Stay Away From Juliet (Austin...


807K 19.9K 3K

Juliet Saunders wants one thing and only one thing. Revenge. Throughout the beginning of her high school care... Еще

- Chapter 1 -
- Chapter 3 -
- Chapter 4 -
- Chapter 5 -
- Chapter 6 -
- Chapter 7 -
- Chapter 8 -
- Chapter 9 -
- Chapter 10 -
- Chapter 11 -
- Chapter 12 -
- Chapter 13 -
- Chapter 14 - (Finale)
Author's Note

- Chapter 2 -

56K 1.4K 350

Song of the chapter- "Out Of Town Girl" by Justin Bieber
I actually like this song for a HUGE portion of the story. Like, honestly, listen to it. It's perfect.

*Oh, and when I say Juliet looks like Gage Golightly, I mean the way she looks in Teen Wolf. Like exactly. I feel like her character on the show, Erica, is the perfect Juliet. Like, it's exactly what I see her as. 


● Juliet Saunders ●

After more than two years of working hard, I was there. I was finally at the weight I wanted to be at. I'd been eating right, exercising like crazy, and going to a support group that helped to keep me going.

In March of two thousand and twelve, my dad announced that we would be moving back during the third week. When he told me, I was extremely excited. People would finally look at me like a normal human being, rather than some horrid savage that was created by two of the most repulsive people on the planet.

I had a feeling that people wouldn't recognize me. Truthfully, it made sense though. I wore makeup now, my hair was much longer and it was an ashy shade of blond since I'd been out in the Florida sun almost everyday. My skin didn't see the effects, though. It never really burned unless I went to a tanning bed, which I hadn't done in a while. "You got that porcelain skin from your mother." My mom said, referring to my birth mother, of course.

Now, you are probably wondering what actually happened to my real parents. At first, I didn't want to know. I figured I was just an accident and my mom had me when she was sixteen or something. It wasn't like that at all, actually. It was much more awful than that.

After we moved to Miami, I finally asked Mom and Dad. I thought I could handle it. I really did.

The real story is that when my mom was around eight months pregnant, both my mom and my dad were driving home from somewhere and they got into a car accident. My dad was killed almost instantly due to impact from the large semi truck that hit the driver's side of the car when they were taking a turn. As for my mom, she died slowly and undoubtedly painfully. Luckily, they were able to get her to the hospital in time to perform a Cesarian section on her dead body.

Briefly, I was born from a cold, lifeless body. If that's not gruesome and life-scarring, I don't know what is.

After they told me, I didn't say a word. What could I have said?

Maybe "Oh, that sucks," or maybe even "Wow, I'm lucky to be alive." But no. Why would I say anything like that? That's terrible. There wasn't anything to say about it. I never talked about it again.

So, here I stand today. A senior in high school. I'm back home in San Antonio, looking at myself in front of the full length mirror that stood in my brand new bedroom.

Since we sold our old house, we moved into a different one. A much bigger one, at that. See, my dad had been promoted for going to Miami. He had been climbing up the ladder ever since the move. Now, we had more money and we lived in the nicest part of town where all of the houses were spaced out on the road. Front yards and backyards seemed to go on for miles, long driveways with flowers perfectly planted up the sides, and pools in every single backyard. It was kind of over the top for me, but I liked that I had a bigger room. I wasn't going to complain.

I checked myself out in the mirror, admiring how far I've come in these past two years. I couldn't deny the fact that I liked the way I looked now. I loved the way I looked. My long, ashy blond hair was in big, loose curls that cascaded down to the middle portion of my back. My dark brown eyes were framed with a gray smokey eye and black mascara. My skin was still light, but unlike other teenage girls these days who seem to be influenced by the cast of Jersey Shore, I liked my skin. It was clear and I took care of it well. Plus, according to Mom, it was the only thing I had left of my real mother. I wasn't going to ruin it. As for my lips, I used a soft nude lip gloss to contradict my eye makeup.

My outfit showed that I was trying to make a statement. I imagined Whitney and Kyle dressing like this, so I took it and raised the bar. I wore a light pink tank top that showed the perfect amount of cleavage, a vintage black leather jacket with a few silver zippers here and there, a short black mini skirt, and to finish off, black pumps. No, I'm not "goth" or "scene" or whatever they call it, I just wanted to be a little more daring on my first day. I wanted everyone to see who Juliet Saunders was now.

