The Vampire's Mistress (WIP)

By Rawrxitzxmariaa

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The Vampire's Mistress
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

171 6 0
By Rawrxitzxmariaa

I woke up before my alarm for once. I felt really great; as if the sun was shining purposely for me. I quickly showered , dressed, and straightened my hair! I really hope James was my admirer , and if he was I’d have no idea what to do. I casually made my way downstairs. Eager to see the letter I knew I had to sweat it out. Good things come for those who wait!

                I ate breakfast and ate it slowly; even though I wanted to rush things. Afterwards I made my way to the door, took a deep breath and opened it. I was more than glad to see my note was replaced with another. Only this paper looked old, very discolored. I really liked it.  I didn’t want to open it just yet but I waited long enough!  I opened the note from my admirer

                                My lovely rose,

                                If you knew who I was you’d surely be terrified and scared. You would never want my attention again. I can’t lose you like I did last time. In time you’ll understand, till then my love xx

                Well. That was very blunt. Didn’t answer anything and I still don’t have  a name to my admirer. Which sucked a lot. Could James really be a closet romantic? Just think, the school jock a closet poet. I giggled. I left the house a bit early to pick Izzy up so I could talk to her about the new mysterious note. Once she got in I handed her the note. My admirer seemed to be the new topic of our week.

                “What could he have meant by THAT.” I muttered , turning the corner to our school. “I mean if it even is James, why would I be terrified? I’ve been waiting for this since elementary school!”

                “Maybe he’s just afraid.” She said almost silently.

                “Really? You think that’s it?” I was completely confused by everything.

What if James is a murderer or worse, what if my admirer isn’t James and is a murderer! I parked my car and we headed towards the school. That’s when I caught the glance of James. And let me tell you, I was blushing hardcore.

                My whole school day was so long and boring that I actually don’t want to put it into words. After school I went home and ate lunch since I had to make up an exam at lunch. I looked at the clock, its only two thirty. I have until 8 to get ready. What was I going to do till then? I ran upstairs and put my dress and accessories on the bed nice and neatly. I glared at the necklace, I don’t want it to be a bit too much. It should do fine if I didn’t wear earrings. I went over to my desk with a pen and paper in front of me. I sat there for about 5 minutes then started to write. Once I was done I looked down, I had written

                                Dear admirer,

                                                Why must everything be a secret? What is there TO understand? I just want to know who you are, nothing will scare me away. Xx Elisa

                I didn’t know what to write to someone I never met before. I showered soon after and did a facial mask. It was very relaxing for me. After all that was done it was about five twenty or so, so I decided to curl my hair now. I curled my hair but not in a prom kind of way, id be too over dressed. Once my curls were loose, it was complete. I put on my dress and shoes; I put shorts under my dress just in case. I even made a bag with extra clothes to keep in my car just in case any spills or thrills happen.  I did my own makeup even though I know Izzy was going to be upset about it.   

                I glanced at the velvet box that was set at the edge of my bed. I put the necklace on and looked in the mirror. Whoa, It made me feel and look like a model. It was absolutely stunning. The doorbell rang, it made me jump. I took my note and my bag and headed downstairs. I opened the door and no one was there; just a tiny folded up note that read

                Sorry I'm not able to go to the party my lovely rose. I have some errands I need to do. You’ll see me soon, I promise xx

                I taped my note to the door and headed back in. It was already 7:45 so I decided it was a great time to get Izzy. I grabbed everything and locked the door as I left. I reached Izzy’s house and we soon left for Matty’s house a bit after. Once we reached our destination, we parked and took deep breaths. There were so many people here, even college kids! I was feeling a bit overdressed. We headed in for the real action. We were just about in a few feet from the front door and everything stopped what they were doing and stared at us. I was a bit nervous, but I touched my necklace and automatically felt reassured. I walked by everyone and into Matty’s kitchen where James was pouring drinks.

                “One screwdriver please” I said as politely as I possibly could.

                James threw me a smirk.

                “On ice?” he asked.

                “Of course, and make that extra vodka please. I feel a bit out of my element.” I sighed. He was so gorgeous.

“I think you look great, you shouldn’t care what other people think.”

There was that beautiful smirk again! Was he trying to make me faint? He handed me my drink and I blushed once our hands brushed.

“I thought you weren’t coming tonight?” I said between sips.

“What made you think that?” He looked really confused

“Never mind then, I’ll see you around!” I called to him as I was walking away. Awkward.  

“ You sure will” He replied.

I walked away, I’m going to need seven more of those before that happens again!  Izzy found me in a crowd of people and she handed me a bottle of Tequila. Bad idea. I practically drank ½ the bottle. Here I am practically shitfaced and everyone wanted to play as-many-minutes-as-you-want-in-heaven. Apparently Matty has a lot of closets. All I knew is I was drunk and I wanted me some James Davis! Next thing I knew I was in a circle with 30 or so people sitting Indian style. Thank god for these shorts!

They gave me the bottle to spin first, I wasn’t in the right state of mind to question it. I took the bottle, closed my eyes, and spun it. I kept praying it was going to land on James. I kept my eyes closed until I heard everyone gasp and Izzy tugged on my arm. I opened my eyes, and wouldn’t you know it. It landed right on James Davis. Matty took both of us by the hand and led us to the nearest closet.

“Have fun you too, and remember there’s no time limit to this game. Just clean up after yourselves and play it safe!” He winked and closed the door.

Even in the dark I could still see his clear blue eyes. I’m so glad he couldn’t see me; I'm a drunken mess who keeps looking at him in astonishment.

“sooo..” He started.

I could tell this was awkward for him

“We-e-e do-o-n’t have to d-o-o anythin-g” I slurred. I was seriously gone.

“But what if I want to?”

He leaned in closer to me, our lips barely touching. I could smell the beer from his mouth but I'm sure at the time I barely noticed nor cared.

“Then do it.” I whispered against his lips.

He kissed me and it was a hot passionate kiss. A kiss I’ve been waiting for since the 3rd grade. A kiss that will make me blush every time I look back on It. My first real kiss is with James Davis. We were heavily making out when I stopped him, I wasn’t stupid and I knew where this was going.

“Let’s st-st-stop her-r-r-e. I’m n-n-ot easy and d-d-on’t want t-to-o be drunk fo-r- this.” It hardly came out as words.

“Let me take you home Elisa. I know you won’t remember this tomorrow but I like you a lot. And I will remind you of that as much as I can.” He said sincerely.

He led us out of the closet and helped me to the car. Izzy was spending the night with Matty so I didn’t have to worry about her driving or getting a ride home. Once we reached my house he gave me another kiss.

“I’ll drop your car off tomorrow morning. You won’t even notice it was gone in the first place.” He smiled.

I gave him my keys, he better bring my car back! I stumbled out and mumbled something that sounded like Thank you, goodnight.

“Goodnight beautiful” he called just before driving off.

I stumbled to the door where I found a new note waiting for me, I took my spare key out and opened  the door. Taking the note with me. I locked the door and walked, or attempted to, up the stairs where I quickly crashed on the bed.

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