Branches - On Hold

By Sarah-Laney

5.3K 238 39

Sequel to Roots. In working progress. More

Branches - Prolouge
Branches - Chapter 2
Branches - Chapter 3

Branches - Chapter 1

1.3K 47 5
By Sarah-Laney

Chapter  One



Time, time is never really on my side…of course when is it ever? No matter how much I tried to wish for time to go by fast or slow, it always turns out to be the opposite.  How much time had passed? How much time did I have? How much time did Nunna have? Were all rotating round and round in my head as I continued to lay in a giant, yet elegant four poster bed in what I’ve been told to be called “my room” yet I’ve come to see it as just my prison.  There was always someone in the room, whether it’s my so called “father” or one of his most trusted men, mostly the man named, Johnson.  Then there was always just outside my bedroom door, and I’m sure stationed throughout the rest of the house.  Slowly the memories started to come back to me.  I was standing in the room, my father reveling that he has been alive after all these years, the look on his face as he looked at something or someone behind me, and then there was the sharp pain that burned into my side, I don’t remember if it was the shocking news or the pain that made me pass out first, but the last thing I felt was my head hitting the hard floor.  However, one thing was for certain, time had moved…a lot, the question was just how much?

My eyes shifted around the bright room, it was daytime that was for certain.  I could see the streams of light shining through the open white linen drapes.  I could hear the birds chirping from somewhere outside, yet close by, and I could hear the footsteps of men outside my room walking everywhere from inside the house. I attempted to sit up, however every movement hurt, I winced and fell back down against several of the plush pillows.

“Hold on Duchess, you’re not strong enough yet.” I heard the familiar sound of Johnson speak softly as he helped me up with a gentle touch to the arm and help me lean back against the pillows that were now upright.  What was going on?  What happened?  I wondered to myself briefly before the pounding in my head began again, and the burning pain of my lower back and side reminded me.

“Owww, what…what happened? Where am I? Where is he? Who are you? Let me go! You can’t keep me here…they will find me.” I said with a slurred speech as I tried to get out of the bed.  I quickly noticed that someone had changed me out of my dirty, tattered dress into a very modest nightgown; my fingers feeling the stitches and bandages on my head, as well as, the staples and gauze towards my lower back on my side.

“Duchess, where do you think you are going? Stop, calm down or you may start the bleeding again, and we just got it to stop yesterday afternoon.  Let me go get your father, okay? I’m sure he can answer your questions.  Rex! Get in here!” Johnson said loudly through the closed door as he didn’t take his eyes off of me.

The door flew open quickly, the movement making me a little dizzy and motion sick, yet passed within seconds to focus on what Johnson was commanding this new guy Rex to do.

“Watch the Duchess; don’t let her leave or get up.  She needs to rest, remember what Doc said.  I need to get Dimitri, and tell him she’s awake.  Don’t let her pull her staples out either.” Johnson said as he stepped back towards the door, then leaving me alone with the new guy, who looked just as awkward as I felt.  Did this guy speak Russian or English?  I wondered briefly as I studied him a little, noticing he was doing the same.

 “So, how do you know my fath…Dimitri?” I asked in plain English, my accent struggling with a Russian and Southern, and coming out a little awkwardly.

“Huh? Oh we met a while ago.  You know you should probably just rest.” Rex replied back making it well known he didn’t want to talk.

“How long? Where are you from anyway?”

“A while okay kid? I mean your Highness.  I’m from the states, just like you.  Now if you don’t mind I would like it if you’d just rest, I don’t want you over doing anything, and I get blamed for it.” He said, and I could see the hint of worry in his eyes.  Why was everyone so concerned with my health, and not concerned that this guy who I really didn’t know despite calling himself my Father, who kidnapped me.

“What’s wrong with me? I just want to go home.” I finally said softly, not really meaning for it to come out, but I could hear Rex let out a sigh, as he leaned over and gave me a Kleenex tissue, just in time for a tear to make its way down my cheek.

