The Dragon Princess

By KristalKlearSky

2K 184 61

(Book 3 of The Zoshan Chronicles) [Editing in Progress] What would you do to silence the lies? How far would... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 18

74 6 0
By KristalKlearSky

Queen Marina Andry

Iron City, Sarkin

The tension in the room builds as the rebel refuses to answer questions and cooperate. To the side, the boys are discussing strategies in order to get him to talk; however, they are just that: boys. My own first born son, Karic, stands tall for his age, as his father once had. For being thirteen years of age, he is at the stage where his body is changing and he is self-conscious in the way his voice cracks. Clumsy due to his height, Karic stands still beside his restless twin cousins, and silently listens. Alfred and Ederick, no longer Alfie and Eddie, are nearly grown in their age of twenty and old enough to marry, much to their mother's dismay. For much of their childhood, the twins were completely identical, and only were able to be told apart if you knew which had the left eye blue, or the right eye blue, for they share blue and brown eyes. Alfred's is left and Ederick's is right. Now, however, they are easy to tell apart. Ederick, being a bit taller, is on the leaner side with stronger, sharper features. Alfred is a bit more muscular but with more boyish, soft features.

I listen to them for a half hour, all the while keeping close watch on the rebel, as well as my son. Of course, I have my own plan of action, but I want to see what the boys will come up with. Karic catches my glance, and I can practically read my son's mind, as most mothers can. I am in motion a second later, and the rebel has barely enough time to flinch as the blade meets the side of his cheek in a swift cut that draws a thick stream of blood. "Mother!" I only realize then that Karic has jumped to my side, with a hand on my arm, surprised and slightly horrified by my action. "Violence is never the answer." I wish I can tell him that he can go through life without ever having to cause anyone pain, but that is a lie.

"Sometimes, it is." I try to soften my tone to my son, but I know he can hear the fierceness within. His hand slowly lets go and he takes a few steps back, waiting, as does his cousins. Alfred and Ederick have yet to recover from my action. "Prepare yourself, for this is a side to me that you have never seen." I turn my attention to the rebel, a supposed high up in the chain of command.

"You think I am supposed to be afraid of you, little queen." He taunts, refusing to struggle against his restraints in the iron chair that imprisons him. "You are weak."

I can't help it. I laugh. "You have been entirely misinformed, rebel." I sheath my sword and draw out a sharp dagger. "There was a time, when I would do anything to get what I want. That never went away, not really." He doesn't believe me. He doesn't remember. He tries to smile and my fist collides with his mouth. "I have tortured people before and I have killed, all for information. What is to stop me from doing that now?"

He spits blood onto the stone floor. "Your little boy." A small glint of triumph comes to his eyes but fades quickly when he doesn't get a reaction out of me. A part of me wants to stop and look at my son, and tell him that this is wrong, but the other part of me knows that I have to do this. I can't protect him forever, not from everything, and not from me.

I shake my head at the rebel. "I am the Queen of Sarkin, but there was a time when I apprenticed under many tradesmen, each with their own particularly grueling set of skills. For instance..." I drive the dagger's tip swiftly into the thigh of the rebel, all the way to the hilt. He lets out a scream, but tries to collect himself by clamping his mouth shut. "Now, tell me the location of Topaz Castian." No reaction. I grab the hilt and give it a small wiggle. He wants to scream but doesn't. "If you don't, I can assure you, you will be begging for death in a matter of five minutes. Unfortunately, until I get what I want, you will be begging for a while. If I remove this dagger, you will bleed out, right here in this room in a matter of minutes, but I don't feel that generous." He is trembling, though he tries to hide it. "Do I need to say please?" He shoots off a few curse words, so I stand up and return to the table I had been leaning against before.

I pretend to examine several weapons, but I already know which one to pick. I pick it up and turn it in between my fingers. The throwing knife is the length of my forearm, thin and sharp. I turn around to face him again. "I have twenty of these knives." I show him and see the small look of fear in his eyes, but he is no less defiant. "Where is Topaz?"

