wrong number 》jjk

By k16b13

18.8M 696K 801K

the text messages between a girl who doesn't care for labels and a boy who is labeled worldwide as the hottes... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
forty three
forty four
forty five
forty six
forty seven
forty eight
forty nine
fifty one
fifty two
fifty four
fifty five
fifty six
fifty seven
fifty eight
fifty nine
sixty one
sixty two (finale)
bonus 1: job
bonus 2: date
bonus 3: fight
bonus 4: meetings
bonus 5: drunk
bonus 6: sad
bonus 7: graduation
bonus 8: love
bonus 9: concert
bonus 10: encounters
bonus 11: commitment
bonus 12: children
bonus 13: family

fifty three

157K 5K 22.1K
By k16b13

Wednesday 9:21 AM

taehyung: (name)!!!!

me: taehyung!!!!

taehyung: good morning ( ' ' )

me: aww good morning to you too

taehyung: did you sleep good?

me: yes i did

me: did you?

taehyung: yes i did

taehyung: jungkookie is still sleeping

me: ah, i see

taehyung: he was up all night playing games

me: up how late?

taehyung: like 4

me: AM??

taehyung: yes

me: my goodness

me: wait how do you know?

taehyung: i went to refill my body with water and i heard him playing games

me: wow

me: you guys have a day off today?

taehyung: yeah we do

taehyung: you too?

me: yeaah, my class got cancelled because my professor got sick

taehyung: you should come hang out with me!!!

taehyung: ⊂( ・ ̫・)⊃

me: you wanna hang out?

me: where?

taehyung: we can go eat a meal together and stuff!!!

me: that sounds nice, where are you thinking?

taehyung: Brera?

me: the Italian place?

me: you like Italian food?

taehyung: kinda

me: why kinda?

taehyung: because i haven't tried it

me: oohh, makes sense

me: so when do you want to go?

taehyung: you could come over and then we can go together (=^^=)

me: alright, sounds good

taehyung: tell me when you get here!

taehyung: i will tell them to open

me: ah alright 👍

taehyung: yay!! i am excited

me: aw me too

taehyung: hehe

me: lmao <3

taehyung: 3>

taehyung: how did you do that heart

taehyung: oh wait, i got it

taehyung: Ɛ>

me: omg

(Her POV)

After texting Taehyung, I got up from my bed and headed into my bathroom to get ready. Once I had washed my face and brushed my teeth, I came back into my room and went to my closet to decide on what to wear. I settled on a pair of light washed jeans and an over-sized sweater. I quickly put it on before walking out to my kitchen to grab something to eat.

While humming softly as I walked into the kitchen, I grabbed an apple and sat myself down at my table. As I quietly ate my apple, I scrolled through the news to see if anything new had happened. I soon came across an article talking about BTS and their invitation to perform at the AMA's.

"Wow, so that is what they are doing in America," I mumbled softly as I ate.

Eventually, I finished my apple and I got up to throw away the core before picking up my bag and putting my shoes on. Once I had checked I have everything, I stepped out of my apartment and locked the door before walking to a nearby bus stop. I decided it is best and cheaper to take the bus first and then take a taxi for the rest of the route.

I sat down on the bench at the bus stop and looked around on the street to pass time. The bus finally arrived and I stepped on before scanning my card. I found a seat near the back of the bus and sat down before looking out the window. After a while, I felt a small tap coming from behind me. I sat up and turned around.

"Um, Hi, I am sorry to bother you but I just wanted to say that I am happy you and Jungkook are dating. Jungkook seems really happy when he is with you."

I instantly smiled and replied, "Thank you so much for saying that! I have seen quite a few comments and posts about how I seem really mean to him or I don't care about him so it is nice to hear that for a change."

"Oh, why would you read those comments? There is no use of wasting your time reading those," that girl responded.

I grinned and noticed she was sitting alone, "I know but I can't help it. It is so amusing to me. So, do you want to sit next to me? We can talk easier that way."

She quickly nodded and moved into the seat next to me, "So, where are you going?"

"I am going to meet with a friend. How about you? And what is your name?" I answered.

"Oh, my name is Lee Jiwoo and I am going to work," she answered with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Jiwoo, I am (name). So are you a fan of BTS?"

"Oh yeah I am, I have been a fan since 2014," she answered.

"Really? Have you ever met them before?"

"I have been to 2 of their concerts but that is it."

