The Question of a Lifetime {E...

By amethystjewel04

34K 725 109

It's Rory's pre-graduation party, and she's not feeling too good. Lorelai has her concerns and thoughts, but... More

5||Graduating Gift
I'm Sorry! Please don't kill me!!


1.9K 47 6
By amethystjewel04

As Rory and Logan rush up to the meeting room on the fifth floor, Rory got a call.

"Rory Gilmore-Hayden."

"Rory, I know I said you could stay there for three years before you can take over, but..."

"Dad, what's wrong? What's going on?" Rory asked as she and Logan are now exiting the elevator.

"I need you at the office by next week."

"Next week?!" Rory exclaimed.

Logan looks at her in concern but they keep walking.

"Yes by next week. It's important."

"Alright dad. I'll be right on it. See you next week."

"Alright bye kiddo."

"Bye dad."

Rory then hangs up.

"Crap!" Rory exclaims and then puts her phone away.

Once they arrive to the meeting room, they burst through the door.

"What's wrong now?!" Logan yelled.

Everyone looks at him.

They're all silent.

"Well?" Logan pushed.

A co-worker then pushed a box towards them across the table.

Logan raised an eyebrow at their actions.

"We all have a piece offering for a thank you." David said, revealing a cake in the box.

Rory brightened at the sight.

"So this is the urgent emergency?" Logan asked confused.

"Okay first, let's get down to business.... What type of cake is this?" Rory said quickly sitting down in her new comfy chair.

"Well, that one is a triple chocolate fudge cake. We also have a coffee cake, and a white cake, and there are a few other options also." Another co-worker said.

Rory hummed in happiness, before she could reach for a fork to dive in, her chair was pulled back.

"Logan!!!" Rory whined.

Logan chuckled, "Don't worry. I'll let you have some, but only one piece. One! Or one slice from each of your choosing."

"Did I ever tell you that you are the best?" Rory asked adoring her fiancee.

"Not recently, no." Logan smiled.

"Well, then your the best person in the world, but that title will be taken away if you keep me hostage from that cake that is screaming my name."

Logan laughed and pushed her back to the table.

Everyone in the room smiled at the couple, and knew that those two were gonna be an unstoppable team.

After everyone enjoyed their slice of cake that morning, there were leftovers. Rory basically called dibs on all the leftover cake cause she was gonna have along week and a half.

But before everyone left to work.

Rory spoke, "Before you all leave. I just want to say that I'll be leaving to go back home next week. And before you all ask me questions, it's because my dad wants me to take over the Frim now instead of in three years. I'll see what I can do to get back as soon as I can, but for now plan for my absence to last 6 months at the least. If there is any important meeting that I am required to come in person send me the dates and I'll work something out. For now if any meetings are held and I need to be apart of it video call and over the phone is gonna have to work."

Logan was sad that she was leaving so soon and for so long, but was really happy that she would be taking over her dad's Frim.

Their co-workers nodded with a sad expression on their faces but they understood.

Everyone was dismissed and Rory and Logan went to their conjoined offices. Logan was basically holding all the leftover cake that Rory wanted. 5 boxes.

They enter her office and Logan sets the cakes on the counter next to her coffee machine. He then turns to her.


"Yeah?" Rory says looking up from a folder in front of her.

"Why do you have to go back so soon? And so long? What about the babies?"

Rory sighed.

"I don't know Logan. I really dont know. Dad didn't say much in his call and his voice sounded like something bad happened. I just hope it'll get solved soon. But I need to set a doctor's appointment sometime before I leave."

Logan nodded and sighed.

"I'm gonna miss you and when I get a chance to get away I'll fly in. But update me everyday on the babies okay? And I promise I'll try to make it to every appointment for the babies. If not FaceTime me."

"Okay." Rory pecked him on the lips and smiled. "I'm going to miss you so much."

The two then get to work and Rory gets to know all her new colleagues in a matter of hours.


On the other side of the country....

"Chris calm down. Everything is going to be fine." Lorelai says.

"Everything isn't fine Lorelai." Chris practically growls at her.


Chris sighed, "Sorry Lore. It's just really hard."

"I know babe, but it's going to get handled. Rory is the best lawyer we have ever raised. But just so you know, she is pregnant."

"I know."

"With twins, remember?"

"Yes. I remember."

"She can't handle a lot of stress you know."

"Of course I know that."

"Than why have her fly all the way out here?"

"Because, Lore, she is the only one to handle this case. She's done it before."

Chris leans against his desk, still facing his wife.

Lorelai knew he was right. Rory handled the custody case before and Chris and Lorelai got to share custody.


Hours later Rory landed safely in New York. She was greeted by her parents.

"Alright, please don't tell that I flew out here all for nothing. We are in a bit of a crisis at RPC."

"Sherry is fighting custody again. She demands that Gigi isn't shared and stays with her."

"Well I can assure you that this should be easy like last time."

"Don't be so sure. She has a hard case."

"Yeah well don't believe everything that comes out of her mouth. Now I'm tired let's get home and I need to call Logan so he knows I got here safely."

They all head to the limo that awaits them outside and head home to rest for a long day ahead.

That's all I got right now, been working on it for a while but hey no time like the present to work on it right? Well time to work on another book I've neglected. Ta ta for now! :)

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