Our Surprises.

נכתב על ידי TiffanyHay

5.6K 157 35

"So Liam, this is the second time. How's Zayn and the little ones?" "They're both fine. Kairi is adjusting w... עוד

0. Prologue.
1. The Night They Came About
2. Two.
3. Not Again.
4. What do we do now?
5. Conversations.
6. Sleep.
8. Head Above Water

7. Girls.

397 11 2
נכתב על ידי TiffanyHay

"You know the drill. Shirt up." Dr. Grove said walking in the room. It was my twenty-five week check up and we get to find out if Kai gets the sisters he wanted. 

Things have died down, with Ellie, the trial starts tomorrow. Liam, me and Kairi will be called up to the witness stand. I am not okay with Kairi going up there and being berated with questions, but our lawyer said that he was just going to be up there for a few questions and then a cross. He says it will be quick an easy but I'm still iffy about it. 

I still have my nightmares, they just don't happen every night. When they happen, Liam is able to calm me down. He asks if I want Kairi, for the most part I tell him no but if it was really bad Kai ends up in my bed snuggled real tight against me. Other times even when having them both in my bed wont calm me, I get up an organize. I feel like I'm starting to become a bit OCD, and while having a clean house is great and all, I like my sleep. I just want this to be over with. 

"Okay, Zayn, they look perfectly healthy. Total of twenty fingers and toes. Do you want to know genders?" He asked with a smile moving the wand around on my belly. 

"Yes." Liam spoke. I nodded and Grove moved the wand around to find a good angle. 

"Okay, so baby A is a girl." He pointed to the where you could see her private. He moved the wand around to see if he could get a look at baby B. Last appointment Baby B was hiding, I didn't want to know the gender that time unless we could see both so we decided to wait. 

He pointed the screen. "Baby B is a girl, as well. Looks like Kairi got his sisters." I smiled. Dr. Grove handed me a towel and I wiped the gel off my belly. He printed out some pictures and handed them to Liam before taking towel from me. 

"Okay so your next appointment will be at twenty-eight weeks. You need to get your stress levels down, if not you can go into premature labor and even though they are viable, they might not survive. Get your stress levels down and you and them will be just fine."

"Ellie's trial starts tomorrow. All of us have to testify. I'm fine with me and Li, but they are calling Kai up there too. I'm worried, about so much."

"I'm serious Zayn. Get your stress levels down or it will not be good for your daughters."

I nodded and pushed myself off the table. "I'll try." I said, hand on my belly. Liam put a hand on my back and lead me out of his office.


I hate going outside. Rephrase I like going out side but I hate going out in public. I feel like an actual blimp.  My clothes don't fit the way I want them to. I know it's because of the girls and I'm happy they're growing but I feel so crappy and fat and I want to cry constantly because of it. 

"So tomorrow, I think it's best that you stay here and I'll go with Kairi." Liam spoke breaking me out of my thoughts. He was sitting with me on the couch Kairi in front of us with his toys. 

"No, they want us all there. They want to question all of us." 

"But, Dr. Grove said that you need to get your stress levels down." Liam looked at me as I stared at Kairi. 

"I know. But regardless if I'm there or not I'll still be stressed and worried about what Is happening."

"I just want you guys to be okay. I don't want to lose any of you." Liam put his arm around my neck and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and leaned into him. This pregnancy has made me so irritable and with all the Ellie crap has made it worst.

"I miss you." I whispered.

"You have me."

"Not like I used to. You are somewhere else lately. With me, with Kai. I want you back." I tell him standing up. I go give Kairi a kiss and look back at the stranger before me. "If you want to come back to us, let me know because this tip toeing around you and biting my tounge and defending myself,  isn't working for me. I need my husband back, especially if tomorrow is going to work in our favor and if I'm going to have our girls. And Kairi? Well, he wants his daddy back, the one he had before this even happened." I walk over to him, give him a soft smile before calling to Kairi that it was bath time.


