Always, My Child

Autorstwa nightwing2

143K 3.8K 614

Harry Potter abused by family. Dumbledore knows as he pays them. Harry doesn't tell anyone out of fear of Hea... Więcej

Living with Sirius
Wake For But A Moment
Up or Down
Tea Time With Tomas
Owls for the Missed
A Step In The Right Direction
Confusion on Why I Title Things Wierdly

Safely Tucked Into Bed

20K 522 47
Autorstwa nightwing2

He is rescued by Snape after the two months are over when Snape noticed that something with the boy definitely wasn't right. The feeling had remained, worsening with each dream or vision of the Potters. They begged him to get Harry to safety. They urged him to hurry, that time was running out. When Severus flooed to Black's home, the feeling of wrongness was back tenfold. The house was too quite, Black had left a note that he would be back the next day and to ignore the ghoul in the attic. The note was ten days old and mentioned James Potter several times but nothing about Harry. Severus knew for a fact that there had never been a ghoul in the Black home. Lady Black made sure of that. A resounding thud from the attic proved him correct and puked his ever growing curiosity.
Severus made it to the attic, shocked at the cleanliness of the home and horrified at the months old blood on the stairs leading up to the room that smelled of copper and urine.
"What in Morgana's Realm are you hiding, Black?" Severus hissed softly as he eased the door open. He stopped dead in his tracts at the sight he was met with.
Potter, no. This was no longer Potter but Harry. Harry, the child he had promised to protect, the child he had held so many times. His youngest godson, his best friend's child was hanging from a hook, skin covered in dried blood and barely breathing. Scars littering the body that looked like a skeleton. The boy was the size of a very small nine year old without glamours. Severus found himself banishing the chains and cradling the broken child, weeping for the boy he held. He was gentle as he made his way down the stairs, having created a fake body to take the place of Harry's still barely alive one. He knew now that he had made the right decision to never trust the light as he flooed to his husband's mansion with his precious burden. Before he flooed away, Harry's eyes opened for a moment and a wave of accidental magic exploded into the ancestral home. The force of the magic completely destroyed the home and sent a bolt of magic straight to Sirius, killing the man. The magic hadn't just been Harry's. It was also Lilly and James's magic, directed by the ghosts. James smirked as Sirius burned in an inferno of the parents anger.
Severus had no knowledge of this, having focus only for the child in his arms. He ran into the closest guest room, yelling for his personal house elf to get supplies.
"MINT! I NEED BANDAGES AND ESSENCE OF MARTLE AND RUBBING ALCOHOL AND A FIRST AIDE KIT AND WATER AND... NO! FORGET ALL OF THAT! I NEED THE BAG WITH THE GREEN, NO, THE YELLOW CROSS AND THE ONE WITH THE RED LOTUS ON IT." The little house elf popped away to fetch the needed supplies as Severus took of his robe to work more efficiently on the injuries. The elf reappeared with the supplies and an IV kit for fluids and nutrients. After a few hours of nonstop work, Harry was stable and Severus drank half a vial of a special calming draught.
"Harry, I swear that I will protect you and look after you always. I don't know if you ever received the gifts I sent you or ever read the letters I wrote but I never forgot about you." Severus kissed the child's forehead after tucking the boy into the bed. He ran his fingers through the hair, gasping as the boy suddenly glowed white. A ten year old girl appeared in the room at that moment.
"Do you promise to look out for him and take care of him as your son?" The girl's voice was Lilly.
"Always, Lilly." The smooth voice of his husband responded from behind him. A hand rested on his shoulder. Severus stared into James Potter's eyes.
"Thank you, Severus, for looking out for my son. I evoke the twelfth magic and call upon the Ladies Justice and Magic to accept Harry's new blood family." The light became blinding and the boy on the bed screamed in pain.
"HARRY!" Severus cradled the boy immediately after the glowing stopped, soothing the pain and chasing away the fear. He didn't look away from his child even when his husband sat with him.
"Why is Harry here and why was the twelfth magic evoked?" Severus Snape burst into tears as he explained everything to his loving husband, safely tucking his son into bed.

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