P.S. (Please Stay)

By probablykyliejenner

535 51 28

The jubilant, loud laugh echoed through the cafe, permeating his soul and awakening memories that were long f... More



56 3 1
By probablykyliejenner

Ever since he was a child, Harry Styles had loved Christmas. The holidays — and the presents that ensued — always excited children, but for Harry, it was more than just the toys under the tree. There was something magical about the season, something that made miracles seem possible, more than any other time of the year. It was silly and childish, but the belief of the magic of the season was something he held deep in his heart. He hadn't ever experienced the Christmas miracle he believed in, but little did he know, he would.

Despite the hustle of the city, a serene sense of seasonal charm still lingered in the streets. Jaded New Yorkers kept their heads up and their pace quick as they weaved through the streets, but even the most sophisticated resident couldn't help but smile at a child in a Santa hat.

On this particular day, just four days before Christmas Eve, the lazy December sun was brilliant and bright on the city. The snowbanks glittered, like diamonds on a cloud, and the last-minute holiday shoppers had a skip in their step as the murky grey sky made way for the luminous light.

Harry wasn't a tardy shopper. Amazon Prime delivered his gifts weeks ago. However, the sunshine made it difficult to spend the day inside. He avoided tourist traps during the holidays, but when the entire city looked like a snow globe, it was easy to get into the spirit without joining the crowds.

He left his apartment and wandered through Tribeca, keeping to the side streets as he admired the Christmas displays in store windows. After meandering through the narrow streets, he happened upon a small coffee shop. The only thing that would have him feeling more festive would be a peppermint latte.

Harry stepped into the small, brick cafe and stomped the snow from his boots as the warm scent of pastries and coffee greeted him. He was the only patron in the shop, but he wouldn't let that deter him.

He ordered a coffee, asking for it to go before changing his mind and requesting a mug. The sunshine was beautiful, but the Christmas ambiance in the restaurant was cosy and inviting.

Harry settled into a warm leather chair beside the window and sipped his coffee while he watched the city go by. He was halfway through his drink when a commotion at the entrance caused him to look up. A gaggle of young kids — at least four, with more behind — burst into the cafe, their piercing voices echoing through the quiet store.

He sighed. Harry liked kids well enough, but their loud, excited voices and bountiful energy would impede his quiet coffee. He wished he'd brought headphones, but if he had, he wouldn't have caught the sound of her laugh.

The jubilant, loud laugh echoed through the cafe, permeating his soul and awakening memories that were long forgotten. Her laugh was like hearing an old song, remembering the lyrics as though the song only just played yesterday. The sweet sound kindled memories of a summer gone and the time he spent with the only woman he'd ever loved.

Harry sat frozen on their chair, motionless as he searched past the children to see her face. Her back was to him, but there was no question it was her. She laughed again; the sound aching his core. He remembered when he was the reason for that sound.

He watched her as she stepped away from her group, perusing the glass case filled with pastries. Sliding in his chair, Harry tucked himself into the cushion and hid as he watched her. After a moment he stood, feeling out of body as he strode across the cafe. Desperate to swim in the tide waters of his past, Harry hesitated for half of a moment before speaking.

"On the count of three..." he began, his voice causing her to spin around in a hurry to face him. He grinned. It was her.

Olivia whirled around at the familiar voice, the voice she hadn't heard in so many years and yet, could never forget. Her eyes widened as she faced the man she once thought she would marry. It was as though no lifetimes had passed, time hadn't marched on. He should have been foreign by now; the memories of him shrouded in cobwebs like a half-forgotten dream, but he looked like home.

She laughed again as he continued to recite the quote from the movie she hadn't seen since that summer. Only Harry Styles would find her in a tiny coffee shop in the middle of Manhattan and greet her with a quote from Step Brothers.

"...name your favourite dinosaur," he continued, encouraged by her laughter. He grinned, her giggles contagious. "Don't even think about it. Just name it. Ready?" He laughed again as she nodded. "One, two, three."

"Velociraptor," Harry and Olivia both stated in unison. They stared at each other; small smiles playing on both of their lips. Olivia's stomach gave a nervous tumble as she realised it wasn't a fantasy. She'd thought about a version of this moment many times over the past years, but gave up on it ever happening long ago. It was fan fiction fodder, not real life.

Harry chuckled. "Did we just become best friends?" he wondered. His eyes twinkled as he continued to quote the movie they'd watched countless times while he was in the hospital. She had refused to leave his side the entire week. It was far from romantic, but the raunchy comedy always reminded Harry of her.

Olivia nodded, still giggling. "Yup!" she answered, holding her hand up to imitate the high five the characters shared in the movie.

Harry beamed. Her giggle was more captivating than he remembered. He met her gloved hand with his, wishing she wasn't wearing mittens so her skin could be against his. Harry gripped her hand for a moment, and the touch invoked memories of the first time he held her hand. He laughed to himself. He wondered if she remembered that time also begun with a high five.

