Nekopara: A New Breed

By Count_Lemon

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The bakery "La Soleil" has been doing wonderfully, thanks to the assissance of the 6 beautiful catgirls, 1 de... More

Chapter 1: Unexpected Introductions
Chapter 2: The Mall Fiasco
Chapter 4: No Catnip For You
Chapter 5: A Late Night Stroll
Chapter 6: I'm Not Sick
Chapter 7: The Bake-Off Starts Now
Chapter 8: Comfort
Chapter 9: Greetings

Chapter 3: Things Start Heating Up

1.9K 14 16
By Count_Lemon

Midnight's POV

"Let's see if you can bake." Kashou said, tying his own aporn and handing me my own. We had just gotten back from the mall. The girls were upstairs doing whatever, and I had just spent the last couple minutes setting up my room, until Kashou called me down.

"Well that came outta nowhere." Cyan said.

"So...What do I do?" I ask, tying my apron around my back.

"Just watch and listen for now." He instructed, grabbing a few things from the fridge. He pulled out eggs, flour, sugar, and some other things. I wasn't really paying attention, just kinda thinking to myself.

"Now watch carefully." He takes a bowl out from one of the cabinets and begins cracking the eggs into it. He mixes in some flour, sugar, then I stopped paying attention and started daydreaming about whatever. In a few minutes he had a bater.

"...And that's how to make cake batter. Got it?" He asks. I nod, having no clue what he did. He pours the mixture into a tray and puts it in the oven. "Now you try."

"Uhh...Okay." I answer. I take the same ingredients from the counter and take out a bowl.

"I got this." I hear Cyan say.

"Thank God." I let my arms go limp while Cyan takes control. He starts to take the ingredients and mix them all into the bowl with a frightening mixture of confidence and flare. It took him a few minutes, but i felt the control go back to my arms.

"There. Done." I say. I glance over to Kashou, looking at the mixture with surprise in his eyes.

"Wow...You're a natural." He took the mixture and pour it into a tray, setting it aside for later.

"Thanks..." I say.

"You're welcome." Cyan says in a slightly aggravated tone.

"The' thanks' was for you too."

"So...what 'work' would I do?" I ask Kashou as he pulls some things out of the fridge.

"Well, you can help me in the kitchen, and if we need some extra could do that too."

"Alright...But I'm not much of a people person." I say, nervously rubbing the back of my neck.

"That's alright...You shouldn't have to go out all too often."

"Thanks again. You know....For everything." I begin to hear light footsteps and laughter above us. "Heh...You took good care of my sisters."

"Hey....Where did you come from?"

"I--I--" I stutter, trying to find the right words.

"The Forest." Cyan says. "Just don't mention the lab."

"I--I came from the forest. I've been living there for a while. My parents just kinda left me and my sisters there, I've been taking care of them...until they wandered off. I couldn't find I expected the worst...Guess I could've checked out the city sooner, but I didn't know how people would react to...ya"

The room goes silent for a few moments, until someone comes down the stairs.

"Master! Chocola's hungry!" She complained, entering the kitchen.

"We had lunch a few hours ago. It's not even 5 yet." Kashou said.

"Awww! Please!" She begged. The sound off the oven dinged and Chocola's nose perked up. "*sniff*, *sniff* Yay! You made cake! Can Chocola have some, please!" She begged again. Kashou tends to Chocola while I go take the cake out of the oven.

"Be careful!" He yells as I grab the tray and take it out.

"What?" I ask, standing with the burning hot tray in my bare hand.

"Onii-chan! That's hot!" Chocola yelled.

"It's not that bad." I set the tray down on the counter and rinse my hand off, steam coming from my hands when the cold water connects. I grab the tray with the batter and place it into the oven, setting the dials the same way as Kashou did. "Like this?" I ask. He nods and walks over to me, Chocola following.

"Well, now you have to frost it." He pulls out a few contains of frosting from the fridge and sets them on the counter in front of me. He pulls out a few nozzles, knives, and spoons to help me. I pop the lids off some of the contains, the ones containing red, black, and white frosting. I take a little taste. 

