The Night Children

By Leahwhitefang

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She was breaking, he was broken. She was misinterpreted, he was recognised. She was a nobody, he was everybod... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Authors Remarks
The Hunted Children
Reviews + Awards

Chapter 4

264 27 33
By Leahwhitefang


I walked in the snow, my boots crunching against the thin layer of ice that coated the road. I glanced towards the sky, taking in the dense clouds that swarmed with snowflakes. I now knew why the weather forecaster warned Brookefield to stay indoors.

I glumly shuffled my feet to stop from slipping, my mind flickering back to this so called guest I was meeting today. I was not in the slightest prepared to see Miss Anderson this early in the morning, the thought that I would be in the same room with her alone was already daunting enough.

I wanted to understand the menace in her tone, or at least learn her past. Someone with that much anger in her gaze has a story to tell. But I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear it.

Once I reached school, I shoved open the main hallway doors, feeling red faced and puffed despite the cold weather. I wasn't used to walked all the way to school let alone exercising at all.

The hallway was unnaturally deserted, my footsteps echoing down the corridor dimly. The back of my neck prickled as I walked along it, a gradual feeling of being watched seeping into my conscious. I disregarded it once I reached Miss Andersons office, not even bothering to knock as I did so.

I pushed open the door, blinking for my eyes to adjust to the dimly lit room. The office was small and dark, a single rectangular window situated in the corner of the room but it was covered by an expensive looking curtain. Her desk was the only thing in the room, its surface bear except for a few papers and a laptop.

I felt myself frown, there was not one indicator that she had a family, her walls free of any portraits that most teachers commonly used to display their loved ones.

My eyes landed on Miss Anderson who was talking to someone quietly, a small smile playing at her thin lips. It was a genuine smile, one that didn't pull at her face menacingly. She looked more humane than she ever had been, the shadows eliminating the harsh wrinkles on her face.

At the sound of the door creaking she glanced up, the smile slipping off her face to fall into a frown. She jerked her head almost in a nod but I noticed a muscle in her jaw jumped.

"Come in." She said curtly, her eyes flashing with hostility. I swallowed down a grim frown and instead slowly shut the door, taking my time so I could mentally prepare myself for her wrath.

I glanced back at the guest, but all I saw was their shadow against the poorly lit room. I titled my head to angle back towards Miss Anderson. She was studying me, the tightening of her fists an indicator that she didn't like what she saw.

Finally to break the silence, she spoke. "Miss Argent, meet our guest."

The figure in the chair turned to look in my direction, the movement catching the dampened light from the window.

A young boy, probably my age stared back, a smirk playing on his lips. His blonde hair was ruffed up and messy, ending in curls that just touched his collar. His skin had a golden tinge to it, a common reminder that he wasn't from around here. His cheekbones defined his face, complementing his sharp jawline.

I took him in, observing him quietly. His lips were full and upturned, his smile crevicing his cheeks into dimples. Long eyelashes skimmed across his ruffed fringe, almost too feminine to juxtapose against his boyish smile.

His eyes captured mine, and immediately I felt myself drawn to them. They were a mixture of brown, blue and green. The light illuminated the array of colours in his irises, enough so flecks of golden seemed to dance and swirl beneath his gaze. Pale scars etched just under his jawline, nothing but flits of a lost story engraved into his skin.

His eyes told a story of someone way older, as if he held a certain wisdom and knowledge that was extravagant for someone his age. Or maybe his gaze matched my mothers. Broken, deserted, lost.

I immediately blinked away from his gaze, conscious that I had examined him without saying a word. The mysterious boy stood up from his seat, holding out a confident hand.

"I'm Isaac, pleasure to meet you..."

"Renee." I replied, shaking his hand cautiously. His hands were warm and calloused. A hand that held scars and stories. I noticed his voice was slightly strained, as if his throat suddenly closed off his words. His fingers tightened around mine, his nails prickling into my skin.

I felt my eyes widen and I shot my gaze up to meet his but he loosened his grip, letting my hand go to drop to my side.

"Isaac will be joining the school starting from today." Miss Anderson said, her voice cutting through my thoughts. She indicated for me to take the empty seat next to Isaac who had already sat back down. I did as I was told, suddenly very aware of how close I was to him. His posture was one of causality, his spine relaxed, his body language giving off an ideology of confidence.

