The Immortal Guardians: Book I

By jen1234

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The Immortal Guardians: Guardian in Training Iris Burke is an Immortal, a long living group of humans with a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five: Ezra POV
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Part Forty
Chapter Forty-one
Chapter Forty-two: Back to Iris POV

Chapter Twelve

13.3K 865 71
By jen1234

"Burke" Byron yelled at me. I cringed.

"What the hell was that?" he towered over me. He pointed at my sword on the ground. It had slipped out of my hand. I was too sore and tired.

"Can I have break?" I sighed.

"No" he scoffed. "Pick it up, I'm going to add on another half hour if you"

"Fine-fine jeeesh keep your blade on" I grumbled. I walked stiffly to my sword. I couldn't even bend to pick it up.

I went back to stand to at my starting position. We were in what the Guard members called the Sticks Room. It was a room on a rotating moving platform, there were wooden pillars that moved towards you. You had to quickly dodge and strike the pillars. I had hit the edge of one of the pillars and my practice sword had flown out of my hand.

I lifted my sword. Byron started the exercise. I kept missing one of the pillars, that was in the middle. I couldn't strike it fast enough.

I heard an irritated sound from the intercom.

I gritted my teeth in response. I was starting to think that I was just going to drive my own practice blade into myself.

I tripped over one of the edges, falling flat on my face. I immediately tasted the blood.

"Damn it" I wiped my hair back. The platform stopped moving.

I heard footsteps.

"Let me see" Byron stood over me. I got to my feet slowly. I had blood all over my shirt. Byron moved hair away from my face slowly. I couldn't look at him.

"It might be broken" he leaned in close.

"If you would have just given me a break" I huffed in his face. He lifted his hand and I slapped it away. I finally looked at him. "You don't listen, I don't know what your problem is" My nose was still bleeding.

I tilted my head backwards.

"I'm gong to the infirmary, I'll see  you tomorrow" I didn't bother looking at him. I quickly left. Instead of going to the infirmary, I went straight to my room. Ares was waiting for me.

"Stupid, Byron" I muttered to myself, irritated. I sat down on my bed and I fell backwards. Ares rubbed his head against mine. "I hate him."

Ares seemed to be laughing at me. He was telling me that I didn't actually hate him.

"What do you know?" I replied, annoyed. "I'm going to fry you"

Ares let out a laughing twinkling sound. He healed up my nose. I went into the bathroom. I took a long soothing shower.

I needed to find a way to get rid off Byron. He didn't listen to anything I said and worst of all he wasn't helping me. He knew I had to rank.

He was a terrible instructor. I needed a new one.

I jumped out of the bathtub almost falling on my face again. I needed to go see Dr. Nan, he would probably help me.

"Dr. Nan can I talk to you?" I asked him.

"The answer is no, Iris" he didn't look up from his desk.

"Sir, do you know what I came to talk to you about?" I pressed. I stood at the door.

"You wish to have a different instructor, my answer is no. Byron will keep training you."

"But sir"

"No" Dr. Nan looked up. "My answer is no, whatever your problem is with Byron, fix it."

"But sir." I had to get him to hear me out.

"Close the door and take a seat" Dr. Nan sighed. I did what I was told.


"Byron is your instructor for a reason, I want the best student teaching you. I will not replace Byron because you two can't get along."

"Sir, he said"

"I'm very well aware what Byron has said and I have already spoken with him. If he has any concerns he will discuss them with me and if you need to know them, I will inform you." He paused momentarily. "He is a great swordsmen Iris. I have him training you because you are great too. I know I can see it. Whatever problems are between the both of you- you need to resolve them. That is between the both of you so fix them. You are excused." He smiled at me. I opened my mouth. I snapped my teeth shut.

What if my grandmother called, I quickly thought to myself. I was going to be that kid that went to their parents when they were upset with a teacher.

"Your grandmother is aware of the situation, she agrees with me." Dr. Nan's lips twitched. I scoffed.  I got to my feet.

"Get to know Byron, you'll like him."

I made a face at him.

"I'll try, sir" I felt slightly defeated as I walked out of his office.

            "I heard you went to Dr. Nan" Byron smirked at me. I glowered at Byron. He rolled his eyes in response. I had done everything I could to get a different instructor but Dr. Nan wouldn't budge. I was stuck with Byron.

"Yes, I tried to get rid of you" I told him without blinking. He forcefully tied my arm plates. I gritted my teeth.

"So have I but it looks like we are stuck with each other for the next couple of years until your training is over."

I didn't answer him. After my practice session, I waited until everybody had left.

            "Do you still think I won't Rank?" I asked him. I met his dark green eyes.

"I was told not to discuss any matters with you" Byron replied. He stepped away from me. I had a month until my first official Rank. I grabbed his arm.

"Yes or no Byron" I met his eyes. "Tell me, I have every right to know. I'm the Guardian, you aren't. I have to Rank you know that."

"You won't" Byron lifted my fingers from his arms.

"What am I doing wrong?" I turned on him. "I'm doing everything you ask, I'm giving it 110% effort." I was close to tears again. "Tell me"

"Pick up your sword" Byron ordered. "Take off  your plates."

I didn't hesitate.

            We stepped into the middle of the mat. I lifted my sword and he lifted his.

"You aren't doing anything wrong" Byron met my eyes. He struck suddenly. I wasn't able to move fast enough, his blade grazed my thigh. "You are improving fast, very fast." He moved around me quickly. I've never had a practice session like this with him before. He wasn't blinking as he struck and dodged my own movements.

