could take another step he grabbed me from the arms pushing me against the wall)

Jake- I didn't mean to hurt you!..but I'm quietly hurting inside as well!..Try growing up with a shady monster family like the one I had to grow up with! The day I met you was like walking for a long time in a dark tunnel and finally seeing a light..You are the reason why I continue to fight..If I didn't have you in my life I would've lost my sanity a long time ago..

Jazmin- (As he spoke his eyes got teary and his lips trembled)..Why didn't you trust me enough to tell me who you were...Who they are..

Jake- It's not about trust Jazmin...You don't know how ugly their souls are...I was trying to protect you from him...

Jazmin- Who is he exactly?

Jake- *Sighs....The man I am ashamed to call my Father..He is a cold heartless wicked being..He doesn't like you and he will never accept what we have...or at least what we had..

Jazmin- You don't have to tell me he left it pretty clear last night...but Jake if you didn't want me to know about your family then why did you tell me I would eventually know about them when the right time came? Why lie to me about ever meeting them if that was never your intention!

Jake- You were going to meet them one day but I was going to introduce you as MRS. KINGSLEY SMITH..

Jazmin- Wait what?..

He then got down on one knee and took out from his pocket the most beautiful diamond ring my eyes had ever seen.

Jake- Jazmin Smith will you marry me?

Jazmin- *Gasps....Jake....

Jake- Say you'll marry me and we will runaway together!..We'll start a new life somewhere else Jazmin....I love you with all of my heart..I don't want to lose you..Not now not ever.

Jazmin- Runaway together?...Jake...I can't leave my family behind..Graduation is around the corner..Plus how or with what would we live from?

Jake- Jazmin your family is back together again..It's time for us to be happy and make a family of our own..Please say you'll come with me but as my wedded wife. School and everything else will come second..This right here..This moment is what really counts.

Jazmin- What if your father finds out?...You just told me how dangerous he could be!

Jake- I have a plan that I'll explain to you tonight...

Jazmin- I don't know about this Jake..

Jake- If you still love me as much as I love you..Then you will marry me.

I saw his eyes full of hope and desperation..his body trembled as he held my hand.

Jake- Jazmin please accept to share the rest of your life with me. I will love you forever and protect you with my life.

Jazmin- Shh..Don't say anything else..The answer is YES...I will marry you.


Miles- (Was I stupid to call him to come over?..I probably was but I couldn't let her shut down love for good..All I wanted to see was her warm beautiful smile..I remember how broken she looked when James left..I wasn't going to stand by and see her that way again..I will always put her happiness first..)

*Phone Rings*

Miles- Hello?

James- Are you interested in a huge deal?

Miles- (The person I was least expecting to get a call from especially at this moment..If he knew what I had done he would kill me!)...Um..What is it about?

James- Be here by the end of the weekend I'll explain everything to you..

Miles- WHAT!...You want me to travel to Maple City?

James- Well what the fuck do you think?

Miles- I don't know if I could do that...I got school we are almost graduating and well prom is only a few days away bro..Can this wait?

James- *Laughs...Listen to yourself?..Man you've never sounded this much of a bitch..Talking about prom and shit...Miles stop fooling around I'll see you here.

Miles- Hey one more thing..

James- What now?

Miles- About the other day...You haven't mentioned it..Why?

James- I don't know what you're talking about?

Miles- When you called and Jazmin answered..Your expected reaction should've been explosive.

James- I'm not trippin..I know you're smart enough to know not to fuck with what belongs to me..So I'm not worried.

Miles- (Well I'm certainly not the one he should be worried about).....James there's something you should probably know..

James- Listen I didn't make this call about pussy alright?..I need you to make this trip asap.

Miles- I'll be there alright..

James- I knew I could count on you.

Jazmin- *Shouts....Miles!..You could come in now!

James- Who was that?

Miles- Um I'll call you back okay?

James- You end the call and I swear I'll personally go over there and cut your balls off MILES!

Miles- (Shit! how the fuck do I get off this one!)...*Whispers...Okay just calm down will ya she doesn't know I'm on the line with you and James..She's not alone..

James- What the fuck do you mean she's not alone! It's clear she's with you again! Do you have some sorta death wish Miles!?

Miles- It's not like that bro..Just calm down..I know how you could get..

James- Act like you are not on the phone and get your ass inside now!

Miles- *Sighs..Alright but before you hear anything else..I didn't betray you..I did it thinking about Jazmins happiness..So bro please don't hold this against me..

James- Miles shut the fuck up and go inside!

Miles- Okay okay I'm going in..

Jazmin- Miles thank you sooo much for giving us a private moment..

Miles- You seem awfully excited and happy..(It's killing me knowing it's him that makes her glow the way she's glowing right now)

Jake- *Smiles...She has enough reason to be happy right now..We both do.