I had to admit Isaac intrigued me with his genuine smile and playful curiosity. But as I took my seat, I noticed his hands balled into fists by his side, clenching enough for the tips of his knuckles to turn white. Ignoring the sudden wave of nervousness, I reverted my gaze back to Miss Andersons.

She grinned at me from behind her desk delicately, as if expecting me to say something.

I only stared, unsure of what to say to this newcomer.

Apparently aware of my silence, Miss Anderson broke it. "Renee, for the next hour or so, I would like you to give Isaac a tour of the school. I expect you to take him to his designated locker, show him the sporting options, explain classes and so on," she nodded at Isaac who flashed her a polite smile back. "If Mr Jackson is confused in any manner today at all about where to go, I will know you did your job poorly." She paused briefly, pursing her lips with another quick glance at Isaac who remained quiet beside me.

I noticed his smile seemed to carve itself in his face, dimpling his cheeks as he beamed. "Come see me after school to continue your community service." She finished as I looked back at her. I narrowed my eyes when I saw something flash across her gaze, but her expression was hard to read. I quickly dismissed it to rise from my spot, irritated that I would have to do more jobs after school. I wouldn't be able to feed my wolf if I got back home once the sun set – Mum might see.

I walked forwards, leading Isaac towards the door as he rose from his spot.

"I will see both of you in chemistry in second lesson." Miss Anderson said with a smile that reeked of forced politeness. I disregarded her comment to exit out of the office, thankful for the sudden stream of light.

I looked back behind to see Isaac shaking Miss Andersons hand pleasantly.

"Thank you for your help Miss Anderson." His voice was rich with formality, his smile matching the warmness of his tone.

She beamed at him as she shook his hand back. "My pleasure Mr Jackson."

I patiently waited for Isaac to join me in the hallway. He finally walked out after thanking her again, the sound of the door creaking to a close the only noise in the hallway.

I didn't realise how tall he was until we were side by side. I had to strain my neck to glimpse him, otherwise I was staring at his collarbone. His build was lean, his arms lined with light veins that twisted and curled to hide underneath a plain white tee.

I gave him a smile once he turned back to me, however he didn't return it. His eyes didn't seem to dance with colour now that he was out of the office, his dimples no longer flashing. He was looking at me as if he should know me, his eyes pointedly staring into mine. His teeth worried at his lip, as if deep in thought.

I quickly cleared my throat. "Okay, we'll start at the sport compl-"

"I was actually just going to find my own way around." He interrupted, glancing around the hallway. His eyes flitted over the walls of the locker-room, taking them in with remote curiosity. His face slackened of tension, his eyes narrowing as he strained to wipe the odd expression that came with his interrogating gaze.

Confused, I frowned at him. "That's fine but I can take you around myself." I began but he interrupted me with a laugh, his voice light and care free. He tousled his curls by shaking his head as he chuckled.

"I'm pretty sure I can handle it." He lowered his gaze to look me up and down, his eyes traveling from my feet to land on my eyes, his polite attitude disappearing. His voice was weighted with loathing, dosed with sarcasm.

I felt miniscule next to him, nothing but a smaller shadow that seemed to cower in his wake. I felt my pupils slit with frustration as I rose my gaze to his in challenge.

"Plus," he added with a dismissive smile, turning around slowly to amble down the hall, "I don't need a nerd like you to drag me around like some sort of lost school boy."

I stared after him, blinking away my shock. "Sorry could you repeat that," I hissed, starting forwards to stop him in his tracks. "I lost you when you dropped the dependant new boy act to be an ass."

Isaac sniggered but said nothing, choosing to ignore me as he glanced indifferently at the lockers that lined the walls. He seemed vaguely uninterested, a frown angling at his lips. He disregarded me and continued walking, stuffing his hands into his jeans as he walked forwards.

"Hey," I yelled again, still struggling to catch up to his long legged stride. He chucked a right, heading towards the main entrance that led to the oval outside. "I'm talking to you."

He halted at this, swivelling around to pin me with an irritated glare.

"I said, I can handle myself." His icy voice matched his gaze, his lips curling into a frown. He looked me up and down again, as if disapproving my entire presence.

I took in his tightened jaw and furious eyes. "I don't know what your deal is," I spat back, ignoring a vein that began to line his neck. "But whatever it is, don't take it out on me."

He sucked in a breath, his cheeks beginning to blossom a red out of anger. His eyes narrowed, his lips pressing into a tight line.

"I am here to help you," I said, my voice laced with venom. "And if you ask me, you're going to need it."

