SHINee: TaeminxOC Oneshot

By velcy123

564 16 1

Abbi is the new star that started her training with the famous boy group SHINee. According to SM's condition'... More


564 16 1
By velcy123

Alex POV

Today was the day. They were having a concert and the song they were singing was A-yo. This was going to be the first time they sung it live. 'Even though I've been with them for a year, for training, I never got to go on stage with them. I'm so nervous! This is my first time going on stage.' I thought in my head, though I looked so composed on the outside. I thought I fooled them into thinking I wasn't nervous. Looks like I was wrong because Taemin suddenly came up to me.

"You okay Alex" Taemin asked me.

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine." I replied, my voice cracking a bit when I said yeah. "Why?" I asked Taemin.

"Uhuh, you can't fool me Alex," Taemin replied, while observing me to find out what was wrong, "we," Taemin said while gesturing to the other members inside the room, "have known you for about almost a year now. So just tell us what's wrong" Taemin asked, determined on figuring it out what was wrong, and by now the other members were looking at me as well.

"It's nothing." I told them hoping that they would just leave it alone.

"It's not nothing," Minho said, joining in on the conversation.

"Ugh! Will you guys stop asking me!" I cried out in frustration "If it was important I would have told you guys already!" I told them getting annoyed. "If you really know me so well then you would know that I would tell you!" I said as I walked out of the room.

"Where are you going?" our manager asked when I ran into him out in the hall.

"Out," I told him "call me when there is only 5 min. left till show time." And with that I left the building.

"hm... I wonder what happened." _________________________________________

Taemin POV

"You okay Alex?" I asked, when I saw that she wasn't jumping around like usual.

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine." She replied, though her voice cracked a little when she said yeah. It wasn't that noticeable, but me being right next to her, I noticed it. "Why?"

"Uhuh, you can't fool me Alex," I said as I observed her, trying to find out what was wrong with her. "We," I said while gesturing to the other SHINee members, "Have known you for about almost a year now. So just tell us what's wrong." I told her, trying to persuade her into telling us what was bothering her. By now the other members were looking as well.

"It's nothing." She told us. I knew it wasn't nothing, because right now I was in her personal space and she didn't even say anything, to focused on trying to make us leave her alone.

"It's not nothing." Minho said

"Ugh, will you guys stop asking me!" she cried in frustration. "If it was important I would have told you guys already!" she said, looking very annoyed, "If you really know me so well then you know that I would tell you guys if it was important!" she yelled at us as she walked out of the room. I was about to sit down, thinking it was best if she cooled down, but Key-umma had different plans.

"Taemin!" Key shouted at me, as he hit me on my shoulder.

"Oww! What was that for umma?" I asked him while rubbing the spot he hit, trying to lessen the pain.

"Go after her you pabo!" yelled at me.

"I was, after she calmed down," I told key, hoping he wouldn't hit me again. Boy was I wrong. Key hit me again, though this time he hit me harder. On the same shoulder.

"WHAT?!?!? " key blew up in my face, " NO, go after her now, don't you know that she was mad because you decided to pester her about what was wrong with her!"

"What? Why me? I just wanted to know what was wrong." I retorted, rubbing my now growing bruise.

"Taemin." Key said in a way that would make anyone cower in fear.

"Yes umma?" I asked, hiding behind onew hyung. Unfortunately for me , onew hyung moved away from me. "Yah! Hyung, why did you move?" I asked onew hyung, forgetting about key.

"Sorry taeminnie, but im with key on this one," onew hyung said, "you should go apologize to her right now."

I looked to the others, the also nodded their heads. 'why me?' I asked myself in my head. just then our manager came in.

"Manager!" I yelled as he came in. I jumped behind him, thinking that I was saved. Too bad the world love proving me wrong.

"Taemin, I'm guessing you're the one that made Alex mad?" manager asked, still facing the other members.

"Yah! Why would you assume that?" I yelled at him

"Maybe because your cowering behind me and all your hyungs look mad at you." Manager answered, "And also, Alex was mumbling, 'stupid Taemin, why can he just leave me alone, why does he have to know me so well, why do I have to lik-" our manager suddenly stopped talking. I looked at him to continue talking, though what I saw was definitely weird, the hyungs were all glaring at the manager.

