Snow// Jerry/Layne

By socialparasite

414 38 23

Layne was an angel. A beautiful angel. More


414 38 23
By socialparasite

Jerry lived with the same regret everyday. Of how things were with Layne before his final day upon earth. He wish he was closer to Layne, maybe he could've helped him, but he just let Layne slip away.

Jerry understood now. He understood why Layne had pushed so many people away. He was close to death and he knew it. It was almost obvious and Jerry didn't even pick up the clues.

"What the fuck was that?" Jerry asked as he pushed Layne up against the wall. Layne's back hit the wall with a thud. His fragile body aching as his bones crashed against the wall.

"What're you talking about?" Layne asked.

"You sucked out there. Your vocals were off key and you barely sang the right words!" Jerry scolded him. "Do you want to end our career?"

Layne shook his head. "Our career won't end."

It took everything in Jerry not to punch Layne across the face. But there was a look in Layne's eyes that mostly held Jerry back. A look of fear. Layne was scared of Jerry.

"Fuck!" Jerry spat before storming away.

"I was such an idiot." Jerry said aloud. He spoke to himself. No one else was there except him in his hotel room.

That feeling was coming back. The numbing feel of his body and the aching pain in his heart. From his radio, he began to hear his song playing. The song he had written for Layne. Black Gives Way To Blue.

Jerry sat there for a moment and listened to his own voice coming off the speakers. Once he couldn't take anymore, he rushed outside to the balcony. Taking in a deep breath, he slowly let it back out.

Rain began to fall from the dark sky. Jerry listened to it remembering how Layne used to say he loved the rain.

The temperature around Jerry began to drop. He figured it was just because of the rain, but as he studied the sky even more, it slowly began to pepper with snow.

"The fuck? It's... it's summer..." Jerry whispered. He thought he was losing his mind. He looked the streets to see that no one even noticed it was starting to snow. It was so unusual it sent chills down Jerry's spine.

As Jerry looked at everyone on the streets they began to slowly disappear. He blinked hard, wondering if his mind was playing tricks on him.

The snow began to fall harder. It was becoming hard for Jerry to even see anymore. He went back to the door and tried hard to open it but the door seemed as if it were locked and there were no way to get it open.

Jerry turned back around. The whole world around him was completely white, and the ground he was standing on was covered in snow. It became so cold Jerry could see his own breath.

"Where am I? What's happening?" Jerry said aloud. He was scared. He felt like he was losing his mind.

"Jerry..." a faint voice from afar whispered. Jerry looked around, but seen no one. He could've swore he heard Layne's voice. He could never forget that voice.

"Layne?" Jerry said aloud. He looked up at the sky.

His mouth was agape. Above him, was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Layne was in the sky, slowing coming down. He had a pair of wings. Angel wings. They were so big and white. White like the snow. Jerry noticed a crown of flowers around Layne's head. Flowers he had never laid eyes on and they were the most beautiful flowers he had seen. With a mixture of blue, purple, yellow, orange, white, and pink.

"Jerry..." Layne whispered, landing on his feet.

"Layne... you... you're an angel." Jerry gasped. Layne softly smiled.

"Don't cry for me, Jerry. Don't hurt for me." Layne said.

"But I..... I miss you." Jerry whispered. His eyes began to swell with tears.

As he cried, Layne pulled his wings around Jerry. He pulled Jerry against him and gave him a hug. Layne felt so real it was unbelievable.

"Don't cry, Jerry." Layne whispered.

"Is this a dream?" Jerry suddenly asked.

"Something like a dream. But not a dream." Layne said.

"Am I in heaven?"

Layne laughed. "Not yet, you're not. You're just in a peaceful place for now. Until I have to go."

"I... I don't want you to." Jerry said. Layne pulled away from the hug but kept his wings wrapped around Jerry.

He placed a soft kiss among Jerry's lips. Layne's lips were warm and soft. He felt so real.

"I have to. Don't weep for me, Jerry. I'll see you again someday." Layne promised.

"When?" Jerry asked.

"Someday." Layne smiled. "Close your eyes."

Jerry hesitantly closed his eyes.

"Keep them closed until I count to five." Layne said.

"One. Two. Three."



"Layne, I-"

"Five." Layne finished.

Jerry opened his eyes to find himself back in his old surroundings. Layne was gone. Jerry looked up at the sky but didn't see anything. Nothing except one little snowflake. It landed in Jerry's hand and he watched as it melted away.

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