Love is a Battlefield, Litera...

By JessicaCade_

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Love is all "Percabeth" (and a bit lot of smut inside) More



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By JessicaCade_

Chapter 10: Badass Better Win The Fight

"Do you honestly think I'd let that worthless piece of shit win? Maybe if I'm lucky, I could make a Sam-shishkabob. No, then we wouldn't get to watch his nude-ass run around the boat being the sorry virgin he is." Percy laughed.

Under normal circumstances, I would have been laughing along but something about his words made me feel uneasy. -being the sorry virgin he is, what was wrong with that sentence? I feel like I'm missing something completely obvious. I pushed it to the back of my mind for later observations and thought about the future. Three hours into the future to be exact. There is a chance he might not walk away from this, that realization hit so hard that I was having trouble breathing.

What would I do if Percy got hurt or worse, died. I know that he's been in a million life or death experiences but when you know what's coming you can't help but panic a little. Ouch, my chest hurts. Like somebody is poking my heart with a scapel over and over and is just taunting me. Seeing how long I can last, like an experiment. I ignored the pain and studied Percy's every feature. I didn't know what to do for him, I couldn't even tell him it's going to be alright and he'll make it out. He might not.

I sighed in frustration and pain, I grabbed his hand and ran. I lead the way back to my room and sat on my bed. I looked into his eyes, even though they were brown I knew they were his. I flung my arms around his neck and kissed him with enough force to make us fall of the bed. "Whoa! What's gotten into you?" Percy asked playfully.

I was on top of him and I used that to my advantage, now he was the one with his arms pinned above his head. I released his arms and cupped my hands on both sides of his face. "Promise me..." I started but my voice faltered. I started again, "Promise me you won't die. Promise you'll come back to me, no matter what."

"I'll come back to you. Always. Or until you don't want me anymore..." he said sadly.

"Hey! I'll always want you, stop talking like that!" I whispered animately. I didn't wait for a response, I kissed him again.

When the moment was over, I rolled off of him and stood up. He jumped up beside me and I led him back to the big room with the mechanical minotaur. We searched for the perfect sized armor and we managed to find him a sword that was balanced almost perfectly. We ran back to the room again and I opened his bag. I found what I was looking for immediately and threw it to him. He grabbed them and took off his shirt and replaced it with the black torn sleevless, he took off his pants. He was completely comfortable with me saying as we slept in the same bed. I laughed at his boxers, they had superman on it. He blushed and quickly put on the tight jeans.

Putting the armor on him was not the easiest thing to do, it took nearly half an hour! When it was on, I searched through my bag and found the paint made specifically for this kind of stuff. Percy stepped back cautiously and I rolled my eyes at him, he sighed and turned around. "It better not be something corny." he warned.

I spray painted "Bad Ass" on his armor and traced a pitbull on either side of the cuffs. He looked in the mirror when I was done and smiled widely, he pulled me into a hug. "I actually look like a real bad ass now! You're the most awesome, smart, pretty, amazing, gifted-" he cut off abruptly when he realized he was rambling.

I kissed him and whispered in his ear, "You forgot sexy."

"Sexy." he agreed.

"You know what we're going to do when you're done kicking Sam's ass?" I asked

"Make-out." he said unsurely.

"No, well yes, but after."

"If you tell me then I'd know."

"Hang on." I said. "Hey Thals! Get in here!" I mentally yelled.

After a minute, Thalia strode in the room and sat on my bed. Percy sat down across from her and pulled me into his lap. "Whoa, Annabeth! Not that game again!" Thalia said after, no doubt, scanning my thoughts.

I ignored her and Percy gave me a look he wore all to often-his confused look. "Last year me, Thalia, and some of the other girls at camp came up with a new game. It ended up being a huge mix of some of the funnest games to play at parties and stuff." I explained.

"Don't even think about telling him how it works." Thalia all but begged.

"Well someone spins a bottle and the person it lands on has to choose between a kiss that lasts atleast five seconds or they could pick truth or dare. If you fail the dare then you have to sing a song of the spinners choice. If you fail to answer on a truth-"

"Don't tell him. We shouldn't play that game ever again." Thalia interupted.

"You have to take off an article of clothing, it could be a shoe, sock, necklace, anything." I finished as I got up to check the time. It bothered me that she was still touchy about the last time we played. It was almost 1:00, 2 hours until the duel.

I turned to catch Percy checking me out. Thalia was staring at him with a clearly disgusted expression. I do not want to know what that boy is thinking right now.

Two hours go by very fast when you have friends as great as mine. I was worried sick, I resorted to chewing my nails which made me angry because it took me three years to break that habit. What can I say, bad habits die hard. He kissed me once more and walked into the wrestling cage. It was big enough to spar comfortably in it and the spectators wouldn't get hurt, perfect right? Wrong. I did not like bars seperating me and him at all.

I took a deep breathe and yelled, "3. 2. 1. Fight!" I winced as I heard a clang that could only be created by two swords hitting each other, and hard. Zeus I hope Percy wins. For the sake of my tongue. For the sake of my mouth. For the sake of my lunch which could come back.

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