"Oh, wow. Do you have a favorite member?"

"Eh, not really. They are all so amazing and talented that I cannot just choose a favorite."

"Ah, I see," I answered.

We then spent the next few stops talking until her stop came. We exchanged numbers and she waved me good-bye before stepping off. I grinned and turned my attention back towards the window thinking about the new friend I had made.

My stop soon arrived and I got off before walking towards the curb to hail a taxi. A taxi soon pulled up in front of me and I got in before telling the driver the address. I leaned back into the seat and took out my phone to pass time. After a bit, the cab stopped and I thanked the driver before handing him the money. As I got out, I took out my phone and was about to called Taehyung before getting interrupted by someone.

"(Name)? What are you doing here?"

I looked up and immediately smiled when I saw Jimin, "Oh, hi Jimin! Taehyung wanted to go get lunch with me and he told me to come to meet him at, well, your place."

"Ah, I see," he answered with a smile.

"What are you doing out here?"

"I had to go pick something up," he answered. "I am walking back so do you want me to walk you over?."

"Oh, yes. That would be nice," I answered.

Then Jimin started to walk and I followed after him.

"So Jimin, how is your unrequited love going?" I asked walking with him.

"Ah, well. It is alright, I haven't said anything to the uh person yet and I don't think I will."

"Aww, why not?" I asked while walking with him.

"I'd rather just focus on my career," he answered looking at me.

I nodded slowly in understanding. "I have another question."

"Go ahead."

"When you were describing the person you like, you weren't describing me right?"

"Oh, no I wasn't. He-uh, the person is similar to you though, in a way."

"Ah I see," I answered smiling a little. "So it is a he."

Jimin laughed, "I will not respond to that."

I grinned, "Mm, alright."

We finally arrived at the front door and Jimin put the code in before stepping in and holding the door open for me. As I walked into the house, I thanked Jimin and looked around.

"Ah (name)! What brings you here?"

I looked over to the direction of the voice and saw Jin with Yoongi and Hoseok at the table.

"Oh hi Jin and Yoongi and Hoseok," I greeted before answering him. "Taehyung invited me over so we can go get lunch together."

"Ohh, he did? Where are you guys going?" Jin asked.

"Brera," I answered.

"Ooh, can I come too?" Jin said.

"Count me in too," Jimin said from the couch.

"I wanna go eat Brera too," Hoseok said before looking Yoongi. "Do you want to too?"

"Sure, why not," he answered.

I smiled and nodded slightly at the sudden plan change, "Well I have to make sure Taehyung is fine with it first."

"Ah, no. He will be fine with it," Hoseok answered.

I nodded in responded. "Oh, alright. Do you guys have a bathroom?" I asked wanting to wash my hands since I had accidentally touched a mysterious gunk on the bus.

"No we don't, we just like to shit in a hole we dig in the backyard," Yoongi answered with a slightly teasing smile on his face.

"Hey! How can you cuss in front of your hyung," Jin said as Hoseok started laughing on the side.

"Wow, you guys must have very fertile soil," I responded.

Yoongi laughed softly in response.

"We have one down the hall," Jimin answered finally.

I smiled and walked towards it. I quickly washed my hands and dried them before walking back and taking a seat on the couch. Just then, Jungkook started coming down the stairs. I looked over towards him and he yawned softly before coming all the way down.

"Good morning," he said to his hyung. He walked into the kitchen and came back out shortly with a bottle of banana milk. I watched him and smiled since he still hadn't realized my presence yet. Jungkook walked past me to sit on the couch but stopped.

"Wait, (Name)?" he said still not facing me. He quickly turned around and made eye contact with me before a grin appeared on his face. "(Name)!! What are you doing here?"

"Wow, 7 minutes, what a record!" Jin said watching from the table.

I laughed as I responded to him, "Taehyung wanted to get lunch together."

"Taehyung? I want to come too," he responded sitting next to me.

"(Name)!!!!! You are here!!!!" I heard being yelled from above.

I looked over and smiled, "Yes I am!"

Taehyung quickly ran down the stairs and over to me, "I didn't know you came already!"

"I ran into Jimin earlier outside so I came in with him," I responded. "Oh also, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jungkook wants to come with us to Brera."

"Really?! Yay!" he responded with a grin. "It will fun!"

I nodded and smile, "Have you made reservations yet?"

"Ah, no. Okay, I will do it now," Taehyung responded before taking out his phone and walking off.