He walked from behind and gave me a squeezing loving hug.

Jake- Hey man I didn't get the chance to tell you but thank you for calling me and letting me know she was here..

Miles- (Shit I wish he hadn't said that)...Um yeah no problem...I basically did it for Jazmin...She seemed pretty hurt..I hate seeing her that way..

Jazmin- You are so sweet Miles..That's why I am so glad you and I became good friends..Basically besties.

Jake- I owe you one..

Miles- It's fine as long as she's smiling again..

Jake- Babe I gotta go handle a personal matter but is it fine if I meet you at your house later tonight?

Jazmin- Of course baby

I leaned towards Jake and gave him a soft gentle kiss on the lips. I didn't want to over do it with Miles being there. After all he was James friend. I could just imagine how uncomfortable Miles must be feeling.

Jazmin- I'll see you tonight.

Jake- Before I leave..Thanks again Man...I really do appreciate it..

Miles- (I looked over at my phone and noticed James was still on the line)...Uhh..Sure like I said before...Anything for Jazmins happiness..

Jake- Such a delightful guy..(I looked at Jazmin as I slightly raised my eyebrow..I wasn't buying this whole I just see her as a friend act..but if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have mend things with Jazmin so quickly)

Both Miles and I stood by the door as we watched Jake drive away. "I don't think he likes me much" he said with a shrug. I smiled at him and gave him a sweet hug then tenderly kissed his cheek.

Jazmin- You have no idea how much this sweet gesture of yours means to me..

Miles- I just did it for you..I know how hard it was for you to move on after James left without saying a word..I guess I didn't want you to go through that same heartache again..

Jazmin- It wouldn't be the same heartache but anyways..I don't want to talk about ghosts..

Miles- (Ouch!..Sorry bro you needed to hear this..)..So I'm guessing you're leaving?

Jazmin- You guessed right...Thank you so much for last night..I gotta head home and shower.

Miles- Before you leave can I know what made you so happy?

Jazmin- What do you mean?

Miles- Well it's pretty clear that you are back with Jake but there is something different in your eyes..They have a special glow..

Jazmin- I guess I can tell you the truth after all you are my good friend and I trust you but you gotta promise me you won't tell anyone! This has to stay a secret between us for now..

Miles- I promise...What is it?

Jazmin- Well....You are now looking at his future wife!!...Jake proposed and I said YES!..

Miles- WHAT!?!...(Immediately I looked over to my phone and saw the call had ended..I wondered how much of this conversation James heard)

After breaking my exciting news to Miles. I headed back home. I gave my parents lame excuses about spending the night over at Ashanti's and unexpectedly falling asleep before I could ask for permission. Of course my mom was not convinced but my dad helped me slip off with a warning. It was good to have him back home. After a long shower of relaxation, I comfortably laid down on my bed. Although I rested good and felt the much needed comfort in Miles arms. I didn't get much sleep thinking about the unfortunate events that had happened the night before. However I had a huge exciting reason to be able to sleep just great tonight. I was going to marry Jake Kingsley! I knew all the odds were against us but in time we would overcome them regardless.

I was afraid of what the outcome would turn out to be. His father seemed like a frightening man. He gave me chills just by his penetrating stare. I wondered how someone so sweet and humble like Jake could be his son. If it wasn't because they were truly different and I knew how Jake really was. That man would've convinced me. I knew better then to fall for his trap although Jake's lie did hurt. I guess he was trying to protect me and I can clearly see why. Speaking a few words with his father was intense enough. He was very intimidating and almost looked like he had me all figured out. With all his power and money he surly could be able to pay someone to investigate me. I had to be careful. I was playing with fire..A very dangerous one.


Richard- Well I'm pleased with how well you have handled this situation son.

Jake- (You have no idea)...Well it's not like you gave me much choice..

Richard- It is all for your own good son. That is why I invited Lina and her family over for dinner to make this a lot more settle.

Jake- (Okay..I gotta stay calm if he notices anything off he'll be onto me..I gotta play this cool)...Okay did you invite the local news reporters too? I mean since you want the whole town to know who we are might as well announce my wedding there too.

Richard- I'm satisfied with this sudden change of behavior. That wild reckless girl was starting to change the well mannered young man I raised.

Jake- (Ha you raised?)...I owe it all to Nana. Now if you excuse me..I got an important call to make.

Richard- Jake.

Jake- *Annoyed....Yes??

Richard- It just takes one slip.

Jake- (That was definitely a warning)...What do you mean?

Richard- She has a lovely family. I wouldn't want her to hate you for the rest of her life if something happened to her family because you couldn't follow simple orders.

Jake- It's over. I told you this already. Can I leave now?

Richard- I expect you to be here on time. Don't have your future wife waiting.

