Her Own Kingdom

By _justalostgirl_

10.7K 592 332

KINGDOM SERIES BOOK 1 (SEQUEL: His Own Kingdom) Raegan, Rae for short, Jones is a princesss from Ireland who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note

Chapter 24

161 10 1
By _justalostgirl_

Rae's POV

Now I know why people fear Peter Pan. It's because he can sense your fear and use it against you. My biggest fear is heights. Not because I'm short and I probably won't grow any taller, but looking down upon your death.

I'm currently locked in a cage. Dangled in mid air next to the top of a cliff below the ocean. The ocean with roaring waves and glimpses of mermaid tails. I closed my eyes tightly and opened them as I huddle into the corner hanging on to the bars tightly. A rope was tied between the cage and wrapped around a pole. All Peter had to do was cut the rope and I'm dead.

I have never been so afraid in my life until now.

" Hm. So what happened to the brave and bold princess huh? The one who always had smart answers to me? What's wrong? Cat got your tongue, love? " , he taunted him.

I couldn't speak. I lost my ability to speak boldly.

Peter walked towards the edge of the cliff and placed his hand on the bar before swinging it back and forth. I gasped and breathed heavily trying to hold on to the bars.

" Awe, is the little princess, scared? " , Peter cooed. " Where is your prince now? "

I frowned and looked away.

The cage descended down for a spilt second as I clutched on to the bars.

" Answer my question, love. Just because you don't talk doesn't mean I will drop this cage. " , Peter threatened me.

" I...I don't know. " , I shuttered slightly whimpering of fear.

" Hm. So you are afraid of heights. Guess you wouldn't been able to go flying anyway. " , Peter shrugged.

" I acually would like to go flying. I wouldn't mind. " , I whispered quietly. " As long as someone holds my hand. " , I added quickly.

Peter rolled his eyes.

" Geez, you are such a baby. " , he murmured.

" Sorry. " , I mumbled playing with my hand nervously.

He watched me do so and gave me a look.

" I play with my hands when I'm nervous. It's a habit. " , I said quietly.

" And is being a smart mouth a habit too? " , he asked me.

" I don't like being told what to do. I already get enough of that at home. " , I sighed.

" Oh how I suddenly feel such sympathy for you. " , Peter said sarcastically. " You need to stop being a baby and deal with it. "

" And you need to grow up and stop acting like the entire world bows down at your feet. " , I mumbled under my breath.

Another sudden drop before the cage stopped as I suddenly find my heart beating fast.

" Watch your mouth. " , he said darkly.

I look down and breathed heavily. I was only a few feet from the water. I could smell the salty air.

" And to think that I was a fan of your fairytale..." , I mumbled shaking my head.

" Yeah, the bedtime stories aren't accurate, love " , Peter shook his head.

" Why are you so cruel? " , I whispered quietly.

" I have my reasons, love. " , Peter said flatly.

" What could have possibly have happened in your life to make you a villian? " , I asked quietly.

" You are near death and you suddenly want to talk about my past? " , Peter asked raising his eyebrow.

" Your sister mentioned something about a fire. I saw the hurtful look in your eyes. " , I remembered.

He stayed quiet.

" You know my mother use to say that when people are bad, they have a reason for it. You can't be born evil. It's a choice. " , I said.

" She isn't wrong. " , Peter muttered.

" Where is your mother? " , I asked.

Yes Rae. Ask the boy who never grows up where is his mother is at. I'm so stupid sometimes.

" Gone. " , Peter replied.

" And your father? " , I asked.

Great. Keep asking stupid questions, Rae to make this awkward.

" Gone. " , he repeated.

" So you and your sisters are orphans. " , I whispered.

" Always have been. " , Peter said.

" I'm sorry. " , I said softly.

The cage dropped again. The waves barley touching the cage.

" All I said was sorry! " , I examined.

" I don't believe you. Especially when you are a royal with parents. " , Peter said.

" I really am sorry. " , I said truthfully

" No, you aren't. You are just saying that. I'm not falling for it. " , Peter huffed.

" It's obvious that you are just hurt, Peter. Sure I have parents but they just use me to get what they want. They only want me to marry the prince so they can have an ally. " , I explained.

" And you want to marry the prince. " , Peter stated.

" And he wants to marry someone else. " , I sighed. " I'm just a puppet to my parents. "


" You see, I always dreamed of having my own kingdom. Preferably Neverland being my own kingdom, but I guess that will never happen...especially since you live here. " , I said not realizing that he could hear the last part.

The cage dropped to the surface of the ocean. The roaring waves crashed into the cage making me wet. I coughed slightly trying to get rid of the saltiness in my mouth. I breathed heavily seeing the mermaid tails visible when flapping towards me.

I'm going to die.

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