"I am dead if I tell you." He grimaces.

"You think I will let you live if you tell me?" I shrug. "You are dead either way. So, you can tell me and die quickly, or you cannot tell me and suffer for a very long time." Personally, I don't like torturing people, but I have to in order to get to Topaz. She murdered my father, and if I can't bring her to justice, then I will deliver the same fate she gave him.

A shape catches my attention on the second level overlook. Looking up, I can see Felix, stone-faced and watching me. Sure, now he returns. He holds my gaze for a minute. Let him see what his wife has been up to. "I can't..." The rebel starts, but I let the knife fly from my fingers, embedding itself deep into his left shin, with the tip striking the iron leg of the chair. He screams for a second and I almost think he is going to pass out, but he doesn't.

"That is just not the answer that I wanted." I reach behind me and pick up another one without even looking.

"Please..." He begs.

I shake my head. "Where is Topaz?"

He tries to again refuse, and I act like I am going to throw the second knife, and he lets out a yelp. "No, please. I can't tell you, because she moves around too often. I don't know where she is." I let out a grumble, turning the knife in my hand in frustration. "But...but I might be able to tell you where she is going. I am not as high up as you think and you mistake her if you think she is stupid enough to tell anyone he plans, but I do know that she is making a move for her beloved."

"Roland." I say, already knowing it is true. "Topaz has been seen in Sarkin. So you are telling me that she is coming here, to the castle, to break him out of the unbreakable prison holding him."

He is shaking from the pain. "She has help, on the inside."

I glance up to Felix, but he is gone from the landing. I suppress my frustration in my husband, and focus back on the rebel. "Who?"

"If I am to die, I shall take comfort in knowing that I died at your vicious hand Queen Marina, than by the Commander Topaz. For she is a force of nature, in the most terrible way. Her spies are everywhere, and I know that she knows I am here, spilling my knowledge to you. I have not seen her daughter in some time, but she is not the one you need to be worried about. It is Rowan Digory, the eldest son of Henrietta and Nikolas. He is the only one who can match her in any way. Topaz won't kill me because I am a traitor. She will slaughter me because I couldn't protect the boy."

"Rowan?" I question, sensing that I am missing something.

He shakes his head. "No. The boy, Liam."

I think back on what Akamus told me when he brought the rebel in. "The boy you were protecting when you were caught. That boy is Liam Digory?" He nods. "I sent Liam to Emberhelm to be tried along with the other rebels."

"He will never make it there and if he does, he won't be there long. Mommy dearest will get him out, I promise you." He tries to move, but whimpers from the knives.

I look to my son and his cousins. "Send a message to Adelina, now." The three quickly disperse to follow orders. In a second, I am left alone with the rebel. "If Henrietta is going after Liam, and Topaz is coming here for Roland, then where is Rowan?"

"Hidden in plain sight. He has been a prison guard for years." I frown at the new information. "He is now guarding Roland's cell. A position, if I am not mistake, you put him in."

I let off a curse in my mind and yell for Akamus. He barges in, alert. "Take soldiers and go down to the prisons. The guard Tatum is Rowan Digory. I want him up here, now. Then place twenty guards outside Roland Castian's cell. No one gets in, understood." He nods once and then marches out of the room.

A sudden chill fills the room, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up. I already know the cause. "Hello, Ivory." I look to my side as she comes into step next to me.

"My Queen." She greets, with a nod, eyes not leaving the rebel. "Shall I dispense of this vermin for you?"

I look to the rebel, and I can see it in his eyes. He doesn't want to die, but he knows it is coming. In that second, my mind is made up. "No, Ivory. This rebel will live. Send for the physician, and do not let this rebel out of your sight. He may still have information."

"Of course." She walks up to the rebel and he trembles, ready for death at her hand, unknowing of his new fate. Her pale fingers grip the back of the iron chair, and she pulls it behind her as she exits the hall; the iron legs scraping against the stone fades with distance, as does his pleas.