"Mmm~" It's sweet, smooth, and creamy. I take the frostings and go to work. I get to work, using the nozzles and knives to design the cake. Every few minutes Chocola would come besides me and open her mouth, head tilted upwards. I'd just squeeze some frosting into her and she'd go back over to Kashou. The end design is a red and white Wyrm dragon trailing up the sides of the cake, it's red resting on the top of a black skies background. I mix some red and black together to create a flame for the dragon. I finish up with an assortment of berries, to mimic stars against the sky, atop the cake.

"Done." I step back, admiring my work.

"It took me years to get to that kind of skill level...He might be better than me." Kashou thought to himself.

"Woah, It looks really good, Onii-chan! Now let Chocola have a bite!" She said, mouth practically watering at the sight.

I take one of the longer, sharp knives and slice into the cake. The inside looked a shimmering chocolate brown, moist and fluffy with a nice crust.

"Chocola? Where are you?" I hear Vanilla's voice call from outside the kitchen's doors. She pushes the doors open and looks at the cake. "Ohh. You were trying to hide this from me. Naughty people."

"I was gonna come get you girls in a minute." Kashou said defensively. "Can you call the rest of them down here?" Vanilla nodded and turned back to the stairs. In a few moments, all the girls had come downstairs and were sitting at the tables, waiting to be served.

"I'm gonna head upstairs for sec." I say, slipping my apron off and leaving the kitchen. I walk upstairs to change into some comfier clothes, since I was still wearing my torn up ones. I finish changing in my room and proceed to go back downstairs, until a shiny guitar catches my eye.

"Hey...Look at that." I say to myself as I approach it. I pick it up by the neck, admiring its glossy finish.

"You have a little could get some practicing in." Cyan says.

"But it's not even mine."

"It's not like this is your first time. I'm sure it'll be alright."

"Whatever you say Cyan." I sit down on the couch and start playing around with the guitar, getting a feel for this one in particular.

Maple POV

"Maple, would you go check on Midnight?"" Kashou asked me. I groan a bit, but nod and start up from my cake. I come up the stairs, as I walk, I begin to hear a soft melody being play on a guitar.

"Is that Midnight?" I thought to myself. I slowly, and quietly, open the door, being sure to close it behind myself. I stay behind the corner, listening in on his playing. The strings sound so beautiful in his hands, his transitions sound flawless. I can hear him start to hum a calm, soft melody while playing. I peek my head out to see him playing. I watch as his fingers move like silk against the fret board, his slender, yet long, fingers plucking the strings so vibrantly, yet so calmly. His humming soon turns into singing. His voice is so soft and gentle, the accompaniment of the guitar only amplifies his kind tone. It's so beautiful. I turn the corner and walk over to the couch beside the one he's on. I sit down, he doesn't even notice I'm there.

"Just a closer look won't hurt." I say to myself as I move closer to the guitar's neck. I study his hand's movement, how clean and smooth the fingers moved along the strings, it was breathtaking. He kept playing, but his hands started to get shaky and his voice started breaking. He stopped singing, and kept playing.

Midnight POV

"Hey, hey...It's alright...Don't cry." Cyan said.

"I know, I know....But I still miss her." The song I've been playing was an old lullaby my mother would sing to me as a little kid. It looks like the memories that come with it take a bigger toll on my emotions then I thought. I sigh and sniffle, fighting back the tears that her sweet lullaby brings. I keep my hands on the guitar, but I stop playing.

"Are you okay...?" I hear a soft voice ask. I glance besides me to see Maple, I freak out a bit.

"Wh-What, Wh-When did you...?" I stumble through my words. "When did you get here?" I finally ask.

"A little while ago..." She looked down at the floor. "You're really good..." She said quietly.

"Thanks...How much did you hear?"

"I don't know....I've been here for the past few minutes...Are you alright?.

"Yeah, *sniffle* I'm fine."

"No you're not."

"No you're not." Maple and Cyan say in tandem.

