The Moon Wolf

By CharlotteCanyon

143K 2.9K 1.1K

There is a great mystery surrounding a lone she-wolf who wanders the northern mountain on the outskirts of Gr... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 (1st Draft)
Chapter 2 (1st Draft)
Chapter 3 (1st Draft)
Chapter 4 (1st Draft)
Chapter 5 (1st Draft)
Chapter 6 (1st Draft)
Chapter 7 (1st Draft)
Chapter 8 (1st Draft)
Chapter 9 (1st Draft)
Chapter 10 (1st Draft)
Chapter 11 (1st Draft)
Chapter 12 (1st Draft)
Chapter 14 (1st Draft)
Chapter 15 (1st Draft)
Chapter 16 (1st Draft)
Chapter 17 (1st Draft)
Chapter 18 (1st Draft)
Chapter 19 (1st Draft)
Chapter 20 (1st Draft)
Chapter 21 (1st Draft)
Chapter 22 (1st Draft)
Chapter 23 (1st Draft)
Chapter 24 (1st Draft)
Chapter 25 (1st Draft)
Chapter 26 (1st Draft)
Chapter 27 (1st Draft)
Chapter 28 (1st Draft)
Chapter 29 (1st Draft)
Chapter 30 (1st Draft)
Chapter 31 (1st Draft)
Chapter 32 (1st Draft)
Chapter 33 (First Draft)
Chapter 34 (First Draft)
Chapter 35 (First Draft)
Chapter 36 (First Draft)
Chapter 37 (First Draft)
Chapter 38 (First Draft)
Chapter 39 (First Draft)
Chapter 40 (First Draft)
Chapter 41 (First Draft)
Chapter 42 (First Draft)

Chapter 13 (1st Draft)

3.6K 86 54
By CharlotteCanyon

A.N.: There is some violence in this chapter. It is not graphic but it is there. Just wanted to give you a heads-up.

They did not encounter another living soul during the slow climb down to the pack house, which was situated on the edge of town. Penn kept her ears, eyes and nostrils on high alert for any sound, sight or scent of strange wolves even while in her skin. Now was not the time to let her guard down just because Anex, Beta Lucas and the wolves with them had all turned out to be quite pleasant and accommodating despite having to deal with a rogue.

Beta Lucas had explained back further along the trail that when they broke through the woods at the bottom of the mountain they would fist encounter the training grounds, which were situated at the back of the pack house. He told Penn and the pups that they would skirt around the training grounds before coming to the pack house where the welcome committee would be waiting for them.

The children had half expected to see some new faces as they passed by the training grounds and Penn was prepared to brace herself for some nasty insults, some posturing and maybe even a threat of a fight or two from some of the warriors in training. However, before they even neared the bottom of the mountain she realized she couldn't hear any training going on and she couldn't smell any sweaty wolves. In fact, she couldn't pick up any close wolf scents at all beyond their own group.

When they finally did exit the woods and passed by the training grounds, they found the area devoid of life. Not a single soul, not even a care-taker, was in the place. Penn felt a little rush of relief and the tension in her body eased up significantly. For her it meant a likely hurdle had been avoided and she was grateful.

The children were disappointed that they weren't going to witness any wolves in training. Penn didn't say anything about the lack of warriors or onlookers of any kind, as she listened with a half an ear to the children lament among themselves over the empty grounds. She suspected that everyone had been told to clear off until the pups were settled in or, more likely, until the rogue was long gone.

Having a rogue on pack territory would make all the pack-wolves uneasy - especially warriors in training who might be looking for a fight and a way to prove themselves. Emptying out the training grounds was just common sense.  Particularly since there were pups around who could be badly injured if a fight of any kind were to break out. Penn was pleased to see that the Orthos ack Alpha was a discerning wolf who thought ahead. 

But, thinking of their Alpha made Penn tense up. She suddenly wondered if the Orthos Alpha knew his Beta had invited her to stay until the pups were settled and not just for this little meet and greet? Surely, she told herself, Beta Lucas had called ahead and let the man know.

Her stomach rolled and twisted uncomfortably. She hated alpha males. Particularly, the alpha male of an established pack. Alphas were irrational, hot headed, unpredictable and violent. With the exception of Lara's mate Preston, who had treated her well because she had saved his mate, Penn had never had anything but bad experiences at the hands of alphas starting with the alpha of her birth-pack.

Penn gritted her teeth. She didn't have much hope of a positive experience with this alpha if the bulk of her past experiences was any indicator of what she could realistically expect from another pack-alpha. So, when the welcome committee finally came into view, and the children began to talk with nervous excitement among themselves, Penn stomach bottomed out and she didn't feel like being there at all.

In fact, she felt like high-tailing it out of Orthos territory before she came face to face with some power-hungry alpha, who would like nothing more than to make an example out of her by ripping her in two in front of his pack's leadership and the pups.

She cursed herself for not thinking ahead. How could she forget that in order to stay with the pups for even a night she was going to have to meet the pack's Alpha. It was just standard business. And while she survived meeting the pack's Man at Arms, and the pack''s First Beta, who had both turned out to be reasonable wolves with good heads on their shoulders, that did not mean she would find their Alpha just as rational and even tempered.