At this he let out a snort of disbelief, his face shifting to one of amusement. "I don't need your help." His voice was sharp enough to cut through my defences, shearing it away enough for me to openly flinch. His eyes were nothing but swirling pits of anger. "Especially not from you, Miss Argent."

He then stalked away, leaving me to swallow my rage and the stab of confusion that came with it. I didn't recognise the level of anger hidden beneath his gaze, as if as soon as Miss Anderson was out of sight his walls had come up. Cracked, confusing and destructive but still there.

I frowned, watching from afar as he walked away, his eyes shifting to various objects, taking them in vaguely. The shadows in the hallway hid his expression, however his eyes seemed to brighten under the haze, the colours in his irises mixing to a murky grey.

He didn't pause his stride nor did he glance back in my direction, his head bent down to watch his feet as he walked. However, he didn't look like he was moving with a purpose, like he was lost but had to keep walking. Like he was a ghost that was drifting around an empty home – a haunted soul haunting a place that was once loved.

I watched him disappear around the corner, my thoughts like a cloud hanging above my head. My mind told me to feel anger, but my heart told me something different.

There was something in his troubled gaze. The flicker of doubt that crossed his irises as quickly as it came. The coiling of his fists in sudden anger, the hatred in his eyes as he looked me up and down.

I wondered if I should know him, or if he was just as confused as I was. No matter what just happened, the boy was holding something back. Something that was eating him up inside.


I sat on my usual bench near the oval, watching as the snowflakes fell into heavy clumps from the sky. I looked out across the grounds, taking in the sight of snow layered grass and leafless trees. Frowning, I glanced at my watch, a stab of annoyance coursing through me as I read six-thirty. I had another half an hour before school officially started, and no doubt Aleena would arrive on the dot.

I worried at my lip, biting down on it until I tasted blood. I hadn't fed my wolf for a while, and I still had to deal with Mum's spiral. Not to mention understanding the strange encounter with Isaac.

I felt my teeth slice through the inside of my mouth. I wanted to know more about Isaac, or more so his reaction to me. I couldn't help but wonder if he knew something I didn't, something that involved me.

Sulking against the bench, I chucked my bag on the ground next to me. I thought secondary senior year was going to be different to the last, but now all I could think about was the fact I seemed to be in a loop. A loop with Aleena's commitment issues, Mum's mental health and the towns dark cloud that hung like the snowflakes in the air.

A droplet of icy cold water stung my cheek, and I glanced upwards to see rain clouds settling into a line over the school grounds. I suppressed a groan and slowly rose from my seat, silently cursing the poor weather that seemed to match my mood. Snatching my bag, I ambled back to the main hallway, ignoring the sudden boom of thunder that seemed to echo around the town.

I was drenched in water by the time I reached the main entrance, and by now several students had arrived at school. I shook what was left of the snowflakes out of my hair and made my way to the locker rooms. A few people shot me curious glances, taking in my soaked clothes and tangled hair but I ignored them with a swift frown.

I pushed through various people, muttering sorry a few times. Confused, I paused to glance around. Students were crowding around the lockerooms, blocking off the hallway so others had to shove their way to their classes.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I spotted Aleena's dirty blonde hair and pushed my way to her. She was staring intently ahead of her, her eyes unwavering from whatever it was she was gazing at. I tapped her on the shoulder, feeling incredibly pressed for space as bodies shoved up against me.

"Aleena?" I said roughly, straining to remain upright while a taller girl shoved me to the side.

Aleena didn't respond, her attention solely on the heads in front of her. I rose to my tiptoes to see above the people ahead, barely managing to balance on my feet.

That's when I heard his voice, drifting above all the loud chattering girls. It was laced with a carelessness that came with his attitude, his words edged with a light amusement.

I shoved my way to the front, ignoring the glances of annoyance as I did so, however most people stepped away from me in hopes of remaining untouched by my soaking clothes.

My eyes fell on Isaac, towering over the chicka's as he smirked mid-sentence. Groups of girls around me swarmed towards him, eyeing him off with a mild curiosity. From the corner of my eye, I saw the lacrosse team glance at each other wearily, jealously etched across their faces.

From my front row view, I could see Chelsea play with her hair absently as she talked with him, battering her eyelashes to the point when I assumed there was something in her eye. She had managed to be as close to him as possible, while blocking off Hannah and Izzy from doing the same. She let out a loud laugh that extended for far longer than necessary, subtlety swatting Izzy and Hannah to join in.