"Yeah...*sniffle* I guess the sniffling gave it away, huh?"

"No...It was your playing...You started getting really shaky and then you just stopped."

"The song was an old lullaby my mother would sing to me...I haven't seen her in years" I can feel the tears well up behind my eyes. Maple shifts a little closer to me, and gently wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me into her hug. 

The emotions are too much for me to handle. My eyes start leaking uncontrollably, but I don't make a sound. 

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." I say quietly through my sobs. 

"It's fine..." She said quietly, starting to stroke my hair gently. The feeling just added onto the wave of emotions that were hitting me, making me cry even more.

"Come on Midnight...There's nothing we can do about it...So why cry about?"

"Alright, alright...Just give me a sec." I take a deep breath and sigh. I pull back from Maple and shake my head, drying some of my tears. 

"Thanks...I kinda needed that..." I said, trying to avoid eye contact with Maple. Unfortunately, my eyes decided to rest on her chest, I had to pull them away quickly. 

"It's alright..." She said.

Maple POV

"Damn it...These situation are so awkward...But I guess...He is family now..." I thought to myself as he finished crying.  I stand up and walk back towards the door.

"The others are waiting for us downstairs...Come down when you're ready..." I take my leave and close the door behind me. I walk downstairs to see the others had finished eating, all of them relaxing and talking amongst one another. 

"What took you so long?" Azuki asks, looking away from Coconut.

"She was practicing. Could you not hear it?" Coconut responded, looking back at Azuki. The two start to argue back and forth for no apparent reason. I just sigh and walk over to a seat.

"Where's Midnight?" Kashou asks.

"Oh yeah...He was taking a nap. I didn't want to wake him up..." I lied.

Midnight POV

"Play along...You were napping...Got it?" Cyan asked.

"Yeah, yeah." I respond. We had waited on the stairs to see how the situation would unfold. After hearing Maple's cover story, Cyan had the idea to play along. 

I walk down the stairs, stretching my arms out. "Hi..." I say in a faked, tired voice.

"Morning Onii-chan! Or afternoon...or...Uhhhh..." Chocola began as she tried to find a way to greet me.

"Hello Onii-chan." Vanilla says, patting Chocola's head lightly. "The cake was delicious." She said, looking back at me.

Chocola nodded in agreement. "Yeah! It was really moist and fluffy and sweet...Chocola loved it!" She jumped up and wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm glad you liked it *yawn*" I wrap one arm around her back, and use my other to rub my eyes. 

"Yeah! It's really good..." Coconut began.

"Especially for your first time..." I hear Azuki mutter.

"I'm going to set up for the next few days. The rest of you can do whatever until Shigure gets here."

"Yes!" The girls yell, nodding at Kashou. He walks off into the kitchen and the girls begin to swarm around me. I didn't notice it at first, until Chocola and Vanilla grabbed my wrists and locked their tails around my legs, keeping me from moving.

"Alright...What do you want?" I ask my sister.

"It's not what we want..." Vanilla begins.

"It's what they want!" Chocola exclaims, using her free hand to gesture to the other girls.

Azuki walks up to me and meets my eyes. I almost laugh watching her try to make full eye contact since she's so short.

"Look Midnight...I have question...And you're going to answer them." She instructs, placing her finger on the middle of my chest.

"And if I don't." I tease.

"Then I'll do this." She says. She tries to hit me in the stomach, but she actually hurts her own hand against my abs.

"Oww! What the hell do you have under there?!" She yells. She flips my shirt up and locks eyes onto my abs.

"Yeah...I should've warned you. These are hard enough to crush rocks." I says, I try to move my hands, but Chocola and Vanilla still have them locked in place.

"Can't you just yank your hand away? There's no way they're strong enough to hold you." Cyan says.

"I could...but I'm enjoying this."

"Woah..." Coconut and Cinnamon say. Maple averts her eyes and Azuki just mutters under her breath, still standing in front of me.

"Alright, what questions do you all have?" I ask. I pull Chocola and Vanilla along as I go to sit down. The two sit next to me while the others pull chairs around the table.

