The Worst day of my life

By Fanoii

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Christine gets accepted into college and her lover is moved to another state because of school. Then somethin... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27

chapter 5

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By Fanoii

Chapter 5

3 years later
Beep! Beep! Beep!
She woke up with the sun shining in her face. She got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. She was looking at her ring that Ethan gave her. Shes happy because shes a senior in college. She got out of the shower and got dressed. She can out of the
bathroom and ran into her roommate Bella Wilson she's a junior.
" Good morning Bella are you ready for school today?" Christine said.
" Maybe I'm still tireder though" Bella said.
" I'm sorry what time did you get back after studying at the library?" Christine said.
" I got back at 12:00 o'clock" Bella said.
" So you were studying late right" Christine said.
" Yes but the test today I'm going to pass" Bella said.
" That's good. I hope you pass " Christine said.
Bella looks at me weird.
" Hey Christine can I ask you a question?" Bella asked.
" Yes what is it" Christine said.
" How are you so happy knowing that your boyfriend not here with you " Bella said.
Christine​ looks at bella when she said that. Christine was shocked that Bella asked that question.
" Well I know that he's far away from me but I trust him and I talk to him when I can" Christine said.
" Bella I can see he's really important to you because you still wear the ring he got you" Bella said.
" This ring is important to me because the love of my Life" Christine said.
" That's sweet and I have another question for you Christine" Bella asked.
" What do you want to ask, Bella?" Christine said.
" Are you feeling ok Christine because you look pale?" Bella said.
" I feel a little dizzy but that's probably because of all the studying and working" Christine said.
" Ok I'm just worried about you Christine your like my best friend" Bella said.
" Thank you for caring about​ me and your my best friend to. Now I have to get ready for school" Christine said.
" Ok I will let you get ready for school" Bella said I walked right passed her to go to the kitchen. I make my breakfast and my phone rings. I went to answer the phone but my vision was blurry. So I feel to the floor. I sat there for a few minutes. Then I got up before Bella​ came in the kitchen. I was thinking in my mind what was going on with me. Is it because I'm pushing myself to hard. I pick up my phone and see that I'm missed a call from Ethan. So I call him back later.
" Hey Ethan I'm sorry I'm missed your call. I was making my breakfast" Christine said.
" It's ok angel. I just wanted to hear your voice because I miss you alot " Ethan said.
I hear from the phone someone call Ethan name. I hear them say aww Ethan your blushing and Ethan telling him to be quite. The guy said are you talking to that hot girlfriend off yours. Ethan said don't call my girlfriend hot because I will hurt you if you touch her. Chill out Ethan I was joking. We are Bros after all. What kind of best friend would I be if I go after your girl. But Ethan it's time to go to school now. You can talk to her after school. Ethan said ok to him then he talks to her.
" Babe I have to go now" Ethan said.
" Ethan who was that you were talking to ?" Christine asked.
" That was my best friend Ren " Ethan said.
"Ok and why were you getting tease by him?" Christine said.
" Because I tease him when he talks to his girlfriend" Ethan said.
" Ok but why are you getting jealous of him calling me hot?" Ethan said.
" Because I'm the only one that can call you hot , sexy , and cute. Babe are your alright because you don't sound alright" Ethan said worried.
" Yes babe I'm alright. I just think I'm pushing myself​ to hard that is all" Christine said.
" Babe promise me that you want push yourself​ too hard because if you do I'm going to be worried about you and not be able to work on my school work" Ethan said.
" I promise Ethan I won't push myself to hard" Christine said
" I have to go now but I'll call you after school to find out how your doing? I love you Christine" Ethan said.
" Ok. I love you to Ethan" Christine said.
" Bye" Ethan said.
" Bye to " Christine said.
