Living with a Siren✔ [Merman...

By SugaMonzPanda

52.2K 2.4K 679

You're a writer, a human one. You live alone in a forest; away from human connections pretty much- Yoongi is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 [The End]

Chapter 3

5.5K 274 72
By SugaMonzPanda

Before you read this chapter, please understand that I'm not good at writing things so please don't leave any hate.

And if you haven't read the previous chapter you won't understand what happens in this one, since it starts where it ended last time!



What Yoongi's teacher had said was bullshit he thought. He had been where you lived for 2 days and you were still not attached to his voice, nor did you do anything to hear his voice again.

Even today when you had gone out to talk to him, he swam down hoping he could drown you, no matter how cruel it sounds; but you just laid down on a rock beside the pond. And unless that was what his teacher meant with 'drowning the humans' it wasn't cool at all.

"Hyung, where have you been going the last days?" his friend Namjoon asked quriosly.

"Does it matter." Yoongi replied with a sleepy voice.

"Well, no. But we're friends, can't you just tell me?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"You always look so happy swimming away," Namjoon said looking at his hyung.

"That's not a good enough reason," Yoongi replied.

"Well okay then. But you're not going there today again though right?"

"Why not?"

"A storm is coming!" the younger stated.

"A storm can't be that dangerous that I can't even swim somewhere."

"This one is, and you can hit yourself on rocks and get hurt."

"I won't get hurt okay."


"Enough!" Yoongi said with a stern voice cutting of what Namjoon was gonna say.

Yoongi swam away, hoping that this time the human would react to his singing, and prove that his teacher were right.


You were surprised at this mornings coincidence, but though nothing of it.

He probably just wanted to be alone and didn't expect you to come out. Though he probably have a new record for running now. You had never seen someone dissapear so fast.

You were currently in your living room watching a movie when you heard a thunder.

Maybe it wasn't the best time to watch a movie you though and made your way to turn it off.

You heard as the wind was blowing heavy and was almost afraid that it would blow your house away. Hearing the raindrops fall and the thunder time from time you though of the perfect way to continue the story you were currently writing.

Not wanting this story to fail like the other did you made your way to your room so you could sit down and start writing.

Looking out the window you saw the man from previously laying on one of the rocks, uncounsios, or at least that's how it looked.

Running to your front door you put on your coat and some shoes. Opening the door, not even bothering to close it, you ran to the pond making sure not to slip.

Kneeling in front of the man you tried shaking him awake. When he didn't move you started to freak out. Debating in your mind on what to do you started to lift him, your arms linked around his upper body.

Dragging him out of the pond, his bottom half was now exposed. You laid him down on the ground before flipping him around so when you wrapped your arms around him, his back was against your chest. Trying to walk backwards in the rain with a man, with a mermaid tail on?

It was much harder than it looked, his tail being dragged against the ground.

You got inside the house and closed the door, wondering what to do with the man laying in your hallway.

You decided to go into your room and put some towels on your bed. Walking out to where the man was you dragged him into your room, lifting him onto the bed. You walked into your bathroom to grab the emergency kit. Walking back you looked at the man in front of you.

He had bruises, cuts and a mermaid tail.

'Why the hell is he wearing one of those' you thought while throwing a blanket over it.

After treated the bruises and cuts, you went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

Walking back into your room, you sat the bottle beside your bed and went to sit in your work chair.

Looking out, the weather was still as crazy as before. But not as crazy as the man in your bed. It sounds mean, but like who buys a mermaid tail to swim in. And well, goes to your small pond to sing. It's almost like he wanted to be one. Though it must be uncomfterable wearing it. Especially now, but you couldn't just take it off, he probably wasn't wearing anything under it.

Opening your computer you started write away.


You felt some movements behind you and looked back.

It was the man, from before.

He had slept for a few hours now, so it was almost night time.

He looked at you and wrapped the blanket you had put on his lower body before, around his waist.

You were surprised, when did he take of the tail, and where did he put it.

"I need to go!" he said and started walking to the door.

"You're hurt, stay." you stated and he turned around.

"I have to."

"At least take your mermaid tail with you!" you said making him look at you in confusion.

"Mermaid tail?" he asked.

"Yeah, you were hurt from the storm, so I took you in, and you had a mermaid tail on. I didn't want to take it off, 'cause that would be perverted. But you don't have it on now, and I don't see you holding it. So don't forget it."

"Mermaid tail." he said again.

"Yeah, the black one!"

"First off, merman," he stated making you laugh.

"I'm sorry then. Please stay here, you're hurt. But if you're gonna go, take your merman tail with you." you said sarcastically.

"Second of all, It's real, I'm a merman."


So it's Saturday, and I said that I would upload this weekend (which is what I'm doing now).

Next chapter will be on Tuesday or Wednesday as usual.

And late Happy Birthday to Namjoon!!

See you soon!!

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