"What breed of cat are you?" Maple asks as soon as she sits down.


"With what?" Azuki follows.

"No idea. Next."

"Oh, oh. I got one! Flex!" Cinnamon calls out, bouncing in her seat a bit.

"That's not a question." Cyan says.

"Oh shut it." I reply. I shake Chocola and Vanilla's hands off of my wrists and raise my arms. I flex my arms, showing off my heavily defined muscles...Years of training and working out does wonders for the body by the way.

"He's making me drool~" Cinnamon cooes, her mouth practically hanging open.

"You really have no shame, don't you?" Azuki says.

"Why are you so weird? It's freaking me out." Maple says, inching away from Cinnamon.

"Okay..." I say, relaxing my arms and dropping them back besides me. Chocola and Vanilla clasped their hands back around my wrists. "Really? You two act like I'm gonna run away."

"It's just in case you get any ideas." Vanilla says, tightening her grip. I slip my tail out and tickle underneath Vanilla's nose.

"Hey...No , Ah, ah, fair...*achoo*!" She sneezes.

"Oh right. Your tail!" Coconut exclaimed.

"What about it? I ask, bringing it down from Vanilla's nose.

"How did you make it into a chain at the store?"

"Oh...that..." I bring my tail open and rest it on the table. "I can tense up the muscles in my tail, making it really strong or loose. Same thing with the fur on my tail." I tense up tail, making it take the shape of a chain, using my tail's muscles and the fur.

"But what about the color?" Azuki asks.

"Oh...I can change my tail's color..." I flex it once more, making it go through an arrangement of colors over the course of a few seconds. I glance up to see the girls staring at my tail, almost hypnotized by the spectacle. I tense up my tail, and it goes back to its normal pitch black coloring.

"How can you do that." Maple asked, starstruck.

"Idiot...How are you gonna explain this!" Cyan scolds.

"I got this."

"My tails really special. I got the color changing ability from my mom and the length and muscle tightening from my dad." I explain.

"How did that work?"

"I don't know...But it did." I glance over to see Chocola and Vanilla tensing up their tails, nothing's really happening. They keep trying until they're out of breath.

"Onii-chan! Chocola can't do it!" She complains.

"It's not working." Vanilla says, dropping her tail.
"It's genetics...Only a boy can inherit those traits." I explain.

"That's not how it works..." Cyan says.

"Like I said earlier...Shut it."

"One more question..." Cinnamon begins. She started to let her mouth hang open a bit. "Have you gone through heat yet?!" She yells.

"What? What's heat?" I ask. The other girls look at me with a confused look.

"How do you not know what heat is? You're a cat...boy..." Azuki says, slowing down as she says "catboy".

"Wait...Do male cats even go through heat?" Azuki thought to herself.

"What is it?" I look over to my sisters, still holding onto me.

"Heat is what we go into when it's breeding season." Vanilla explains.

"Yeah! Chocola already went through it once." She explained. "We also get REALLY horny~" She cooed, putting a lot of emphasis on "really".

"I didn't need to know that last part Chocola." I say.

"Those Bastards didn't even tell us about our own damn biology!" I scream internally. "How haven't I gone through it yet? I'm older than Vanilla and Chocola."

"We're male. We don't go through heat." Cyan says.

"How do you know that?"

"I'm awake when they're experimenting on you. They talk about some pretty interesting stuff when you're under."

"That's how you knew where are the guards were when we escaped."


"And besides..." I continue. "I'm male. I don't go through heat."

"Hopefully..." I hear Cyan mutter. I just ignore his comment. 

"Oh..." Cinnamon says, gently wiping her mouth.

"Alright...Everything's ready for later." Kashou says, coming out of the kitchen.

"When does the store open up again?" I ask.

"In two days from now." He answers. "Alright girls, Shigure will be here in a few minutes. Get everything ready." Kashou instructs. The girls nod and disperse throughout the area. Chocola and Vanilla let go off me a walk off. I stay seated, and noticed Maple and Cinnamon walking over to Kashou.