"Okay, so the most they will ask is what happened." Our lawyer said. It was 10 in the morning and we were at the courthouse. To tell you the truth Liam has been acting so weird since yesterday. Hopefully this means he is going to go back to being himself. I miss him. Kairi misses him. I need him to be there for our girls because I don't think I can raise twins and Kai by myself I just need him to be the best he can be. 

"First up is Kairi. I will ask the questions we went over then they will. He wont be up there for long and if I see that he is in the slightest overwhelmed, I will pull him off that stand." 

I still don't want him up there but Ellie needs to be put away for good and no good behavior shit this time.

"It's time."

Walking in the court room, holding Kairi's hand tightly, I'm overwhelmed. I can only imagine what Kairi or Liam is feeling. "Li?" I asked reaching for his hand.

"Daddy?" Kairi asked doing the same thing. Liam lifted his head from where he was looking at the ground. He reached for our hands as we reached the bench in the front to sit down.

"It's okay, baby." Liam was talking to Kairi. "You are just going to go up to that stand right there and Mr. Granger is okay to ask you a few questions. Then, that man right there is going to ask you questions too. Then you can come sit back down with Daddy and Papa. You'll do just fine." He kissed his head as Kairi climbed into his lap, hugging him tightly before just resting his head on his chest. Liam started to rock him.

He's becoming him again. The father he was before all this started happening. I smiled at them. "You okay Li?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry for not really being here-- or being here but not being here." He's nervous. I ran my fingers through his hair and smiled. The girls are kicking like crazy. I grabbed his hand. Guiding it to the area where one of the girls is doing cart wheels.

"All rise for the honorable Judge Singer!" The bailiff said snapping us out of our moment. Rude.

We stood up and waited. "You may be seated." The baliff continued as he handed the judge a file. The jury were sat in their seats. Ellie sat on the defendant side while we were on the prosecutor side.

"The trial of Ellie Smith versus the state and common wealth of Pennsylvania may begin." Said the judge with a bang of her gavel. "We'll start with opening arguments. Prosecution may begin."

Our lawyer stood up and walked over to the jury facing us. He started on this sort of tangent on how Ellie disregard not only her life, but mine and Kairi's life. Not to mention every kid that was at the school when she showed up. He then went in to say how she's not only a danger to everyone around her but herself too. He added that she shouldn't have been let out in the first place, before walking back to sit down.

The defense stood up, and went on to say that she wasnt acting rationally that a mix of her not being on her meds and sleep deprivation made her act the way she did. He basically claimed insanity before sitting down.

"Counselor, first witness." Singer looked to Granger. He visibly looked at me and I grabbed Kairi from Liam so he can walk up when he's called.

"Prosecution calles Kairi Payne to the stand."

"Objection. Your honor the witness is a four year old, who changed his story multiple times when detectives asked what happened." Defense can kiss my ass, my baby knows what happened.

"Eveytime asked after the fact he stuck to one story. He's a four year old who was traumatized not once but twice by the defendant." Um, duh.

"I'll allow the witness. Granger go ahead." The judge said and I stood walking Kairi over to the gate before sending him to Granger where he helped him up. He was sworn in and sat in the chair.

"Hey Kairi. How are you today?" Granger started. Kairi looked exhausted. He was up late last night, he kept waking up from nightmares all night.

"Good. You?" His manners are getting there.

"I'm great. Kairi can you tell me who that is sitting right there?" He was poining to me.

Kairi smiled at me before saying, "Papa. I'm getting sissy soon." He is so happy about the girls.

"You are. And can you tell me who that is beside your papa?" He was pointing to Liam.

"Daddy. He let me pick my socks, look they're dinos!" He lifted his pant leg to show the jury his little socks covered in dinosaurs. He hates dress socks, always had. I don't force him to where them.

"Your honor, why is this necessary?" The defense speaks.

"Goes toward the credibility of the witness." Granger spoke calmly. He told me he expected this to be an issue .

"I'll allow it. Continue." She spoke sounding annoyed.

"Kairi, do you know who's sitting right over there?" Granger pointed to Ellie. Kairi looked like he was going to cry when he looked over at me. I nodded at him to tell him. He knows who she is.