"Marina." Felix's voice pulls at me in the way it always has, but I stubbornly refuse to face him. "Come with me." I dare not move. How dare he try to force to go somewhere! "Please, Marina." My ears prickle at the sound of his broken voice; a defeated voice. Slowly I turn to face him. He holds out his hand, but I only straighten taller. He isn't looking at me now but that doesn't stop me from seeing the brokenness behind his eyes. He drops his hand and makes a small motion to follow him, knowing that I might not. He walks out the back door, and I find myself following him. I don't know why. I am mad at him. I should hate him, and yet, marriage doesn't work like that, not when it is like ours.

I follow him for a while, wondering where he is going, but after a while I begin to know. He doesn't speak and I do not make him. Before long he is standing a head of me in the dragon pit and a memory flashes in my mind. I can remember the first time I ever came down here. It was happier times then, and he nearly dragging me giddily down here. That was where he confesses about having Emerask, and also where we began our betrothal. It is where we shared our first kiss. Look how far we have come, I want to say, but I don't. I wait. It is all I can do.

It feels like an eternity down there, but not once do I have the thought of needing to be anywhere else. I am needed here, now. He turns around eventually, facing me and I can see his eyes are red and gleaming from tears that he won't let fall. He sinks to the ground slowly, sitting on his feet. "I am so sorry, Marina." He shakes his head as he looks up at me. "I am been such a fool, and I don't deserve your forgiveness. I will understand if you can't find it in your heart to forgive me. God knows Jaymie never will, not after everything I have done. You both deserve so much better than me." My heart starts to hurt, listening to the words I have been waiting years to hear. There has been a savageness in me, that took over when he left, feeling betrayed and angry. Felix has always been the better part of me, and I him, when we were together, but over the past few years, we haven't been together. Not really. Not like we used to be. "I am so sorry, Love." He whimpers, finally giving in to the tears and the pain.

I close my eyes for a second, taking a deep breath and as I let it out, I let go of all the anger I feel. That awful side of me snuffs out like a candle, and I feel like I am a young girl again, in love with the young boy that has captured my heart since the moment I first saw him. I open my eyes and look down at him. "Promise me, Felix." I reach out and place a hand under his chin and force him to look up at me. "Promise me, that this will never happen again."

"I promise." Felix breathes, staring up at me with those blue-green eyes that claimed my soul all those years ago. "My Marina, I promise. Anything for you."

I lower myself to the ground in front of him, my eyes never leaving his. "Then I forgive you, Felix." He lets out a cry and then pulls me to him in an embrace, his arms holding me tightly against him.

"I promise, Love. I promise." There is a series of embraces, kisses, and tears but after a while, all is as it was between us, and yet stronger than ever. The Sarkin King and Queen are together again.


Prince Ezra Daughtery

Infernal City, Hosephia

The bars are cold as I softly bang my head sideways against them. It is all I can do to stop myself from thinking of all the ways Jaymie could be in pain right now. It barely works. The physician has been here to look at Dex, and mumbled quietly that he will live. I can't decide if I want him to. Much to Lucas' dismay, Iris refused to be treated for her head injury, claiming that "it doesn't hurt", and that "it looks worse than it is". I can see her pain eating at Lucas, knowing how much he hates himself for not putting up a better fight. The thought did cross my mind that I could have fought harder, but I knew it was hopeless.

The sound of a scuffle and muffled noises pulls at my attention, and I try to look out of the bars. All I can see is feet wrangling and then going limp. The guard. Someone took out the guard. "Someone call for a rescue?"

"Jaymie!" I stand up suddenly, almost too fast as I sway and grip the bars to keep from falling over. I shake my head, catching sight of a hooded figure with pale green eyes. "No, not Jaymie." I mumble, realizing my mind is playing tricks on me. I wanted to see her so bad, so I saw her in someone else. "Where is Jaymie?" I can hear keys jiggling in the lock and another hooded figure comes quietly up behind her. For a moment, I think the new figure will attack the woman, but only pushes back his hood.

"All in good time." The man says, trying to give a comforting smile but it does not comfort me.

