The Worst day of my life

By Fanoii

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Christine gets accepted into college and her lover is moved to another state because of school. Then somethin... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27

chapter 13

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By Fanoii

Chapter 13

Luka was waiting for Ethan to wake up. So he was thinking in his head why he won't talk to us. He's in really bad shape right now. Ethan you need to open up to us were we can help you through it. Luka gets a phone call he gets up to get his phone. He sall it was Sebastian calling.
" Hey how Christine doing?" Luka said.
" Not good. They are taking her to surgery now" Sebastian said.
Luka can hear his mom crying.
" It's going to be ok. I promise" Luka said.
" I know it will. How Ethan doing?" Sebastian asked.
Luka turned around to check if he was still sleeping. Ethan wasn't in the bed anymore. He heard something from the bathroom.
" He's not sleeping anymore" Luka said.
" Were is he?" Sebastian said.
Luka was walking towards the bathroom. He opened the door and sall Ethan throwing up.
" He's in the bathroom throwing up" Luka said.
When he said that Ethan looked up at him.
" Why are you here?" Ethan asked.
Ethan throw up again.
" Hey Sebastian I'll talk to you later" Luka said.
He hangs up the phone and looked at Ethan. Ethan was not feeling good at all.
" Well next time you will think about how much you will drink" Luka said
Ethan glared at him.
" leave me alone" Ethan said.
" Why did you leave the hospital Ethan and drank alot" Luka asked.
" I don't want to talk about it but more importantly how did I get here. I was in the bar and that's the last that I remember" Ethan said.
He was still throwing up.
" Why don't you take a shower and then when your done? We will talk" Luka said.
Ethan got up off the floor and took his clothes off and got in the shower like. Luka went back in the room and waited for Ethan to get out. Why he was waiting him pulled everything out of his pocket. He had Ethan wallet, phone , keys and something was missing.
" O.o know the ring is gone" Luka said.
He started panicking. Were could it gone. She started looking everywhere in the room. Ethan​ came out and looked confused.
" What are you looking for" Ethan said.
" I lost something important and I dont know were it is" Luka said.
Ethan got back on the bed. Luka looked everywhere in the room and it wasn't in there. So Luka just sat down.
" So what is it that you want to talk about" Ethan said.
Luka looked at him.
" Ethan you said you don't remember everything right" Luka said.
" Yes why what happened?" Ethan said.
Luka was trying to tell Ethan what he did.
" Ethan there's no easy way for my to tell you this but you got drunk and had sex with someone else" Luka said.
Ethan face was shocked.
" No I didn't. I think I would remember that" Ethan said.
Luka was having a hard time with this.
" Ethan the bartender had your phone and I called it to find out were you were and when we got there you weren't there. He told us you went home with a girl from the bar. So we go to the motel and asked were she's lived. So we got to her room and knocked on the door and she answered it. We found you in her bed passed out​. She told us you and her had sex. And the best part about that your told her that she was your girlfriend now. We grab you and brought you to your room" Luka said.
Ethan stood up in shock.
" No... No... No... I cheated on Christine. What am I going to do? How am I supposed to tell her that I cheated on her? I didn't mean for this to happen! I hurt the girl I care about most in the world. She will never forget me" Ethan sobbing.
Ethan lay down in his bed crying. He grab his head and realized that his ring not there.
" Were is my ring" Ethan said.
Luka walked over to him and told him about what he did with the ring.
" Ethan you throw the ring way and the bartender gave it to me but sometime when we got to you. I probably dropped it and I'm sorry about that" Luka said.
" It's not your fault luka. It's mine. Do you know the girls name that I slept with?" Ethan said.
Luka shock his head yes.
" Your slept with Amber Ethan. I'm sorry that we didn't get to you in time" Luka said.
" It's ok I made a bad choice. And I understand if y'all hate me know​" Ethan said.
Ethan was crying.
" Ethan me and Sebastian don't hate you and no one else knows about what happened yet" Luka said.
" So your parents don't know yet"? Ethan asked.
Luka shock his no.
" Ethan please tell me what's going on with you?" Luka said.
Ethan sat up in the bed.
" Promise you won't tell your parents ok but when Christine was in the accident the doctor found out that she was pregnant but the doctor tried to save the baby but he couldn't . So when I told them that I'll be right back. It was because I was asking the doctor if she still can have kids in the future and he said no Christine will not be able to have kids. So got upset about that but that's not the only thing that happened that day. I was walking back to the waiting room but I stopped at Christine room and Nick was in there. Nick was talking to her and saying that she needs to move on from me because he will be better for her. So I was crying in the hallway but when I look back on there Nick was kissing her. So I got u and ran in there and pucked him in the face. I was really mad and I didn't want to get in trouble again. So that's when I walked to the waiting room and you know the rest from there. But what got me the most is what if Nick was right" Ethan sobbing.
Luka stood up and went to hug Ethan.
" Thank you for telling me that and Nick is wrong but your the nicest guy if meet and you love Christine and nothing going to change that" Luka said.
Ethan was crying bad.
" What am I going to do now. I cheated on her and she's going to hate me when she finds out" Ethan said.