Their hands remained connected for just a moment before Harry tugged on Olivia's hand, pulling her closer to him. He enveloped her into a hug, her soft locks tickling against his cheek as he tucked his chin against her shoulder. He inhaled, breathing her in.

Despite her pounding heart, Olivia's breathing slowed as Harry wrapped her in his embrace, still as comfortable and warm as it had been years before. His strong arms cocooned her and her body melted against his. The familiarity of the moment took her back; past the life she'd now built and back to the fleeting summer shared with Harry.

It took a moment for the world around them to spin again. Harry pulled away first, keeping his hands on Olivia's arms as he looked into her eyes, grinning. He let out a loud laugh, shaking his head in disbelief.

"What the hell?" he exclaimed. "You, New York? What? Why!"

He wasn't complaining though.

Olivia mirrored his laughter. It was inconceivable. She gestured to the group she'd arrived with. "We all came out here for the holidays," she replied. "Steph — you remember Steph," she added, pointing. "... and Jeff live here now. Go Rangers, I guess," she surmised with a shrug.

He remembered Stephanie better than Olivia presumed. It may have been three years since he'd seen Olivia, but not Stephanie. But Harry kept his truth to himself and nodded instead. "Big change," he commented, desperate to ask her who else came to the city for the holidays. Last he heard, another man proposed to her. Was she still wearing his ring? Her gloved hands hid the answer, but he daren't ask.

"Yeah, it is," Olivia agreed, clasping her hands in front of her. "But, how are things with you?" she asked him, touching his elbow. She felt a jolt in her stomach as she touched him but she ignored it. She had to.

"Big Oscar winner," she added with a smile, her pride for his success obvious. "You've been keeping yourself busy, haven't you?" She'd followed his career over the years and Harry hadn't stopped. His dedication to his career reiterated they made the right choice to not be together, but she also wondered how long he could continue before he crashed.

Harry snickered. "Bit of an understatement, yeah," he agreed. "Just on a short break now for the holidays and then right back to the tour..." He trailed off, recalling how his tour had been a sensitive topic for Olivia. She made the right choice. His life wouldn't have made her happy.

He laughed again. "Listen to me, talking to you like I don't even know you!" he chuckled. Unable to resist, he enveloped Olivia again. He wrapped his arms tight around her waist and lifted her from the ground. "Come here, you," he murmured, spinning in a slow circle and grinning as she giggled at his actions.

"Do you want to join me for a coffee?" he blurted out, not thinking before voicing his query. His face warmed as he prepared for her rejection. Without a doubt, she was still engaged. Only a fool would let her go.

Olivia pressed her lips together. She couldn't even pretend his question surprised her. She knew his invite was coming. Olivia shrugged before nodding towards her sisters. "I'm with them, and..." She trailed off, realising she wished she wasn't with her sisters and could accept Harry's offer.

He nodded. "No, understandable!" he assured her. Still, it was rather serendipitous that they were both in the same city, same coffee shop after so many years. Without giving himself the chance to over-think his emotions, he pressed on.

"Well... what about dinner tomorrow?" Harry asked her. He grinned. "There's this real shitty, hole-in-the-wall pub close to here... Right up your alley," he teased. She had to say yes.

Olivia hesitated. She couldn't deny she would enjoy spending time with Harry. Though their romance had been short-lived, he had been such an important part of her life. She wanted to hear where life had brought him over the past three years and find out how his family was. She wanted to know how he was. Dinner with Harry would be nothing more than a simple meal with an old friend.

Though deep down, there was one person — or maybe two, she wasn't sure — who would not agree with her.

"You know me so well," Olivia teased, her comment hanging heavy in the air. He did know her well. Did he still? There was only one way to find out.

"But... sure..." she agreed, smiling at Harry as she tried to push the guilt of her acceptance aside. It was only a dinner.

Harry's eyes widened, stunned by Olivia's answer. He hadn't expected her to say yes. He was expecting another gentle rejection, to nod and assure Olivia he understood before bidding her a fond farewell.

"Sure?" he repeated, unable to hide his surprise. "Well, all right, then!" he added in a hurry, acknowledging her acceptance before she could change her mind. "Do you still have the same number?"

Olivia nodded. She wanted to tell him he would know she did if he'd ever tried to contact her. But, he hadn't, so she didn't. "I do," she told him. "So... I guess, hit me up? Or whatever kids these days say," she added, snickering as she touched his arm. She hoped he would.

Harry laughed, reciprocating her touch. He could have stayed in the coffee shop with Olivia forever, but he could see her sisters growing impatient. He didn't want to be in Stephanie's bad book any more than he already was.

"I will. I promise," he assured her. Harry hoped she believed the sincerity of his words. He wasn't about to let this encounter slip through his fingers. He picked up his coffee cup and downed the now-cold beverage before setting the mug on the counter.

"You don't like peppermint, I remember, but it is quite festive," he added, unable to resist touching her arm one more time. "I'll see you soon," he promised. He stepped towards the exit but not before meeting Stephanie's eyes.