"Let's do a little snooping." I thought as I let me ears perk up to listen in on their conversation.

"Hey..." Maple says quietly. "Can we stay over tonight..." She looks away as she says this.

"Come on Maple...You have to mean it~" Cinnamon teases.

"Please...Can we stay over?" She asks, a little more confidently. Kashou places a light kiss on the two girl's lips.

"Of course you can...I have to give you two just as much attention as the others, don't I?" He teased.

"He's pretty smooth." Cyan says, making a foggy appearance of his body appear on the table in front of me.

"I know...It's kinda weird." I respond. I place my elbows on the table, resting my head on my heads.

"You alright?" Cyan asks.

"I don't know...I feel light headed."

"Go lay down...or eat something. You haven't eaten all day."

"And? I can go weeks without eating."

"Doesn't mean you should..." Cyan says quietly.

"Whatever, I'm gonna lay down." I stand up and start to walk back upstairs. I reach my room and slip out of my clothes, just leaving on my underwear. I spent about an hour setting everything up. The bed was in the corner, diagonal from the door. There was a nightstand to the left of the bed, and closet which housed my new clothing. I lay on the bed and let out a groan.

"Are you alright?" Cyan asked, with a stronger presence of concern in his voice.

"Yeah...Just...tired..." I can feel my body shutting down as I slowly fall into a deep sleep.


"Stop!..." I hear a voice yell as it echoed throughout my head. "You're hurting them! You're hurting me! Stop it! I wish you stayed in that stupid lab!" I hear the voice yell, still echoing as it spoke. I get pushed to the ground to see a figure standing over me, it's eyes giving off a pure black glow.

"Wha--What's happening?" I ask. The figure looks down to me and open's it mouth, revealing a set of long, sharp, jagged teeth.

"Retribution..." The voice calls out. It slowly raises it's hand and extends long, glowing black claws. It stabs them into my stomach, I try to scream, but nothing comes out. I look down at the wound, then back to the face of my executioner. I look in horror as the face staring back at me was my own, expect it had a wide, evil grin covering it's face. "Soon...You'll understand...Until then...You're of no use to us." It goes to slash at my face with it's free hand.

End of Dream

I shot open from the bed, moments before the claw reached my face. I clutch my chest and pant heavily, my eyes wide with fear from the horrifying image. I look up to see something reflecting the glint of moonlight in the room, a pair of amber eyes. I freeze a bit and ready my claws, until the figure speaks.

"Midnight...Are you alright...?" It asks in a gentle tone. My claws retract as I realize it's just Cinnamon.

"Yeah...I'm fine...Just a dream...just a dream..." I finish the sentence in a hushed tone.

"Want a little company..." She asks meekly. I just shrug to myself and flip over a portion of the covers, allowing Cinnamon to slip in next to me. She snuggles a little closer to me.

"You know...You were being a little loud..." She began. "I could hear you from the other room..." She looks up at me. "Must have been a bad dream."

"A little..." I say quietly. She moves her body up a bit, so she's laying higher than I am. She pushes my body down a bit, sliding lower on the bed. She reached her hand out to start playing with my hair.

"I'll make you feel better..." She says sweetly, gently stroking my hair. I nuzzle up against her. She uses her other hand to guide my head onto her chest. I rest it in between her breasts, each one was like a pillow. I don't really try to fight it, I'm just to tired.

"Mmmm...These are soft~" I coo, half-asleep. I hear her giggle gently as I start to fall back asleep. 

Cinnamon's POV

"You're so cute..." I say quietly. Midnight had his head in between my boobs as he fell back asleep. I gently place a kiss on his head, he groans a bit and nuzzles his head a bit deeper into my chest. 

"Weird...His body feels like it's heating up." I thought as it feels a bit warmer with him laying on me, not that I mind it.

Okay, next chapter can go one of two ways. Either it begins in the morning and continues normally, or I could have a little sex scene then right back to the main plot. You guys can decide while I work on some ideas for later in this story. Updates should also be more frequent since I just started my summer break.

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