Let Us Be Seventeen (Jdronica)

By Caskett2017

77.8K 2K 3K

What if JD's mother didn't kill herself? What if JD was happier when coming to Sherwood, Ohio? Would him and... More

Veronica, What're You Doing In My Room?
#3 In Jdronica Category?!
By The Way, You Were My First
Meant To Be Yours
They Made You Cry
The Demon Queen of High School
Fight For You
Let's Be Normal
My Candy Store
Me Inside of Me
Please Don't Leave Me Alone
You Were All I Could Trust
You Were Meant To Be Mine
Things Will Get Better
It'll Be Very
Where Have You Been?
If You Could Let Me In
Big Fun
If We Still Have The Right
I Got Paid In Puke
They'll Hunt Me Down in Study Hall
Freeze Your Brain
Call Me When The Shuttle Lands
Maybe Prom Night (Part 1)
Maybe Prom Night (Part 2)
Chapter Teaser
Fight For Me (Part 1)
Fight For Me (Part 2)
Fight For Me (Part 3)
Never Shut Up Again
War Is Over
Hold Your Breath And Count the Days
College Will Be Paradise
The End
Planning Your Future
Alternate Ending

I Wish Your Dad Were Good

2.5K 58 140
By Caskett2017


I saw the doorknob turning quickly. There was no time to hide. He would find us even if we did. Veronica in her wheelchair would stick out like a sore thumb. My dad opens the door and smiles when he sees me. "Hello, son." He says. Then he looks down at Veronica and simply laughs. "If you would kindly move aside so I can get Veronica into the car." I say as politely as I could. "No." He stands in front of the door. I heard my mom run down the stairs. "Jill? Didn't think you'd come back." He laughs. "Dad, please." I beg. "Oh! Please? That's a first." He loudly chuckles. "Dad! Move! I won't ask again!" I yell. "You really want to mess with me!" He yells back. "Move!" I scream. "No!" He runs at me and pins me against the wall.

"No!" I hear Veronica scream. He grabs my head and slams it against the wall. "Mike!" My mom tries to pry him off of me, but he pushes her to the ground. I keep hitting him. "Stop!" He yells. He lets go to slug me and I see my opportunity. I shove him off of me. The mistake I made was not realizing how drunk he actually was. After I pushed him, he stumbled backwards, slamming his head on the glass vase we had on the table. Oh God.

Veronica's POV

Mr Dean slumped to the ground, a heavy flow of blood coming from the side of his head. But I was more concerned with JD. He had a dazed look on his face. He slid down the wall and into a ball. I wheel myself over to him and hold his face in my hands. "It's okay." I whisper. Jill was calling 911. His dad had won once again. He got his son to kill him and feel broken. I slowly got out of my wheelchair and onto the ground with him. "It's okay. It's okay." I quietly repeat to him.

Soon the sounds of sirens off in the distance filled my ears. People were storming into the house. Paramedics putting JD's dad on a streacher, policemen taking Jill's statement, me still holding JD. "Miss, can we ask you some questions?" A policeman stands at my at my feet. I nod. I let go of JD and hop in my wheelchair, rolling to follow the man into the room down the hall.

"So, what happened?" He asks, opening a small notepad. "We came back here to get some stuff and my boyfriend's dad came home. We were trying to leave but he wouldn't let us by. My boyfriend yelled for him to move and his dad attacked him. Then he pushed him as an act of self-defense, but didn't know he was drunk. So he fell back and hit his head on the a glass vase at the end of the table." I explain. "Okay, can you tell me your name?" He asks, writing down my statement. "Veronica. Sawyer." I tell him. "Boyfriend's name?" He continues writing. "Jason Dean." Would JD go to jail for this? God, please don't make him. "You can go, miss."

I wheel myself out and see JD sitting on the couch, finishing up his statement. After he's done, he walks over to me. "Hey." He says lightly. "Hey, I'm sorry." I touch his arm. "It's fine." He pulls away. "They uh, said I'll most likely have to go to court." He looks at his feet. No! "Well, whatever happens, just know I'll stand by you." I say. "Thanks." He gets down on his knees and takes his hands. "I'm sorry you had to see that." He says. "No, don't apologize. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I just-" I stop myself before I say it. "You just what?" He pushes. "I just... I wish your dad were good. You wouldn't have had to do that if he were." I tell him. "Me too Ronnie. Me too." He gets up and goes upstairs.

"Hey, do you want me to take you home?" Jill asks. "No, I think I want to stay here if that's okay." I say. "Of course. I'll go get your stuff from the car." She says. "And I can get Jason to help you upstairs." She offers. "No, I think it's easier if I just sleep on the couch." I say. "But-" She tries but I stop her. "No. It's fine. JD needs to be alone right now." I assure her. "You are so amazing." She pats my shoulder and goes to the car. I wheel over to the couch and push myself onto it.

JD didn't come out of his room for dinner so Jill had to bring his food to the door. I ate on the couch because it would be hard to move to the dining room. After dinner, Jill was exhausted so she went to bed. I was left downstairs with nothing to do.

