By owjdnwbd

98.7K 1.5K 2.1K


CreepyPasta Brother Description
When Someone Hurts You
You Get A Boyfriend
When You Get Mad At Them
When Your Boyfriend Makes Dinner For You
You Have Your Period
When You Have Your First Kiss
You Break Up With Your Boyfriend
When You Get Kidnapped
Jason The Toymaker Follow Up
They Save You
You Have To Go To The Hospital

When You Need Them

4.6K 75 73
By owjdnwbd

Jeff & Liu

You tried opening your eyes but due to the frightens of the room, your eyes were squinted. However, even through your squinted eyes, you could make out three faceless beings surrounding you. And before you could process anything, a tentacle was being tied around your neck, beginning to choke you.

"B... boss.." you struggled to say as you could feel your airway shutting, your eyes glossy due to the lack of oxygen in your system.

You tried clawing at the black tentacle wrapped around your neck as your vision began to get spotty. By now, tears had began to poor down your face, but as soon as Splendor walked through the big door located on the side of the room, you no longer felt sad.

You were happy. Happy even though you were on the brink of death.


"Where the hell is that bitch?" Jeff shouted at Liu, knowing he wouldn't get an answer as Liu was asking the same thing.

The two sat down for a minute, trying to calm down before they did anything irrational. Then it hit them, tonight was her day for patrol. So she had to be in the woods, right?

Jeff had decided to go on the route alone, having Liu stay at the mansion in case you had come back, but before he could even make it to the middle of the trail, he noticed what seemed to be a flower and glitter on the floor.

And just like that, a light bulb went off.

Ticci Toby

You had woke up to find yourself tied to a pole. Whoever kidnapped you had made sure that you weren't able to use your hands.

"Fuck." You muttered, trying to free yourself from the rope restraining you. However, as you were struggling, you failed to notice someone enter the room. Well, you didn't notice, until you were slapped across the face.

"What the f—" you began, until the hooded figure interrupted you.

"You deserve to pay, demon!" Based on the voice, you had assumed that it was a female underneath that hood.

"Uh... do I know you?" You asked, trying to think of all the people who might want to seek revenge on you.

Instead of answering your question the lady pulled down the hood, revealing her face. She had reminded you of Joey in some way, then it hit you, that must be his mother.

"My poor baby is gone because of you!" She shouted, moving closer to you, to yank your hair, straining your neck in the process.

"He's the one that cheated on me..." you spoke calmly, not caring that she could kill you at any chance she got.

"You little bitch!" She screamed again, slamming your head against the pole repeatedly, "my boy never loved you!"

"Then why did he date me?" You asked aloud, not caring that there was now blood leaking down your face.

Meanwhile, Toby had been searching all over the mansion for you, he had wanted to see if you wanted to go hunting with him.

"W... where are y.. you (y/n)?" He said before entering your bedroom to see your bed a mess: pieces of waffle all over your sheet, tv still playing, and sheets on the floor.

This was the last place he could think of, so something had to have happened to you.

Eyeless Jack

The first thing that caught your eye as soon as you woke up was the fireplace to your left. You then looked around and guessed that you were in a dungeon of some sort.

Out of nowhere, a person walks from out of the darkness, "you know how long I had to wait for you to wake up?"

You rolled your eyes until you noticed he was holding a metal rod that ended in some weird shape, almost like a sign. It didn't take long to realize this mysterious person's intentions, they were gonna brand you.

The person walked towards the lively fire, sticking the end of the rod into the flames. Once the rod was perfectly heated, staying red even once out of the fire, this person walked around you, lifting your shirt.

You bit your tongue to prevent yourself from screaming since that would only give your kidnapper satisfaction, but one that burning sensation touched your skin, you couldn't help but scream, "aaaaaagh!"

Pure pain was all you could feel, even after the rod was lifted from your back. Due to the pain, you could feel yourself going in and out of consciousness. However, before you could completely faint, a picture of your newly branded back was being shoved into your face by the culprit.

Then all you saw was black.

Meanwhile, Jack had been searching for you for about 3 hours, he already knew something went wrong as soon as he noticed you weren't in the house. You would always tell him if you were gonna be out the next day, and you wouldn't leave unless he was notified first.

So he began to panic, quickly. Even though he may hurt you sometimes, he promised to always keep you safe, and he would not go back on his word now.

Laughing Jack

Once you woke up you noticed how hard it was to see and breathe, so you came up with the only reasonable explanation and that was: they left a bag on your head.

You tried to move your hands to notice they were tied behind you, but that didn't stop you. You had remembered something and brought your boot up to your hands to retrieve your pocketknife.

Once you pulled the knife out, somebody in the room decided to speak up, "d.. do it, and we'll shoot."

You chuckled before dropping the knife to the ground, you knew by how scared this man had sounded this would be easy, "there's no need to get violent, these ropes are just really hurting my wrists. You don't mind loosening it for me, so you?"

Due to your innocent tone, the man in the room fell for your little trick, signaling to his comrades to do it.

Once you could feel the rope loosen, you quickly slipped your hand through and grabbed the neck of the man who did you the favor. With your other hand, you pulled off the bag, looking around the room to see four men in front of you.

They quickly aimed their guns at you as the saw their comrade struggling to breath within your grasp, "now boys, we don't have to fight. Well, really I wouldn't recommend it, or else you want this one to die?"

Everyone's breath hitched at your threat, none of the knowing what to do. You smirked, this was your chance.

Fifteen minutes later, you were walking out of the room, blood covering you.

After that little commotion, you began walking down the endless halls, trying to find the main door so you could get out of this disgusting place. Luckily, you had found a door that was labeled 'EXIT', so you walked in to be met by another room like the once you had escaped. You began to turn around, until the door had shut and locked.

