Living with a Siren✔ [Merman...

By SugaMonzPanda

52.2K 2.4K 679

You're a writer, a human one. You live alone in a forest; away from human connections pretty much- Yoongi is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 [The End]

Chapter 2

5.9K 287 19
By SugaMonzPanda

You went to sit down to start write again.

"Well if I don't know what to write, this story is not gonna get finished and I'll start on a new one."

Looking down at the computer and opening the document you previously were having trouble with, you heard something from the outside. It didn't sound like a bird, or any other animal for that matter. Was it a human?

Looking out through your window you saw a upper body, leaning against one of the rock. You were surprised, no one ever came here. And well, no one ever knew this place existed, exept for you, and that guy apperently.

In reality you owned this mark, so you could just tell him to go away from the pond and go to swim somewhere else, but you didn't want to do that. That guy probably liked the quiet just like you did. And he was singing beautifly. You could probably draw inspiration from that.

Looking back at your computer you put your fingers over the keys ready to write something. But nothing came up.

"Why won't you let me write something?!!"

You closed the document and made a new one.

"So since the last one won't do it for me, I hope you do!"

No matter how irretated you were at your failed story you couldn't feel happier hearing the strange man singing.

Writing away you suddenly heard the voice dissapear.

"He probably had enough with swimming for today." looking out from your window he was gone. He sure dissapeared fast.

Looking at the clock you noticed it was getting late.

"Well, if it was enough swimming for that guy, then it is enough writing for me!" you said saving your documents and making sure your computer is charching so you could use it tomorrow.

Walking to your bathroom you took your toothbrush in your hand rinsing it under water and putting on some toothpaste.

You started brushing your teeth as you made your way over to your window and closed your blinds. In reality you didn't really have to do that since it already was very dark outside where you lived, even though it was summer, but you liked to have it extremely dark so it was easier to fall asleep.

Putting on a nightlight you walked into the bathroom again, rinsing your toothbrush in water before putting it away and rinsing you mouth with water making sure no toothpaste was lest around your mouth either.

You turned of the light to the bathroom and closed the door, making you way to the front door passing the kitchen. Making sure you had locked the door you walked back into the kitchen an opened the fridge taking out one of your water bottles. You made your way back to your room making sure you turned off all the lights in the small house.

Laying yourself under the covers you wondered if you ever were gonna hear that beautiful voice again. Reaching out to turn of the night lamp you thought to yourself,

'I'll never know until tomorrow.'


You woke up, to darkness yet again. You're still getting used to it since for only months ago, you were waking up in the city where the lights were shining and the cars where already on the streets.

You might have missed the sun part, but you would rather wake up to birds singing, than to cars being loud.

Walking into the bathroom and switching on the lights you were surprised when you looked yourself in the mirror. You were still in yesterdays clothes, and even though they were comftorable, you always used to change before you went to bed.

"Was I drunk or something?" you asked yourself wondering how you didn't even notice it yesterday.

You took off your clothes and went to the shower.

Turning on the shower handle you reached your hand out to check the temperature, you were greeted with ice cold water, not that you expected something else, you went into the shower shivering,

"This will make me wake up!"

Turning off the shower you grabbed a towel and wrapped it around yourself. You took your toothbrush and prepared it to brush your teeth.

Walking out of the bathroom while brushing your teeth you looked through your wardrobe.

"Let's go with this." you said with your toothbrush in your mouth.

Laying down the outfit on your bed you walked back to the bathroom and washed your mouth with water, putting your toothbrush away.

Going into your room, once again, you put on your clothes and opened the blinds to your window.

Sitting down and opening your computer and starting to write.

After a few hours you heard the voice from yesterday, making you look up from your computer, you saw the same guy, on the same rock as yesterday. He had his eyes closed looking so peaceful you smiled and continued writing.

One hour had gone by and he was still there, looking at you who was writing whatever came to your mind. You looked at him and saw him stare.

He had been there for so long, maybe you could invite him in, you thought. Not that you actually trusted him, like he just appeard yesterday and then dissapeared.

You still wanted to talk to him so you made your way up and walked to your front door. Unlocking your door and closing it behind you as you walked out. Looking at the pond you were surprised when you couldn't see him.

Walking over to the pond you looked around into the forest, and into the water.

"Did he really just dissapear?" you asked yourself and sat down on your rock.

Thinking over what just had happened you laid down and closed your eyes, taking in all the sounds made by nature. You somehow wished that when you opened your eyes he would be there, knowing that probably wouldn't be case.

You opened your eyes and saw nothing.

"Am I just dreaming?"

I'm releasing this chapter a little bit earlier than I expected. But, anyways... I'm not so happy with this chapter but it'll do :)
The next chapter will be posted around the weekend (maybe) or on Tuesday or Wednesday as usual!!!

Thank you for reading!! See u sooon~ ♡

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