As the accumulative dread, fear and hatred of ten plus years of bad experiences began to rise, Penn's natural instinct for self-preservation began to take over. Her vision and hearing both sharpened in anticipation of trouble up ahead. He body's muscles tightened and clenched ready to spring into quick action. Even her teeth elongated in her mouth a fraction or two. Her body was preped to make the transformation from her skin to her fur at a moment's notice whether to defend herself or the pups from potential danger.

But, she kept this all under wraps. She schooled her face and masked the ready state of her body with a cool and indifferent walk. Anyone looking at her, sizing her up, would think she wasn't the least bit concerned or prepared for an attack. Years of practice had made her adept at hiding her fear and her intent to kill from both prey and foe alike. This was an essential survival skill when living wild.

Penn sighed heavily before she took in a deep breath, exhaled it slowly and committed herself, mind, body and spirit, to follow through - to defend herself and the pups without hesitation - come the very first serious act of aggression toward her.

She was a little startled when Cassidy suddenly took her arm, a bit nervously, and whispered, "Which one is Alpha Troy?"

Though Penn had never seen the Alpha of Orthos before, she could spot an alpha a mile away. Especially, when standing in a crowd. Everything about a pack alpha was generally bigger, better and more fierce than any other wolf in the pack - even in his skin he would appear impressive.

Now that they were close enough to get a clear look at the welcome committee, a mixed group of men and women dressed in casual business attire, Penn didn't have any trouble making out which of the tall and intimidating males was the alpha.

Without pointing Penn said, "He's the one with the tie." Most of the men wore slacks and button down shirts but there was only one man there with a tie and he happened to be the Alpha.

There was a man a bit taller and wider through the chest beside him, who could have easily been mistaken for the Alpha on looks alone. But, it wasn't just about who was the biggest man standing around. Penn could tell straight away he wasn't alpha material because he didn't exude an alpha-essence. He was most likely the pack's Second Beta.

Though physical appearances were often a dead giveaway when trying to spot an Alpha in a group, there was also something much more profound than just height, weight and muscle build, that set an Alpha apart from other wolves. Alphas nearly always, unless they were very good at concealing their presence, gave off a powerful atmosphere that acted almost like a physical force on the minds and bodies of those the Alpha governed.

It was something every wolf, whether a pack member or not, could physically sense. Though, from such a distance, Penn was not surprised that Cassidy had not picked up on it yet.

Penn looked back at the nervous pups and let out a low growl as she reminded them, "Walk straight, don't cower and don't be afraid. You have nothing to fear. No one here will harm you." She wanted to tag on 'cause I'll rip them to shreds', but thought better of it. It would likely make the pups more anxious and not less.

The children immediately adjusted their posture and their attitudes. They encouraged each other with smiles and the knowledge that Penn wasn't the least bit afraid and she wouldn't let anything happen to them. Penn gave them a nod of approval and a little wink before she turned her attention back to the wolves waiting for them.

The Alpha's dark black eyes caught Penn's the moment she looked back at his group. She schooled her features to remain neutral. She was not going to avert her eyes but she wasn't interested in challenging him. She just needed to establish, with direct and non-aggressive eye contact, that she was her own master and he was not alpha over her.

To her great astonishment he gave her a little nod of acknowledgement before Beta Lucas came into his line of vision and the two embraced each other in a friendly manner. Penn didn't know how to process this unexpected act of respect.

Instead of easing her mind it only heightened her paranoia. Was it a ploy? Was he trying to lull her into a false sense of security before he revealed what a jerk he really was? 

Well, she wasn't going to be caught unaware no matter what. He could pretend all he wanted in that moment, but she knew he hated her and wanted to kill her. All alphas hated rogues. Okay, not all, she told herself, but most in her experience. She couldn't afford to trust that this one was any different  just because he nodded at her.

Everything and everyone came to a halt the moment Beta Lucas and his group, along with Anex and his team, stopped in front of the welcome committee.  Penn and the children stood back a little ways while everyone greeted everyone. This gave Penn a good chance to really size up the welcome committee while they were so occupied.

Penn was a little surprised by nearly everyone's relaxed and non-hostile stances. None of them seemed concerned about the rogue in their midst. No one sent her icy looks or made threatening gestures when the others were or weren't looking. Penn was mildly confused.

Still she couldn't let her guard down just yet. Maybe it was all a ruse. Perhaps they were just as good at acting as she was. So, Penn didn't let her surprise show. Instead, she let her eyes sweep over everyone a second and third time until she noticed something - something dangerous.

The big brute to the Alpha's right, her left, caught her attention. He stood perfectly still, staring her down, while everyone else milled about smiling, laughing and greeting one another amicably. He never moved. He just stared straight at her.

Staring at her wasn't the issue though. It was the familiar gleam in his light brown eyes that was all too familiar to be mistaken. It was the look of someone who was out for blood and couldn't wait to taste his first bite. It was anticipation she saw in his eyes - anticipation for the kill.