"What else did she say manager?" I asked, trying to figure out why he stopped talking so suddenly.

"Nothing Taemin, now go and fix the mess you made and go get Alex." He told me, still not facing me.

"Fine." I mumbled as I walked out of the room trying to find her.


I took me awhile to find her, but when I finally found her, she was facing me with her eyes closed. She was listening to music. Knowing her, she listens to music whenever she was thinking about something. Looking at her face clearly for the first time made me realize how beautiful she really was. I have loved her for a while now, but I never got to tell her because of our busy schedule. I looked at her; her hair was wavy with a pretty light brown color which reached her mid back. She looked so peaceful and beautiful right now, that I decide that I wanted it to last, so I took out my phone and took a picture of her. I was hoping that she wouldn't notice me, but right after I closed my phone to put it away, she opened her eyes and looked at me. When I looked into her eyes, I forgot all about her being mad at me and I stared into her eyes, falling into a trance.

"What do you want Taemin." She asked, her voice monotone, bringing me out of my trance. Obviously she was still mad at me.

"The hyungs told me to go and fix what I did and," I answered, looking away from her, feeling my checks burn up, embarrassed by the fact she caught me staring at her.

"And?" she asked, sounding curious to why else I was there.

"To bring you back."

"Is that all?" she asked, her voice turned monotone again. She started to get up.

"Yeah. I replied, still not looking at her, debating on whether or not I should tell her that I like her. ' yeah I should tell her, now is the perfect time, were alone right now.'

"well if that all then im going now." She replied, still monotone. She started walking, and I finally looked back to her, noticing she was leaving. I decided that if I was going to tell her I loved her, then now was the time.

"wait!" I yelled as I ran up to her.

"what?" she asked, her voice cold.

" that's not the only reason I came here." I told her, getting nervous about what I was about to do.

"then what else do you want?" she asked. I couldn't tell whether she was still mad or not so I decided to test my luck and hope she wasn't mad anymore.

"I," I started, trying to find my voice, I tried again "I love," 'deep breaths Taemin' I thought as I was saying this. Alex started looking impatient.

"You love what Taemin?" she asked me, trying to get me to continue my sentence.

'it's now or never Taemin!' I told myself in my head. "I love you." I said, as I looked down to the floor. It was silent for a while. 'wow Taemin, you should have kept that to yourself, there's no way she would like you.' I said to myself. After a few more seconds, she didn't say anything so I decide to take no as answer, and was about to start walking away, until I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. When I turned around I saw that it was Alex hugging me. I was so shocked, it took me awhile to process things.

"You're not lying are you?" she asked still hugging me.

"Why would I lie about that?" I asked her, a little mad that she would think im joking about something as important as that.

"Good." She said as she reached up and put her hands on my face and brought it down to hers.

My eyes widened when I realized what was happening. 'Alex is kissing me.' I thought still shocked by what was happening. When my brain finally connected with my body again, I responded to her kiss. We stayed there until the need to breath came.

"I love you too." She said smiling up at me. I pulled her into another kiss, and we stayed like that until she pulled apart.

"What?" I asked pouting that she pulled away.

"We still have a concert to go to." She reminded me. Oh yeah, I forgot that that was one of the reasons I was here in the first place.

"Come on." She said, tugging me along to the room.

"Fine," I said as we got nearer to the room "but, I want another kiss." I said smiling as she paused suddenly. She looked at me, smiling to. She came closer to my face. I closed my eyes, waiting.

"Pabo," she said into my ear, and with that she slapped my arm and walked back into the room.

"ow..." I complained, walking back into the room after rubbing my arm. "Why do I always get hit?" I asked myself.

Still Taemin's POV

When I walked back into the room everyone looked at me.

"What?" I asked as the other SHINee members came to me, alex sitting down in a chair furthest from the door.

"Is she still mad at you?" key asked when they got to me.

"Nope, got it all under control." I told them smiling.

"No you don't Taemin,"lex said, apparently she overheard what I said " the only thing you got under control is your singing and dancing."

"ouch, she got u there taeminnie" Minho said.

"Yah! Your so mean Alex!" I said pouting

"deal with it, were on in 5." Our manager told us when he came into the room.



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