Quiet is Good, Sometimes

By lil_sage_of_horrors

12 0 0

Allen, an elf, lives a quiet secluded life in a tree house high in the trees of Eternity Forest occasionally... More

Quiet is Good, Sometimes

12 0 0
By lil_sage_of_horrors

Allen was making his way back into Oslnore today to get a new book because he had already read the ones he had several times over. Before that he's gonna make a trip to the leather workers shop to sell pelts from this week's hunt. It being Saturday, there was plenty of people out which annoyed Allen slightly as he does not like people very much, but still too early for a large crowd. He quickly headed over to the shop and walks in with the sound of a small bell and waits as a somewhat burly man comes behind the counter from the back room.”What can I do you for Allen?” he asks not too curiously for he already knew why he was there. Allen threw a small pile of pelts onto the counter to show the man. “So what do we got here?” he shifted through the pile, “5 hares, 3 squirrels, and 2 fawn. All with quite a great quality, I expected no less of you.” The shopkeeper chuckles walks into the back room and returns a minute later with a somewhat large pouch, “50 gold for everything.”

“Being a bit generous are we, Edgar?” Allen questioned as the man, ‘Edgar’, threw the bag to him and he started counting.

“You're good business, I wanna do what I can to keep you around!” he bellowed in laughter as he picks up the pelts and throws them into the back then turns back around to Allen, “You know, Allen, the people of this town don't bite, you can come down here more than once a week to fetch a few things and actually socialize with the townsfolk.”

“No thank you, I'd rather stay in the forest where things are actually interesting.” Allen then proceeded out of the shop, waving on the way out, and groaning when he sees all of the people then scowls and mumbles to himself, “I wasn't even in there for that long” and starts walking towards the bookstore as people walked around him like a rock in the river after feeling the slightly menacing aura around him as well as knowing exactly who he is. Allen walks across town with little effort and steps into the bookstore, “any new books today Finnian?” he looks around at the bookshelves recognizing practically all of them as books he read on his spare time. There was a crash in the back room as a startled Finnian comes tumbling out into the main room.

“Just a few, I have them behind the counter over here in case you would have been interested” he hastily says as he reaches under the counter and struggles to put three seemingly heavy books on top of the counter with a slight slam. Allen walks up to read the covers, picking up the top two reading Forward March: The Battle of Hell’s Valley and Nature’s Secrets: Botanics Heaven Vol. 1. “This is the book I thought you would be the most interested in, being the only elf in any nearby towns” Finnian stated matter of factly. Allen looked at the book seeing it written entirely in elvish, but he could read it. He examined it more closely, it was a very old very thick leather bound book that was very well taken care of. The cover read Sorfen meaning Excalibur in elvish, he slowly slid his hand over the cover.

“How much?” Allen asked very intrigued in the book mostly because you can’t find elvish books in these parts.

“For these two,” he pointed to the other books on the counter, “I’ll give them to you for 10 gold, but you can have the elvish book for free because I highly doubt that anyone else would want it.” Allen absently throws 10 gold on the counter from the pouch from the leatherworker and grabs the other two books all without taking his eyes off the elvish book. “Enjoy those books Allen see you next week!” Yelled Finnian as Allen made his way out of the store and back into the crowd.


It’s not everyday I see books like this. I walked out of the shop and put them into my rabbit pelt pack on my back and groaned as I walked back into the crowd. The people of this town are so boring and naive, they think I can’t see them staring at my ears. I guess my short hair leaves nothing for imagination but that’s just rude. This is exactly why I don’t like coming down here, the people are such a bother. I finally made it back to the edge of Eternity Forest which I ventured thoroughly so there is nothing left to explore. This quiet life is just too boring for me and I haven’t found anything that could fix that. As I’m about halfway home Anik, my pet spirit fox, runs up to me and starts leisurely walking by my side. We start climbing up the long steps back the tree house as Burr, my pet thunder bear who stays the size of the average bear cub, comes flying up to me halfway up the stairs and landing on the other side of me from where Anik was. Climbing a little bit further the sound of heavy footsteps comes up behind our little group and I look behind me to Coldred, my twice their average size snow leopard with a small snowy trail behind him, I use him as a mount due to his large size and his control over ice and water come in handy sometimes as well.