A half smile turned up on my lips and I ruffled my hair quickly, turned away from the mirror, grabbed my car keys, and headed out the door for school.

Now, most people would be nervous to make their return to high school. Me? Not at all. I was excited. I knew that I was going to see jaws hitting the floor when I walked in, even the people who didn't recognize me would be astonished by the body I've created.

I wasn't going to tell anyone that it was really me, though. I was going to let them find out themselves. If a student were to ask my name, I would simply keep walking or maybe come up with something to hold them off a little longer. Besides, I love the attention I get when people find out that it's really me. For instance, when my cousins came to visit us when we arrived back in Texas, I swore they thought I was someone else. But once they found out that I was really me, they were shocked. Actually, saying that would be an understatement. The looks on their faces were ones that I have grown to be addicted to. It was like my drug.

The one person I was determined to get attention from was none other than Austin Mahone, the boy who ruined me. But a part of me wanted to thank him. If it weren't for him, I would have never gotten the motivation to change myself.

So, thank you, Austin.

I knew I would be getting the revenge I wanted to get on not just him, but everyone who ever degraded me. Looks like I would be getting revenge on the whole school, then.

Finally, I drove up to the place that I used to consider complete and utter hell. Now, it was mine. I knew I would soon rule this place and everyone would be begging for my forgiveness without actually apologizing. I'm sure they would just pretend nothing ever happened, trying their hardest to be my friend. That was only because I wasn't fat anymore. I was pretty. People would want to talk to me now.

Talk about shallow.

All I was going to do was pretend I didn't care. Pretend that I forgave them. We all know I could never do that though. Those words would never leave me. Not ever.

I parked my car and exhaled, adrenaline pumping through my veins in great masses. I saw many familiar faces outside the school building, laughing and talking with their friends. Soon enough, all of those people would have their eyes on me. Soaking in everything that I had worked so damn hard for.

I saw Anna McCraw, the slender girl with fiery red hair, freckles, glasses and braces talking to her one and only friend, Phoebe Gellar. They were both very into school and that was it. Flat out, they were known as the overachievers. From what I could see, they still were.

After applying one last coat of lip gloss, I checked myself in the mirror one last time.

Here we go.

I gripped the car door handle and climbed out, casually closing the door. My heels clicked against the pavement and I began walking- strutting, I should say. My hands stayed at their sides, barely swinging back and forth as I moved towards the school.

Everything else seemed to happen in slow motion. As soon as I stepped up on the walkway, I felt a pair of eyes on me. Then another, and then another. I didn't acknowledge any of them, though. A very subtle smile curved on my lips, satisfaction consuming me.

"Who's that?"
"Damn, I'd like to get to know her."

Whispers of that nature filled the air, only causing me to feel even more power. Yes, Juliet Saunders now has the power to make mouths drop, eyes widen, and envy levels increase. This was so much better than I'd imagined.

Finally, I reached the front door and a guy who seemed familiar but I knew I'd never talked to before scurried in front of me to open the door. His mouth was in the shape of an "o" when my eyes met his.

"Thanks." I hissed, holding that daring smile that I couldn't seem to rid from my face. Before he could respond, I flipped my hair over my shoulder and walked through the school, remembering each and every inch of the place. I knew I would never forget the place that made me hate myself more than anything.

Even as I walked passed the mixture of familiar and unfamiliar faces in the hallway, I watched as each and every one of them noticed me. As I moved down, my heels continuing to click when I walked, everyone grew quiet. This was perfect. The attention I was receiving was giving me a natural high. I loved it.

Instead of looking at them, my eyes locked on the end of the hallway. None of these pricks deserved my attention. I was the one that was too good for them now. Me.

Taking a sharp right turn, I finally reached the main office where I would be picking up my schedule. I saw the woman behind the mahogany desk with oval shaped glasses, faded gray eyes, and short dirty blond hair that was clearly dyed. How could I tell? She was old. Maybe sixty or somewhere around there. Usually by sixty, grays begin to show but with her, there was none at all. She had multiple wrinkles carved into her skin, and when she looked over her glasses at me and smiled, they were immediately enhanced.

She must have been hired while I was gone. I'd never seen her before.

"Hello, how can I help you?" She asked sweetly, cocking her head to the side. Her sweater indicated that she was cold even though it was an eighty degree day. I couldn't blame her. The air conditioner was cranking to it's maximum ability in that office.