I look over and JD was sitting in front of the couch. "Hey." I flinch. "Sorry." He scooches a little bit back. "It's okay." I grab his arm, pulling his towards me. "So, when is the court date set for?" I ask. "Friday afternoon." He looks down. "Hey. When you do go, you have two witnesses who are going to say things that'll be in your favor." I put my hand on his cheek. "Thank you." He looks up at me and pushes his lips on me. After I pull away, I scoot over. "Wanna lay with me?" I smile. "I don't want to hurt you." He says. "Please, we've slept in a smaller bed together and I was fine." I joke. He rolls his eyes and gets in the bed with me. "Night, JD." I say. "Night, Ronnie." He says back.


Everyone was looking at me when we got to school. They probably saw the news. I help Veronica into her wheelchair and wheel her into the building. "So, you are a killer." Heather Chandler laughs, standing at Veronica's locker. "He's not a killer." Veronica rolls her eyes. "Then why is he the defendant in a murder trial?" She asks. "It was self-defense!" I say. "Sure." She laughs again. "So," Heather looks at Veronica. "I see you didn't do what I said. And you even told your boyfriend." I pull the wheelchair back and keep going. "JD I need my books." Veronica complains. "We'll go to my locker first." I stop at my locker and get my stuff. Then when we get back to hers, Heather is gone.

At lunch, I stand outside Veronica's classroom until everyone is gone. I bring her to the cafeteria and to our table. "I'll go get us food." I tell her. "Jason, I can get it." She whines. "Veronica, I want to get it." I mock her voice. "Fine. Go." She playfully pushes me towards the lunch line. "Fine. I will." I turn away and laugh to myself.

I buy our lunches and sit down with her. She was talking to Martha. "Oh. Hi again." I say to Martha, setting down Veronica's food in front of her. "Hi. So, I have to go. I hope your legs heal alright." She smiles and walks out.

"Hello beautiful." I sit down next to Veronica. "Hello handsome." She responds. "So, um... one of my dad's friends is this big lawyer... so I wondering if you wanted me to call him." She says. "You don't have-" I start. "I really want to help you. He will too." She argues. "Really?" I really wanted it but I didn't want to seem desperate. "Yes." She smiles. "Thank you." I kiss her. "You're welcome." She says before kissing me again.

"Get a room!" Kurt yells across the cafeteria. "Shut up!" I yell back. "No!" I roll my eyes and turn back to her. "I don't deserve you." I laugh. "I think it's the other way around." She lays her head on my shoulder.

After school, I wheel her outside. "Veronica!" Heather Mac runs up beside us. "Hi." Veronica says, not looking at her. "Look. I'm sorry about the other Heathers. I had no idea Heather did that." She stands in front of Veronica. "Yet you're still with them." Veronica scoffs. "You were with them too." Heather argues. "Yeah but I quit the first day. You stuck with them. Even though you have the knowledge that she had the jocks try to kill someone." Veronica grabs my arm. "Our ride's here." I push her to the car and help her in.

"Mom, we need to grab something at Veronica's house." I tell my mom once we're in the car. "Okay." She says. "What is it?" She asks after a few minutes. I look at Veronica and she nods. "Uh... Veronica was going to have her family's lawyer friend help me." I say. "Jason, we can't ask her to do that." She argues. "No, it's okay." Veronica tells her.

When we get inside, Veronica grabs the lawyers card from a kitchen drawer and walks over to the phone. "Do you think he'll answer?" I ask. "Yeah. He loves my family." She says.

Veronica's POV

I dial the number and wait for him to answer. "Hello, this is Robert Marcus." He answers. "Hi, this is Veronica Sawyer." I say into the phone. "Oh, Veronica. Did you need something?" Robert was awfully kind. In fact, he was the only nice lawyer we knew. "My friend is going to court and I was wondering if we could set up a meeting to talk to you." I would have said boyfriend but that would be really awkward over the phone. "Sure, I'm not that busy. So... how does tomorrow at 4 sound?" I could hear him writing it dow. "Yeah, that's great."

"What did he say?" JD asks when I hang up. "Tomorrow at 4." I tell him. "That's amazing! Thank you." He kisses me. "Calm down there, still in a wheelchair." I laugh. "Oh yeah."


It was 3:59 P.M. We were sitting in the waiting room at Veronica's family's lawyer's office. "Veronica, you can come on in." The lawyer calls. We walk in and sit in the chairs in front of his desk. "Hi, I'm Robert." He sticks his hand out to me. "I'm J-Jason." I shake it. "So, what is this about?" He sits in his desk chair. "Uh... I..." I stumble for words. "He killed his father as an act of self-defense and the police think otherwise." Veronica explains. Thank you! "Okay, so I will look at the case files and talk to my colleagues." He starts writing in his notebook. "Okay." I say. "I will come over tomorrow after my 4 o'clock meeting. When is the court date?" He finishes and stands up. "Friday afternoon." I tell him. "Great."

"It was great meeting you Jason. I will see you tomorrow." He escorts us back into the waiting room. "Bye Robert." Veronica smiles. We walk to the car and drive off. My mom wasn't feeling well so I drove today. Court was going to be a nightmare.

Yay! That was fun! We will see if JD goes to jail or not. He is almost 18, so he'd go to adult prison. So let's cross our fingers. Bye y'all!

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