We finally make it to the house and go into my room to put the books away but end up laying down on my bed for a minute or two until Anik, Burr, and Coldred come and lay down in my room as well all fitting on my rather large bed. I pick up the Forward March book and turn to the first page and reading the first few chapters but I just kept looking back at that elvish book I left on the nightstand. It was getting pretty late though so I got ready for bed. I lay down and rest my hands on my sides as Anik, Burr, and Coldred shift closer to me and I turn off lantern.


I open my eyes after several long hours of sleep with plenty of energy for the day so I go out of the bed quietly as to not wake up my three companions. I change into a fresh set of clothes and grab my fishing spear to catch some breakfast for the four of us, slip on my leather boot, and head out for the river. When I get to the small fishing spot I usually use I remove my shoes and cotton socks and roll up pants then rake a hand through my light blue hair and make my way into the water. I look down into the water seeing the reflection of my sandy tan eyes looking back at me as well as seeing a few silver fishes moving closer so I stay absolutely still. With quick movements I manage to get two fish on the spear. I continued that until I had at least 10 fish then tie them up and head back to the house. As soon as I get there I realize Anik, Burr, and Coldred are still asleep, typical, and continue to my way to the kitchen where I cook the fish, the smell wafting through the house waking everyone and they make their way into the kitchen. I divide up the fish giving four to Coldred, two to Burr, two to Anik, and two for himself. After breakfast I grabbed the elvish book and headed out, with the three, to a nearby lake where we usually relax during the day. When we get there I sit in my usual spot on a ledge that hangs over the lake and Coldred sits behind me so as usual I use him as a pillow and Anik and Burr ran around playing around with each other. I open Sorfen and start reading, after a few pages I start to realize the this isn’t just some book but someone’s journal. I keep reading and I got this feeling that the place that was being described in the journal sounded a lot like Eternity Forest. At a point the writer was describing a lake with a ledge that hangs over the water and it took me a minute to realize that they were talking about the exact place where I'm sitting. “Ahh!” was the only noise I could make as I fell over after this discovery and it made Coldred, who was fast asleep, slightly jump and look at me with bewildered eyes as I stare at the tattered leather book. He looked upset the sky and then bumped his nose against my cheek and looked back up at the sky again. I followed his gaze and saw that it was getting late and we've been here all day. I stood up and yelled to Anik and Burr that we were leaving, they were relaxing on a boulder that stuck out of the middle of the lake and sunbathing. What I didn't realize at the time is that there was someone else watching us from the tree line at the other side of the lake. We headed back to the house and got ready for bed though it was difficult to relax because I decided to follow the journal to wherever it may lead. I finally found a chance at adventure so I’m going to take it.


When morning rolls around I go out to hunt for breakfast and I catch extra for the trip. On my way back I had a feeling like I was being watched so I put up my guard more than usual. Who could be in these woods? As long as I have been here there has been no one in these parts of the woods because they all stay on the path that was nowhere near here. I was about halfway back and whatever was watching me was still there but suddenly there was a shift in the bushes so I looked over there curiously thinking that was the source of the stare. As I was approaching I was attacked from behind and pinned down to the ground, I struggled to get out of their grasp and ended up getting flipped over and held still looking at the person face to face. We were both panting as I got a good look at them, male, short black hair, purple eyes, and a very feminine but manly face. I looked at his ears and was surprised to see that, he too, was an elf. He was on top of me straddling my hips and pinning my arms next to my head, he was too strong for me to make an escape though. We stared at eachother for what seemed like an eternity waiting for the other to make a move so I decided to go first, “Why are you attacking me?” I quizzed trying to figure out his motive.

“I was gonna ask if I could have one of the rabbits you caught.”

“So you attacked me?”

“You were on guard if I would've approached you normally you would have attacked me.” I was a little stunned when he said that, but it was still rude to attack me like that.

“Then can you get off my now?”

“Can I have the rabbit?”