And when his eyes slide ever so slightly from her to Cassidy and Jackson at her left, Penn knew he wasn't just gunning for her.

Calmly returning her general focus back to the Alpha, in an effort not to tip the lumbering ogre off that she knew what he was about to do, she half watched as the crowd in front of her split. Anex and his team happily stepped to the right, along with many of Beta Lucas' group, in an effort to allow the welcome committee to have full access to Penn and the pups.

The welcome committee, who were all smiles, advanced a few steps forward, closing the distance between her and them just marginally. And then, a loud terrifying growl split the happy atmosphere startling everyone but Penn and the wolf who made it.

In that moment, it was as if someone had hit a switch and the world went into slow-mo. Penn saw the alarmed looks on the committee faces as they stared straight at her. Despite the fact that the growl came from their own group, they had foolishly assumed she was the aggressor.

Next, Penn witnessed the Second Beta forcibly knock two committee members to the ground as he tore at his clothes and made a quick running leap into the air. He was going to transform mid-air and rip her throat out the moment he reached her.

Penn scoffed. She wasn't going to be taken down by the likes of him. He was no Alpha and he wasn't nearly as wild or as fast as she was. With her speed and a calculated strategy, she was certain she could take him down in one powerful move. Timing and the angle of her strike would be the key to a swift victory.

As his body began to transform, it was Penn's turn to act. She shoved Cassidy, who was standing at her left shoulder, to the ground and shouted for the children "Get down!"

Somewhere in the background she heard the children shriek and the Alpha command his Second Beta to stand down. But the Beta's course was set. Penn could see it in his eyes as he was fully enveloped in his wolf form.

Penn half crouched. Now was the time to strike back - a fatal blow.

Everything up until this moment was going by painfully slow until she launched herself into the air from her crouched position. Penn's whole world was thrown into fast forward as she transformed, mid-jump into her wolf-form and came right up under her attacker's exposed neck. Committed fully to the kill she opened her jaws, let out a feral growl, sunk her fangs into his windpipe and snapped her jaw shut. There was a terrible crunching sound in Penn's ears as his windpipe broke.

In the second following that sound, a sickening crack was heard by everyone present as his neck broke. It just so happened that the force of her body hitting him at nearly a 120 degree angle snapped his head back with such tremendous force that his thick neck broke a second or two after she had crushed his windpipe.

His body fell limp to the ground with Penn's fangs deeply embedded in his fur. Penn bristled and growled lowly at the strangers in front of her even with her teeth still stuck in her assailant's throat. Her eyes scanned the crowd of astonished faces. If any one of them made a move towards her and the pups she was prepared to rip every last one of them to shreds. 

Penn heard the Alpha tell everyone to pull back and to give the rogue space, and she thought to herself, there was a wise man. She let go of the Second Beta's limp throat and barred her teeth at the welcome committee who were moving back slowly but obediently. Their Alpha stood in front of them, arms spread wide, ready to protect them if Penn should launch her self at them.

His eyes, which were neither angry or accusing, never left her face. Again, Penn thought he was a very smart Alpha. The farther they stepped back the quieter her growls became. However, she wasn't ready to back down just yet. Her priority was keeping the pups safe from harm and she couldn't do that in her skin. So, she remained standing over her kill, baring her bloody teeth, and piercing every stranger there with a calculated stare. There could be no doubt about her intent. She was ready to kill again if any one of them made a move for the pups.

It was Cassidy who broke the dangerous tension that was continuing to build between Penn and the dumbstruck Orthos pack that stood with gaping mouths before her. Cassidy ran forward and placed her hand on Penn's thick black and grey fur trying to smooth down the hair that had raised all along the ridge of her spine during the attack.

"Penn," she pleaded quietly. Cassidy was terrified that if her new Alpha thought Penn was wild and out of control he would surely kill her to preserve the safety of the pack. Only, she knew Penn wasn't that kind of wild. Penn had proved time and time again to her, the pups and even Cassidy's mother that she was anything but just another blood-thirsty rogue.

"Please Penn," she implored quietly as she dug her fingers into Penn's thick coat and sank down to her knees beside the agitated wolf.

Penn turned an eye on Cassidy and stopped growling. She sniffed the girl over to make sure she was unharmed. And then she padded over to the pups to sniff each one of them as they crowded around her. When she was sure that they were all unhurt she trotted back up to the front of the group and sat down on her hind legs.

She didn't give the dead wolf even a passing glance. These were her pups until the Orthos pack's Alpha officially adopted them, which they had not done yet, and she was well within her rights to kill in order to protect herself and the pups from danger. She had nothing to be ashamed of. She had done nothing wrong. She had performed her duty as their temporary guardian and she would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant keeping them from harm.

So, instead of lamenting the dead wolf between her and the welcome committee, she kept her eyes on the Alpha. He was staring at her with the sort of intensity only an Alpha could produce. Only, Penn was not intimidated. She'd never cowered before an Alpha before and she wasn't about to start now even if she did just kill his Second Beta.

It was the Alpha's move. 

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