"But" his blade sliced my arm. "You are too slow and too weak for a sword fight." His blade barely touched my cheek. I couldn't keep up with him. I was breathing hard and sweating. I was too busy blocking him. "When you go up against your opponent, I want you to block." He struck his sword down on mine. My arm shook as I tried to keep his blade away from my face. "Block her and stay light on your feet." He lifted his sword.

I wiped the sweat from my face

"You've got a real advantage, you are small but these girls are going to bigger than you. They have been training for years Iris."

I nodded. I silently put my sword away. I didn't tell him anything.  As soon as I was out of the gym. I burst into tears.

He was right. I wouldn't even Rank in the top ten.

            For the next month, I was up. I made myself get up and get an extra work out in the simulation room before my crossfit class at Six am. I hated the simulation room, it was like being against an opponent with a real blade. I was sliced up within two weeks of my own training.

"Much better" Byron called to me. He nodded approvingly. "You are doing much better, stay on your toes. You are doing great. Take  a break"

He paused the stimulation room. I stepped outside. Ezra and Thomas had been watching. They were standing away from Byron.

"Nice" Ezra slapped my arm. I winced in pain. I put my sword down and I sank into a seat. I had two weeks left. I was starting to feel the pressure. I could barely sleep or eat. I had dropped some weight. The only one that was calm was Ezra but I knew he would Rank. He was the best in daggers.

"We've got to get back" Thomas rubbed my head. "We'll see you later at dinner, okay"

I nodded not answering. When they were gone, Byron approached me. He handed me a water bottle.

"Go and rest, you are doing better. We are done for the day."

I was about to protest but Byron shook his head.

"Go and rest" he emphasized. "Don't go on a run, don't go lift weights. Go get some sleep. I want you to eat, you haven't eaten at all during dinner"

"I have" I answered. I took a gulp of water.

"Stop trying to lie to me. I'm aware of your diet, I know you aren't eating during dinner. You need food and sleep. Worrying isn't going to change the outcome."

I met his eyes.

"Sleep before dinner" he emphasized. I got to my feet with a sigh. I put my equipment down. "By the way, the simulation room will be closed for cleaning for the next week in the morning" I turned to him. He was shutting down the program. "I would try the dart room, it will be open by 5 am."

So he knew. Of course he did.

"Go get some sleep" he met my eyes.

"Thanks" I walked away.

            I wasn't hungry at dinner-time. I hadn't even been able to sleep. I sat down across the boys. Thomas was looking a little worried too. He had bags under his eyes. He wasn't eating either. Ezra was stuffing his face.

"How can you possibly eat?" I made a face at him. I was anxious and nervous.

"How can you not?" he gave me a dirty look. "I'm hungry, aren't you. You guys are crazy" he chewed. "You guys need to eat, our bodies need the nutrients and the food-source"

"Shut up" Thomas and I told him.

            "Eat" Byron put a plate in front of me. He put one down in front of Thomas. Ezra glared at him, Byron ignored him and took a seat next to me. It was a salad with a steak. My stomach turned and I pushed the plate away.

"If you don't eat, I will tell Nurse Gail. You don't want to know what she will do with the food"

I sighed.

"I can't eat, I feel sickwhen I eat." I didn't look at him.

"We will sit here all night, eat at least half of it. You too Thomas. You guys need to keep your energy up."

He put a glass of water in front of me.

"Drink up"

            He carried me to my room. I was groggy.

"What did you give me?" I tried to lift my head.

"Something to help you sleep" Byron answered. Ares appeared followed us. I shook my head.

"Jerk" I grumbled as he put me on my bed.

"This jerk is worried about you" Byron told me. "Go to sleep."

            My alarm rang at 4:30, I sprang up in my bed. I wasn't well rested at all. I felt groggy and disoriented. I remembered Byron had drugged me last night.

"Asshole" I mumbled to myself as I slipped out of bed. I got dressed into some workout clothes. I made my way to the dart room. This was another room, I hated. It hurt to be hit by one of these.        "Shit" I cussed as I fell on my knees. I stared at my shoulder. I had a dart stuck in it. I heart the machine stopping. I lifted my head, Byron was standing by it.

"I thought the potion would completely knock you out" Byron's lips twitched. "I should have given you more. I was going to let you sleep in today."

He kneeled in front of me. I sat up. He pulled the dart out. I turned my face from him.

He touched my arm. I had been hit earlier by another dart.

"You are going to wear yourself before your Rank" Byron told me softly. "You need to relax"

"I can't" I told him through gritted teeth. "I can't" I blinked away tears. "You don't understand the pressure I feel"

"No I don't" I met his eyes. "But I can imagine what you are going through isn't easy, Iris."

"But working yourself to death, isn't going to help you. You need to take some time off to heal. You are working too hard." He told me calmly.

"Oh so now you care" I got to my feet. I grasped my arm. I could just bandage it.

"I have always cared, iris" he replied. I looked over at him. "Of course, I care about you. I want you to succeed. I want you to Rank number one but I'm not going to stand around and watch you wear yourself out."

I hardened my jaw.

"I have two weeks to improve, I'll see you in half an hour for crossfit." I turned away from him. I started up the machine. I wrapped my arm up while it warmed up.

"Go back to bed." he muttered. "Don't go to class. I'll see you this afternoon"

I ignored him.

   I ended up going to class but the instructor turned me away. Byron had probably gone to him. I went to the library instead. I had to finish some assignments.

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