“Nothing is wrong with you anymore; you are safe now that we got the situation handled.  You are strong just like your father, and far as home, this really is your home.  Besides, the way I see it, where there are family and friends, that’s where your home is.” Rex said softly as he played with a ring on his right middle finger before standing up to look out the window.

“Well, he is not my father, and my friends and family are looking for me right now! So you all can safe yourselves some jail time by just letting me go, NOW!” I said as I made this moment my chance to try to escape.  I threw off the covers, swung my legs over the bed and bolted for the open door.  Quickly I took in my surroundings; I could see both ends of the hall way, three men to my right were talking amongst themselves, not paying any attention to me.  I looked to my left, a clear hallway, and despite my pounding head, my aching and throbbing body, I knew I could make it down the hall, but the question was could I make it before the men at the other end or Rex could catch me?

However that didn’t matter, for as soon as I took two steps down the hallway towards my escape, Rex bolted through the doorway and wrapped his arm around my waist and tried to pull me back inside the door.  Instant pain travel through my side throughout my body, but I tried to fight through it.

“No! Let me go!” I yelled loudly, hearing the other men catching up to Rex to help me back inside the room.  I kicked in all directions, a few times Rex lost his grip and I ran further down the hall only to be grabbed by someone else. 

“Come here you!” I heard Rex’s voice say from behind as he reached to grab me, but I quickly stopped my foot down hard on his ankle, then brought my elbow up high hitting directly on the mouth and nose, feeling it break.

“Ah you can’t be serious!” I heard him say as he covered his bleeding broken nose and mouth with his hand. I turned back around running further down the hallway that seemed a lot longer than I thought, and right as I reached the end I could feel several pairs of hands grabbing my arms as they began to restrain me.  I luckily got one arm free for a brief moment as I turned and through my whole strength into my swinging fist down and then kneeing the first man that I saw. When my hand was recaptured, I head flew back hitting someone else.  Yet, everything ended very quickly after that when I felt my wrists being handcuffed, and then someone bringing me down to my knees.  I still tried to struggle, but I could feel something begin to tear and warm liquid begin to slide down my neck as well the feeling of the staples

“Be careful, she’s bleeding again, call for Doc.” I heard a man from behind me say.  I began to feel light headed again, and just when someone reached to carry me back to the bed, I took the moment to attempt to try to fight for my escape again; however I was too weak again.  Before I could even take another swing I was seeing black spots and the ceiling above me began to spin rapidly.  The pain was almost unbearable as I felt my side being almost cut back open.  I felt the staples scraping inside, and the throbbing pain becoming overwhelming.  I tried to look at my surroundings, where were they taking me, who were these people?  I wondered, however as my eyes blinked, the darkness was calling for me.  My eyes were telling me sleep would take the pain way.

“She’s falling asleep.”  I heard the man carrying me say with a warning in his voice as he quickly put me back on the bed.  Leave me alone, let me sleep, I want to sleep, I begged in my mind as I kept my eyes shut.

“Your Highness, listen you need to stay awake so we can stop the bleeding again, okay? Then you can sleep?” I heard Rex say my eyes opening up feeling on fire then slowly closing again.  I felt cold, was a window open?  Was it because of the loss of blood?  How much blood? I wondered my thoughts spinning around and around in a dark circle.

“I can’t stop the bleeding yet, keep her awake.  Hand me the scalpel and the stapler, Rex go take care of your nose for crying out loud, I can’t take care of her while looking at your bloodied nose.” I heard another voice ring out.

“Lisa, open your eyes! Now!” I heard Johnson now say, however it was when another person touched my face and whispered in my ear that caused my eyes to grow wide, and butterflies rushed through my body.

“Lisa, please stay awake for me.” I heard Marc say.  My eyes looked at him, then towards the others as more people came in and out of the room.  Why was he here? How was he here? Why was no one making him leave or anything like that?  I wondered as I felt his hand holding onto mine, and his other hand resting against my forehead.