Isaac practically had to bend down to speak to them even when they were wearing high heels. Dim sunlight streamed through the windows, settling on his head of curls so they shone a dulled gold. He was studying the chicka's with a light smile, watching them as if they were nothing more than entertainment. I noticed his gaze never travelled down their bodies but only remained unwavering from their eyes, like he was more interested in the colour of their irises than their revealing figure.

Other girls began to join the chicka's, begging to be added into the conversation. I only stared, disbelief surging through me. I didn't understand the craze, but then again we lived in a small town.

Brookefield wasn't used to newcomers, especially teenagers. We were a small community, enough so everyone had slept with everyone over the last few years. So as soon as two new boys arrived in town, the entire school was up in a riot.

But as I stared, I noticed Isaac acted like he belonged. His eyes shone, his lips playing into another smile as he made a mocking comment. His veins circled his arms, rippling along his muscles before he tousled his curls by sliding his fingers through them. His eyes were blazing with a distant interest, like he found the girls mildly amusing. I heard him make some smart assed comment about how you can tell a girl is fake by shoving her near a heater.

Fuming, I stalked away, pushing people as I brushed past. I knew immediately Isaac would cause trouble, his dismissiveness and sarcasm a perfect indicator to the type of boy he would be. He was the type that used girls the way Aleena used boys, the type where he remained emotionless to feelings and only valued the need for physical contact.

I neared Aleena, who was still staring him off from her locker. She remained watching him from afar but I knew her mind was ticking over. He was a replicator of her, only more confident. If anything, he was more of a competition than something she could conquer.

"Two hot boys arrived into town within a week," She remarked, her gaze still on Isaac. "What has the world come to?"

I shrugged, still caught up from my previous encounter with Isaac. "It's about time this town experienced change."

Aleena's frown thinned, her eyebrows arching. "Hopefully it's for the better."

I glanced back over at Isaac just as he let out an amused chuckle. I said nothing, letting my thoughts become the better of me.

"I'm not so sure about him." Aleena said, her eyes troubled, a sight I never saw. I studied her curiously, spotting the spark of forbiding in her eyes. I knew at that instant she would try to crack Isaac, or in fact do anything to take him before any other girl could.

A stab of anxiety touched the crevices of my conscious, causing my heart to drum against my ribs. Isaac would be the type of boy who would finally break her. He would steal her heart and pick its second hand stitches until there was nothing left to hold it together.

I shuddered and turned away from the crowd, attempting to clear my head.

"We should go to class." I said plainly. Aleena tore her eyes away from Isaac with a silent nod, her usual chatter gone. She followed me wordlessly, but even I knew it was because she wouldn't be at peace until she talked to Isaac.


We were the first to arrive in the English classroom, so we took the opportunity to occupy the back seats. I knew Aleena was hesitant to speak her mind, she always was when it came to boys.

I stared at her but she was examining her desk like something was written on it.

"I don't understand why you have to do this to yourself Ally," I said softly but her eyes flashed with hostility.

"Do what?" She inquired, pausing to move a lock of hair out of her eyes.

"Target a new boy the moment they enter the door, it's not healthy to lower yourself to that level." I searched her eyes but she only stared at me like I had grown two heads.

"I'm not lowering myself," she said lightly. "I'm just eliminating my boredom."

I stifled a frown and instead blinked against her response. "Ally, I know what you're thinking. You want to claim him in some weird obsessive way before any other girl does."
She sniffed indignantly. "Maybe I just want to experience all the flavours Brookefield has to offer."

I let the frown pull at my lips. "That's disgusting."

Aleena only offered me a devious smile in response, but it only fuelled my worry. Her issue was getting out of hand, if anyone knew any better, they would call her a slut. But I knew the real problem. The one where she crept into a dark hole the moment all the attention was off her. When she closed the door behind the boy she had slept with to cradle her heart against her chest, begging for it to work again.

"What's more disgusting is what we would do in be—"


She sniggered, letting out a chuckle followed by a smirk. I dismissed the conversation as quickly as it started. There was a time and a place to deal with whatever was going on with her, and in an English lesson wasn't one of them.

But then she spun around, realisation spurting beneath her irises. "Didn't you have community service today?"
I nodded and she glanced at me quizzically.

"What did you do?"

I looked her up and done, acknowledging her curious gaze. I let out a sigh, "I had to help the new boy around."
One of her eyebrows arched but that was her only visual response. "Goldy locks?"