"Hello," he greeted, keeping his voice cheerful, despite Stephanie's opinion of him.

Stephanie didn't answer with words. Rather, she offered Harry a roll of her eyes and a shake of her head. Harry shrugged in response. It was Olivia's choice, not Stephanie's. Still, he hoped her influence as the older sister wouldn't deter Olivia.

Olivia watched Harry step out of the cafe, the smile on her face not disappearing. She joined her sisters, a noticeable bounce to her step. "That was crazy!" she exclaimed. "Can you believe it? That was Harry!"

"Yeah, we know who he is," Stephanie reminded Olivia. "Your ex-boyfriend... and he just asked you on a date. And you said yes! I mean, you're not actually going to see him, are you?"

Olivia faltered. "I mean..." she tried, trailing off before shrugging. "It's not a date, but... it's Christmas! And... it's Harry! And... You think it's a bad idea, don't you?" She frowned, feeling dejected. She didn't want Stephanie's criticism or rational opinion. Olivia wanted her sister to feel as excited as she did. Didn't Stephanie know Olivia had been dreaming about this moment for the past three years? But, she didn't. Olivia had kept her thoughts about Harry to herself, and she now remembered why.

"You're an idiot if you go out with him," Stephanie replied. "Now, hurry up and order your drink. I want to go home."


"The hell are you so happy about?" Niall Horan questioned as Harry burst into the apartment, whistling a bouncy but unrecognisable tune. He looked up from the sofa, a frown on his face. "I just lost four hundred quid on this sodden Party Poker. This is no time for happiness!"

"I told you not to play that," Harry reminded Niall, swatting the top of his head as he bounced past Niall. He grinned at his friend, Harry's smile a stark contrast to Niall's scowl. "But... you'll never guess who I saw today!"

"Is this a good story?" asked Niall. He held up his phone. "I've got to beat this fecker!"

Harry popped open a bottle of water from the fridge and took a long drink before nodding. "It is," he assured Niall. He sat on the sofa, grinning at Niall. "Go on," he urged. "Guess!"

Niall let out a loud, drawn-out sigh. "Uhm... Britney Spears," he guessed with a roll of his eyes.

Harry laughed, shaking his head. "Nope!" he sang. "Try again!"

"Prince Charles."


"That big, ugly goon from that movie with that trashy what's-her-face?"

Harry furrowed his brow, trying to remember what film Niall was describing. "What movie was that?" he wondered, wracking his brain.

Niall groaned again, throwing a pillow at Harry. "Tell me!"

Harry grinned, leaning forward. "I saw... Olivia..." he said, his words slow for emphasis. He paused, the grin not subsiding as he waited for Niall's reaction.

Niall stared at Harry for a moment, his eyes squinted with curiosity. "Olivia?" he asked after a few beats had passed.

"Yup!" Harry replied, the mere mention of her name inciting a wide smile on his face.

"Olivia... your ex-girlfriend?"


"Olivia... who you wrote your entire last album about?"

"Not entire," Harry corrected. It might as well had been.

Niall scratched his head. "Olivia who... wait! Isn't she engaged?"

Harry decided he hated that word. "I heard that, yes... but that was a long time ago," he reminded Niall.

"Was she wearing a ring?"

Harry shrugged. "She was wearing mittens," he informed Niall. "But... we're going for dinner, so..." He trailed off, offering Niall another shrug. "But... maybe?" He laughed, a bit sheepish this time. He didn't make a habit out of spending time with taken girls. But she had agreed to see him.

Niall let out a loud hoot. "Oh, shit!" He cackled, his monotone cackles echoing through the apartment. He slapped Harry's knee as he laughed. "You're going to try to sway her or what?"

Harry scowled. "Do you think I'm a home wrecker?" he asked. Perhaps he could be. "If she's happy, then... I suppose I would be happy for her," he told Niall, the words tasting like poison on his tongue.

"Oh, bullocks!" Niall chuckled. "You've never got over this one. You only want her happy if you're the one making her happy."

"That's not true!" Harry protested. "I hope she's happy no matter what!"

Niall snickered. "Mm-hmm," he hummed, laughing again. "Well, fuck... if she's already saying she'll go for dinner with you, I think you're already winning."

"It's not a game," Harry reminded Niall. "We're just having a bite, catch up. Nothing else will happen," he added, the declaration disappointing him.

Niall continued to chuckle. "Right," he laughed. "You're going to get yourself into a fair bit of trouble, and I can't wait to see you try to dig yourself out."

Harry sighed, exasperated. "Who'll give me trouble?" he asked, knowing the answer.

Niall leaned over and slapped Harry's knee. "One guess," he told his friend as he stood. "I've got to pack. Sorry I won't be around to watch you stick handle this mess!" he joked, punching Harry's arm before disappearing into the guest bedroom that had been his room for the past week.

Harry blew out a breath, wondering if Niall was right. Then the thought of Olivia's laugh entered his mind, and he grinned. Niall could be right or wrong, but Harry didn't care. He would be seeing her again, and he couldn't wait.

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