Forever and Always // Zayn Ma...

By zaynsflawless

777K 6.7K 1.3K

Rhiannon Crookes. A quiet country girl from a small town in England who spends her life hiding behind a fake... More

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven
Part nine
Part ten
Part eleven
Part twelve
Part thirteen
Part fourteen
Part fifteen
Part sixteen
Part seventeen
Part eighteen
Part nineteen
Part twenty
Part twenty-one
Part twenty-two
Part twenty-three
Part twenty-four
Part twenty-five
Part twenty-six
Part twenty-seven
Part twenty-eight
Part twenty-nine
Part thirty
Part thirty-one

Part eight

26.3K 200 18
By zaynsflawless

Hey guys, this is part eight:-) I hope you enjoy, and I'd just like to say that Zayn and the boys will be included much more after this part, incase anyone was getting bored, haha:') Please give me feedback, it makes my day. Anyway, enjoy:-) xx

The last few weeks had gone alright; I was settling into my new home, and Chris and I were getting along really well. Things had begun to get back to the ways they used to be, when I first met him, when he didn't hurt me. I was in the living room, feet up, watching tv after a long day at work. I heard Chris' footsteps coming from the other room, and I turned my head as I heard him enter. Smiling, I began to talk about my day, until he cut me off, and I saw he had my old phone in his hand. By the expression on his face, I knew what he had to say wasn't good. "I thought you said you had lost this?" He snapped. My heart was beating fast; I had told Chris that I had lost the phone so he could get me a new one. I figured that it would be easier if I told him this, instead of telling him the truth; that I couldn't face Zayn or Danielle, it was just too much. "Uhm.. yes.. about that." I stuttered. "There no need to make excuses."Chris yelled. He turned on the phone, read something on the screen, and shot up his head to look at me. In the split second that we made eye contact, I saw it. I saw the rage in his eyes that had been there when he slapped me, when he saw Zayn, when he was out of control. A second later, I was interrupted from my thoughts by Chris' shouts, and was forced to face reality. "25 MISSED CALLS FROM ZAYN? I THOUGHT WE AGGREED YOU WOULD STAY AWAY FROM HIM." He screamed. I tried to explain, but he just cut me off. He walked towards me, and I jumped off the small sofa, wanting to get away. "HOW DARE YOU." He screamed, punching me in the side. I felt a sharp pain in my right side, whimpered, and fell to the floor. He grabbed me by the arm, pulling me up by the skin and yelled at me again, before I ran into the room we shared and locked the door, sobbing violently. I stayed in there for ages, shaking and crying to myself, until eventually I heard our front door slam shut. I watched by the window as he got into his car and drove off. I looked at the clock on my bedside table- 9.00pm, he would be leaving for his night shift now. I breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly unlocked the bedroom door. Even though I watched him leave, I was still scared; scared in case he was there, scared in case he did something much worse. My side and arm began to throb, and so I got into bed. It then hit me how exhausted I was, and so I lay down and let myself slip into oblivion.


I woke up, shaking uncontrollably, tears streaming down my face. "It's just a dream." I whispered to myself, and turned over onto my side. As soon as I did, a sharp pain ran through my body, and I remembered what had happened the night before. Sitting up in bed, I realised Chris wasn't next to me, and that the bed sheets had been untouched since the night before. I looked at the small alarm clock that sat on my bedside table, and squinted my eyes to read the numbers on the clock- 6:00am. I figured that I wouldn't be getting anymore sleep, and so pushed myself off the bed, and went into the bathroom. I undressed myself, and winced at my body. The right side of my body had gone a yellow, purple colour from the punch, and my arm was cut. I didn't want to look at the ugly bruises anymore, and so I grabbed a baggy jumper and leggings from my drawer and threw them on. I put my hair in a lose bun, and went into the kitchen. I got a fright when I saw Chris, splattered across the sofa with a bottle of wine next to him. I tiptoed around his body, cleaning up the mess that he had made, careful not to wake him up. I then got out a mug, boiled the kettle and filled it with boiling water as I leaned over to get the sugar. "What you doing?" A voice growled from behind me. I jumped, knocking the mug down onto the floor, with the water in it. I screamed. The water and china had hit my feet, and they were now bleeding and burning. "What did you do that for you stupid slut?" Chris yelled. "You can't do anything right, your worthless." I blinked rapidly, in attempt to suppress the tears that were prickling my eyes- I couldn't show him I was weak. I bent down, picking up the bits of china and throwing them away. "Urgh, just yet out, get out!" Chris screamed at me, and I rushed out the room.

I placed my feet into a bucket of freezing cold water and salt. I gritted my teeth as my feet stung like mad, and picked out the bits of china that were still welled into the skin. Once the pain had eased a bit, I got a towel and wrapped them round my swollen feet. I went into the other room, and pulled on some socks. I sat in my room for the rest of the day, thinking over my life, thinking how much things had changed, until I finally heard Chris leave the house. I then got up, grabbed my gilet and uggs and put them on, before leaving the house and slamming the door shut behind me. I had no idea where I was going, but I knew one thing for sure; I had to get away, away from the house, away from him.

I just want to say that, if any of you are going through what Rhiannon is going through, or being abused in any way, please do not feel as if you have to keep quiet. Make sure you speak up and tell someone, I promise you that it will do you better in the long run. I'm always willing to talk if you ever need to, either inbox me or speak to me on twitter- @zaynsflawless or tumblr- live-whilst-were-young xxxx


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