“Who are you?” I asked in a whisper, but it was still loud enough for others to hear.  I was really confused in no way, shape, or form could Marc be here in this room with me.  Was I still dreaming? I wondered.

“Your Highness, please don’t speak.  Just relax; you need to just relax so we can stop the bleeding.” I heard Marc say as he locked his eyes back with mine, his beautiful hazel eyes filled with worry, fear, and some other emotion.  We stayed like this for what seemed like forever, and yet it felt not long enough.  I wanted to talk to him, there were so many questions in my mind.

“There, she’ll be fine as long as she doesn’t take out those stitches or pull another escape act again.” I heard the same man who had been trying to stop the bleeding before say, looking at me in the eyes with a smirk as if he was impressed, and then towards Johnson and Marc.

“Thanks Doc, thanks, Lenin, that’ll be all.” I heard Johnson say.  Marc was really here, but he was with these men, my father’s men who had me kidnapped.  Marc betrayed me! I finally realized with the only assumption to why he was here.  Ros was right.  I told myself, my eyes shifting to Marc as I felt tears coming quickly to my eyes.  He had betrayed me; my mind and my breaking heart told me as I looked from Marc to back to Johnson who was now shining a bright light into my eyes, while checking for other injuries.

“Does anything or anywhere else hurt Duchess?” I heard Johnson ask while he tended to my bleeding knuckles from when I punched Rex in the nose when trying to escape. I couldn’t hold in my tears anymore, as I looked back at Marc, tears full of hurt and betrayal slid down my face, as I shook my head at Johnson.  Marc just looking at me concerned and confused to why I was crying, couldn’t he see that he wasn’t supposed to be here, that he had betrayed me, and the worst part about it all is that I still loved him.

“Duchess? Where does it hurt?” Johnson asked again confusing my breaking heart with my other injuries, but I couldn’t speak just yet, I could only shake my head in response to his question.

“Duchess?” Johnson asked once more looking at me with confused, compassionate eyes.

“Leave me!” I commanded, as the sobs began to come more and more.  My heart was shattering, the only boy I’ve ever loved had betrayed me, betrayed me to my own flesh and blood.  How could he? I wondered as I watched everyone begin to file out of the room.   Marc being the last person.

“Marc didn’t you hear? Come on, she needs to rest before Dimitri comes.” Johnson said at the door, not noticing my sharp daggered glances to Marc, sending him the very clear message.

“Liss…your Highness please?” He started to say quietly so that only I could hear, before I interrupted him.

“I said Go!”  I said with pure hate on my tongue and lips, folding my arms as I looked away. 

“As you wish; my Grace.” I heard him say, before he left the room.

“My Grace.”  That’s what he just called you.  I heard my giddy school girl consciences and mind tell me, making my butterflies flutter with excitement, despite becoming heartbroken from his betrayal.  My short happiness quickly faded away, as I commanded myself to never trust Marc Lenin again.

What seemed like hours later, I awoken from the same dream I had, had earlier.  The branches from the tree, what could it all mean?  I knew it meant my family tree, but what was the dream trying to tell me? I wondered.

“Good evening.” I heard a deep male voice say softly from the shadows.  The light had faded to darkness, with a little bit of light from candles and lamps.  Who’s voice? I know this voice.  I thought to myself as my eyes searched where the voice had came from.

“I heard you gave a few of my men bloody noses, and even broke one of their ankles.  I won’t lie, I’m a bit impressed, but then again you are my daughter.” He said as he stepped closer and then sat down in a chair seated next to the bed.  I slowly sat up, everything hurt more now than before.  My father I quickly realized as he spoke and walked into the lamp’s light.

“Owwww” I let out a soft groan of pain, as I continued to try to sit up.

“Just take it easy.  Don’t overdo it.” I heard my father say softly as he leaned over to help me with the pillows.

“What do you want?” I asked in a soft and harsh tone.