" We will figure it out but right now get some sleep because you look like crap" Luka said.
" Ok" Ethan said.
Luka went to sit on the couch and watched tv. Ethan went back to sleep.
2 hours later Ethan woke up with a bad headache.
" Ethan Christine us in surgery again" Luka said.
" Ok then let's go to the hospital" Ethan said.
So they get ready to go to the hospital. The walk to the front and the see amber. Ethan trying not to look at her.
Luka see Amber coming over and he tells Ethan to run and that he will meet him at the hospital. So Ethan runs.
" Were did Ethan go?" Amber said.
" I don't know but he looks like he's trying​ to get away from you" Luka said.
Amber glared at Luka.
" You know I will find him and when I do where going to leave this state" Amber said.
" Good luck finding him because he doesn't what to be with you bitch" Luka said.
" Well that's not what he said yesterday. When we had sex" Amber said.
" Look here he doesn't remember everything from yesterday. He feels bad about yesterday. So good luck on that" Luka said.
Amber moved closer and Luka sall something shiny on her necklace. It was a ring but he couldn't tell what it looks like.
" Can I see that ring please?" Luka said.
" No because someone special gave it to me" Amber said.
" No one gave you the ring it feel out of my pocket and it belongs to Ethan. Now please hand it over now" Luka said.
" No you can't prove it " Amber said.
Amber walked off and turned around and stuck up her middle finger and keep walking.
" What a bitch but we need to find a way to get the ring back" Luka said.
Luka walked out of the motel and sees Ethan waiting for him. He walked over to him and asked why are you still here.
" Because I didn't want to leave you and I can't bring myself to go to the hospital" Ethan said.
Luka looked at him.
" Ethan you have nothing to worried about. They don't​ know anything about what happened" Luka said.
" I know but I can't bring myself to see Christine right now. And I know Nick is there and I can't handle that right now" Ethan said.
Ethan was so nervous on what will happen he started throwing up again. Luka went over hug him.
" Ethan Christine needs you right now" Luka said.
" Your right. I'm sorry" Ethan said.
" By the way I know were your ring is" Luka said.
" Let me guess Amber has it" Ethan said.
Luka shock his head yes.
" She will not give it back. So we are going to have to think of something to get it back" Luka said.
Ethan agreed with Luka. They got a taxi. The taxi took them to the hospital. The got out of the hospital and walked in. They see everyone including Nick. They all came running when they sall Ethan.
" Hey Ethan were have you been" Ivan said.
Elena went to hung Ethan.
" We missed you Ethan" Elena said.
" I'm sorry everyone. That I worried you" Ethan said.
" It's ok but why do you smell like alcohol Ethan?" Ivan asked.
Luka stepped in.
" It's because we had a drink before coming here. I wanted to calm down Ethan. So we grab a drink" Luka said.
Sebastian looks at Luka.
" O.o ok that makes since" Ivan said.
" So how's Christine doing?" Ethan asked.
" Well she's in surgery right now but will hope she's doing good" Elena said.
They went to sit down and Ethan felt someone glaring at him. So he looks and Nick is glaring at him. Ethan in his mind why is he glaring at me? Please tell me he hasn't figured it out that I cheated on him. He was getting nervous​ again. So he was applying force to his hand. Elena see it and she grabs his hand.
" Ethan are you ok" Elena asked.
" Yes why do you asked?" Ethan said.
" Because look what your doing to your hand" Elena said.
Ethan looked at his hand and it was red and a little swollen.
" Yes I'm aright just worried about Christine" Ethan said.
Ethan lying to Elena. Luka sits on the other side of him.
" Ethan calm down it's aright" Luka said.
He tried to calm down. It took a few minutes but he was calm down now.
Sebastian gets up and asked Luka to come with him for a few minutes. Do Luka gets up and walks with Sebastian outside​.
" So what happened when you talked to him about what happened yesterday?" Sebastian said.
" He doesn't remember anything that happened?" Luka said.
" O.o ok but what are we going to do about it?" Sebastian said.
" I'm trying to figure that out. Just right now mom and dad don't need to know" Luka said.
"Ok" Sebastian said.
Luka looked at Sebastian. Sebastian asked what's wrong.
" We have a bigger problem now" Luka said.
" What is it Luka" Sebastian said.
" Amber got Ethan ring now" Luka said.
" That is a big problem" Sebastian said.
" We need to think of away to get it away from her" Luka said.
" Ok but not right now" Sebastian said.
Luka agreed with him. They walked back in the hospital. And they see the doctor talking​ to Ivan, Elena, and Ethan. The doctor walked away from them. They look happy.
" Hey so what did the doctor say" Luka and Sebastian said.
" Well Christine is out of surgery" Ivan said.
" Is she alright" Luka said.
" She's alright. She's still needs blood but he said that she's looking alot better. There trying to find her blood type Because were not her blood type but other then that she good for right now" Ivan said.
Ethan spoke up.
" I'm here blood type. I give her some of my blood" Ethan said.
Everyone looks at him.
" Are you sure about this Ethan" Elena said.
" Yes I'm sure because I love her and she needs it" Ethan said.
" Thank you so much Ethan" Ivan said.
Luka and Sebastian look at Ethan and smile at him.
" By the way Ethan we're is your ring" Elena said.
" O.o he probably leave it at the motel because we wanted to get here fast" Luka said.
Ethan looked at Luka and mouth thank you. Elena hug Ethan and then went to find the doctor. They sat down in the waiting room and Nick was still glaring at him. Ethan was trying to stay calm.

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