My Protective Vampire ✓

By bjorghalla

42.1K 1.5K 92

{Book 2 in the Vampire series} Emma is now gone but is she really gone forever? The last thing Emma remember... More

{Chapter 1}
{Chapter 2}
{Chapter 3}
{Chapter 4}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 6}
{Chapter 7}
{Chapter 8}
{Chapter 9}
{Chapter 10}
{Chapter 11}
{Chapter 12}
{Chapter 14}
{Chapter 15}
{Chapter 16}
{Chapter 17}
{Chapter 18}
{Chapter 19}
{Chapter 20}
{Chapter 21}
{Chapter 22}
{Chapter 23}
{Chapter 24}
{Chapter 25}
{Chapter 26}
{Chapter 27}
{Chapter 28}

{Chapter 13}

957 44 0
By bjorghalla

|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 13|

It has been a week since Jason asked me to be his girlfriend. I couldn't be happier right now. Jason is the best boyfriend ever, my first boyfriend is also best most amazing boyfriend in the world. I mean every single night and day we do something fun. Like yesterday we had a food fight and of course Jason won but in the night after we went into a shower we watched a movie and just cuddled. Today Victoria is going to help me control my magic. Over the week my magic has been out of control. I'm always changing other liquids into water and every time Jason takes a shower the water is always chancing from hot to cold, I kind of feel sorry for him. And he even checked, there is nothing wrong with the pipes. And sometimes when I am near a sink or anything that has water it rises up into the air and just stays like that in the air until I leave the room. Sometimes it is funny when Jason gets water on him but sometimes things get really wet like the couch or pillows. It takes forever to get everything dry.

Jason says that someday I will be able to dry things off with my powers. I am still getting use to having them but today is the first lesson I will have of learning everything I can to control this magic that I have. Victoria says that every single day that passes by I get stronger, and apparently I have had this magic my whole life and it was just getting stronger and stronger with each day. It is kind of weird to know that my whole life I have had magic but then again it was in the past and I can't really chance the past now can I? I guess my fate was always to learn about my powers when I died, but maybe I did have powers when I was a child and they kept growing stronger and stronger but it just didn't activate until I came back from the dead. This is just my theory, I don't think it is true but that is what I believe happened. No one else can figure this out, the only person who can tell me is my mother or my birth mother Daphne. Both of them could know something about my powers.

I think that Daphne knows a little more since she is my birth mother and maybe I get this from my birth father who I have no idea who is. Anyway she is also the person who told me that I have this power, well she helped me come back to life with them. "Emma, you ready?" Jason asks me as he kisses me, how can I be ready if he is kissing me. Truth to be told he has been kissing me a lot lately, not that mind. It is kind of nice and I love his kisses, I know that it is just what boyfriend and girlfriends are suppose to do. I kiss him to, but not as often as Jason, but I also kiss back when he kisses me and of course he kisses back when I kiss him. The kiss is always soft and simple but I know Jason wants something else from me every time we kiss. I have asked him about it and he only says that I am not ready and I don't even I know what I am not ready for. We break from the kiss. "I'm ready now" I tell him.

He takes my hand and we both make our way to the garden. Can you believe that this house has a garden. I have been living in this house for some time now and only three days ago did I know that there was actually a garden here and it is very beautiful. It has fountains and plants and a lot of flowers. It is the dream garden, I really don't understand why Jason never told me about it before. Three days ago I spend the whole day in the garden, with Jason of course. He never leaves me alone, but I don't really mind. He is the best. The garden is also the place that Victoria wants to teach me everything, just in case something doesn't get ruined. Because we are going to be working with water and you can never be to careful when you are playing with water. I see her standing there waiting for me, Jason goes off to the bench where he will be watching. I don't really want him to watch but he wants to make me feel safe. But I know the truth, he just wants keep me out of harm for his sake.

