Darkness Rises

By Forceghostlissa

7.7K 226 33

Hey all here it is as promised! the beginning of a completely different story. It starts not in the throne r... More

Chapter 1 You're Not Alone
Chapeter 2 Neither are you
Chapter 3 You' ll be the one
Chapter 4 I know what I have to do.
Chapter 5 Just you
Chapter 6 Sacrifice
Chapter 7 Forgive
Chapter 8 Promise
Chapter 9 Going home
Chapter 11 Plan in motion
Chapter 12 Stronger
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 The traitor.
The Future

Chapter 10 Stardust

329 8 1
By Forceghostlissa


Hux's continous routine of beatings followed by healing Rey just enough for more beating was beginning to become boring. They weren't any less painful, but Rey was no longer surprised when the door of her cell opened. She had lost track of time and tried her best to pass the time by meditating. So far, she could only barely clear her mind enough for a few minutes of peace. Her mind constantly retuned to Ben. She still couldn't understand why she had confessed to him that he was what she wanted. She had meant it as a push to help him come back to the light. In her heart she knew part of her meant it as something else. A promise, that she would be with him no matter what they faced. But now they were separated again and ironically, they were where the other had once been, still on opposite sides. She wondered if it meant something when her heart fluttered at the thought of him, if the smile that came to her lips was something she could control. Ben Solo had done something to her and she was terrified and yet secretly excited.

The door to her cell swished open and Rey looked up to see a youngling, a little girl stumble in followed closely by to adults, a man and a woman. The three of them were covered in dirt and their faces and hands were amassed with bruises and cuts. Rey watched as they were paraded into the room by four soldiers and Hux. The three were terrified, they huddled together, the man standing protectively in front of the other two. Rey realized they were a family.

"Ah you're awake, perfect" Hux was smiling wickedly. "These prisoners before you are traitors to the First Order" The man scowled at Hux as he spoke. Rey noticed the woman staring nervously at her. "They are to be executed for their crimes, and you scavenger will get to decide their fate"

"What?" Rey stared at the general in horror. What did he mean?

"I will spare the child, if you execute her pathetic parents." Hux's smile grew.

"No, what, I won't do that." Rey couldn't possibly do that, on the one hand no child should be without their parents, but Rey refused to sentence innocents to death.

"It's that or you will watch as they all die a slow and painful death."

"Please" The mother whispered, "save my child" She was crying, her husband pulled her to him, his eyes bore into Rey's he was almost begging her to make the choice.

"I... I can't, I won't kill them" Rey could feel the tears forming in her eyes. General Hux was truly an evil bastard.

The woman tore herself away from the man and gripped Rey by her shoulders, "Please, I am begging you let my daughter live, please, she is all we have" Rey shook her head she couldn't bring herself to do it.

"Your time is up scavenger" Hux growled and he raised what looked like a whip and brought it down across the child's back. She screamed in agony and Rey rushed forward to stop him, but she was yanked back by two of the soldiers. The father tried the same, but he too was restrained next to his wife. Hux continued to whip the child. She was bleeding, huge red welts formed across her now naked back.

"Stop it you bastard" Rey shouted she struggled harder against the storm troopers. "Fine, I'll do it, please stop" She was begging now. Hux stopped his assault the girl was suddenly still. The room was quiet save for her, and her mother's sobbing. Hux motioned for the troopers to release Rey and she sank to her knees. One of them pulled her back to her feet by her hair.

"Now, see wasn't the simple?" Hux stood in front of her, she glared at him before spitting in his face. She was rewarded with a backhand across her tear stained face. "Do not insult me again or you will die"

Hux stepped back and pulled the girl up by her hair, she whimpered as she struggled against his grip. One of the troopers handed Rey a small blaster, she immediately turned it on Hux. But he now held a blaster of his own to the girl's head. "No please" her mother screamed

"Try it scavenger, the child will be dead before you pull the trigger, now finish her parents, I am losing my patience"

Rey turned to the girl's parents. They were no longer struggling, they were both focused on their daughter.

"I love you my sweet stardust" her mother whispered, "Daddy and I love you so much don't you ever forget that"

"Mommy please, don't leave me" The girl was crying, pulling against Hux, he held her firmly in place.

"Be strong little stardust" her father whispered, he turned to his wife, "I will follow you to the end my love" She smiled at him, and they both turned to face Rey. She was completely numb, her hand wrapped around the blaster was cold as ice. She slowly raised the blaster, tears streaming down her face. She would make it as quick as possible, as painless as she could. She fired two precise shots, and they both dropped instantly. The girl behind her screamed, pulling furiously away from Hux, she was clawing at him, trying to kick him. Rey turned to face him, and the trooper next to her ripped the blaster out of her hands. "Let her go, I did what you wanted" Rey growled, she wanted to kill this man. To destroy him.

"As you wish Jedi" Hux answered darkly and he released the girl who stumbled forward. Before Rey could catch her, Hux fired his blaster and she dropped lifelessly into Rey's arms.

"No!!" Rey screamed "You monster, I will kill you" She could feel the anger surge with in her. She was furious, anger coursed through her and she raised her hand, focusing on Hux's throat she began to squeeze. Hux's eyes widened, he struggled against her grip. The storm troopers moved to stop her but she threw them hard against the wall of the cell, all four sank to the ground. Rey was suddenly filled with immense power as she held this mans life in her hands, she wanted to feel his life leave his body she wanted him to suffer. She squeezed tighter. His lips began to turn blue he gasped and choked as his hands tore at his throat.

"Rey, don't do it" It was Ben, his voice filled her mind and she gasped out loud before releasing the general. He collapsed to the ground taking in several deep breaths as the air returned to his lungs. He finally regained his footing and backed out of the cell. Four more troopers marched in, one of them carried a Riot baton. Rey didn't move, she was frozen, she had almost killed someone for pleasure. The control baton slammed across Rey's back and she fell to the ground. She still didn't move as more and more blows came. As she sank into unconsciousness the last thing she saw were the piercing blue eyes of the little girl.

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