Darkness Rises

By Forceghostlissa

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Hey all here it is as promised! the beginning of a completely different story. It starts not in the throne r... More

Chapter 1 You're Not Alone
Chapeter 2 Neither are you
Chapter 3 You' ll be the one
Chapter 4 I know what I have to do.
Chapter 5 Just you
Chapter 6 Sacrifice
Chapter 7 Forgive
Chapter 8 Promise
Chapter 9 Going home
Chapter 10 Stardust
Chapter 12 Stronger
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 The traitor.
The Future

Chapter 11 Plan in motion

337 10 5
By Forceghostlissa

Kylo sat in the cold room on Dantooine, the resistance leaders had decided rather quickly that he couldn't possibly have killed Snoke, that Rey would never betray them by helping him. He was furious, not because they had sentenced him, but because he needed to help her.

The door open and the pilot, Poe, wandered into the room. Even the way he moved annoyed Kylo to no end. He was infuriating and Kylo suspected that the only reason he continued these useless conversations was out of a desire to drive him to sheer madness.

"Ahh, good morning Supreme douche bag." Poe sat on the chair opposite Kylo. His stupid grin plastered to his face. Kylo wanted so badly to wipe that smile from his face, with his fist. He stared at the Pilot, this was the man his mother prized as her best soldier, the son she always wanted. He had known him since he was born and at one point in time they had been friends, but after Snoke, Kylo had forgotten the boy who used wrestle with him or sneak into the hangars a night with him so they could go joy riding. That was long before he was sent to Luke, before the children on base, including Poe, began to shy away from Ben due to his growing powers.

"So how was your day, do anything interesting?" Poe questioned as he leaned back in the chair placing his feet on the table in front of him. His boots were caked in mud and Kylo leaned back to avoid the debris the loosened and fell away. Poe rocked black slightly and Kylo nearly had to physically restrain himself top keep from toppling the chair with the Force. Instead he continued to glare and Poe only smirked. "Oh, wait, I suppose you don't get out much huh? Must suck being on the opposite side the interrogation huh?"

"That interrogation should have ended with your death" Kylo answered acidly. "The longer you sit here talking to me, for what reason I still don't know, or really care to know, the longer Rey is with Hux." Kylo hissed at the pilot. "It also puts you much closer to your death." He flexed his hand and watch the man flinch just barely. He was undoubtedly remembering the last him Kylo had been in this man's presence.

"Sure, Sure princess, well see about that, any time any place, we'll sort that out you and me." Poe was unfazed by Kylo's threats, making him all the more annoying. Neither of them, spoke instead both men tried their best to look menacing, which in Kylo's case was a lot easier, it came naturally to him. But he had no time for games and finally conceded with an exasperated sigh.

"Rey is in trouble, either you help me or I will use you as a human shield to escape and help her on my own, it's you choice"

"Why should any of us believe you? You spent years causing chaos, murdering, destroying anyone in your way, you expect us to walk into your trap, to walk into the First Order demanding they return Rey? You might believe we are just a rag tag group out to annoy you, but I assure you, we are more than that." Poe was serious now and he sat up straighter as if to appear more threatening, if it was such a thing, and a scowled formed across his face.

Kylo's gaze hardened he could so easily end this man's life. It would be simple, like squashing a bug. He wouldn't do it though, he couldn't. It was not only a sure-fire way to get him executed but it would certainly piss Rey off. Unfortunately, she considered these people her friends.

"Look" Kylo spoke trying to keep his voice unthreatening "If you thought this was a trap you would have stopped coming to talk to me at all. Rey is in danger, they are torturing her, the more time you spend trying to annoy me is more time Rey spends being tortured." Kylo clenched his fists. "We need to get her back."

Poe stood up from his chair and leaned over the table glaring into Kylo's eyes. His smile disappeared and her stared intently at Kylo. "If Rey dies, that's on you, you're the asshole here, the murderer, not me."