“We are in the middle of the woods that are full of animals, why can’t you catch one yourself?” he looks away with a blush that I wouldn’t have noticed unless he was so close.

“I-I’m not that good at hunting, o-or fishing…” he stuttered, this stunned me.

“Yet you were sneaky enough to attack me from behind?”

“Well fighting is the only thing I’m good at.” he stands up and helps me up and I dust myself off.

“Do you even know how to cook a rabbit?”

“No” I sighed and turned around starting to walk away.

“It would be a waste if I gave it to so come on i’ll cook it” he ran up behind me following me back to the house.”You can’t tell anyone where this is can I trust you?”

“Sure” he said and it was a quiet walk all the way back but we both seemed to be very wary of each other’s existence. Once we got inside I put the rabbits in the kitchen and told the man to stay there; honestly I have no idea why I’m helping this man but I just feel like I have to. I walk into my room to put some other stuff down but are almost attacked by Anik, Burr, and Coldred but when they realized it was me they stopped and looked me and started sniffing me. Once they were done doing that they looked towards the kitchen then looks back at me questioningly so I held up my hand telling them it was okay. I threw my stuff on my bed and walked back to the kitchen and cooked up six rabbits. As I was doing so I realized I never asked his name.

“So what’s your name anyway?” I inquired.

“Kane, yours?”

“Allen, so what are you doing out in these knowing full well you probably won’t survive?” I finished cooking the rabbits and started dishing everything out. Two on one dish and the others on their own.

“I was reading into this old book I found that was written in elvish and decided to follow it’s path. Hey, why did you cook so much food anyway?” I whistled and Anik, Burr, and Coldred walked out from my room and Kane got spooked and almost fell out of the chair he was sitting in at the table. I put out their food as usual and they started eating being very of the strange man in the house. I put a plate in front of Kane and set my own down while sitting in my chair, good thing I made more than one chair when I made these, and started eating.

“Does that answer your question? Now tell me more about this book” I stated as he stared blankly at my friend dining on the floor behind me. If I’m right the journal I have might have something to do with the book.

“I found that it was actually someone’s journal which compelled me to follow it” he said hesitantly before he started eating. I stopped at what he said but only for a second before a started eating again.

“That journal didn’t happen to say Sorfen on it, did it?” he looked at me shocked dropping his food back on his plate.

“How did you know that?” he interrogated slowly reaching for his knife. I get up and walk into my room and grab the journal off my night stand and walk back into the kitchen, throwing it on the table in front of him. I sit down as looks at the journal curiously and grabbing his own out of his pack.

“Apparently we are looking for the same thing.”

“But how, it’s a journal wouldn’t only one exist?” he asks comparing the two. My copy seemed to have a lot more notes in it though so it must have been difficult for him to get this far. “Where did you even get this?”

“I picked it up at the bookstore yesterday on my trip into town; the book keeper said no one else spoke elvish around here so he just gave it to me. Where did you get your copy?”

“I found it in an old cave that I was in hunting some bandits that kept attacking so the chief sent me to deal with it. You said that your the only one that spoke elvish around here, is there not any other elves living around here?”

“No, your actually the first elf i’ve ever seen besides my own reflection” I explained as I threw my scraps to Coldred and collected our plates since we finished eating and started cleaning them with the bucket of water by the sink.

“Oh, but what about your parents?”

“I’ve been alone in these woods for as long as I can remember, except having Anik, Burr, and Coldred around” I said pointing to each as I said their names. They all slightly bowed to Kane as their turn for introduction came.

“They all seem pretty smart but then again they don’t exactly look like normal animals.”

“That’s because they aren’t. Anik is a spirit fox that can drift between the spirit world and our own.” I sit back down in my chair after I finished the dishes. “Burr is a thunder bear who can fly and has control over the storms, he only does it when necessary though, and he is not getting any bigger than that. Coldred is a snow leopard who has control over water and ice. He is twice the size of a typical snow leopard so I use him as a kind of mount when necessary.”

“And these are the only beings you have any sort of relationship with?”

“Besides a business related relationship, yes they are the only creatures I deem as friends and we spend all of our time together unless I go into the village of course.”