He even said it himself that if I ever get hurt in any way even if it is just a bump in the head or something he will go mad of worrying if I am in any pain. "We are going to start by creating a simple water ball. I know you have done it before but that was by accident and clearly was based on your emotions but now I want you to think about it with your mind then do it. I don't have magic so I can't show you how it is done but I do know a lot about magic" she says. Ok, I can do this right? I am always accidentally making water balls everywhere. I guess it is just based on my emotions but what emotion do I need use to make one? But how does Victoria know so much about magic if she doesn't have powers on her own. She tells me to sit down on the ground I do. I get myself comfortable on the ground. "Put your right hand out" she says and I do as she says. It is really important for me to do exactly as she says, I want to get the hang of my powers as soon as possible.

"Now focus on the space just above your hand, once you do that I want you to think about one water ball above your hand" she says and that is what I do. I try my best to focus on making that water ball but nothing. No matter how hard I try nothing happens. I have been trying for about an hour just to make one water ball above my hand but it just isn't happening. Jason looks worried for me. Why can't my magic do something when I am trying to use it? Instead it is doing nothing no matter what I do. I'm getting a little angry at myself for not begin able to make a simple water ball. I have done it so many times when I don't want it to happen. Maybe if I think that I don't want a magic water ball to appear above my hand then maybe it won't happen. I clear my head and only think about not making a water ball. But nothing happened, no water ball or anything. This is getting annoying.

We've been at this for hours and nothing seems to be happening. Victoria keeps telling me that I will be able to do this soon only if I focus. Yeah, because it is not like I have been focusing this whole time. I close my eyes and focus really hard about making a water ball above my hand, I open my eyes and for the thousandth time I am disappointed that nothing happened. I look at Victoria and she is staring at something behind me surprised and a little scared. I see that Jason is also looking at something that is behind me and I turn around to see that there is a giant water ball hovering in the air like nothing. My jaw drops. Did I do that? Is that why I have been feeling like something has been drained out of me? Every since we started today I have slowly started to feel a bit weak, I just thought that it was because I was getting tired. The huge water ball is just there not even doing anything. I hadn't notice that Jason had walked over to me until he put a hand on my shoulder which scared me a lot.

I jump up from begin frightened but as soon as that happen the water ball goes into action. It spits water at Jason so he falls down to the ground all soaking wet but the water ball goes down to me and lifts me up in the air and before I know it I am inside the water ball. It is like begin in a swimming pool but only I can breath and see normally like I would on land. This is so weird. Victoria helps Jason up but both of them look at me in the water ball with their jaws dropped. I guess they weren't expecting this to happen, well I wasn't either. I don't understand how this is possible. Why did the water ball take me inside it and why did it shoot water at Jason? This is getting so confusing for me to handle. How do I even get out of this water ball? I have no idea how I made it in the first place. I guess I have a long way of learning to control this magic powers that I have and something tells me this is just the beginning.

I'm not even wet which is a good things sort of. I see why their jaw dropped, my wings have returned and I am wearing the dress that I was wearing when I came back to life. I touch the wings to make sure that they are really my wings. They feel the same. For some reason it feels nice to be back in that dress, it is very comfortable but I don't get how I am suddenly in it. I didn't even feel it when I suddenly was in a dress and my wings appeared. I put my hand out to see if I could get out of this water ball but as my hand moves so does the water ball. It is like it is protecting me for some reason but the thing is that I am in no danger so that doesn't really make sense to me at all. "Emma do you hear me?" Victoria asks after coming to her senses and realizing that I really want to get out of here. Don't get me wrong, I love water and I feel like home in this water ball but this isn't really what I wanted to do.

"Yes" I tell her and she nods. I look at Jason and he looks really worried at me. I'm also very worried about myself. Something strange is going on, first I couldn't make one small water ball and then this huge ball of water comes and attacks Jason and pulls me inside it. Then chances my clothes into that beautiful dress and makes my wings appear. I just don't understand what is going on here but I'd really like to know. "Emma, I know this day has been hard on you but you have to do exactly as I say, can you do that?" She asks me, I feel like she is talking to me as if I am a child which I am not. I know that sometimes I talk and act a little like a child but there is no way that I am a child. I nod at her to tell her and Jason that I am going to listen to her and do as she says like I have been doing all day. "What I want you to do is imagine the water putting you down, focus only on that" she says and I do that.

