You Have The Right To Remain...

By UseWithCaution

60.7K 2.5K 153

Only a year and a few months after Caelum and Lily's story ended Mark and Jessica's story begins. Jessica is... More

You Have The Right To Remain Silent
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 8

2.8K 174 6
By UseWithCaution

Mark's P.O.V

"Jessica, you don't have to do this." She lifted my sore feat onto her lap and began working her thumbs into the skin. It was a relaxing sensation that I was sure a million dollars couldn't beat.

"You're joining the police force under my father, I know my father and I know you're in pain. Just relax and tell me about your day."

"Not much to tell. Gun practice and some scenarios."

"Did you do good?"

I shrugged as Jessica's knuckles went into my feet to work the sore tissue. I stared down at the skillful work she was doing with her hands.

"You work like a professional." I joked.

"I use to do a little something. When I was younger, I was a tomboy for life. I didn't wear skirts or dress only jeans and T-shirts. My mother wanted me to get out of it so she signed me up for these classes that taught you some crazy nail salon stuff. I made some good friends and I learned something new. It didn't get me out of my tomboyish attitude, but I liked it."

"That's cool." I sighed and leaned back on the chair. Theo was out tonight at some kindof convention, job expo thing. He would be away for the remainder of the week which gave Jessica and I some time to ourselves. She liked my house and I wasn't exactly sure why.

It was a simple design. Two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room. Theo occupied the second bedroom which was why I had brought the house in the first place. I always wanted some kindof roommate and I found Theodore, so it worked.

"You don't sound very interested in my story." She kneaded the flesh up to my calves and dug her fingers into the tender skin.

"I'm more interested in the lips telling it."

Jessica met my eyes and pecked a small kiss on my lips. I was glad I was finally able to break the hard shell surrounding her and finally able to address her as my girlfriend.

"Wanna go out for drinks tonight?" I asked with a smile.

"Only if you're paying."

"I'll make you a deal. Shots game, loser pays."

"You are so on." Jessica stood up and removed her jacket from the hanger.

I shook the tingling feeling off in my legs and put on my boots. I retrieved my jacket as well and we left the house.

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