“Sorry to say but that’s kind of sad…” he trails off.

“They’re all I have ever needed”

“I wouldn’t really know since I haven’t had friends like that. Hey, why don’t we work together to find this legendary sword since it appears I have more experience with being around other elves and your really good at surviving in general?” he looks at me excitedly.

“Sure,” why did I accept, “what have you gathered on info so far?” what is this man doing to me?!? We sat at the table and talked about what we know on the location so far as well as learning a little about each other as well. This man was growing on me, fast, and I can honestly say: I kinda really like it. We sat there talking till right about lunch time so I cooked up some fish for everyone then we all went out hunting where I teached Kane a few tricks to surviving in the wilderness. Anik, Burr and Coldred Seemed to be warming us to him very fast as well because Coldred even let him pet him silky fur. We went back to the house after washing up at the lake because it was getting dark and make dinner. After dinner we went to bed and Kane slept on the opposite side if the bed from me because I refused to let him sleep outside. Even with the extra company we all fit very comfy on the bed and after we said our goodnights we all slept peacefully till morning.


I woke up before everyone as usual and headed into the kitchen to make breakfast as I hummed quietly as I cooked. A few minutes later Kane walks into the kitchen yawning and sitting down at the table. “Goodmorning Allen.”

“Good morning, sleep well?” I asked while sliding a plate with a couple cooked fish on it in front of him and sitting down with my own.

“Best sleep i’ve had in a long time actually” he says as he starts digging into his food.

“Well i’m glad, you ready for today?”

“Of course! By the way, your the best cook i’ve ever met!” he says with a mouthful as he happily munches his breakfast.

“Why thank you…” I trail off and blush almost unnoticeably, almost, as I eat my breakfast. It’s quiet as we finish and take the plates and start making food for Anik, Burr and Coldred.

“So why do you want to go on this adventure?” Kane suddenly asked leaning forward on the table.

“Honestly, this is the most exciting thing that has happened to me in a while so when I saw an adventure I immediately jumped on the possibility.”

“You realize this could be dangerous right?”

“I know but i’ll have those three with me, and you of course.” We both started to blush at that but neither of us noticed the other. I finished cooking and dished out the food and whistled for Anik, Burr, and Coldred to come eat. Kane followed me back into the bedroom and helped me pack everything for the trip. I had grabbed my daggers, bow and arrows, and my nifty collapsible fishing pole as well as a flint and steel to start fires. I also grabbed a few other things like a change of clothes and some crafting materials, and the journal of course. I headed out and packed some dried food, the food we caught yesterday, and some water into some satchels for Coldred to carry. I cleaned up the kitchen and checked everything before heading out. “We ready?”

“Whenever you are!” Kane said getting noises of approval from the other three.

“Off we go then!” we descended the stairs and determined which way to go with was much deeper into the forest. We traveled in that direction until noon when we stopped for a break and ate lunch and checking how far we’ve gotten by checking landmarks compared to the description to the journals. “We got really made some progress so far, maybe it’ll be just some short adventure then.” I frowned ever so slightly but Kane noticed.

“Hey don’t get so down the adventure isn’t even over yet” he put his hand on my shoulder and smiling at me which made me blush and clear my throat, standing up suddenly from an old fallen tree trunk.

“Well we should get moving so we can make more distance before nightfall.” I packed up everything from lunch and started heading in the direction we were going. Kane sits there for a second a little stunned before standing and catching up to me. I avoid his gaze for as long as I can and just look forward as he continues to talk about random things. Why does he make me feel so weird, ugh! I must have been thinking about it for a while because Kane started poking my face.

“Hello? Allen you in there?” I looked over to him a little confused.

“Yeah, what makes you ask that?”

“You’ve been spacing out for a while, are you okay?” he asks as he puts the back of his hand on my forehead making me jump a little.

“I’m fine I was just thinking about something” I say as I swat his hand away.

“Are you sure you can talk to me if something is bothering you, you can talk to me?”

“I’m fine really. Let’s keep going so we can find a place to sleep for the night.”

