Unwanted Chasers

By DarkMaiden

24 0 0

This is my first actual piece of writing that I've done - fingers crossed that it gets finished, but the real... More

Chapter One


23 0 0
By DarkMaiden

With the cold, wet rain pouring down in a haze, I scurried deeper into the dark, murky forest. Something evil was chasing me; I could hear the bulky oak branches behind me snap like toothpicks as the creature ran through them. Slow seconds felt like minutes, passed and slowly everything went dead silent. I continued running but soon came to a stop; I couldn't go on much further. I turned my head to see how far behind me the thing was. Peering into the thick mist searching for anything moving, but there was not even a minuscule movement to be seen.

My heart pounded inside me like a powerful jackhammer. I could hear it echoing throughout my entire body. It was going so fast, I swore it was going to come to a sudden and painful halt any second. My breathing was so heavy that if the creature were still around, it would definitely hear me. A twig snapped some where around me: I picked up my pace and started sprinting in the opposite direction with all my power. It was still following me.

My legs dragged and collided with every branch on the ground, I had to stop running, black dots were flashing like stars blocking my vision. I was so light headed, but needed to keep going if I wanted to survive. Suddenly everything went black, my legs buckled under me and moments later, I could feel things stabbing at my body as I lay on the ground, I tried to move but nothing responded. I couldn't move or see, only hear. Without anything else to do but wait, I listened to my surroundings. In the distance, wolves howled aimlessly at the moon, close by crunchy leaves rustled against each other and crickets chirped out into the nothingness. The smell of rotting leaves and dirt flooded my nostrils as I fought to breathe.

My life was now like a horror scene out of a movie. I could do nothing except wait for the slash of pain that was to come at any time. The unlucky victims were usually tired, weak and unable to defend themselves. I was out in the middle of nowhere, no one knew that I was out here or that I was being hunted by a creature that was going to kill me and drag my body away. No one would ever find my body. I tried to calm down, relax. Don't panic, it will make things worse, I thought to myself. All of a sudden, a new blanket of cold darkness consumed me: I lost consciousness.

My senses were gradually returning. It was warm and the musty smell of forest had been replaced with a sweet scent., Something next to me moved, I could feel whatever I was lying on gently sway. I froze, so that who ever was around me didn't know that I was awake yet. One of the first thoughts that flooded my mind was how long was I out?

It could have been hours or days, maybe even weeks. So many other thoughts crowded my head that I got lost inside my own mind but as soon as something that felt like a damp cloth stroked my forehead, it bought me back to the reality that strangers had kidnapped me. My mind started working again; there was no way that the thing in the forest could have been human. It just couldn't have been, there was no way. Was the thing next to me even human? As tempting as it was to open my eyes and make a run for it, if I wanted to get out of here, I would have to get to know my surroundings first.

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