"Tell me!" I grab his cloak as the door opens and I practically stumble out of it.

"Easy, lover-boy." The woman whispers harshly, pulling my hands free of her companion's cloak. "The princess is upstairs. We free her next. I couldn't exactly go storming the castle and steal Brighane's prized possession without a small army, now could I?" Her sarcasm gives her points in my favor, but it is no less irritating, not when Jaymie's life hangs on the line. There is a familiarity about this strange woman, but I don't care. She is breaking us out of prison.

She moves to open the cell across from ours. "Uh, I wouldn't..." I start, not quite sure how to explain.

"I was told there were four of you. Is this not the forth?" She motions to Dex, trying to sit up, only just taking notice of the disturbance.

"Yes, but..." I hesitate, looking down at Dex. "He is injured." It isn't the whole truth, but it will do for now. "He won't be any help to us up there." Now, that is the truth.

She looks down at Dex, who squints up at her. "You seem awfully familiar." She kneels down to him, studying him. I almost told her the truth, but her companion places a hand on her shoulder.

"We must go, Tessa." I hear the gentleness in his tone towards her, and I instantly know there is more than companionship between them. I envy it, whatever it is, for I know it is stronger than what Jaymie and I have.

"Henry, we can't just leave him here." She says, standing up to face him.

"We don't have a choice. He is right." The man, Henry, motions to me. "We will come back for him. The princess is too important. We can't wait any longer."

The woman, Tessa, lets out a deep breath and then nods, looking down at Dex. "We will come back. I promise."

I look behind me and Lucas and Iris are right there, ready to escape. We all start to move but a hand catches my leg and I look down. It is Dex. "Save her, Ezra." Something about him, no matter how much I hate him right now, speaks to my heart. "Please, save Jaymie." I nod without hesitation, and then we set off. Hold on, Jaymie. I am coming. I say every prayer in my mind, pleading with God to keep her safe. If anything happens to her, I will never forgive myself. I can't lose her. I can't lose another person I love and I do love her, more than she knows.


King Rory Fairmore

Imperial City, Vrinian

"You wanted to see me?" Lyana's voice calls to me and I turn around. "You could have just come to my room, instead of sending a servant to make me walk all the way out here." She motions to the tree that has become our place in the castle.

"Are you really complaining?" It is hard to be serious with her when she always turns my insides to mush.

Lyana places her hands on her hips, trying not to smile. "No, but will you tell me why I am here? We don't need to hide anymore."

"Exactly." I agree, taking her hands in my own. "I am King of Vrinian. I don't need permission in who I marry. I have my mother's blessing." She shakes her head slightly, not understanding where I am going with this. "You see, I have talked to everyone, and I have talked to you, but I only just realized that I never actually asked you to marry me."

She gives a soft laugh. "Oh, Rory. You don't need to do that."

"Yes, I do." On that note, I sink to the ground on one knee and produce my mother's ring that she gave me. "Because I love you more than anything, and I want you to be my wife and my queen, but I also what you to have choice. I want you to marry me, but I also know what life as a queen entails. Things will be different."

"Rory, there is something I have to tell you." She kneels down in front of me. "My past and my family..."

"It is alright." I tell her for the hundredth time. "Your past makes no difference to me, only our future. Commoner or queen, I still want you to be my wife."

"Rory..." She shakes her head, as if she can't understand how I can look past her being a servant. "My past is going to be brought into the light. I am a servant. Worse, actually, because your mother fired me. I was adopted after being orphaned by rebel parents. People are going to accuse me of being a rebel or a spy."

"But you are not, Lyana. I know you. You have the kindest heart of anyone I have met." I take her face in my hands, willing her to understand. "It doesn't matter what anyone thinks. All that matters is that we do not waste another minute not together. I may be sixteen years old, but I know that you are my soulmate. I am yours, Lyana Burke. Marry me."

She gives a whimper of a laugh and nods. "Yes, Rory. Of course, yes." I slip the ring onto her finger, knowing that our lives will never be the same again. From now on, we stand together.


