The Worst day of my life

By Fanoii

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Christine gets accepted into college and her lover is moved to another state because of school. Then somethin... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27

chapter 6

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By Fanoii

Chapter 6

The ambulance was heading to the hospital. Brian was sitting in the ambulance because he was the one who tried to help the woman.
" Hey sir do you know this woman by any chance" the EMT said.
" No I was in the road when the accident happened. The car just drove off and left her there. So I thought I might help her because that's what someone would do for me" Brian said.
" Your a good guy to save someone that you don't know. You may of save her life. You told us in the phone that she's pregnant right?" The EMT said.
" Yes she said that before she passed out. Are you going to be able to save the baby to?" Brian said.
" We will try to save the baby but how bad her injuries are. The baby may not make it" the EMT said.
It's went quite in the ambulance. The EMT asked if Brian to look in her wallet to find out her name. So Brian looked in her wallet for her ID and he told the EMT that her name is Christine Bulter and she is 23 years old. The EMT gets on the radio. We have a 23 years​ old name Christine Bulter . She has severe injuries through out her body. She not responsive right now and she maybe 5-6 weeks pregnant. The hospital asked the call how far are you out. Like 5 minutes away. Alright will be waiting for you. We get to the hospital and a nurse and a doctor came running out. The EMT got out of the ambulance and got her out of the ambulance and helped the doctor and nurse put her on a hospital bed. The doctor sall Brian get out of the ambulance and they thought that was her boyfriend.
" Thank you for saving your girlfriends life" the doctor said.
" She's not my girlfriend. I was on the same street and I sall the accident. So I got out and help​ed her" Brian said
" Your a great guy Brian. Thank you for saving her" the doctor said.
" Your welcome" Brian said.
" Do you know if she has any family " the doctor said.
" She has a phone that has her family numbers in it" Brian said.
So Brian handed the phone over to the nurse and the doctor told her to call them and let them know what's going on. Ok I will let them know what happened the nurse said. So they Rush her into surgery. Brian would you like to wait in the waiting room because the cops are going to ask you some questions. He shakes his head yes. So him and the nurse walk into the hospital and she shows him we're the waiting room us and he goes sit down. The nurse goes back to her desk. The cops came in and when to the desk and ask were the witnessed was and she told them that he was over there waiting. So the cops came up to Brian to asked​ him some questions.
" Mr. Ross I like to asked you some questions?" The cop said.
" Ok " Brian said.
" What happened " the cop said.
" There was ice on the road and the cars were going slow and there was this car that was speeding and it hit Christine car. Christine car flipped and hit the tree. The car that hit her drove off and then I got out help her and then I called the ambulance and they brought her here" Brian said.
" Ok thank you for your help and another thing do you remember the car that hit her?" the cop asked.
" No it was dark. I'm sorry" Brian said.
" It's ok sir " the cop said.
Then the cops lelf and Brian was waiting for the doctor to come back.
The nurse was looking through Christine phone. She found her parents number. So she called it.
" Hello is this Mrs. And Mr. Bulter" the nurse said.
" Yes how may I ask who's calling" Elena said.
" I'm calling to let you know that your daughter Christine is been in a bad accident" the nurse said.
She can here them start crying.sbe asked them to calm down. Hey Mom asked what hospital was she at.
" We are at Gravition hospital in Arizona" the nurse said.
They said they will be there as soon as possible. She hang up the phone. She put the phone on the desk and it started to ring again and it was someone named Ethan but she didn't know who that is. So she doesn't answer it. 2 hours later there was 2 people that come into the hospital freaking out. They go to the nurses​ desk.
" Hi my name is Elena Bulter and this is Ivan bulter" Elena said.
The nurse was trying to calm them down.
" Hi I'm the nurse how called you about Christine. Christine is still in surgery" the nurse said.
They calmed down a little bit. They asked if they know anything yet and the nurse said no. The nurse give her mother her phone and they sat in the waiting room. Waiting on the doctor to come talk to them. Why they were waiting her mom calls her son's to let them know.
" Hey Christine what's wrong" Luka and Sebastian said.
" It's not Christine. It's you mom and I have something to tell you Luka and Sebastian" Elena said.
" Mom why do you have Christine phone. Is something wrong with Christine" the both said.
" Christine was in a car accident and we don't Know how bad she is. All we know right​ now is that she's in surgery" Elena said.
She started crying really bad.
" Mom Christine will be all right. She is really strong and she will make it through Surgery. We have faith in her. What hospital is she at?" They asked.
" She at Gravition hospital. Why do you asked?" Elena said.