"Goldy locks, the one everyone was staring at today?" She advised, her eyes unwavering from mine.

"Including you," I spat back but she returned it with a smirk. "And his name is Isaac."

She nodded, mouthing the word Isaac without a noise. Then, as if decided, she nodded again. "Pretty badass name."

"It's actually pretty common." I remarked with an edge of sarcasm.

She rolled her eyes but her smile was all angles of cheekiness. "Just because you've already settled with Aaron."
I opened my mouth to argue back but a commotion startled me into silence.

Isaac waltzed into the classroom, followed by a multiple array of girls, like puppies whimpering at his heels. He was nodding at Chelsea who once again had managed to get the closest to him.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Aleena stiffen in her chair, her eyes locked on Isaac. I reverted my own back to see him lean casually against a desk, winking at one of the girls who sidled up to him. Chelsea was giggling hysterically, smiling up at him like he was the groom on her wedding day. He looked at ease, the conversation coming casually to him enough so his tone was effortless.

I felt a scowl form across my face and I looked back down at my books, focusing on my written work instead of listening to the countless amounts of laughter coming from the wind.
Despite my irritation about Isaac, my mind wondered to my wolf. I hoped he had survived the past few nights, I hadn't seen his white coat flicker through the forest. But then again, the snow had been falling heavily since the last time I saw him, so hopefully he had found a den to shelter in.

I resorted to taking out my English novel to pass the time, opening the first page to stare at the quote that was embedded in the middle of book.

But sometimes, it is not until we lose apart of ourselves, that we begin to value what is left.

I swallowed, the quote swirling around my brain, goosebumps chilling my skin. I quickly put the book down, feeling slightly unnerved. I glanced over at Aleena to speak the sudden sense of anxiousness that came with the quote but her attention was still on Isaac, her honey brown eyes nothing but slits of jealously. I frowned and looked down at my watch – only six hours and twenty-seven minutes left of school.


"I would like to welcome a new student to the class." Miss Berry beckoned to Isaac with a smile. Isaac rose from his seat confidently, a smirk plastered against his lips. Several girls burst into beams, trying to catch his eye as he glanced behind him towards the back row. Aleena said nothing, her eyes still unmoving from the back of his head. A line was creased in-between her eyebrows, like she was deep in thought. I ignored her intriguing facial expression to study Isaac. He had sat back down in his seat, leaning over to whisper something into Chelsea's ear. His words sent her into fits of giggles, resulting in Miss Berry to give them a slightly irritated side-eye.

"Clearly he thrives off attention." Aleena said remotely, her fingers unmoving against her unused pencil.

I tilted up an eyebrow at her. "Reminds me of someone I know."

She snorted but then said nothing, her thoughts silencing her words.

"What's so interesting about an attractive guy?" I asked, genuine curiosity tickling my tone of voice. It was something that amused me. Why would anyone waste time running after a boy when there were more important things to consider. Like ensuring your mother didn't pick the lock on the medication cabinet. Or closing your eyes each night knowing your nightmare would replay beneath your eyelids, the feeling of snow blocking your windpipes, settling into your oesophagus to cloak your lungs. Nothing but a daily reminder of what your father went through.

"He's not just an attractive guy," Aleena said, her voice breaking the feeling of dread that seeped into my skin. "He has a story to tell, one that he's never been able to say aloud."

Shocked, I turned to look at her but her gaze was distant and clouded, like she wasn't focusing on the present.

"What do you mean?"
She blinked and her eyes shifted back to narrow onto mine. She adverted her eyes to his and nodded towards his direction. "Look at him, or more so the way he sits. He's alert, his muscles at the ready but he's acting like he's in a safe environment."

It was at that moment that I realised she had truly lost the plot. "Aleena, what are you—"

She turned back to me, her face set into a serious line. It was a look she never wore, its unfamiliar sight worrying me. "He looks like my father."

I felt my mouth gap open but I quickly clamped it shut, however no words touched my lips so all I could do was stare.

"Not in appearance, but the way he looks at this place." She added, her voice as haunted as her gaze. "Like he has nothing to live for."

The sound of Miss Berry's commanding voice interrupted the conversation and I was left to drown in the silence that came with Aleena's terrifying words.


My eyes landed into a green and gold sea as I crossed the room to sit beside him. He flashed me a small smile, the movement dimpling his cheeks.