Like any other tries nothing happens and I am still in this huge water ball. Why can't this work. If anything I feel like the water ball just go bigger or did it move? I can't really be sure since it is moving a little but it is making sure that I am able to stand on my two feet on the water so I don't fall down. Even if I am close to falling the water ball moves to help me gain balance again. It is kind of awesome if you ask me. "Emma, block every sound you hear, every thought you have, every emotion you feel, focus only on the getting yourself down" Victoria says after thinking about what to do. I take a deep breath and close my eyes to make sure to block out everything that could distract me from doing this. Suddenly I feel myself flowing with the water and it feels so nice. I open my eyes to see what is going on, the water ball is going away but it is going into my hands. It doesn't even hurt, I just feel a little stronger. No I feel a lot stronger.

The water feels so nice. Before I know it the water ball is all gone and I am back on the ground. Jason runs to me and pulls me in a hug. He checks me to see if I am hurt but I put a hand on his shoulder to tell him that I am all right. I am more than all right, I feel great and somewhat stronger. Victoria comes and touches one of my wings, I look at her and see is looking at my wings very surprised. Has she never seen wings before or what? She just continues to look and touch my wings. "Jason, she's an angel, how is that possible? I thought they had all been killed" she asks very surprised at my wings and the fact that I am an angel. Well I am an angel but also a queen and we can't forget that I am also a goddess as Victoria said which is very hard to believe. All my life I thought I was just a normal girl and only now I know I am not. "She was well hidden from the world by her parents" Jason says to her. We make our way inside.

I don't know about them but I am very hungry and I love the food they have here. It is just amazing, Jason somehow knows all my favorite food without me telling him and every meal we have something that I like. Jason is the best. As soon as we came inside I felt my wings disappear and my dress chance into the clothes that I was wearing before. "How can her wings disappear like that, normally an angel can't get rid of their wings until their last breath" Victoria says. I guess she just can't believe that I am an angel, even I can't believe it myself but I am beginning to accept it but that doesn't mean that I believe or even understand it. We sit by the dining table. "Your guess is as good as mine" Jason says to her. I begin eating as soon as I get it in front of me. For some reason I'm not as hungry as I was when we began the training. I guess it is because I felt a bit more energy in me when that water went into my hands and through out my whole body.

"Do you know what this mean, Emma?" Victoria says me, I haven't been listening to them, they have been talking about something while I have been thinking about everything that happened this morning. It is a fact that I was more shocked and surprised than Victoria was. I shake my head as a no because I have no idea what she is talking about. We finish eating and the maids take our dishes. "Emma, you have always had your wings but they come in time of need and disappear when you want. That can only mean that one of your biological parents did a very powerful spell. I have only heard of a spell that powerful once and that was few years ago which means that the first time that spell was tried was on you to protect you" she says and I'm still not understanding this. "How can you explain what happened outside?" Jason asks her, she needs to tell me because I am very confused at all of this and the more she tries to explain the more harder it is going to be for me to understand. Daphne, my birth mother never told me that she used a powerful spell on me.

She never even told me who my real father is, I'm really curious about who he is. No matter who my birth father is I will always have one really father and that is the person who raised me and same goes of my mother. They raised me and cared for me my whole life and still do so I owe them everything and they are my real parents biological or not. "Your powers are a lot stronger then I thought and they are based on your emotions. Outside when you couldn't make a water ball in your hand you became frustrated and a bit angry which transferred your emotions into a water ball that only grew the more you tried. Every time you focused on making a water ball above your hand, the water ball got bigger and bigger. That is what I think it is, I could be wrong about this. I have never seen a person with so much power" she says a little unsure of what she is saying. So that must be the reason why I couldn't make a ball of water above my hand, does that also mean that I will never be able to make a water ball above my hand?

