lumos / phan

By phanci

55K 2.7K 2.1K

Dan is a powerful slytherin with a knack for taming beasts while Phil is an uncoordinated hufflepuff with a k... More



4.8K 284 369
By phanci

"Out of my way honey," Brody, the sassiest second year and quidditch prodigy to ever walk the halls (although Harry Potter comes at a close second) says to Dan, shoving him aside.

Although he's less sassy and more just an egotistic prick. He views himself as a star and above everyone else, and likes to assume he's superior to everyone - meaning he's the most conceited second year, rather than sassiest. He's like Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter's evil combination.

Dan, who was just previously flipping through the pages of a new charms theory book he got from the library, trips forward and loses his page, letting out a small and pathetic noise as the book hits the floor. Dan picks it up, mumbling an apology to the book and hugs it to his chest - some magical books, especially the old ones, can be particularly sensitive and particular as to who can read them. Brody continues on, following his own merry route through the hallways, a few 'admirers' trailing behind him.

"Oi! How about you apologise for knocking me over," Dan growls loudly, glaring.

Brody pauses in his tracks before dramatically turning around, as if it's such an inconvenience to simply turn around. His little admirers behind him have the same look of distaste mirrored on their features as they all face Dan, who rolls his eyes at the cliché scene in front of him. Brody seems to be like the Gryffindor version of everyone's favourite daddy's boy, Draco Malfoy.

"And you are?" he asks impatiently, staring down at Dan, despite the fact he can look over him.

"I'm a person, who you just bumped into, by the way," Dan retorts, narrowing his eyes at him, standing up taller to match the other boy's stance whilst trying to ignore the fact that he is severely outnumbered - he'd overpower every single one of them easily, however he doesn't want more reason to be feared and hated.

"So what?" Brody asks with a roll of his eyes and an unimpressed expression.

This makes Dan angry. He doesn't understand why it's so hard for people to respect one another and to treat everyone as equals. He hates the apparent hierarchy system that exists within the school, and extending out to the world. He can't escape this anywhere, it haunts him like a dark cloud, leaving the light hard to see and almost merely an illusion to his suffering mind.

"So, decent human beings would apologise, but it seems you aren't one," Dan snaps angrily, unconsciously thinking of the spell eat slugs as he stares at Brody in a fit of rage.

There's a stunned silence, where Brody freezes and pales completely. He then proceeds to double over and let out a groan, clutching his stomach and facing towards the floor. Then, almost in slow motion, a rather large slug proceeds to project itself out of Brody's mouth - slime and all. There's a chorus of disgusted gasps and murmured words.

So Dan does the only logical thing he can think to do:


His shoes pound against the concrete, the sound echoing around the large halls. He turns a corner and presses his back against the wall, letting out a sigh when there's silence - no one came after him, Brody is probably still on the floor, too sick to chase after him anyway. He begins to continue towards the great hall, where he's due to meet Phil to help him with charms.

He shoves his new book back inside his bag and is soon sliding into the seat beside Phil at the Hufflepuff table. Phil looks at him, undoubtedly noting his red face, heaving lungs and glum expression.

"What'd you do now?" he asks with an expression mixed with worry and amusement.

"I may have told Brody to eat slugs in my mind," Dan says, feeling slightly guilty, "he was being a prick and it just kinda... happened?"

"One day, you're gonna do that to the wrong person. I can't believe you can do spells just thinking them. It's insane! Honestly give me some of your spell power please," Phil gushes, grabbing and shaking Dan's shoulders with a smile on his face, "now help me with charms. Give me your wisdom."

"That's what I'm here for," Dan laughs, feeling happier to be around Phil, "to help the incompetent peasant with his work."

"Excuse me, we can't all be freakishly advanced at magic," Phil scoffs, leaning forward and poking Dan's chest with his finger, "besides, I completely wreck you at herbology!"

"Plants are stupid, animals are superior," Dan grumbles, "besides, we're here for charms."

"Someone's salty," Phil laughs, looking down and opening the charms book on the table, "now help me with the water charm, kind sir."

"What else am I your friend for?"

"Well, I could always ask the smart-ass Ravenclaw Liam, except he's a horrible tutor," Phil comments thoughtfully, causing the curly haired boy to look up from across the table, glinting, bright eyes narrowing at Phil from over the top of his large book.

"You're the worst," he huffs, rolling his eyes, "don't help him Dan, we'll see how well he goes then, without those of superior intelligence."