"It's been awhile since I've seen you." Aaron said softly, his eyes on mine. I reverted mine to take my books out of my bag.

"Probably for the better," I muttered under my breath but he caught on, his smile widening into a smirk. I didn't think it suited his face. His jaw was rounded in a boyish manner, his lips too genuine to be set into a smirk. A smirk suited someone who relied on it to steal hearts, Aaron suited a smile that came from the heart.

He ignored my sly comment to once again initiative more conversation. "I didn't see you on the bus this morning."

"I had community service with Miss Anderson." I answered him simply.

He nodded, twirling his pencil in his hand in an action of causality but it came across as nervousness. "What were you asked to do?"

I glanced at him for the slightest second, finding that his eyes were on the pencil he was twirling. His fingers were slender fingers, ones with callouses and tiny indents of old scratches. For someone with such a soft face, his body seemed ragged.
I thought about ignoring him but I knew that crossed the line between disinterested and plain rude. "I toured around the new guy."

Surprise flashed across his eyes, settling into his movements so his fingers jerked, the pencil dropping to rattle against the ground. He cleared his throat, his cheeks blossoming an easily identifiable red.

I watched him fumble to pick it up before he rose to meet my amused expression sheepishly. "Sorry," He mumbled, lowering his gaze to stare at anything but mine. I felt a smile prick my lips but I forced it down as soon as I realised it pulled at my mouth. I scowled at myself and instead looked over at Miss Anderson, flinching when I realised she was looking right at me. Her pupils narrowed but then she rose from her seat, positioning herself in front of the class.

"Silence." She said, her shrill voice stilling the room instantly. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Aarons fingers grip his pencil more sternly, as if ensuring this time, he wouldn't drop it.

"I'm sure most of you have already met Isaac," she nodded at Isaac who had miraculously managed to walk into the classroom to sit diagonal from us unnoticed. "He will be joining chemistry for the rest of the year, so please make him feel welcome."

A few claps went off around the classroom, and I noticed that Hannah joined in, beaming brightly. I leant behind Aaron to see Aleena staring at Isaac, her face deep in thought. Again.

I looked back at Hannah who seemed close enough to Isaac that their elbows were brushing. I knew Hannah was the smartest of the chicka's, she was top of the class for many primary years before Chelsea arrived in town. It wasn't long before she was forced to 'play dumb' so Chelsea was considered the most intelligent of the group. Hannah was only allowed to choose one subject she liked, her choice being chemistry otherwise she was threatened exile from the group.

She was a smart girl but the need to be considered popular clouded her judgement. I personally thought her father asked her to befriend Chelsea considering she was the Mayors daughter so the Mayor would be obliged to put him on the counsel.

Isaac gave Miss Anderson a light hearted smile in which she returned with a tiny sparkle in her eye. I stared in shock, how could he already be the favourite to the woman who hated any living being that breathed?

Aaron was examining him with an expression I couldn't read, his lips thinning into a frown. He seemed to tense, his joints locking enough so he looked strained.

"Now, upon reflection of the previous molecular theories, which one is most used in our society today?" Miss Anderson pointed to the board.

Issac's hand immediately shot up at the same time as Aarons, resulting in several other students to glance around in surprise. Miss Anderson hesitated, her eyes flickering between the both. Amusement played at her lips, her usual frown brimming into a curious smirk.

She nodded towards the front row. "Isaac?"

"The kinetic molecular theory." He answered evenly.

Miss Anderson flashed him an impressed smile, "Correct."

Aarons hand slowly dropped down to his side, his pupils nothing but narrow slits staring into the back of Isaacs head. He seemed agitated, his hands fidgeting with his pencil. He was always an easy going person, but now it was acting like his skin crawled, his face flushing.

I saw Aaron put his hand down, shooting Isaac a quick glance of anger. However, I still couldn't pin point the emotion evident in his eyes as he glared at the back of Isaac's head. Did he know Isaac?

"In regards to finding the temperature of a substance using the kinetic molecular theory, what is the equation?" Miss Anderson questioned.

Once again, their hands shot up again at identical times, leaving Miss Anderson to gaze at them suspiciously.


"KE equals 12mv2 equals thirty- two kBT." Isaac replied, his tone one of formality and primness. Aarons arm fell down to his desk, as if his joints suddenly unravelled. His gaze was flickering between the two, his golden gaze fixated onto Isaac as if his life depended on it.

Miss Anderson seemed amused, her eyes flickering back to Aarons, her lips tilting into a smile as if the boys silent squabble was entertaining.

