Blood and Lace

By Emerleeed

221 16 5

My name is Henrietta Davenport. Well that was before I was given the choice to throw away it all. To throw aw... More

Blood and Lace--Chapter 1
Blood and Lace--Chapter 2

Blood and Lace--Chapter 3

32 4 0
By Emerleeed

Chapter 3-The Choice

“Yes it’s me, and wait, you’re that hottie who took me home from Vision Nightclub last night.” He reached up and massaged his temples and began to take in his surroundings. “What happened anyway and, uh, why the hell am I in a box? But you know what though? I know this may be hard to believe but I will admit that I have been with quite a few unavailable girls in my time but this,” he chuckled and winked, “This is the first time one has kept me in box. Kinky. I like it.”

You dare to wink at me? I felt my temper rise. “You would be wise to know who you are speaking to boy. You need to leave now if you know what is good for you. Luck can only get you so far and it seems yours is all but spent on last night’s events.”

“Last night?” He seemed confused and scratched the top of his head as he lifted himself out of the wooden chest. “You know, to be honest the last thing I remember was you and me necking on the couch.” A sly grin spread from ear to ear as he jerked his head towards my pillow covered loveseat. He tested my patience as he dared to wink at me once more.

I felt my cheeks burn, though this was not his charm working on me. Once upon a time, perhaps it may have, but not now. If he only knew who I was, who he was speaking to. “Boy I swear to god, one more wink from you and I,” He cut me off.

“Oh honey, don’t get me wrong. You’re hot and all, a great body and an even better kisser but to be honest you’re not really my type. I’m flattered though.” Seeming quite pleased with himself he gazed around the room once more, his eyes darting across the floor around him and ending their journey upon his bare legs. They then rose to meet mine. That stupid grin grew once more upon his face. “Oh and hun, it seems I’m going to need to find my pants.”

Pants? Right they were singed away in the fire. Damn, first he wouldn’t die and now he needs new pants. Where am I going to find a pair of men’s pants at this hour? My heart sunk to the floor. I would have to either borrow or steal a pair. The men in my coven would only ask questions, ones which I could not risk to answer. I had to hide my injured hand as well, that would only draw more unnecessary attention. This boy and his baggage had to remain a secret, no one could know. I knew then I had only one option. I had to steal a pair from Lucien. Hopefully he and his mistress would both be out hunting tonight, though I had no way to be sure.

“You!” My eyes turned back to him. “Back in the box.”

His demeanor changed from cocky to nervous in the blink of an eye. “Why do I….”

Why does he have to be so damn stubborn? “I said now boy. If you would like a new pair of pants and to live out the remainder of your days alive and in peace, you would be wise to step back in the box until I return. Oh and boy? You would do best to stay quiet. It would be most unfortunate for us both if you were to be found.” Despite the confusion and fear that had grown in his eyes, he stepped back into the chest without a word and shut the lid.

I made my way across the room and placed the lock on and sealed the chest. As I drew my burnt hand deep into my sleeve, I let out a long sigh and I tried to convince myself that this was all worth it for ‘food’.


As I shut my door and headed down the hall way I became all too aware of my footsteps on the aged hardwood floors.  Relax Etta, he’s probably not even in the building, it’s still early in the evening. The attempts to calm my nerves were proving ineffective as I could feel the clamminess of my palms and small beads of sweat forming on my brow.

The silence that surrounded the hall offered me some comfort and as I carried on further throughout the coven my stride became more confident. Soon I was almost jogging towards the master’s chambers.

“What are you doing Etta? Turn back. Kill Him” I silently told myself as I rounded the hall and took the stairs downwards to the basement.

 A left, right, another right. Alright Etta you’re almost there. My pace slowed to an almost crawling speed as I approached the large iron clad doors, my heart creeping back into my throat from the nerves.

“Alright, it’s now or never.” I whispered to myself as I grasped the large handles. It took everything in me to unhinge the door and it opened with a great groan. I grimaced at the sound.

Inside of Lucien’s chamber it looked just as it had the last time I had entered, though under very different circumstances.

In front of me hung exquisite, thick black curtains that cascaded downwards from their supporting golden curtain rods. Lucian hated the sun, as we all did and there was no chance that even the smallest ray would be able to penetrate these. A marble fireplace, decorated with black and white speckles, stood towards the rear of the chamber and just beyond that, almost hidden, a large metal grate lay placed on the floor, identical to mine. 

There were grand tapestries covering the bare stone walls, as was common in the coven. Most of the tapestries found in the public areas depicted the most beautiful sceneries and ornate patterns. The two that lay before me, however, were very different indeed. They illustrated horrifying scenes of great battles and their triumphs, as well as erotic depictions of passion and love.

 I felt my cheeks flush as I began to remember my stays in this chamber, upon this bed. Lucien’s magnificent bed lay surrounded by these tapestries and was laden in layers of black, silken sheets and blankets. Though they were dark they felt warm, soft and welcoming to my touch but I knew better, I was not going to risk myself again. This bed and this room used to give me a much different feeling from when I first entered the coven, innocent and naïve. The excitement, adrenalin and ecstasy now seemed to be replaced with fear, pain and sadness. This seemed to weigh heavy on my heart. How the times have changed…

I let out a long sigh and soon realized I had let my mind wander for too long. I had no idea how much time had elapsed since I had entered. My eyes darted across the room as I surveyed the every inch of my surroundings and relief washed over me as it appeared I was alone in my master’s chambers, for now.

I had to be fast as I didn’t know when they would return. If I was caught, a chill ran down my spine, well I didn’t want to think about it but I knew exactly what would happen and I wasn’t about to let it happen again.

I dashed over to Lucien’s large rosewood wardrobe and swung the doors ajar. “Pants, pants, where the hell are the pants.”

It wasn’t long before I was able to find a pair. I had to hand it to him, Lucien only wore the best and these Armani dark washed denim were no exception to that. I stuffed the jeans beneath my sweater. Ok, I silently told myself, almost there. I made sure everything was back in place and quietly made my way to the door.

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