She hang up the phone and she started to fill sick but she still went to school. She got in her car and started the abd she got a message. She went to check the and sees it a reminder that she has a test on march 6 ,2020 and that it be a opened note test.She got to her class and she felt like throwing up but she didn't. She couldn't do her school work. She got to lunch and she wasn't very hugry. She was thinking in her mind what is going on. She went to her next class that was math. She couldn't work. So she put her head down on the table. My teacher Mrs. King as me if I was ok and I shake my head no. She told me to rest and I can work on my essay later when I feel good. The class was done and I had to hurry to my car to get to work. I got in my car and started the car and went to work. I got there and parked my car.i git out off my car and I was dissy again but I worked though it. When I went in I sall my boss Kendall. I waved to him. He's the head doctor at the office. I worked on the paperwork​ I have till closing . I ask Kendall a question.
" Hey Kendall can I ask you a question?" Christine asked.
" Sure Christine. What is it?" Kendall asked.
" Well I've been feeling worried lately and I thought I ask you and see if you know what it could be. I thought it was from pushing myself but I'm starting to think that's not it" Christine said.
" What are your since"? Kendall said.
" Well I blurry, vision, not wanted to eat alot ,and paleness" Christine said.
" That's not good" Kendall said.
He went in to his cabinet and got a pregnancy test and he handed it to me and asked me how long has it been since I had my period and I said I was supposed to have it on the 14 of this month but I was late and he tells me I might be pregnant. She goes silent and then she goes into the bathroom and pees on the stick and then comes out and hands it to him. He tells her that the will wait 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes were up. He looks at the pregnancy test and it's postive. So that means I'm pregnant. He asked me a question.
" Do you Know how the father is Christine?" Kendall said.
" Yes the Father is Ethan but how am I going to tell him that I'm pregnant with his kid. He's still in school working towards becoming a doctor and this is going to mess it up" Christine said.
She freaking out and he calms her done.
" Christine you have to calm down. It's not just you any more. You have a baby to care for now. I Know your freaking out but you know your going to have to tell Ethan because his the father and you have to make decisions now on what you are going to do?" Kendall said.
" But what if he leaves me because if it and that's one thing I don't want to happen" Christine said.
Christine so emotional right now.
" Do you think Ethan would do that. He cares for you Christine and yes he's going to be shock at first but that's one guy that's really in love with you. I've seen it. So I know how much he cares for you" Kendall said.
" Your right Kendall. Do you have paper. So I can right Ethan a letter" Christine​ said.
Kendall hands her paper and a pen and she starts writing the letter.
Dear Ethan,
Well I don't know how to tell you this but I'm pregnant and I'm about 5 weeks. I wanted you to know because your the father and I'm happy that your the father of our kid. I know your going to be shocked when you read the letter but I live you and I don't want to lose you because I give you my heart and only you. I hope you will be happy and that you don't hate me.
Love your angel.
So I finished writing the letter and then I put it in a envelope to mail it to him. Then I put it in be bag.
" Hey it's time for you to go home and rest and watch out it's snowing outside" Kendall said.
" Ok thank you for your help and told me about the snow" Christine said.
" Your welcome Christine" Kendall said.
So then I grab my stuff and head out side and it was really cold. So the I got in my car and started the car and turned on the heater. I started to drive home and my way home the street was blocked by a car. In my mind I was thinking it's really cold out here and I have to get home to mail this letter. There was ice on the road and there was a car speeding. He couldn't stop so he ended up hitting me and the car flipped and hit a tree but I was blacking out because​ of how bad my injury. The car drove off. And there was this car that stopped​ and got out to help me. Hey call 911 and they asked his name and he said his name was Brian Ross . He told them that there was accident and there was a girl early 20 that was badly injured. Christine said her baby before she was unconscious. So Brian tells them that she pregnant. There tell him that they will be the in a minute. And a few minutes later they were there. They go up and talk to Brian and told him that he was this girl's hero. He said it was no problem at all. He asked if she was going to be ok and the said they don't know yet. That put her in the ambulance and asked Brian to come to. Brian hands them her stuff and gets in the ambulance.

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