"Good idea," Dan says with a grin, "Phil, we are not your personal tutors."

Phil's face falls, causing Dan and Liam to struggle at holding in their laughter, both boys snorting obnoxiously as Phil's blue eyes grow wide. He catches onto Dan's sleeve and faces both boys with the saddest expression he can muster.

"Dan, Liam, have I ever mentioned what wonderful friends you are..."


Midnight, forbidden forest.

Dan is sat on the grass, trying to conjure a patronus charm, however he is struggling. The charm is one which takes form of the animal the conjurer shares a deep affinity with and is a projection of their most positive emotions. Let your happiest memory fill you up, the book says, but what if you have nothing to draw from? 

Dan sighs deeply, closing his eyes and deciding to think of something that makes him happy instead of just a moment.

He finds himself thinking of Phil, his closest friend. His stupid grin, even more stupid jokes, strawberry blonde hair that he wants to dye black, wise words and infectious smile.

Expecto patronum Dan thinks, and something stirs within him, a tug within his rapidly beating heart. He opens his eyes to see a burst of silver-blue light erupt from within his chest.

The light twists and contorts until it forms the shape of a wolf. It barks and howls and runs around between the trees close by. Dan's eyes widen in wonder and amazement as it lights the tiny patch of forest surrounding him. A smile finds its way onto his lips, however it fades when he hears a twig snap and a chorus of snarls.


The patronus fades as Dan stands up, fear filling him as he is submerged into darkness. Lumos, Dan thinks and a light appears in front of him. A pack of wolves are surrounding him, and Dan relaxes slightly. These wolves are mostly friendly and seem to even be fond of him, from the few times he's encountered them, at least.

Dan sinks back to the ground and sighs in relief as the growls cease and a wolf bounds up to him happily. He scratches it behind the ear, and the other wolves move forward, curious. Soon he is surrounded, all as docile and friendly as domestic dogs.

Dan thinks about his patronus, wondering why it's a wolf. What connection does he share with the animal? Well, apart from his last name making it the largest pun of all time.

But when he seriously thinks about it, he can see the resemblance. He's no good on his own - he needs others in order to survive, he needs a pack. He can come across as unfriendly and hostile, however he's actually quite soft and gentle when he wants to be, but to defend himself or his friends, he gives a nasty bite.

"How unexpected to see you in these parts Mr Howell, although I suppose, it's actually not unexpected at all," a rusty, worn voice rings out, causing Dan to yell and jump up, startling the wolves, who all gather behind him - the cowards.

He turns to see Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of the school, standing there with a slightly amused look on his face. Long, white beard and half-moon glasses are illuminated by Dan's lumos still hanging in the air, giving the area an eerie, silvery glow. One thought is running through Dan's head: he is so fucked.

"P-Proffessor..." Dan stammers out, still visibly shocked and heart pumping wildly.

A wolf, sensing Dan's fear, steps forward from behind him and nudges its head under his hand in an attempt to comfort him. It leans its side against his leg whilst the soft fur on its head brushes against Dan's fingertips. It does calm him a little, and he rubs the wolf's head in thanks. Dumbledore shifts his gaze to the wolf, curiosity filling his features.

"Interesting, the way you can seem to put any beast at ease," Dumbledore says, looking back to Dan, "I know you are able to handle yourself in these woods Mr Howell, but do not cease to remain cautious and alert. These animals keep watch over you, but never ignore another's cry for help."

He smiles and winks at Dan before turning and disappearing into the darkness, leaving Dan to wonder if he was just hallucinating or if his headmaster was really this strange. He looks down and pats the wolf before shaking the encounter from his mind.

He sits back down with the wolves as he practices the patronus charm further and has fun running it around for the wolves to chase. He smiles and feels all his worries from school begin to ease from him. Here, in the forest with the stars glinting above him, a silvery light cast upon everything visible and surrounded by magic and beasts is where he feels most at home.

Nothing ever feels more natural than this, nothing makes him feel more alive and calm.

Yet the whole time, he has an underlying, strange feeling - almost as if he is being watched.

When he glances over his shoulder, there's nothing visible amongst the trees, however the undergrowth appears to be weighed down by some invisible creature. A seemingly never-ending trail of spiders is crawling along beside one of his shoes, but they're mostly small - definitely not the cause. 

Dan decides to ignore the feeling, he's probably just imagining things, and smiles before turning back to the wolves;

he's so at home here.


sorry this was low key trash I have an assignment due wednesday help me kms

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