“Well, for now I just want you to heal up nicely.  Oh, and in case you were worried about the man who attacked you when you first arrived, he’s been dealt with.  You will not be harmed while you are here.” He said, his words sending a shiver throughout my body.  What did he do to the guy? I wondered for a brief moment as my assumptions flashed throughout my mind.

“What happened?”  I asked softly.

“One of the Lenin’s men disguised themselves as one of mine, still not one hundred percent sure how it happen, but the bottom line is he came to kill you.  But like I said before, he has been dealt with, and you are fine, just as long as you don’t do anything to cause your wounds to reopen.  That reminds me, no more trying to escape.” He explained, and I got the command loud and clear at the end.  Did he really expect me to just stay here, he really must not know me, I thought to myself.

“We’ll see.” I said defiantly.

“Okay, well I’ll put it to you this way; if you ever want to see your mother or your friends again you will not disobey me again, is that clear young lady?” I heard him say; the words like sharp knives driving through my heart as I understood that he wasn’t joking in the least bit.  Although I barely knew this man who claims to be my father, somehow I knew in this very moment, that what he was saying was true.  If I wanted to get out of here, I was going to have to play by his rules until I could find a way out.  So, with a surrender sigh I simply nodded towards my captor.

“Now we have that settled, are you hungry? I would like for us to actually have a nice sit down dinner together if you don’t mind.” He said with the quick change of mood of cheerfulness.  I wonder if he has bipolar disorder. I wondered to myself a brief moment before a groaned then simply nodded.

“I’ll send someone to retrieve you in a few minutes.  There are some clothes in the closet just there,” He said as he pointed across the room to the door.  “Be ready in an hour, I know it will be a little difficult you trying to get dressed with your stitches and bandages, so I’m sending you a maid to help you.  She should be here at any moment.” He said as he looked at the door, just in time to hear a faint tap at the door.

“Come in.” He answered a little bit loudly, just as the door began to open softly.

“Ah so this will be your maid, Nikole; Nikole this is my daughter, please help her get ready for tonight’s dinner and be sure she doesn’t start bleeding again from her wounds, if they do please get Johnson or Doc.” He said as he pointed to where my bandages were. She didn’t make a sound; she simply nodded towards Dimitri and never raised her eyes towards him.

“Well I should leave you ladies to it.  Remember, one hour.” He said as he left the room, pulling the white wooden door closed, leaving me alone with this shy maid.  She looked almost as old as I was, perhaps a little bit younger, but then again she gave of this vibe that she was probably a few years older than I was.

“Please, I know we have only just met, but I’m begging you, please help me escape this place. Please.” I begged this young girl, whose eyes finally met with mine.  I could see the shy yet confusion in her eyes as I begged for her to help me.

“Oh come now, you don’t mean that, this is a great place to be.  He is actually very kind towards everyone here. Now, let me help you up so we can get you dressed and presentable to your father.” She said with a smile, as she rushed over to help me out of the bed.  How could he be nice and kind when he kidnaps people, especially his own daughter? I wondered to myself as I walked across the wooden floor towards the bathroom and closet with the help of Nikole.  My entire body ached as if I had just been in a car accident and every step was a slow and painful one.  Why did I try to fight back? I thought to myself as I watch my reflection from a mirror that I passed in the room.  The first thing my eyes saw were the white bandages on my forehead and my side, my fingers trailing lightly over them and feeling the staples that held my skin together from where I was attacked.  The next thing I noticed was that I had bruises all over, and as I thought about how to cover it all up, a smile came to my lips as I thought about how Bella Swan felt in Stephanie Myer’s “Breaking Dawn” novel.

“Oh see now, there’s a smile, see things will get better, I promise.” Nikole said as she looked back at me, before opening the closet revealing several dozen outfits, all in my size.  How did he know? I wondered for a moment, before just grabbing a pair of jeans and a top.

“Are you sure you want to wear the jeans, when you have all those cuts?  How about something more comfortable, that’s not rubbing against you that much,” Nikole suggested as she left me at the closet door, and quickly picked a full outfit for me.  Okay she must be into fashion, I quickly assumed as I watched her go from a dark navy blue gypsy skirt, to a white and navy blue top that went perfectly together, to the semi-long gold necklace that held a cross pendant, to gold studded earrings, and finally to a pair of gold flat ballet shoes.