I placed my hands on the desk that was directly in front of me, using the charm I had developed over the past two years. I could be real sweet when I needed to be. "Hi, my name is Juliet Saunders, and I'm new here." I said, my sentence sounding more like a question.

She continued to smile as she began shuffling through her organizer. She stopped at my file and opened it, scanning the information that the paper held. "It says here you used to attend this school, is that correct?"

I nodded and flashed her my newly straight teeth that used to be covered by braces. "Yes it is."

"Nice to have you back then, Miss Saunders." She grinned, handing me a light green sheet of computer paper as well as a white one. When I took it, I saw that the green was of course my schedule and the white contained all of my locker information. "Your guide should be here-"

"No, no." I interrupted, pushing a smile to seem more polite. "I won't be needing one, thank you."

She nodded with understanding and then I excused myself, thanking her for helping me. As soon as I walked out though, my high returned when I remembered all of the attention I would be receiving when I passed anyone. And of course, when I strutted by a group of boys who were younger than me, maybe Freshmen or Sophomores, they all watched me in awe. I figured I'd flatter them, so I looked over my shoulder and tossed them a flirty smile.

When my eyes moved back forward, I held that smile there. I heard the boys arguing behind me about who it was that I smiled at.

Seeing all of them watch me was one of the greatest feelings in the world. They used to look at me in disgust, now it was all lust. The guys wanted me and the girls wanted to be me. It may sound cocky and conceited, but it was true.

I knew exactly where my locker was, it was in the Science hallway. It wasn't my old locker, but I didn't mind.

As more people flooded the hallways, more eyes were drawn to me. This was exactly what I had been looking for. I have craved this for so long, and now it was mine. All of them were already wrapped around my finger. Except for the boy I needed to be. That was only because I hadn't seen him yet. The moment he was to see me, he was going to want me. Every other guy did, so what would make him different?

That's right. Nothing. He was like every other hormonal teenage boy in this world. He wanted what he knew he couldn't get. That was just it though. He wasn't going to get me. I wouldn't let him.

Finally, I reached the hallway with large windows covering the left side and lockers all along the right. Just as I turned into it, I saw him, making me stop completely and watch him as if I was a predator and he was my weak prey. He technically was, I mean, I was basically going after him in a way. The boy with the light brown swoosh, sparkling hazel eyes, flawless tan skin, and a body that any girl would be seen drooling over was a matter of a hallway away from me.

He hadn't changed a bit. Yeah, he was taller and he looked older, but he was still amazingly perfect in every way. Well, his looks were. As for his personality, I doubt he changed a bit.

There weren't a whole lot of people in the hallway yet, but I saw him at the very end by the windows, his two best friends Alex and Robert by his side. They were all laughing at something, but not for long. As soon as they saw me, I would be the one laughing.

Confidently as ever, I moved down the hallway, my curls bouncing as I walked, others' eyes still following me. In just a matter of seconds, the pair of eyes I yearned for would be watching my every move.

● Austin Mahone ●

"I just told her to get the hell out." I explained to my friends. I was telling them how Tyra Patton, the tan skinned girl with the tight little body, backed out of hooking up with me because she was too nervous. She was a waste of my time so I just kicked her out of my house.

I mean, come on. You can't come to my house at midnight and expect to just "chill." No, not with me.

Alex, the one who has been my best friend for what seemed like forever, flicked his chestnut brown hair to the side as he laughed. Robert, the boy with the dark skin and dark hair to match laughed as well.

"Little prude." Robert snickered.

I nodded in complete agreement, moving my eyes to the right momentarily. And that's when everything stopped. It was one of those double-take moments, where you look at something quickly, then away from it, then back at it again when you realize it's something you want to see. And let me just say, this wasn't something I just wanted to see. I needed to have it.

Alex and Robert moved their eyes to what I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of when they saw that I was focused on something other than their perverted and degrading comments. I could tell by their silences that they were just as drawn as I was. Only they couldn't get it. It was mine.

I watched in awe as the girl with long, curled blond hair moved down the hallway like she owned it. She might as well, with an appearance like that. Her light pink glossed lips were curved ever so slightly into a confident smirk. Her big brown eyes scanned the row of lockers as she continued getting closer. And her legs- oh, her legs. They seemed to go on forever in those black heels and that short, tight skirt.

She was getting closer and closer to us, allowing me to see more and more details of her. I wanted to see more of her, but I'm sure I would get that later.

It was obvious that she was new here because I know I would have recognized something that perfect.

