Mr. Anonymous (Editing)

By J-kNightshade

6.8K 155 17

I love you but you don't know me, you should know me. So I'm sorry, but I'll be near. And I'll be watching. A... More

Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 15

249 7 0
By J-kNightshade

I awoke the next morning with Salem partly crushing me. He was shirtless meaning he was showing off his very delicious, mouthwatering eight pack. This I would never be able to get used to, I just know it. I’m now his, after two months of crying and depression most of the time it was nice to finally be able to smile at this one thing, of having my mate. But currently my arm was asleep because of the position I was in curled into Salem’s arms so I decided to somewhat try to wiggle my way out from under him but I just got a groan from him instead.

“Go back to bed, Love.” He mumbled sleepily not even opening those eyes of his.

“Nope. Now get up, I wanna take you somewhere today.” I whispered to him kissing his lips softly knowing that this would drive him to full alert.

“You evil little woman.” He groaned kissing me back hungrily. “Okay fine, I’m up.”

I pulled away happily as his eyes open, a grin plastered on his face already. I then went to my walk in closet to find one of my sundresses. When I found a light blue and purple one, I changed into it, Salem watching me the whole time. He then got out of my bed before changing into a set of clothes he had gotten from home.

“Drive me to my art studio?” I asked looking up at him. “My surprise for you is there.”

“Sure thing, Shorty.” Salem answered encircling me in his arms so that he could lean down and kiss me.


It was around nine when Salem pulled into the parking lot of my art studio. I got out of the truck to go unlock the door while Salem turned off his truck. Salem then joined me inside and that’s when I heard him take in a sharp breath. The walls were still that golden color, with my crying masks on the wall was on either side of my office door. And that was the first thing you noticed as soon as you walked through the front door but toward the left was my own wolf and Salem’s. And now on the left side was a silhouette  of a couple facing each other, the girl looking up at the guy who was leaning down to kiss her. Now the only part of the silhouette that was colored was the guy’s scarf and the girl’s headband, the two were both colored red. Picture frames of the notes Salem, hung on the wall but they had been copied from my journal. And in the middle of the room was a table that held my vase of roses, my Mr. Anonymous journal, and the stuffed wolf  got for my birthday.

“You saved everything?” Salem asked in shock. “Every single note of mine I gave to you? The roses? My mask from the night of the party? The stuffed animal?” He seemed utterly shocked. “Athena this room is incredible.” Salem then walked over to me wrapping me up in his arms.

“I love you so so much, Athena.”  He told me in a whisper.

“I love you too, Salem.” I told him.

Salem smiled and kissed me. He was gentle with me in a way other guys were not but all to soon Salem pulled way to kneel down on one knee.

“Athena will you please marry me?” He asked holding out a beautiful but very simple diamond ring that had two small bands intertwining each other, the diamond resting perfectly on the bands.

I grinned wildly.

“I’ll marry you on one condition.” I told him.

“Anything.” He said.

“You have to stop smoking.” I told hm.

“How’d you know I smoked?” He asked.

“You’ve smoked a few times when I’ve been around.” I answered him.

“Oh yeah.” Salem said softly. “But yeah, I‘ll start trying to quite for you and this baby if he or she is even in there.”

I sighed, I guess it was time to tell him the news. “Salem, I’m not pregnant, I found out this morning. When Jessie dragged me out of the kitchen for something…she made me take a pregnancy test. I was gunna tell you earlier I just wasn’t sure how I was gunna tell you.” I whispered looking away.

“Athena that’s okay, it just wasn’t meant to be but that doesn’t make me wanna marry you any less.” He told me. “Please look at me, Love.” And when I looked at him he gave me a smile. “I love you more then anything in the world. You are my life and I wanna make you mine for good. I never wanna loose you. Rejecting you when you came here was one of the most stupidest things I have ever done in my life. I wanna make it right again. I wanna make you mine.”

I smiled.

“Then in that case, yes, I will marry you.”

Salem slide the ring onto my finger smiling brightly. He then stood and I swung my arms around his neck in a hug. I then crushed my lips to his enjoying the taste of him. Salem lifted me up so I could wrap my legs around him, which I did. He then pushed me up against the wall kissing me, roaming down to my neck and back to my lips. Our breathing became heavy as we gasped for air as we continued to kiss each other. I found myself slipping my hands under his T-shirt to trace the mescals he had. Salem groaned at my touch but it was followed by a pleasurable growl as he nibbled on my lip, licking it as well.

Salem was the first to pull away.

“Damn.” He whispered leaning his forehead against mine as he still held me up against the wall.

I giggled.

“Damn as in a good way?” I asked.

“Hell ya.” He mumbled kissing me again but this one was just a light peck.

We continued to stay in that position for a while just staring into each other’s eyes.

“Thank you, Athena.” Salem whispered.

“For what?” I asked softly.

“For letting us all see your natural eye color.” He whispered. “When I wrote that letter asking to see your eyes, I was in complete shock when I actually saw you without the colored contacts. So thank you.”

I smiled

Suddenly Salem’s phone rang and without setting me down he reached into his pocket. He then answered it with a frown.

“What do you want Gabriel?” He growled in annoyance. “Wait? Lev is that you? Why are you on Gabe’s phone?” And that’s when Salem went pale. “Stay there and remain calm! And Leven? I love you.”

Salem ended the call looking at me.

“I need to go…I’m sorry. That was my sister calling to tell me that my older brother got himself into deep shit.” Salem said. “Come on, I’ll drop you off at your house, okay?”

I shook my head.

“I’m coming with you, I can help with whatever you need.” I told him.

Salem nodded. “Okay.”

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