“Okay” he says all the while Anik, Burr, and Coldred were looking back and forth between us during the whole exchange. We kept walking for a little while longer until we found a clearing just before it started to get dark. “I’m gonna go get some wood for a fire.”

“Okay, i’ll set up around here you three should go help Kane” I say taking the luggage of Coldred and start unpacking a few things as they all went into the forest to look for wood. They were gone for a little while when I heard a twig snap behind me, “back alrea-!” I was pinned to the ground and my face was shoved into the dirt as someone tied my arms tightly behind my back all the way up to my shoulder blades. A cloth was forced into my mouth and tied behind head so I couldn’t speak, all my weapons were pulled off of me, and my ankles were tied. I winced as I was picked up by my hair and forced to face whoever had ahold of me.

“You know elves are pretty rare in the black market, especially with such long ears” a strange dirty man pulled on my ear as his rancid breath invaded my nose. “You seem to be alone so I guess no one will really miss you!” I was bashed over the head by another man who was out of my peripheral and everything went black.


I woke up leaning against a large tree on the edge of the a different clearing and my head was pounding, It was already dark out and there was a group of about five men sitting around a fire in the middle of the clearing including the two men I encountered before. I feel so weak, they must’ve done something to make sure I wouldn’t try to get away. “So what did you catch today Malik?” one of the men said to the biggest looking guy of the group and he stood up and headed for your direction. I pretended to be out again as he picked me up by the back of my shirt and dragged me towards the group.

“I caught the best elf i’ve seen in a long time! Ain't he a beaut?” he glowers as I was held up in front of the group as they all marveled.

“You’re the best Malik!”

“Wish I had talents like you!”

“Your gonna make enough to retire with that one” they all boosted his ego as he bellows a laugh and drops me behind the log he was sitting on as he sat back down.

“Did any of you catch anything?” Malik asked they all shook their heads besides the guy that was with Malik earlier. They continued to talk amongst themselves when I noticed a small amount of movement in the treeline, it was Kane and everyone. My eyes widened as I saw them and Malik noticed I was conscious and dragged me onto his lap and holding me by the back of my neck so I sat up, “Finally decided to wake up have we?” they all started laughing, “I see that drug is working extremely well, good thing I bought it when I was last in the underground!” he laughs with them and I can see Kane still. He looked angry? No, furious. They all charged out of the trees Anik and Burr took one out each and Coldred took out two. Kane was coming after Malik but he pulled me up and pressed a knife against my neck drawing blood and Kane stops where he was. “Huh, I guess you weren’t alone then, but no matter, come any closer and I won’t hesitate to kill him!” he threatened and you saw Anik slip into the spirit world out of the corner of my eye. He reappeared in front of me biting Malik’s hand and making him drop the knife and let go of me. Kane ran forward grabbing onto me as I fell forward and slashing up with the knife, scarring Malik’s face, and kicking him in the side of the head knocking him out. Kane quickly cut off the bindings around my ankles and arms and slowly removes the cloth from around my mouth with a small trail of spit on it. He dropped the knife wrapped his arms around me tightly and nuzzling his face into my neck.

“Don’t you ever scare me like that again Allen” he mumbled, shaking, as Anik, Burr, and Coldred gather around us. I blacked out again slipping in and out of it every once and awhile only kind of knowing what’s going on around me. From what I gathered Kane carrying me around bridal style, well that’s embarrassing, and going back to the clearing to gather our stuff and heading closer to or destination. We got to the opening of the cave where the sword was supposed to be and stopped in the entrance. Kane put me down for a second to remove the luggage from Coldred and pulled out some blankets. Coldred laid down next to the wall of the entrance of the cave that was illuminated by moonlight as Kane picked me up again and laying down against Coldred’s stomach and pulled the blankets over us. Burr curled up behind me and Anik behind Kane as we all got comfortable. Kane noticed me looking at him and smiles warmly. “I’m so glad your safe Allen” he pulled me into his chest, holding me close, as he nuzzled his face into my hair and fell asleep. I was so embarrassed from the closeness but his heartbeat lulled me to sleep till morning.