"She's a bad lady." Kairi said looking at Granger.

"Why is she a bad lady?"

"Because she held a knife to Papa and tried to take me."

"Kairi, before you Papa showed up what was she saying to you?"

"That Daddy and Papa wanted me to go with her that they didn't want me anymore." I did not know that. He never told me that, the detectives never told me that. I didn't know that and it breaks my heart.

"Did she tell you anything else?"

"That she's my new mummy and I had to go with her. I didn't want to go with  her." My good boy.

"Is that when your Papa showed up?" Yes.

Kairi nodded. "Yeah, I hid behind Papa."

"Thank you Kairi. She held a knife to them and tried to take a four year old from his father, after telling him they didn't love him. If that's not a danger to anyone I don't what is." Granger looked at the defense. "Your witness."

The defense stayed seated as he looked at my son. "What happened after you Papa came in?" He spoke.

Kairi looked at me and I smiled at him. "Papa had me go behind him. He was tried to, um, get the lady to put the knife down."

"Do you know what made her put the knife down?" What kind of questions are these? This is just proving our point, not thiers.

"Papa called Daddy." The defense nodded.

"No further questions." Ellie's going to jail. Her lawyer sucks.

"Kairi," Granger started, "you can go back to your Papa." He jumped down from the chair and ran over to us. Liam picked him up and he held tightly to his dad.

"You did great baby. We love you so much." Liam said and rocked back and forth.

"Next witness, counselor your witness." Singer told the defense attorney.

"The defense calls, Dr. Russell." He says aloud.

An old man who looked to be in his fifties dressed in a suit walls down the isle and up to the stand. He is sworn in and they question him. Two other doctors go up as well.

I'm called up next. Stay calm. Stay calm. Think of the girls you need to stay calm.

They swear me in and I sit in the chair. Granger stands up and walks towards me. "Hello, Zayn. How you doing?"

"Good. Girls are kicking like crazy." I smile.

"Wonderful. So Zayn, walk me through that day." He states.

Easy. "Okay, it started like any other. I made breakfast and got Kai up and ready for school. I had a meeting that day about touring. I was leaving to go home because I had a few hours before I had to pick up my son. Ellie called. I dropped everything and drove to the school. I called 911 and the school on the way."

"You said Ellie called. What did she say?" Granger asked.

"Speculation. We don't know what was said on that call." The defense bellowed.

"I'll rephrase. What made you drive to the school?"

"My son."

"He's mine!" Ellie screamed as she stood up. I knew she was going to do this. At this point I just don't care because it's proving why she belongs in jail. 

"Counselor control your client." the judge banged his gavel but Ellie wasn't listening at this point. She had stood up and was starting to walk toward Liam and Kairi. 

"Liam, baby you have to realize that I love you and you love me. Kairi you have to see that I'm your momma okay I love you so much. Momma loves you."

She grabbed Kairi to hug him he fought her. He was pushing away from her and reaching toward Liam, people were in his way, he was reaching too. I stepped down form the stand and rushed over to them, trying to get to my son, The crowd of people around her was getting big; people were trying to pull her away from my family. I fought my way through the crowd just as Liam was able to get ahold of Kairi's hand and take him from her. He held him tightly. Ellie was starting to yell, something about getting what she deserves. 

Well, that is so very not true she does not deserve my family. 

"Order! Order!" The judge bang her gavel. The auditorium fell silent. "Never in all my years has this ever happened. I don't need to hear anymore and I doubt this jury does either. You have lunch to discuss and then we will continue. Bailiff take the defendant away." She banged her gavel once more, stood and left. 

It's all going to be over soon. 


Well, this is so late. 

But it's here, some stuff might not be like 100% accurate. I'm not a lawyer, sue me. 

Anyway I'm going to finish the one through Ellie's stance.

Also I'm going through some stuff with me personally, I feel like I can't win. So my pity party aside, I hope you like the chapt. He's having girls!! 



P.S.  I almost forgot how I signed off. lol 

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