“How about this?” She asked as she held it all out for me, and as I nodded softly, she quickly began to help me change.  Every moment hurt, and in the end I was grateful I didn’t have to worry about pulling a pair of jeans on, thanks to Nikole’s fashion advice. Every moment she helped me I quickly thanked her, and before I knew it, she had me in the bathroom, helping me cover up some of the more noticeable bruises and quickly helping do something with my bloodied matted hair from when I hit my head on the floor and then trying to escape earlier and causing my stitches to come out.

“If I must say so, you look great.” Nikole said with a smile on her face as she looked at the bathroom mirror into my reflection’s eyes.  She was right, despite the bruises coming through the many layers of make-up and my exhausted eyes; I did look pretty good, at least better than the last few days.  Yet no matter how great I looked now, it wasn’t going to make up for how I was truly feeling at this very moment, and the fact that I did not want to have this one on one father daughter time with my kidnapper.

“Nikole, please, I’m honestly begging you please help me out of this place.  I don’t belong with him, I need to get home, please can’t you try to understand, I can’t be here, and I need to escape. Please. Please.” I said with tears welling up in my eyes, I couldn’t be as clear spoken and humble for begging for help than I was at this moment.  I turned, looking at her in the eyes, and clasped my hands over hers, looking at her, begging her with my eyes.  I could see the confusion and my words playing around in her mind.

“I’m sorry, I really wish I could help, trust me when I say that I can’t imagine how you must feel, but he’s really not all that bad. You just need time to realize that he really only is trying to help you.  Please don’t ask me of that again, please.  I have nowhere else to go, and your father has been very gracious to me.” She said with sad eyes, as she couldn’t look directly at me anymore.  I couldn’t understand why she couldn’t help me, why she wouldn’t.  How could she need to be here with this man who kidnaps, threatens, all for a job.  Certainly there were other, safer jobs than this.  However, I couldn’t say another word, I felt like I was betrayed again, but by my own gender, this girl, this female, this woman couldn’t help me. With a heavy heart again, I let one tear fall, quickly wiping it away with my finger, and vowed that I would find away to escape this place.  I couldn’t trust anyone; I had to just rely on myself.  I nodded a simple nod at Nikole making her understand that I understood what she had just told me, lifted my chin, and brought my shoulders back in a regal stance looking at my reflection in the mirror one last time before turning to walk towards the door.

“I am sorry that I cannot help, your Highness.” I heard Nikole say softly right before she opened the door.  However, I just nodded again, remaining silent, as the door opened and two of my father’s soldiers quickly looked at me, noticing the improvement of my appearance from earlier, and quickly bowed their heads slightly.

“Right this way your Highness.” I heard one of the men say, realizing it was Rex as he took the lead down the hallway, as the other solider walked directly behind Nikole and me.  I slightly gasped when I saw the tape and the dark black and blue bruising over his nose.  I had done that when trying to escape?  Go me.  All those Karate Kid movies paid off. I proudly said in my mind as I tried to hold back a smile.  Instead of smiling I simply just nodded, holding my tongue, from speaking a word as we continued to walk down the long hallway that I had just hours before tried to escape down.

“Watch your step.” I heard the soldier behind say as we began to descend down a staircase, every movement hurting, but I tried to not let it show.  It wasn’t until I reached the bottom of the staircase that I had to reach out to grab the banister, to catch my breath, even though I was trying to act like I wasn’t in pain, my body screamed the truth, and I knew I would need to sit down soon, before passing out from the pain.

“It’s not much further, come on I got you.” I heard Nikole say softly as she took my arm and gently helped me following the soldier who had waited for me, seeing how out of breath I was.