You quickly turned around to be met by a fist. The impact was surprisingly strong, that you had fell to the ground. The people had taken this chance and began to beat you mercilessly.


Jack had went to your job as soon as he noticed it was getting dark outside. There he was greeted by a little boy, and before Jack could kill the child, he decided to make use of him.

"Hey little boy, have you perhaps seen a girl (your description)?" While he had expected to get nothing from the kid, he was surprised to see the little boy nod.

"Mean men took her."

Ben Drowned

"D... Dylan..?" You mumbled, trying to regain your sight, but it made the pain worse for you as you tried to adjust to the lot up room, "fuck. My head."

Due to the pain, you didn't notice the culprit was in front of you until he started laughing. This is when you got angry.

"Let me go, you fucking psycho!"

"Now, now, (y/n). Is that anyway to speak to your future hubby?" Dylan pouted, feigning innocence, but you knew that was the exact opposite of he is. He actually terrified you.

And after an hour, you were soaked in your own blood. This being because Dylan would slice your body whenever you disobeyed him, and that was every second.

After that long, with that much blood loss, you vision began to go spotty, you were about to faint.

'Where are you Ben?' You questioned to yourself, a single tear leaving your face.

Meanwhile, Ben was already coming to get you. It didn't take a long time to figure out who had kidnapped you.


As soon as you had opened your eyes, you looked around you to find out you were surrounded by a group of girls. The leader of the group just so happened to be Justin's ex (before you).

Everybody knew her due to her merciless and bratty attitude, so, you're honestly not surprised that she was the one to kidnap you. In fact, you even had the audacity to roll your eyes at them.

"You fucking bitch!" The leader, Trixie, screeched, pulling your hair yanking you everywhere.

"Fuck," you grunted feeling your hair being torn out of your scalp, but this didn't stop you from acting up, "you sound like a dying parrot when you yell, so... could you not?"

Obviously, this made Trixie even angrier, as she looked behind her and spoke to her groupies, "kill her."

"Uh, Trixie... you know we can't do that..." once of the girl said, fear beginning to course through her.

"I said to fucking kill her!!"

Meanwhile, Masky had walked to the spot he left you at to see you were no longer there. Worry began to take him over as he scanned the whole park, only to not find you, so he quickly went to one of the kids you had been previously talking to and asked.

"Kid. Have you seen the lady you were talking to?"
Masky asked as he placed his hand on the little kid's shoulder, unaware that his grip was in fact hurting the kid.

The kid's eyes began to tear up, scared of the man in front of them, "p... people took her..."

Masky's eyes narrowed as he let go of the crying kid, at least he knew he'd be able to get rid of some stress during the process of getting you back.

Slender Brothers

You thought they got rid of her, you even heard her bloody screams, so why was she still alive? From what you heard, she shouldn't have been able to make it out of that cabin, not alive at least.

"Aww, you didn't forget me, did you?" The female pouted, feigning sadness as her hand caressed your cheek. Currently, you were chained to a chair in the middle of the cabin where her death was supposed to take place.

"Hm, you probably know me as... whore!" The teenager laughed, before walking to a table to grab a knife before walking back to you.

"Answer me!" She shouted, stabbing your hand.

"Aaaagh!!" You screamed, looking down at your hand to see it pinned down onto the arm of the chair by the knife, "y... yes I remember you..."


Due to the pain, tears began to fall down your cheeks, getting worse once she pulled the knife out of your hand, "fuck!"

Before you could look up at her again, you were now being stabbed in the leg, and on it went. She continuously stabbed you as if she were in a trance.

And right before you could los consciousness, you tried to reach your brothers.

'Brothers... please... help me'


Thankfully the cabin was close enough, so your brothers were able to hear your plea. And by the looks of it all of them heard because as soon as they did, all of them got ready to leave the mansion to find you.

Due to you being the youngest and only girl, this lead all of the to be super protective over you. It was an unspoken rule between the male's that whoever hurts you has to die.


You knew they were forever to do this, they had to be! All three of you had became good friends during your relationship with Light, so why would they try to kill you? You had to find out.

"Please, Ryuk, Remu, don't do this." You pleaded, not only for your sake but theirs, all of you know the consequences that will happen after they kill you. They'd die as well.

After no response, you decided to ask a question, "did he plan this?"

Both Shinigamis looked at each other before turning back to you with a mod of their heads, "yes, he knew what you'd do if you ever caught the two."

Tears began to fall down your face, even though you knew they would never truly kill you. You care for them just as much as they cared for you.

Before the Shinigamis could say anything else, the door in the abandoned house was broken down. You quickly turned towards the commotion only to be blinded by a dozen flashlights, that's when you realized, it was the police. Luckily, they could see Ryuk and Remu but they could still see you..

"What did you do to my son?" The leader asked, which just so happened to be Light's father. Without time to respond, the cops were rushing towards you with their gums aimed towards you.

'It just has to be him.' You thought as you were slammed to the ground and handcuffed.

In the end, you ended up in a jail cell until you'll be tried. You didn't worry much since Ryuk and Remu never left your side, but once you realized they technically can't do anything to help you, you began to freak out.

And being the new one, everyone else in the cell had to assert their dominance. By doing what you may ask, we'll by beating you to a pulp of course.

You decided to just take it knowing this will all be over soon, but as soon as they held you behind so you could stand up, your eyes went wide.

Some of the other cell mates were tying a rope onto the ceiling, while the other was positioning a chair directly underneath it.

They didn't want to just beat you up, they wanted to kill you.


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