"Because that huge ball was based on your emotion also means when Jason frightened you the water ball protected you and like a shield it put you inside it. I think it acted out of instinct. Even if it is based on your emotions I think that everything you feel brought that water to life sort of. All it wanted to do was to protect you. Because you were inside the ball you were inside your own creations it felt the need to make sure you ware safe. And that is why it made you turn into your original form, the angel form. When you blocked everything around you, you denied the water ball to get more emotions meaning it had to let you down, and when you were on the ground the water ball had to go somewhere and since you are the only one who can control this element so you absorbed the magic and I saw it on you, you felt stronger. Your face lit all up. I had underestimated your power, it seems that all of those years your powers only grew stronger and stronger, more than I had expected" she says explaining everything to us.

Her words help me to understand this a little but this is still very confusing for me. I guess I will never understand this fully except if someone explains everything and even the new question that will come up in my mind. "She absorbed the water?" Jason asks, I think he is also trying to process everything. Victoria nods. How can she be so calm about this? Just few minutes before she was so confused and now she looks like she understands. "Emma, everyday you prove to me that you are even more amazing then ever, my little flower" Jason says as he takes my hand and kisses my knuckles many times. I can't help but to blush at his words and his actions. He truly makes me feel special. I smile at him. "Oh, just get married already" Victoria says joking which makes me turn into a red potato. Me and Jason just started dating a week ago and now Victoria is telling us to get married. I look at Jason and I see him blushing as well. I don't think I have ever seen him blush and it kind of suits him.

I have never really thought about getting married, I just got my first ever boyfriend so I don't want to get married yet. Maybe in the future but now I don think I am ready to get married. Everything is just crazy in my life right and even though Jason is the only thing that does make sense in my life I don't think I need wedding stress on top of my crazy life right now. I know for a fact that I want to get married to Jason but not this soon. "Victoria I think it is time for you to go home now" Jason says embarrassed and a little nervous. She laughs as she leaves the room, with us in it very red on our faces. We can't even stare at each other from embarrassment. Why are we acting like this? Maybe it is because we've only known each other for a few mouths and started dating one week ago. "Don't listen to her she is just saying things" Jason says, I think that he isn't ready for marriage yet like me. Thank go because I don't want him to think that we have to get married soon.

After the most embarrassing moment of my life Jason and I actually started talking and before we knew it it was dinner. We ate it and continued our talk. We talked about everything that came into our minds and by that I mean everything that came into our minds. After this tiring day Jason just wants to take the night easy because tomorrow is another magic lesson with Victoria. I have a long way of learning so she wants to teach me every single day until I master it and that could take some time. She says that it can take mouths or even years but I will do whatever it takes to control this magic that is inside me. It is just so hard for me to do anything without water begin lifted into the air or heating or freezing pout of no where. Jason told me that we are going to watch a movie so I'm going to chance into my pajamas because every time that me and Jason have a movie night it always ends up with me using Jason as a pillow and fall asleep. I can't help it Jason is just so comfortable like a pillow.

I go into our room to get chanced into pajamas when I see a package on the bed. I don't remember that begin there this morning when we got out of bed. Me and Jason have been sharing a bed since we started dating and it feels amazing, before we started dating Jason did respect my privacy so he always slept on a couch or something, it always seemed like he did sleep with me when I slept on his bed but he didn't. For some reason I feel good about it but also a bit disappointing. I go to the package and pick it up and put it on my lab, it is a bit heavy. I wonder what is in it? There is a note sticking on it. On front of the note is written in dark red color: Emma. I open the note. If you don't give me what I want I will make sure that boyfriend of your loses his head. Oh, my. Why is someone sending me this kind of note, this is also written in dark red. I don't really understand this note? It doesn't even say who sent it. Is this a treat or something? I open the package...

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