"Yes, I am" Kylo whispered. "But Rey doesn't deserve to suffer because of me" He spoke louder this time, looking down to the ground, his emotions were a mess. He couldn't help Rey without the resistance's help. Even if he managed to get to her, the two of them probably wouldn't get out alive.

"I don't believe you, but Finn seems to, as does the General, which is enough for me to lend a hand, plus Rey is important to me, too us. But don't mistake this for trust Kylo Ren" he spit out Kylo's name like it was a bad taste in his mouth. "If you betray us, I won't hesitate to kill you."

Kylo smiled at the threat, if one could even call it that. It sounded like an attempt anyway. "Bring it on Pilot you and I both know who always wins" he smiled darkly at Poe who stood and walked to the door.

"That was a long time ago Ben, we're not kids any more I wouldn't hold back just because your mommy is here" Poe answered before turning towards the door.

"Funny I don't remember you ever beating me"

"That's because you always ran to your mother" Poe was at the door, he turned to face Kylo.

"We're leaving as soon as we can, assuming we can convince Chewie to help us. He's definitely not pleased with you. Hmmm I wonder why?" Poe left the room and Kylo felt a wave of guilt grip his heart. Of course, Chewie was still mad at him it would be a long time before that changed.

Kylo sighed, he should have been filled with relief, Poe had agreed to help him, but all he could feel was the calm burning furry that boiled in his veins. It was as if at any second, he could burst into flames. He needed to focus, the First Order was powerful and with Hux in control who knew what was in store for them. Kylo had to be sure that no matter what happened Rey would be safe.

Poe returned a few hours later, Finn followed closely behind. "Alright Supreme Asshat, you've got Finn and I with you, Chewie will get us out of the ship but before that we're on our own the resistance probably won't risk anyone else for this mission. Not that I asked" Poe threw Kylo's saber in his direction. Kylo clipped it to his belt before Finn stepped forward with binders.

"No offense but those" he glanced at the binders "are useless, unless they bind the Force with in me, which, I highly doubt" Kylo snickered at the two men. They didn't seriously expect the binders to restrain him. He could kill them both with two fingers.

Finn rolled his eyes but didn't move to restrain him. He looked at Poe who only shook his head.

"So, what's the plan?" Finn asked. Both men turned to look at Kylo. He actually hadn't thought of what the plan should be. He knew Rey would be on the detention level which was in the lowest levels of the ships.

"Maybe we can barter with Captain Asshat here" Poe motioned to Kylo. "I'm sure there's a hefty price on your head, we could probably disguise ourselves as bounty hunters and drop him off on their door step"

"That plan has been used, several times over and last time those involved barely escaped. You can ask Chewie about that one. Also, I don't fancy being used as bait because I would probably be executed on the spot." Kylo answered. He wasn't about to use one of his father's impulsive plans especially considering the First Order had a habit of killing traitors in the hangar bay without even bothering to put them in a cell.

"Funny that doesn't sound like a loss to me" Poe snickered and Kylo leaned forward making Poe flinch back quickly.

"Chicken" Kylo sneered before stepping away from Poe who was now watching him cautiously.

"We will have to create some sort of distraction, perhaps blow something up" Kylo watched as a wide grin spread across Poe's face.

"Leave that to me" he said mischievously.

"He's been waiting to blow something up" Finn rolled his eyes. "I think if we use the ventilation shafts we can probably get to Rey quicker than any other option, there are access points on each floor, if we can get to one all we have to do is make our way down to her, she most likely in the detention level." Finn was pacing as he went over options. Kylo stared at him. He didn't even think about trying to retrieve Rey in secret. His ideas were a lot more less covert.

"That sounds like a decent plan, she will be down there, prisoners aren't exactly wandering the corridors" Kylo stated warily, "However the minute we blow whatever we decide, I'm thinking the central cannons, they will lock down the detention levels. That means no one in or out." Kylo knew that he could easily cut through the blast doors of the prison levels, but it would take a few minutes, something they might not have. "Poe, we're going to need you to hit the cannons precisely, they draw a majority of their power from the main reactors and hitting them dead center will cause a chain reaction and hopefully destroy the Supremacy, but you'll have to wait until Finn, Rey and I are at least in the hanger. We can steal a shuttle from there. Until then I think placing small charges around the hangar should be enough of a distraction, and it would help to incapacitate their ships."