Heir-Princess Jaymie Dain Andry

Infernal City, Hosephia

The strategy of being across the room from the door had been a good plan after all. The sound of it slamming shut, forces me awake, though I had not known I could fall asleep. Perhaps it is because I am too weak, starved or exhausted. A figure stalks across the room, and though my vision is blurry, I know who it is. I can't let him win. I can't. Saying those words in my head is enough to cause me use what little bit of fight I have left to stand up and duck behind the throne. I can hear him laugh as he halts in his steps. He talks but I can't understand. He moves but I can't hear which way, and end up running into him. I scream and fight. I can't let him win. I just can't. He won't get away with this. I can't tell if I am saying it out-loud or in my mind but I know either way I am screaming it.

I am only stilled by the strong hand that clamps around my throat. I can feel the muscles pulling the fingers, tightening, keeping me from being able to breathe. I feel like I am drowning in an airless pit. My nails dig into his arms and I can feel and smell the blood from the punctures. He is getting angry, but being this close I can see the hatred in his eyes. He is going to kill me. Please God, I can't fight him on my own. Help me! There is the sound of metal scraping metal and for a moment, I feel hope that someone has come to rescue me, until I see a dagger pointed at my stomach in the hand on Brighane. There is something familiar about that dagger, and it has an air of pure evil around it, making it fitting for the person who wields it.

I do wonder for a second that if he tries to run me through with the dagger, if I would just heal like I did with the arrow. However, it isn't a pain I wish to feel, and who knows, it might not work. I can't count on something I don't understand. The darkness is starting to set in. One of my hands refuses to let go of his arm, but the other grips hard onto my Ember Stone. I don't want to die. It is in that second that I realize why I don't want to go. I don't want to leave Ezra. I don't understand it, but I know it is true.

A sickening sound fills my ears and something sprays my face. I know what it is, I can smell it. In a painful motion, I am dropped to the ground. Straining to breath, I feel like throwing up, but there is nothing to come up, considering I haven't ate in a long while. When I can finally take a breath, I look at my hands, and touch my face, feeling the sticky red liquid starting to dry. It takes a second for me to realize that it isn't my blood. My heart is being so fast that my ears throb, but I can pick up on the sound of shouting and fighting. Someone is fighting Brighane.

An object glitters on the ground and I don't have to guess what it is. The dagger. I grab it, feeling the cold metal hilt. It takes a few tries, but I manage to stand, wavering a bit from my injuries. I can see two forms in front of me, battling it out with fists. One is taller, slightly, than the other and bigger in build. I try to remember details about Brighane. I try to focus, only getting a glimpse of the forms, but enough to notice that one of them has short hair, while the other's is longer. Brighane has the shorter hair.

A voice calls out to me, but I can't focus on it. It sounds like it is so far away, like in a dream. Somewhere inside of me I find my own voice. "Brighane Rossi, I, Heir Princess Jaymie Dain-Andry, judge your crimes against the realm." He takes no notice, and that is his fatal mistake. With my remaining ounce of energy, I raise the dagger and then plunge it deep into back. "For the murder of my family, I sentence you to death." I know it is him now but he doesn't drop like I expected him to. Instead he grabs the dagger and yanks it out of my hands. He kicks me hard in the stomach and I fall to the ground, head striking the stone floor. A sickening sound causes me to flinch as the darkness swarms and I see a shape fall to the ground. Brighane is dead. Good.

I feel weightless, and the voice comes again, calling out in the forming dark. It is Ezra's voice. I know it now. He calls in my dreams. But then he is there. His blue eyes shine down at me, not in my dreams, but in life. He is here, and but I can't see him anymore. All I know is voices. "It is the stone!" A foreign voice calls. "The bigger it is the worse effects it has. Break it. Smash it to pieces." It sounds like glass as it meets the floor. I don't see it, but I know it is broken. For the first time in a while, I don't feel as sick and weak. Perhaps I might survive this after all. But then again, the voices are gone, and I fall into the darkness.

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