"So you were going to just come to my house and not tell me?" Jungkook asked.

I turned towards him and smiled, "I didn't think you would be awake."

"Well I am, aren't I? I am hurt to think that you would not tell your beloved boyfriend you are coming over," he said.

"Aw didn't know you have started to think," I responded with a grin.

"Wow, ten points for (name)," Hoseok said laughing and clapping.

I grinned in satisfaction as Jungook glared slightly at him.

"Okay, I made a reservation at noon so we all should get ready now!" Taehyung said as he came back into the room.

Jin, Hoseok, Jimin, and Yoongi immediately got up and went up to stairs.

"You should come wait in my room," Jungkook said.

"Whooa, I am not ready to film our sex tape just yet," I answered.

Jungkook laughed and shook his head, "Just c'mon on honey, I don't want to leave you alone."

"Alright, alright," I answered as I got up.

Jungkook then lead me upstairs to his room. I followed him and stepped into his room.

"My goodness, this is so big," I said looking around.

"Guess what else is big," he answered.

I turned towards him and responded, "My urge to smack your head."

"Hey! You would never," he said walking closer to me.

I grinned and looked at him, "Don't tempt me."

He laughed and shook his head, "You're so cute."

"The urge is growing."

"I know you would never," he said as he walked over to his closet.

I walked over to his bed and laid down on it.

"Don't you have a class today?" Jungkook asked as I sat up on his bed.

He walked out of his closet wearing only a pair of jeans. My eyes naturally went to his bare chest, "Uhh, um, it got uh canceled."

A small smirk started to appear on his face as he started walking closer. "You okay?"

I immediately looked up at his face, "I am fine. I just did not realize how uh healthy you are."

He laughed and put on his shirt before someone knocked on his door.

"Jungkook, we are all ready."

"Okay, I am coming," he responded as he quickly put his shoes on.

After he was done, I got up and walked to his door and stepped out of his room as he followed. He quickly grabbed my hand and we both started to head down the stairs. Once we got down, everyone got up and walked outside to the car. Jin got into the driver's side and Jimin in the passengers. I got into the very back and Jungkook followed while the rest got into the middle seats.

"Hey guys, what did one banana say to the other bana-," Jin said a few minutes after he started driving before getting interrupted by Yoongi.

"I swear to God, can you not," Yoongi interrupted.

"Wow, fine. You hurt my peelings," Jin answered fostering laughter from Hoseok and Jimin.

I started to laugh while clapping a little, "That was good."

"Thank you! At least someone here appreciates my efforts," Jin responded.

I grinned and looked at Jungkook before leaning against him slightly. "Oh, where is Namjoon?" I asked realizing I hadn't seen him.

"He went to his studio," Jimin responded.

"Aw, that is too bad," I said.

Jin drove for a little while longer and soon enough, he parked the car and we all got out. We then all walked towards the entrance. Jin opened the door and held it open as the rest of us walked in. When I walked in, I smiled and thanked him. Once we all got in, Taehyung told the waiter his reservation and we all got lead to a table near the corner. I sat down next to Jungkook as Taehyung sat on my other side. I grabbed a menu and started looking at it as everyone seated themselves.

"I think I want to get the Fettuccine di Gaeta. What are you getting?" I asked turning to Jungkook.

"Uhh," Jungkook began as I leaned my cheek against his shoulder, "Probably the Fettuccine alla Molisana."

I nodded slightly in response.

The waiter came back shortly after I had decided and he took all our orders before collecting our menus and leaving.

"Hey, do you know what happens when you put nutella on salmon?" Jin asked turning to me.

"Food poisoning?," I responded.

"No, salmonella," he answered before laughing.

As I understood the joke, I began to laugh also along with Jimin and Taehyung.

"Ah, hyung," Yoongi said in response.

Once I had calm down, I grinned and looked over at Jungkook.

"Yeah, I don't know what you see in Jungkook. He is as dumb as a brick," Yoongi said.

"Hyung!" Jungkook answered.

"I am just kidding, relax," Yoongi answered laughing slightly.

"No he really is dumb, I have to give him pictures for a grocery list," Jin said.

I laughed and looked at Jungkook for a moment, "Wow, I learn new things every day."

Our foods soon came and once everyone got their food, we all began eating. As I ate my food, I noticed Jungkook eyeing my food from the side.

"Do you want to try some?" I asked once I noticed.

