
By asas01

8.6K 397 38

"Love is worth fighting for." This Amazing Cover goes swcommunity thank you so much More

Life is it perfect
Fixing Up the Truck
The Start of something
Hell On Earth
On The Run
Safe and sound
Meeting the Other
On Way Chicago
The low Profile
The Long Days
The Plan
Breaking in
The True Story
Moments of love
Ship Tralier

Waiting Game

255 9 0
By asas01

                          Emily pov

" Hound and I hand finally arrived back at the church with Hound driving around the back and driving in. I quickly jumped out and made my way inside, whilst Hound transformed  and made his way over to bumblebee and Drift " Oh shit! Heads up." Dad shouted, causing me lift my head up just in time to see a light green bottle fly towards me. I shrieked and held my hands over my head in protection, as the green bottle landed just in front of my feet bumblebee chirped in amusement whilst I looked up grave an angry glare towards dad " What the Hell was that for?." I yelled at him kicking the bottle aside. " I'm sorry, cupcake I  didn't know you'd walk through the door at the exact same time that I'd throw a bottle of mouthwash." He retorted, getting up from his seat at a table beside Tessa and Shane, " A bottle of mouthwash? What the Hell do you need that for." I asked him tilting my head in confusion. Shane opened his mouth respond, but dad spun around and pointed at him angrily " Don't you dare say other word." He snapped, before grabbing bing my arm dragging me outside away from the others.

"What's up you said there was something you wanted to tell me." I whisper as we stopped just outside the church doors. Dad nodded " Yeah,we might have problem getting in to Ksi." He started placing his hands on his hips in annoyance. I rose an eyebrow " Why is that?" " In order to get in we need an Id card which is used as proof that we'work there.what I also fround out was that a couple times a day they bring in shipments of vehicles for this process called scanning so Optimus and I came up with a plan which we need you to sign off on.." He Finished nervously, not looking me in the eye. I rise my eyebrow in question " What the plan." I asked him, folding my arms over my chest. He could tell that wasn't impressed and ran stressed hand over his face." Optimus and I planned on going to Ksi and using the drone to get a picture of an Id card so we can get in." My eyes widened and my jaw slackened " What!" I screamed causing dad to flinch " I knew you wouldn't like it.""You're damn right I wouldn't like it, Optimus is the most wanted Autobot in existence not to mention you're wanted too. If the two of you get caught you'll be killed!." I shouted, sighing heavily I let my arms fall limp to my side.

"Look, I'm sorry for shouting its just dad that it's too dangerous and I have some news of my owe too." I started brushing strand of my hair from my face. Dad slowly nodded his head " Okay what is it." My graze fell " When Hound and I were out this morning, we saw Savoy talking to Mr Joyce, who I'm guessing is CEO of Ksi." I trailed off,looking up at Dad with a sad expression. His face turned pale as he slowly nodded his head " That's why you're worried-." Of course that's why I'm worried Dad he's planning something and I have a bad feeling that it has to do with this attinger guy that's visiting the building tomorrow." I Finshed the two of us fell into silence, before I sighed " Dad I'm stopping you from going,all I want is for both you and Optimus to be careful." I started, before walking passed him and back into the church his hand caught my arm pulling me backwards so I could face him " are you sure you're okay with doing this." Dad asked me tilting his head sideways as he waited for my awnser.

I shrugged my shoulder " I'm not particularly happy about it, but it needs to be done."I told him, shaking my arm free from his grip walking inside without futher interrupted I spotted the lounge that I saw when first arrived and decided to sit down huffing loudly as I did so.

" Is everything alright?" A voice asked from above I lifted my gaze to see the familiar form of Optimus staring down at me, his eyebrow raised in question " Dad told me about what you're planning to do with Ksi." I informed him looking away from him with a grim expression set firmly onto my face Optimus hummed softly " I sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but there no other option. If we are to get inside Ksi we need to-."" I know Optimus, but that's not the part I'm worried about." I interrupted, standing up from my seat on the lounge and turning to face him " No offence but you're a bright blue and red truck which can easily be spotted from miles away.." I trailed off, watching his expression fall" They know what you look like Optimes, and if they see anything that resembles you in person they won't hesitate to take it down.That's what I'm worried about.with both you and dad being so close to the Ksi headquarters there is a high possibility that you will be spotted.Just Please,Please be careful."I begged, turing my gaze downwards to try and hide my worried expression

I head the Autobot Sigh as he crouched down and held out his servo gently placing a digit underneath my chin and lifting my gaze back up to him " Emily I promise I will be careful.  You don't need to worry about me so much I won't let anything happen  to your father or myself  I asked you trust me."He spoke calmly. Nerves suddenly began to swell within my chest, and a small blush covered my cheeks for some unknown reason. I removed my head from Optimus digit and nodded slowly " I do trust you...but that won't stop me from being worried." I responded before slowly walking away I heard Optimus tramsform drive away

" What was that all about." Tessa voice asked echoing throughout the large area. I turned my head to face her with a confused expression " What are you talking about." I questioned tilting my head sideways " I don't know,you and Optimus seemed to be getting little close there." Shane teased wiggle his eyebrow I lie on the lounge " Shut up Shane!" I shouted rolling to my side and closing my eyes trying to block out the world around me

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