Step after step, my body began to beg for me to sit, and just when I thought I would need to take a break from walking again, the soldier in front began to slow to a stop just outside one of the rooms.  My nose began to take in the wonderful smells of the food that was just beyond the room’s threshold.

“Sir, I bring you at your request, the Duchess.” Rex said as he bowed as he finally lead me inside the large dining room which held a large dinner table that could have sat at least twenty people, all filled with food.  My eyes shifted quickly from the food to my father’s eyes filled with approval as he stood from his chair and gave me a swift bow of the head, to the line of soldiers who stood along the wall around the room.

As I continued to walk slowly, I felt all the eyes on me, including one set of eyes in particular, that didn’t stray from mine.  I didn’t even need to turn my head to know who’s eyes made my heart beat faster, to make the butterflies flutter within my stomach, I knew it was Marc.

“Ah daughter, you look lovely my dear.” I heard Dimitri’s voice sound, breaking me of my inner thoughts to focus on him, holding his arms open to greet me. However, I didn’t say a word. I couldn’t, my lips felt like they were stitched tight.

“Please take a seat, you must be hungry. Plus there is so much to discuss.” He said with a smile on his face, the smile of the devil before he deceives, was the only way I could think of his smile.  I couldn’t tell if all this was an act or not.

“Thank you Nikole she looks just as beautiful as her mother, you may go with the others to eat if you’d like.” I heard Dimitri say with an approving smile towards her.  She quickly thanked him and exited the room for dinner.

“Ah and I trust she didn’t give you a hard time Rex and Kuskov.” He said knowingly towards the soldiers who had stepped to their places with the others along the outline of the room.  Both of them simply nodded towards their commander.

“Good, well let’s eat; you and I have much to catch up on.” He said as he led me to a chair, as he turned to walk to his own chair, allowing me only a second to grab the silver knife and hid it under my thigh. The food looked and smelled amazing; however despite my hungry body and my watering mouth, I couldn’t bring myself to eat the food.

“Do you not like, I know you are hungry. You need to eat to regain your strength and to help you heal.” He said as he took a bite into his stake.  However, I just remained silent, and kept my hands down on my lap, refusing to even touch what was in front of me.  I could feel the eyes of the soldiers on the back of my neck, watching my every move, making sure I wouldn’t escape.

“Fine, if you’re not going to eat, then please tell me about yourself.  How’s school?” He said as he took a sip from his water glass trying to make easy conversation, but I bit my tongue.  I refused to speak to him, after all this time he was alive, had me kidnapped, and now he wants to get to know me…yeah I don’t think so, I thought bitterly in my mind as I looked down at the table with sad, yet defiant eyes.

“Annalisa, you will answer me when I ask you a question.  Is that clear?” He said with his voice raised.

“School is fine.” I said briefly, answering his question in a monotone voice. Not putting any emotion behind it.

“From what I hear you are at the top of your class.  Of course you are my daughter, you would be smart. How’s Lynn?” He asked next.

“Fine.” I replied still emotionless.

“Look I know you must hate me, but trust me when I say everything I do, is for a good reason.”  He said, the words sinking in making my face turn towards him and staring at the same blue eyes that I had.  I could tell he spoke the truth with this statement, but I just didn’t understand his ‘good reason’ behind kidnapping me from my friends and my mother.

“Then please let me go.  I can give you whatever you want, just please, please let me go home.” I begged once more, knowing tears were already forming in my eyes; however I willed them not to leak.  I would not cry in front of this enemy. I vowed to myself. 

“For the last time, the answer is no, this is your home now.  And all I want is to get to know my daughter.” He said as he wiped his mouth with the clothed napkin.

“Perhaps tomorrow will be a better day to get to know each other; you just need a little bit more time.  You may be excused.” He simply said as he looked over to my full plate that had gone cold.  Within seconds, two soldiers appeared behind me.

“I would’ve hoped you would have eaten something, because if you do not eat with me, then you will not eat at all.  Is that understood?” He said with serious eyes.  I only simply nodded, feeling my stomach beg me for food.  I stood up, feeling the silver knife against my hip as it was held by the hem of my skirt.  The soldiers began to escort me towards the doorway, before I heard laughter come from Dimitri’s voice.