When she was at our end of the hallway, she looked up and smiled in what seemed like relief that she found her locker- oh, damn. Her locker was just two down from mine. I guess I would be seeing her a lot, not that I was complaining, of course.

Her back was turned to me as she began twisting the lock, working at her combination. I looked her up and down, admiring the back of her almost as much as the front. She put her weight on one leg, letting the other bend very lightly.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye as Robert began to stumble toward her. I put the back of my hand over his chest, stopping him. "Where do you think you're going?" I asked in a harsh whisper, still studying the blond haired beauty that stood across the hall.

"Let's just say I'm going to get more than that girl's number." He smirked, his eyes glued to her. I already didn't like that. I didn't even know her, but she was mine. No one in this school was going to get her before me. She was mine.

"No, you're not." I declared. I felt him look at me pleadingly, wanting that girl badly. Not as badly as I wanted her though. Usually, I would let him have a girl if I didn't really care whether I had her or not, but this girl, she was different. I needed her. "I saw her first, bro."

He slumped and let out a sigh, knowing that I was right. If any of us were to ever argue over a girl, we always determine who gets her by who saw her first. In this case, it was me. Remind me to thank God later.

I moved across the hall, watching as she opened her empty locker.

Yeah, she was new.

My hand fell on my lock and I began twisting it to open it, my eyes wandering over to her. She didn't seem at all phased by me though. She just continued to place a few things in her locker as if everyone in the entire hallway wasn't staring at her, which they were.

Getting girls obviously was not a difficult task for me. I had plenty of experience that never seemed to fail me. This was going to be too easy.

"So," I started, opening my locker and grabbing my English textbook smoothly. I had that class first anyway. "you have someone showing you around? Or will you be needing some special services?"

My eyes were on her completely now, taking in every inch of her body.


She kept her eyes in her locker though, only smiling slightly at my words. "I don't need your help." She laughed, placing a mirror on the inside door of her locker. I watched as she pushed some of her hair in front to rest over her chest.

Maybe she wasn't going to be one of those easy ones. No problem, though. I liked a nice challenge considering I didn't get those very often.

"Why is that?" I questioned, closing my locker and leaning my side up against it, now fully facing her. I tucked my textbook under my arm and bit my lip, my desire for this girl practically off the charts.

"Trust me," She started, taking hold of the locker's door and slamming it shut. Her eyes locked on mine and I swore I've seen those eyes before. No, I couldn't have. I would have remembered her. Her dark brown eyes were unusually paired with her light blond hair, but I liked it. She was different. "I know a lot more than you think." Her voice was soft, yet edgy at the same time.

What was that supposed to mean? Did she know who I was or something? I guess it wouldn't surprise me, considering everyone knew who I was. I was the most wanted guy at school. When I was just a Freshman in this place, even Senior girls wanted me.

She began walking away, but I sped up to her, causing her to slow down slightly but continue walking. "Want to at least tell me your name?" I asked, hoping she would at least give me the pleasure of knowing that. I wasn't giving up, oh no. I was going to slowly reel her in as I'd done only a few times before, but I was still incredibly good at it.

"Who is your homeroom adviser?" She asked, changing the subject completely and keeping her eyes locked on the end of the hall. As she walked by groups of people, I watched them stare and whisper things. That made me extremely angry, but it made me want her more. None of them had a chance with her. No, not like I did. Thankfully, she ignored all of the attention. It was almost as if she was used to it.

Of course she is. Look at her.

"Gilmore." I stated, referring to the middle aged man with barely any hair and the thickest glasses I had ever seen who was in charge of my homeroom.

She stopped, looking up at me with those dangerous eyes. "I guess you'll be finding out who I am in a little bit, then." She smirked, indicating that she had Mr. Gilmore for homeroom as well.

I didn't even realize that she was already sauntering down the hallway until someone came up behind me, placing their hand on my shoulder.

"Who was that?" The familiar voice of a boy in my study hall whispered. I didn't talk to him much, but enough to be civil towards him.

I shrugged, my attention still on the mystery girl as she continued down the hallway. The more she walked, the quieter everyone got. Kind of like how I did. As soon as I saw her, I just stopped everything.

"I have no idea." I breathed, shaking my head slowly.


a/n; I seriously got so much adrenaline writing that. That scene where she walks into school for the first time has been on my mind FOREVER.

Hope you liked it! Tell me what you think!


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