I woke still wrapped in Kane’s arms and Burr nudging me in the face. I still couldn’t move very well so I kinda shifted out of Kane’s grip and rolled away from them just outside the cave and sat up, “Burr go get me some wood to start a fire” I whispered and grabbed the food bag pulling out some rabbits. Burr brings a bunch of wood over and I put a few pieces a little ways away from me and Burr sparks the fire to life. I rolled back over to my bag and pulled out one of my knifes to prep the rabbits and roll back starting to cook breakfast and Burr sits next to me waiting for food. When I finish making food I look back and see Coldred staring at me clearly hungry but doesn’t want to move because of Kane so I roll back over and get get close to him and poke his nose. “Kane time to get up for breakfast” I whisper and he slowly cracks his eyes open and stares at me for a second and cuddles me close again.

“Good morning Allen” he whispers into my ear then lets me go and sits up. I roll back over to the food and Coldred and Anik get up to come eat too while Kane stares at me trying not to laugh. “Is that how you’ve been getting around all morning?” he chuckles as he comes over and sits down next to me.

“Shut up, I haven’t fully recovered yet” I said quietly taking a drink of water and eating my breakfast.

“Are you okay though? How does your neck feel?” he looks down at the bandage wrapped around my neck. I reached up and touched it gently and wincing as it stung a little bit.

“I honestly forgot about it until you mentioned it” I responded then going back to my food. The rest of breakfast was filled with quiet munching. After breakfast Kane cleaned up and put all of our stuff away into our packs then walks over to me.

“You want to try standing up?” he asks and holds out both of his hands to me. I grab on and he pulls me up but I almost fall on my face but Kane catches me. “I guess I get to carry you then” he says as he slings me onto his back and gives me a piggyback ride and gives the luggage to Coldred for him to carry not that he minded.

“You know I can just ride on Coldred right?”

“I know but I want to carry you!” he said back quickly making me blush like crazy and burying my face into his shoulder and he chuckles. We check the journal and start heading into the cave and Burr uses the electricity in his body to make himself glow to create a soft glow for us to see. We check the journal to guide us throughout the maze like cave, had a little lunch, until eventually there was lit torches on the wall. “This has to be it” Kane says as he puts the journal away and we follow the torches to an open area that was covered in plants and glow worms lighting up the room with the assistance of the a hole in the ceiling showering a boulder in the middle with moonlight. The boulder had a small river encircling that runs off somewhere and a beautiful Elvish made sword sticks out of the middle of it.

“Sorfen” Kane and I said at the same time as I tapped Kane on the shoulder to put me down. He lets me down and I was a little wobbly but I managed to stand on my own as I shuffle  little bit towards the center of the room. Anik, Burr, and Coldred were exploring the room while Kane and I stand next to the boulder.

“Ok, Kane pull it out” I say as I nod to the sword.

“No, you get to pull it out you went through the most to get here between the two of us.”

“Either way i’m still weak so there is no way I could pull it out anyway, so you do it.”

“Okay, fine” he sighs and approaches the sword and climbing on top of the boulder to get a better grip. He pulls as hard as he can but it wouldn’t even budge, “I guess it’s just not for me then, you should still try to get it i’ll help you up” he states as he gets off the boulder and walking to your side again.

“Okay but I doubt it would work” I said unconfidently as Kane helps me up on the boulder and I grab the hilt of the sword. I tug at it and it doesn’t move so I tug a little harder and it slips out and I fall back only to be caught by Kane.

“See I knew it was meant for you!” he puts me down as I stare in disbelief at the sword, “so did you miss the quiet of your town yet?”

“It was a lot of fun though there were hardships” I smile at Kane then start to frown and feel like crying. I lower the sword, holding it in one hand, as I lower my head.

“Well i’m glad you enjoyed it and we can stay here for the night then we head back tomorrow and this little adventure is over,” he stretches his arms and looks towards me smirking a little. A few tears slip from my eyes as Kane tips my chin up and looks me in the eyes, “but that doesn’t mean we won’t be together anymore” he said before pushing our lips together and I drop the sword and wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around me. I gained three thing on this adventure: a shiny sword, someone irreplaceable, and I learned that quiet is good, sometimes.

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