The Worst day of my life

By Fanoii

292 2 0

Christine gets accepted into college and her lover is moved to another state because of school. Then somethin... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 27

chapter 26

6 0 0
By Fanoii

Chapter 26

They land in Indiana. Mrs Fuqua wakes up Ethan. Ethan see that the plane stop moving .
" Were in Indiana aren't we" Ethan asked.
" Yes we are" his grandma said.
They get off the plane. Ethan see that Christine in the ambulance already. They get in the ambulance heading to Gravition hospital. They get there and alot of nurse and doctors come running out to get them in the hospital. Ethan gets out first and one of the nurse told him that they are going to take him to his room.
" I don't want to go. I want to be with her" Ethan said.
" I know but you need to be seen by a doctor. So please come with me" the nurse said.
" Ethan go please" Mrs. Fuqua said.
" Ok" Ethan said.
So Ethan went with the nurse. They took Christine to her room. Mrs. Fuqua went to the waiting room and sall her daughter Emily and Julian and Anthony. She walk over to them.
" What are you doing here" Mrs. Fuqua said.
She hugs Anthony and Emily hugs her mom.
" Hi mom long time know see. We are here because we heard from Christine parents that Ethan got hurt" Emily said.
" Nice to see you again Julian" Mrs. Fuqua said.
" You too" Julian said.
Julian gives her a hug.
" Grandma is my boyfriend going to be ok?" Anthony said.
" Yes he just has a broken arm" his grandma said.
Christine family comes walking in and sees them talking. So they walk over to them.
" Is Christine and Ethan here?" Elena said.
" Yes there here" Emily said.
Ivan goes to the nursing deck and see if we can see them.
" Can we go see Christine Lynn Bulter and Ethan Daniel Thomas please" Ivan asked.
The nurse was seeing if they can go see them.
" You can go see Ethan but right now there setting up Christine in her room. I will let you know when you can see her" the head nurse said.
" Ok thank you" Ivan said.
Ivan walks back over to them.
" They said we can see Ethan right now. They are still setting up Christine but they said they will let us know when we can see her" Ivan said.
" Ok let's go see Ethan" Luka said.
They walked to room 14. Ethan was in that room. Ethan's family goes in first to see him.
" Mom ,dad and Anthony what are you doing here?" Ethan asked.
" We heard that you got hurt and was worried about you son " his dad said.
Anthony ran over and hugged his big brother.
" Anthony what's wrong?" Ethan said.
" I was so scared. I love you Ethan" Anthony said.
" Its alright Im ok Anthony" Ethan said.
Anthony hugs him more.
" He missed you alot Ethan" his mom said.
" I see that" Ethan said.
" Ethan what happened? Why did you go to new York?" His dad asked.
Ethan stayed quiet for awhile.
" I don't feel like talking about it yet" Ethan said.
" Ok when your ready you will tell use" his dad said.
" Ethan we have to go know but we love you and will see you tomorrow ok" his mom said.
" Ok mom I love you too" Ethan said.
They walked out of the room. They went to wait in the waiting room. Christines family went into see Ethan. Ethan was surprised to see them.
" Hey Ethan how you feeling?" Luka asked.
" Not to good. My arm hurts" Ethan said.
" We are glad your safe now" Ivan said.
" We missed you" Elena said.
" I missed y'all to" Ethan said.
They walked over and hugged Ethan. Ivan and Elena left the room and Luka and Sebastian stared to talk to Ethan.
" Ethan we need to talk about Amber" Luka said.
" What is it?" Ethan said.
" Ethan she's pregnant with your baby" Sebastian said.
" What...." Ethan said.
" Yes she came up to use and told use that" luka said.
" No I've never sleep with her. I remember what happened that night? I got druck yes but when we got to her hotel room. I feel asleep on the bed.i promise I've never had sex with her. Yes I know that I kiss her and said something's but I never slept with her. I know that I hurt Christine by saying that Amber was my girlfriend but I love your sister more then you would ever know" Ethan said.
" So Amber's been lieing this hole time" Sebastian said.
" She's going to do what ever she can to get you Ethan" Luka said.
" You believe me" Ethan said.
" Yes why wouldn't we. Your are brother and brothers stick up for you" Sebastian said.
It was quite for a few minutes.
" Does Christine know yet what happened Ethan?" Luka asked.
" No I haven't got the chance to tell her yet" Ethan said.
" Then you need to tell her before it's to late" Luka said.
" I need to go talk to her right now" Ethan said.
" Ok we will go see if you can ok" Sebastian said.
They left the room and went to talk to the nurse. The nurse said yes that Ethan can go see Christine. So the went back to Ethan and told him that he can go see Christine.

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