The Worst day of my life

By Fanoii

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Christine gets accepted into college and her lover is moved to another state because of school. Then somethin... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27

chapter 14

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By Fanoii

Chapter 14

Elena comes back with the doctor. Elena tells him that Ethan going to give blood to Christine. The doctor looks a him.
" Can you come with me?" The doctor said.
" Yes I can" Ethan said.
So Ethan goose with the doctor. He brings him to a room that they use to take blood from people. The doctor asked him to sit and wait. Ethan was in the room alone. Hey was talking in his head.
" I'm going to give her the blood because she's my everything" Ethan said.
He was thinking to him self. A nurse came in the room to take my blood. She sits down and cleans his arm.
She sticks the netle in his arm.
" This is a great thing your doing for her" the nurse said.
" I'm glad it's a good thing that I'm helping her. But once I know that she's taking care of I'm leaving and let her have a better life. I did something bad and she will never for give me. So it's the best thing if I'm not here when she's wakes up" Ethan sobbing said.
He was crying and he was trying not to but it didn't work. The nurse looked at him.
" If I may ask what did you do?" The nurse asked.
It was silent in the for a few minutes.
" I slept with someone and I was really drunk but that doesn't make it better. I care for Christine but I hurt her in the end" Ethan said.
" Well I can see were she will be hurt but it wasn't your fault" the nurse said.
" It is my fault. I was in alot of pain and I didn't tell everyone. So I went to drink to see if that will make me feel better and it did but I slept with someone else and the worst think is I lost the ring she gave me and the girl I slept with has it" Ethan said.
The nurse looked sad for Ethan.
" I'm sorry I can't make you fill better" the nurse said.
Ethan put his hands over his face. He was trying to cover up that he was crying. The nurse was done talking the a negetive blood for Christine. So told Ethan that she hopes it gets better for him. She left to give the blood to Christine. Ethan stood up and he was dizzy but that didn't stop him. He walked back to the waiting. He walked over to Christine parents and told them that he will be back. They looked at him weird.
" Ethan we're  you going" Ivan said.
" I'm going back to the motel and get some sleep. I'm dizzy. So I'm going to go lay down" Ethan said.
At the time Ethan was talking to Ivan and Elena. Luka and Sebastian come walk in from outside. They walk over there and ask Ethan how did it go.
" It went fine but im going home to lay down" Ethan said.
Ethan looked at Luka and Luka know that's not what he was going to do.
" Ok I'll go with you Ethan" Luka said.
" You don't have to Luka" Ethan said.
" No that's a good idea because your dizzy " Ivan said.
" Ok I'm leaving now be back tonight" Ethan said.
They wave at me and I get outside and Luka stopped​ him.
" What are you going to do Ethan?" luka said.
" I'm going to go get my ring back from Amber. I can't change what happened but I need at least get the ring back" Ethan said.
" Ok but I'm coming with you " Luka said.
There got into the taxi and told him to go to the motel. It took to 20 minutes to get there because if the traffic. When they got there Ethan and Luka get out of the taxi and walk into the front. Ethan was walking to the desk when Luka grab him.
" We know the room she's staying in" Luka said.
So they walked to the elevator and got on it. The elevator was quite. There was a song playing in it. The song love me like you do. When we got out if there elevator. Luka walk to her room. They knocked on the door and Amber asked the door.
" Nice to see you again Ethan. Are you back for a second round" Amber said.
" No I'm not I'm here for the ring" Ethan said.
Amber told them to cone in. So they did. They sat down in the couch.
" Where is the ring at" Ethan said.
She takes it off the necklace she was wearing.
" You mean this ring right" Amber said.
" Yes can I please have it back" Ethan asked.
" Why it won't change the fact what you did?" Amber said.
Amber looked at Ethan. She can see that he regrets what happened.
" Please I need that ring" Ethan said.
" You can have it because I'm done with it" Amber said.
She hands Ethan the ring. Ethan looked happy to have the ring back.
" But im still going to try to still you way from her and that's a promise. Because the love we made was true. You loved it to Ethan. You told me that your self" Amber said.
" I don't care about that it was a miss stake and it will never happen again" Ethan said.
Ethan stood up and Luka looked at him. They left Ambers room. Ethan put the ring back on his finger. They get to the elevator. Ethan tells Luka that he's tireder and he going to go to his room and go to sleep. So he told Luka to go back to the hospital. Luka said that he will see him later. Ethan got to his room and he lyed on the bed. He's phone was ringing . He answered it.
" Hey Ethan how's Christine doing" his mom asked.
" Well she's doing better mom" Ethan said.
" How are you holding up?" His dad asked.
" Not so good. I made a mistake and I dont know how to fix" Ethan said.
" What did you do Ethan" his mom said.
" I cheated on Christine and it was because I was drunk but I no its my fault" Ethan said.
He's parents can hear him crying in the back ground.
" Ethan how could you let this happen" his dad said.
" Dad I don't know" Ethan said.
Ethan crying more.
" It's ok son" his mom said.
" I have to go now but I'm sorry that I'm not the perfect son you that I was" Ethan said.
" You are the perfect son. Ok we love you Ethan" his mom said.
" I love you too. Bye" Ethan said.
He hangs up the phone. He starts packing​ his stuff because he doesn't want to hurt her more than he already has. So he's leaving tonight after going back to see her again. No one else knows about it. It for the best. He was giving Nick his turn to be with her. He deserves her more then I do.
After he got done packing.he sat down an wrote a letter to Christine.
Dear Christine,
I'm sorry​ that I can't be there with you when you wake up. I cheated on you and I'm sorry. I know your never forgive me. It sucks that I have to let you go but it's for the best. Are anniversary tomorrow. I'm sorry I'm break it off. But if I stay with you it's just going to remind you that I cheated on you. I love you always and forever.
When he was writing the letter to Christine he was crying. So the letter has crying spots on it. It was getting dark outside​. So he grab his stuff and walked out of the room. He went to the front desk and check out of the motel. He left the motel and got in the taxi. When he got to the hospital. He got out and he see them come out. So he hides his bags in the bushes.
" Hey your going to the motel now" Ethan said.
" Yes we are tired" everyone said.
" What about you. Are you going to stay here for awhile" Ivan asked.
" Yes I am . If that's alright with you" Ethan said.
" Ok see you in the morning" everyone said.
So they left and Ethan grab his bags. He walked inti the hospital. He didn't see Nick either he must of went home. He went to Christine room. He went in and closed the door. He went to sit be her bed.
" Hey Christine I'm sorry that I've haven't been here to see you for awhile" Ethan.
He holds her hand.
" I'm sorry about everything but your going to hate me when you wake up. So I'm leaving and I'm not​ going to be in your life anymore" Ethan said.
He started crying really bad. He put the note and the rings in the side table. Hey kissed her for the last time and it was hard for him but he was crying. He left her room and said goodbye to her. Hey got a taxi that took him to the airport . Hey got there he brought his ticket to Texas. He got on the plane crying.

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