Jake- Of course. We wouldn't want that now would we? (I sarcastically answered as I got up and left his office)

Tony- Sir I received a message from you to report myself. I called you immediately. At your service.

Richard- I need you to handle someone for me.

Tony- Of course Sir. Who are we talking about?

Richard- I hear noise who are you with?

Tony- James Sir. We came to collect your profit.

Richard- I thought I made it clear you were suppose to just watch him not do the work with him. I NEED HIM TO LEARN ON HIS OWN!

Tony- I know Sir. but there are rumors someone out there has a hit on James. He is gaining power out here in the streets and therefore becoming a threat to local gangs..

Richard- Find out who has a hit on him and take them out. I also need you to pay a special visit to the Smith's. I'll be sending you the information. Go easy for this is just a warning.

Tony- Sure Boss.


James- What does he want now?

Tony- Oh he just send me the info..Wants me to go regulate some old folks by the look on the picture he just sent me..

James- Regulate?..What could those old people have done to him?..*Laughs..Talk about wasting valuable time..

Tony- Woah the daughter is hot!..I wouldn't mind tapping that tonight!

James- He wants you over there by tonight?

Tony- Yeah he just send me the address I need to drop you off and head back to Redwood-Ville..But I'm starting to think after I teach those old folks a lesson I might just tap that nice piece off ass of their daughter..*Laughs...Heck I might just do it in front of her folks...You think they're into that kinky shit?

James- Who knows...(Dirty Bastard)...Let me see the pic.

Tony- Hey it's classified information..Keep your nose where it needs to be.

James- (I glanced at the phone he was holding and suddenly I felt breathless..I started to feel a sharp hammering pain in my chest)...Hey before you leave can you do me a favor..

Tony- What now kid?

James- (I quickly jab my fist across his face as he was distracted looking at the picture..I grabbed the gun sitting on his lap and without hesitation I pulled the trigger)


James- That was a warning shot..The next one is in your head fucker! Now get the fuck out of the car!!!

Tony- ...This is gonna cost you your life I hope you know that!!...You're a dead man Dawson!!!!

James- You know where to find me! (I stepped on it and immediately called Miles)

Miles- Hey man I'm glad you called I need to explain everything to you..

James- MILES LISTEN TO ME!..Go over to Jazmin's house and get her and her family out of there RIGHT NOW!!!

Miles- Why what's going on??!


Miles- Where am I suppose to take them??

James- Dammit Miles!! Take them to your place for now!

Miles- Is Jazmin in danger??!!

James- (She isn't the only one in danger..After my screw up..I'm really a dead man)...JUST HURRY YOUR ASS UP!!

Miles- Okay Okay!..I'm driving to her house!


John- I think we should go out for dinner tonight what do you ladies think?

Rose- I'm not in the mood honey..What about watching a movie and ordering take out?

Jazmin- (Yes! That sounds like a great idea! After all I am waiting for Jake to come over..If we go out I'll miss the chance of seeing him)...Um I think mom is right Dad...A movie and take out sounds fine to me too..

John- Jazmin can I talk to you for a moment?

He hinted with his eyes to follow him towards the hall. I agreed and walked behind him without my mom noticing us.

John- *Whispers...Tonight is the night my little boxer...I need you to convince her to come with me..

Jazmin- Omg are you sure dad!?

John- Shh..Keep it quite..What do you think? Should we do what we spoke about or should I just take her out and spend some alone time with her then pop the question?

Jazmin- (Omg two proposals the same day! This day couldn't get better!)...Dad take mom and go pick somewhere romantic to eat..

John- Is it okay with you if it's just the two of us?

Jazmin- (That's even better I'll have the house alone for when Jake comes over!)...Dad Of course it's fine with me.

John- Okay perfect!...I'll go get my best cleanest suit and look sharp for her. Please have her ready..Without raising suspicion though.

Jazmin- Just leave it to me dad I got it.

After convincing my mother to dress up extra special for the night, they had finally both left. My dad looked very handsome while my mother looked super sexy with her sparkling black dress. I was beyond happy and excited as well. I wish I could've been there for that special moment and seen my mothers reaction. I walked over to my room to change clothes. I wanted to look extra beautiful for Jake. He deserved it after all he was defying his own father and family for me. Something I was not proud of him doing especially when the reason was me. Though the thought of how much he truly loved me filled me up with joy. I also wondered what that man could possibly be capable of doing. 'Could his hate for me go further to the extent of physical abuse?' Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a loud banging on my door. While I rushed over to open the door violently swung open. As my eyes met his my heart felt like it was going to explode of how fast it was beating. My body shook and I was suddenly breathless. "YOU?"...I said with a shaking tone while my vision got blurry and my body began to feel numbed. I then fainted.

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