"How do you plan to get on the ship?" Finn asked, "I don't imagine we could just fly the Falcon into the hanger. We'll be shot down before we get close."

"That's a good question" Leia had walked into the room, all three men turned to stare at her.

"General!" Poe looked surprised, "This um, it's not what it looks like." he stuttered Kylo frowned

"You didn't tell her did you "Kylo asked Poe who didn't answer, he was looking everywhere but at Leia.

"Relax Poe, I knew you three would try to do something, Rey is important to all of us. The resistance doesn't have the man power or the fire power to assist you, but I might have a plan. As far as we know the Supremacy is still orbiting the planet Crait, however we have information from a friend on the inside. They've told us the First Order plans on heading to Vodran."

"That might be perfect, Vodran is part of the Hutt territory, there are also a lot of First Order camps which means they are returning there for supplies" Kylo began pacing now he wasn't surprised that the Resistance had spies with in the First Order, the information they provided was certainly useful. They could easily slip onto a supply ship on Vodran.

"Exactly" Leia smiled at her son. He didn't return the gesture, instead he found his boots suddenly very interesting

"So, we're going to a Hutt controlled planet as what? A pilot, an ex-storm trooper and um whatever you used to be" Finn motioned to Kylo as he spoke to Leia.

"Finn, the beauty of this planet is the Hutt's are not currently looking for any of you, Chewie can leave you at in the outskirts and you can make your way to the First Order Supply camps."

"The First Order will not be expecting stowaways especially on their supply ships, no one is stupid enough to sneak onto a First Order Ship" Kylo stated plainly

"Clearly there are at least three people who are stupid enough to try" Poe said aloud.

"Well it's either that or we leave Rey there" Finn answered

"That, is not an option, I'll go on my own if you two are worried about the integrity of your reputation" Kylo hissed at both men.

"I didn't say we weren't going" Finn glared at Kylo, who rolled his eyes.

"Alright calm the testosterone boys" Leia shook her head at them "The three of you need to work together otherwise this isn't going to work. Ben, you might be powerful, but you need help, Finn, Poe you both are going to have to accept that my son is a key part of this"

Kylo stared at his mother, she was always so diplomatic, sometimes it could be quite vexing. He was indeed powerful, he didn't need these two to save Rey, but he wasn't going to disagree out loud. He would sacrifice himself for Rey if needed, but with help he wouldn't have to resort to that.

"Fine" came Poe's annoyed response, Leia smiled.

"Alright let's get you three onto the Falcon, Ben can I have a word?"

Poe and Finn left the room. Kylo looked at his mother and waited for whatever she was going to say.

"Ben, I know you care for Rey, and the inside information we received was more than just the relocation of the Supremacy, apparently Rey has been severely tortured, she was forced to execute two people, two parents."

"This was Hux's doing, he is trying to break her, he is going to die." Kylo stated calmly, but he could feel his anger beginning to build "He's trying to force her to serve him. I will kill him myself"

"Ben, please don't fall back into the darkness, killing Hux might not be the answer." Leia reached for his forearm but Kylo stepped back. He saw the pain briefly cross his mother's face. He couldn't let her too close knowing he might not come back from this rescue mission.

"Is that all general" he was answered coldly, he needed to distance himself again, she would be hurt enough as it is he didn't want to make it worse.

Leia sighed. "Yes, that's all, please be careful and may the force be with you, all of you" She stepped back from Kylo and turned to leave.

"You as well" Kylo answered as she left the room. He wanted to hug her, reassure her that he would be back, but he wasn't even sure that he would make it out. If it came down to it Kylo Ren would make sure Rey was safe above all else.

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