“Oh and you can leave the knife in here.”  I felt all the eyes of the soldiers turn towards me, some even had a snicker smile on their face, as if amused that I had tried to steal the knife.

With my head held high I glared at Dimitri, and slid the knife from the hem of my skirt and set it on the table.

“Thank you, now you may go.” He said with a hint of amusement in his gaze.

Moments later, I found myself stepping back into my prison, my room.  I didn’t respond to the soldiers who asked if I needed anything, I just simply walked over to the bulletproofed and barred windows and just stared out into the world.  All I could do was lean my head against the window pane, and pray that somehow God will help me escape this place.  Why haven’t I been found yet? I wondered to myself, as I wrapped my arms around myself and continued to stare out the window, lost in thought.  Surely, as the heir to the Russian throne, I would’ve been found by now.  Wasn’t anyone looking for me?  I continued to wonder, before a small knock and the door to the room opened, bringing my attention the soldier with sad hazel eyes who held a tray of food and water.  Why was he here? Why couldn’t he just leave me alone?  Hasn’t he rubbed it in my face enough that he’s been lying to me all this time? I thought bitterly as I turned towards him as he set the tray on my nightstand.

“I thought you might be hungry.” He said quietly, as looked at me, crossing the room to pick up the roll on the plate.  I was hungry, starving in fact.  I couldn’t remember the last time I had eaten, but my body told me it had been over twenty-four hours.  I hated eating like this in front of him, however despite trying to ignore him, I couldn’t help but be grateful that he had went against Dimitri and brought me this food.

“Thank you.” I said shortly to him.  He nodded, and then began to speak again.

“Lisa, I’m…just…” He tried to say before I interrupted him.

“Thank you for the food, you may go.” I said with betrayed eyes.

“Lisa, please.  Let me explain.” He pleaded as he reached out to touch me, my arm already anticipating the electric shock that happened each time he touched me.

“No.  I can’t. Marc, thank you for the food, but you don’t need to explain.  I understand perfectly clear.  Ros was right all along.” I said softly.

“This is completely different.  Lisa, please just let me explain.” He begged, but I looked at him with annoyed eyes.  Shaking my head.

“Please stop.  I can’t.  Just go, please.” I begged, needing space from him, knowing tears were soon going to come.

“I will give you space, but in time, you will understand.  At least I hope.  I would never hurt you, please know that Lisa, RAdost' moyA, please know that.” He said as his fingers clasped around my hand which held less than half of the roll I had started to eat.

“Yeah well, you’re a little too late for that, and what does RAdost’ moyA mean?” I asked, my feelings circling around with confusion, at one end I was furious, and hurt by him, and on the other, I just wanted him to keep talking and to call me that name in Russian again, whatever it meant, it sounded nice coming from him.

“That’s for another time.  You’re tired, hungry, and I’m sure still in pain.  I saw your face as you walked into the dining room. Like I said before, I will give you your space and give you time.” He said as he brought my hand to his lips and kissed it sending electric shocks from where his lips touched my skin and traveled throughout my body ending at my heart which kicked into fifth gear in less than two seconds.

“If you ever need me, just send for me.” He said as he gave me his half smile that always caused my heart to flutter.

My eyes just watched as Marc bowed towards me, and left the room, closing the door softly behind him.  He was so infuriating, I was so mad at him because he had lied to me, that he betrayed me, yet I wanted him to stay in here with me.  Yet, here I was in this dark room with only a few lamps on, alone, staring after him.  I was so frustrated I threw the last bit of my roll at the door after him. As I walked over to pick up the roll from the floor, the smell of the food Marc had brought reached my nose, and with a grateful sigh I ate, knowing that perhaps there was truly a reason why Marc was here of all places, working for Dimitri.  Time, both Dimitri and Marc said I would need time, but time was never on my side, and time was running out.


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