"Correct," she said, turning back to nod lightly at Isaac. "Who developed the kinetic molecular theory?"

Aaron shot up his hand as did Isaac, only this time Isaac turned around to flash Aaron a winning grin. Aarons whole face sharpened, his jaw clenching enough so I thought his teeth would shatter.

"Isaac?" Miss Anderson answered with a cheery voice.

"James Clerk Maxwell created the well-known Maxwell distribution of molecular velocities, which therefore gave the proportion of molecules with a certain velocity in a particular range." He answered, cockiness evident in his voice.

Hannah let out a loud, dreamy sigh, her breath causing her fly away hairs to stir. I stifled a groan and instead looked to Miss Anderson who seemed like this was the most excitement she had felt for a long time.

"Correct," Miss Anderson said, ignoring Aarons glares and instead turned to write on the board. "I expect all of you to be up to Isaac's level of intelligence by the end of the year." She turned back to the class, gazing at everyone individually, her eyes landing on mine. "Considering some people in this class have a slightly lower IQ than the average human, I would encourage each and every one of you to get some tips from Isaac about this terms unit, seeing as none of you know the answers except him." She turned deliberately to stare at Aaron, a smirk playing at her lips. Realisation hit me like a wave. She was trying to get a reaction from Aaron, one that would allow her to smack him with hours of community service.

Her eyes shone like a foxes, sly, meddlesome and intrusive. She was enjoying this – the fact that both boys were arguing over a school subject.

A stab of fury surged through me as I glanced over at Aaron. His gaze was as sharp as steel, his hands clenching the side of his desk. He was letting out long breaths, veins along his neck rising to curl under his jawline. I had never seen him this angry, his smile gone to be replaced with an outraged frown.

"Aaron..." I said softly, just loud enough for him to hear. The rest of the class peered back to us, including Isaac. I watched as he studied Aaron, his gaze unwavering from his, almost in a challenge. He swallowed, but his face seemed to wipe clear of any other emotion.

The entire classroom was silent as the boys stared each other down, Aaron seeming aggravated and Isaac, placidly bored.

"Aaron," I whispered again, noticing the way Miss Anderson was examining them both, as if expecting an outburst. "Don't do anything, let it be."

But he snapped, his anger surging through his words so they came out as a hiss. "I put my hand up every time, but apparently you were too blind to spot this, you were probably too busy battering your eyes at the new boy."

Miss Anderson seemed shocked for a moment, her smile slipping from her lips but then it returned, wider than ever.

"I beg your pardon?" She said coolly, her eyes flashing with amused pleasure.

"Aaron stop." I whispered sharply, my gaze flickering between Isaac, Aaron and Miss Anderson, uneasiness causing my skin to prickle.

Aaron was quivering now, his breathing heavier. I looked towards Aleena but she was watching the scene with an arched eyebrow, apparently entertained by the amount of tension in the room.

I wasn't sure what to do, but I knew if Aaron said one more thing Miss Anderson herself would snap, and Isaac would be given the satisfaction of seeing him punished.

My body acted out on its own record, and my hand reached out to rest on his clenched fingers. His body stiffened but then it seemed to relax from my touch, his grip loosening enough so the blood flowed back into his fingertips. He closed his eyes, hopefully regaining his thoughts as he let out a long breath.

His hands were unnaturally warm against mine and I could feel the veins that lined his knuckles and soft skin. I stared at our hands, feeling my eyes widen. I couldn't believe I reached out and held his hand.

Held his hand.

I forced a sour frown and pulled my hand away but not before I saw Isaac's eyes flash, something passing through them but then he blinked it away. He let out a soft snigger before shaking his head, as if amused by how pathetic I looked.

Aaron opened his eyes, his face returning to its usual softness. He ducked his head enough so his fringe trailed into his eyes.

"My apologies Miss Anderson," he began, his voice back to its quiet formability. "Please excuse my behaviour."

Miss Anderson blinked but tilted her head up higher. Her eyes flickered to mine to land on where I had retracted my hand back onto my desk, her lips thinning slightly. But then she seemed to realise the class was expecting her to reply so she reverted her attention back to Aaron. "You are forgiven Mr Payne, however I expect better behaviour from you."

Aaron nodded obediently and I silently cussed at her for being so difficult. It was like she enjoyed seeing people defeated.