He nodded and quickly got some and ate it. I laughed softly as I watched him, "Is it good?"

"Yeah it is," he answered before I went back to eating my food.

Everyone started to finish up and after sitting for a bit, the waiter came by with our check.

"Hey Jungkook, why don't you pay for all of us," Jin said.

"Ummm," Jungkook started to answer but got interrupted by Hoseok.

"Yeah! Don't you wanna look good in front of your girlfriend."

I laughed and shook my head, "Oh no, I can pay."

"No you are not, Jungkook go pay," Jin said prompting Jungkook to take out his wallet.

"Atta boy," Jin said.

I grinned and we all got up to leave once Jungkook got his card back. As we all walked back to the car, Jin got a call and he slowed down to answer it. The rest of us got into the car and waited for him to come back. He got into the car a few moments later and started to drive.

"Hyung, what was that call for?" Hoseok asked as Jin drove.

"Oh, yeah. Our choreographer wants us to go in for rehearsals because of some changes," he answered.

Jungkook groaned softly next to me and looked at him.

"I wanted to spend the rest of the day with you," he said looking at me.

"It's fine," I answered with a smile.

"Hey (name), do you want to be dropped off?" Jin asked.

"Oh, you can just drop me off at a nearby bus station," I answered.

"How about we drop her off at her place," Jungkook said after me.

"I need an address then," Jin responded.

Jungkook took out his phone and typed in my address before sending it to Jin. I watched him for a moment before leaning myself against him. For the rest of the ride, we all sat in mainly silence with occasional small talk.

The car soon came to a stop and I sat up. Jungkook watched me for a bit before saying, "I am going to walk her in."

We then got out and he walked with me to my front door. Once we were in front of the door, I got out my keys and unlocked my door before looking at him. He gave me a quick hug and small kiss before running back to the car. I smiled and waited for them to leave before going into my home and locking the door.

Wednesday 3:13 PM

seagull oppa: hey

me: hi

me: are in your rehearsal thing right now?

seagull oppa: yeah but we are taking a break right now

seagull oppa: what are you doing?

me: ah, i was just browsing the internet and reading some comments

me: why do so many people keep overlooking namjoon


me: he is so nice to look at

me: like


me: i am dead


seagull oppa: whyyyyyysyysyssy

me: doN'T BLAmE mE

me: it is yOuR fault for being in a group with literal gods

seagull oppa: if thEY ARE GODS whAAT AM I

me: a CRUSTY 7

seagull oppa:


seagull oppa:


seagull oppa: ahahaahah

seagull oppa: you are so adorable

me: i will strangle you

seagull oppa: kinky

me: stOP IT

seagull oppa: 👅💦

me: inapPROPRiate

me: i will not tolerate that in my household

seagull oppa: ;)

me: jungkooookokkokokookokokokok

seagull oppa: okay i will stop

me: yay

seagull oppa: i have to go back to rehearsals

me: okay, don't hurt yourself

Wednesday 7:04 PM

seagull oppa: hey my little rice cake

me: what's up my little stale cookie

seagull oppa: wow

seagull oppa: can't believe i fell for someone who calls me mean names

me: i can't believe it either

me: my pull game must be very strong

seagull oppa: ahaha

seagull oppa: so, what are you doing?

me: i'm watching shows

me: did you just get out of rehearsals?

seagull oppa: yeah, i just got home

seagull oppa: i am going to shower

me: alright

Wednesday 11:52 PM

seagull oppa: okay i am back

me: it has been like 5 hours

me: did you fly to japan and shower there

seagull oppa: okay maybe i got sidetracked

me: by what

seagull oppa: my beauty

me: goodnight

seagull oppa: no wait

seagull oppa: i was just kidding!!

me: mhm

seagull oppa: i was!

seagull oppa: i had to help my hyungs with something

me: alright

seagull oppa: <3

me: aw

me: <3

seagull oppa: i am going to go to sleep

me: alrighty

me: goodnight

seagull oppa: goodnight!!!

me: ❤


A/N - hey guys :)

i am feeling a lot better if you guys are wondering and i want to thank you all for the supportive messages, they did help a lot

anyways, i hope you guys like the chapter

if not, i am sorry

and i will leave a spot again for you guys to ask questions





and i will even add





or you can ask me, the author questions

or maybe (name) too?

anyways, you don't have to ask questions if you don't want to

i love you all!! ❤

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