" Because we are going to come tomorrow and be there for you and dad and Christine. How's dad doing?" They asked.
" You are the best son's i could asked for. Your dad is not doing good right now. He worried that he might lose his daughter and so am I" Elena said.
The son's her there mom sobing.
" Mom it's good to be alright . We love you and see you tomorrow" they both said.
" Thank you and we love you too and will see you tomorrow" Elena said.
She gets off the phone and Ivan asked what did they say and I told him that they said they will be here tomorrow and he asked that's good because her family needs to be here. The doctor comes in and asked for Christine family and they stand up. The doctor comes over and this guy comes up too.
" Hi I'm Christine doctor. You must be her mom and dad" the doctor said .
" Nice to meet you . I'm Elena Bulter and this Ivan bulter. So hows Christine doing?" Elena asked.
" Well not good that's why I wanted to talk to you" the doctor said.
" It's must be bad then" Ivan said.
" Yes it's bad. Your daughter suffered from alot of brain injuries. She also has a broken arm and some broken ribs and her face is all cut up.
They start crying.
" So is she going to walk up?" they asked.
" Right now no she's not because of the brain injuries​. So she in a comma" the doctor said.
" But we can see her soon right" they said.
" Yes you can but you also need to get rest to" the doctor said.
" I'm sorry to be rude but who are you" Ivan said.
" I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Brian. The one that saved your daughter" Brian said.
Elena went up and hug him and thanked him for saving her daughter. Ivan shakes his hand. The doctor asked if they want to go see her now and they said yes the would love to. But before the doctor takes them Brian said that hes glad that's she ok now but that he's going to go home now that her parents are there now. Elena hugs I'm once more and the Ivan hugs him. He goes up to Elena and tells Elena to open up her hand because she has something to give her. So she did and his puts the ring in her hand. Elena asked why did he have her ring? He tells him the the EMT had to take it off . So I was told to hold on to it till her parents got here. Elena thanks him for holding on to it because that ring was important to her daughter. The dad looks at the ring and a shock came to his face but he keep quiet. The doctor came back and asked us if we want to see her and we said yes. So the doctor took use to her room and she was in room 14 and Elena looked at the room number and was thinking that date is important to us but right now she can't put her finger on it. The went into the room. They look at Christine and she had bruising on her face and her body. The doctor asked a question.
" Do you know if she was dating someone?" The doctor said.
"Yes she's dating someone. Why do you ask?" Elena said.
And after she asked that. She remember Ethan her boyfriend. She had this worried look on her face.
" Because there's something I like to ask him. Is he here with you?" the doctor asked.
" No he's not. He's does live with her. He lives in Texas but of the college he goes too" Ivan said.
" Dose he know that his girlfriend in the hospital?" The doctor said.
" No we haven't talked to him yet because we were worried about are daughter and forgot about calling him. We feel really bad about that right now. We are going to call him tomorrow to let him know. His like are son because them to been together for awhile now" Elena said.
" Ok I'm sorry for asking but when you talk to him please let me know" the doctor said.
" Ok we will" Ivan said.
The doctor walk out if them room and gave us some privacy. We looked at are daughter. Elena walked over to her daughter and started talking to her.
" Christine can you hear me baby. Me and your dad are here" her mom said.
" We aren't going nowhere were " her dad said.
The look at her and then Elena kissed her daughter hand. She started sobing and Ivan hugs her to get her to stop crying.
" Honey it's going to be alright" Ivan said.
" I know babe but how are we going to tell Ethan that the woman he loves is in the hospital. And that she in a comma?" Elena said.
" We will figure out a way to tell him" Ivan said.
We got done talking and it was time for us to go. So we said bye to Christine and that we will see her tomorrow. So they left the hospital and went to find a motel to say at. Ivan sees a motel 8 . So there check in to the motel and we got in the room. Ivan said that he's going to take a shower and I told him that ok. I went to plug up Christine phone and there was a voicemail mail from Ethan. So I listened to it.
" Hey Christine I guess your busy. So I was worried why you didn't​ answer the phone. But your probably asleep and so I just wanted to tell you that I love you and miss you. Call me back when you get the message. Bye" from Ethan.
Ivan comes out of the bathroom and she's Elena crying. So Ivan went running to Elena and asked her what's wrong. She tells him Ethan lelf her message on her phone. Ivan said it's ok we will call him tomorrow​ a let him Know I promise. Now go take a shower were we can get some sleep and be up there early in morning. So she takes a shower and then cames out  of the bathroom and clipes into the bed. They fall asleep.

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