"Back to work." Miss Anderson turned back to the board casually, as did most of the students, all except one. Isaac remained watching Aaron, his expression something I had never seen before. It was like he was studying him, his tricoloured eyes travelling over Aaron like he should know him. It was the same odd expression he had given me, only now his pupils were narrowed and his lips were thinned.

He caught my eye, his frown deepening. He leaned over to Hannah to whisper something in her ear. Hannah chuckled softly, sneaking me a quick glance before whispering something back. The corner of his mouth lifted as he listened, smirking slightly.

I ignored the feeling of anger boil beneath my skin to turn to Aaron. He was staring at his textbook, his eyes unfocused and hazy.

"Aaron?" I whispered softly, watching as he slowly looked up to meet my eyes. His green and gold eyes weren't their usual brightest, but instead looked dull and discoloured as he gazed at me.

"So that's the new guy you were talking about." His voice was husky and deep, completely different to his usual cheerful one. I took his tone of voice for being upset, but I couldn't tell what initiated his anger. I wasn't sure if he was ashamed for not proving his worth to Miss Anderson, or furious at Isaac for using the opportunity to mock his intelligence.

I gave him a half-hearted smile but it turned into more of a grimace than a pitying look. "Sure is."

He said nothing at this, but lowered his eyes to stare at his clenched fists. They weren't white anymore, but were still clamped tightly together.

"Don't waste your time thinking about it," I suggested, my tone flattening. "He isn't worth it."

His lips pricked into a tiny smile at this, filling my bones with a warm feeling. I quickly shut it down with a start, suddenly very aware of how close I had leaned towards him. I pulled away to look up to the front, my mind a jumbled mess.

However, from the corner of my vision I could see Aaron uncoil his fists, seeing five fingernail prints cut into the palm of his hand. But before I could look closer, he quickly moved them away, turning them down towards his paper.

I didn't spare him another glance. If I learnt anything in this town, it was to never question the uncertain.


After school, I walked to Miss Andersons office, a frown pulling at my lips. Annoyance circled my thoughts, causing my feet to slide across the tiled floor. I didn't want to be here for another two hours – let alone work for her.

Initiating my usual tactic, I didn't bother knocking before I pushed open the door.

Miss Anderson was talking on the phone, speaking in a hushed voice. Her back was facing me enough so she was staring out the dusty window.

"I said I would manage it," she snapped, her voice coated in criticism. "Stop doubting me and arrange something in the meantime."
She suddenly whirled around as if sensing my presence, her face paling. She hastily barked another command before slamming the phone on the ground. I took a seat, the fabric cold and worn against my jeans.

She let out a deep breath, apparently gathering herself. "Miss Argent."

"Yes." I mumbled, acknowledging that she was already in a foul mood.

"You can pick up rubbish from around the school until five o' clock. I expect at least three garbage bags full before the end of this evening." She said with a stern voice, one that matched my mother's when she was furious only Miss Anderon's was more lethal.

I didn't bother arguing but instead nodded and rose from my spot. She nodded towards the door and I exited gratefully, thankful for the fresh air.

I felt a grimace form onto my face.

This wouldn't take long...would it?

After two hours and six garbage bags worth of rubbish, I ventured back to Miss Andersons office to announce my achievements and get my permission to return home. But when I opened her door, her desk was unoccupied. Frowning, I stormed out, shivering from the gathering cold. It had been freezing by the time I had loaded three garage bags, and now I could barely feel my fingers or my toes.

I practically jogged back home in hopes of raising my body temperature. I didn't have the patience to dust off my snow caked boots as I dashed inside to find its temperature the same as outside. Suppressing a noise of annoyance, I fetched meat from the freezer and prepared myself to once again encounter the snow outside.

By the time I was at the edge of the forest, my entire body was shuddering violently. My lips were numb, identically to the way my legs and arms felt. But then something ceased my shivers and I glanced up to see my wolf, his head raised elegantly to watch me.

His coat clung to his frame, making him look exceptionally skinner, his ribs jutting out of his skin. His golden gaze was lighter than I remembered, but his size hadn't changed. His eyes travelling to the meat in my hand, his mouth parting as his nose twitched.

Realising, I gently placed it on the ground. His eyes followed every moment before I took a few steps backwards, allowing him to snatch the food without feeling cornered.

I blinked, attempting to dislodge the snowflakes in my eyelashes but when I opened them, he was gone, his tracks already filling up with snow.

Just like a ghost, he was forgotten as easily as the knowledge of his presence. 

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