Forever Entranced ~Book Two O...

By anasmalls

720 106 19

Ava's complicated life is about to get that much more complicated. She craves the mundanely normal life she u... More

Just A Quick Heads Up!
Chapter One ~ Webs
Chapter Two ~ I'll Survive
Chapter Three ~ Training
Chapter Four ~ Melodies
Author's Note
Chapter Five ~ Believe In Yourself
Chapter Seven ~ Submission
Chapter Eight ~ Broken Wings
Chapter Nine ~ A Leap Of Faith
Chapter Ten ~ Follower
Chapter Eleven ~ Carnival Horrors
Chapter Twelve ~ It's Ironic
Chapter Thirteen ~ Reap What You Sow
Chapter Fourteen ~ Beautiful But Cold
Chapter Fifteen ~ Nights Of Fire And Ash
Chapter Sixteen ~ Nightmares
Chapter Seventeen ~ Lake of Ice
Half Way Point!
Chapter Eighteen ~ Dark Waltz
Chapter Nineteen ~ Horrible Thoughts
The Author Is Jabbering Again
Chapter Twenty ~ Siren's Songs
Chapter Twenty-One ~ Permafrost
Illius Wants You To Know...
Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Little Will
Chapter Twenty-Three ~ Plains and Stains
Chapter Twenty-Four ~ Domain
Info You Might Want To Know
Chapter Twenty-Five ~ Playing Games
Chapter Twenty-Six ~ The Lies Build Up
Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ The Crystal Castle
Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Treachery
Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Blizzard's Battle Cry
Chapter Thirty ~ Heart of Stone
Thank You!
Sneak Peak Into Book Three!

Chapter Six ~ Airborne Battles

20 4 0
By anasmalls

Blue-tinted crystal twinkled, the handle of the key silver and cool to the touch. It lay on the center of the dining table we all stood around. I adjusted, shifting from one foot to the other, tension building in the room.

Preston sniffed and slammed his hand down on the table, causing us all to jump, "Okay, let's all just stop staring at it like a bunch of freaks and decide what we're going to do with it."

"Well that's obvious Pride," Illius sarcastically snorted, "No, I figured we'd just sit here and you know," He shrugged, "We would just kind of look at it and it would magically solve all of our problems."

"Yes," I said as I leaned over the table, my hands planted on it's wooden surface. They all gave me a funny look and I blushed, "I mean, that's what the witch Nuala said. She said to travel to the north and that the key would guide us. So, technically, it would solve our problem."

"Oh goodie, another wild goose chase," Greyson sighed, pressing his body against a chair as he leaned over it.

"Well we don't exactly have a choice," West frowned, folding his arms over his chest as he studied the glimmering key.

"And we're running thin on time. We have no idea when Morana will strike and when she does, we need to be prepared. So the sooner we find this scroll, the sooner the world will be safe again," Eric pitched in, "Then there's also the matter of avoiding the angels and any other beings that might be lurking in the north."

"Yes, thank you for the reminder," Illius ran his tongue over his bottom lip.

"How do we get there?" I looked into each of their eyes, "To the north?"

"We'll just fly," Illius nodded pointedly, "It's not like it's that hard."

I swallowed hard, "It is for me."

"Well, you're going to have to set that fear aside once again Ava," Greyson said.

I attempted to shove my swelling anxiety back down and snatched the key from the table, gripping it tightly in my hand, "Then let's go."

"Wait," West strode towards me, his champagne brown eyes searching mine, "I have something for you. Follow me." He beckoned with his finger as he left the dining room. I glanced back at the sins and Illius before wandering out after him. He led me down the hall and finally into the large room I had claimed as mine with the pink coral rug and white walls. He led me to a large, white chest at the foot of the bed. It opened with a creak, inside lay an assortment of what looked to be clothing. He reached in and pulled out a black, leather jacket. It had buckles running down the front and a high collar that buckled as well. It looked complicated with all the different designs, straps, buttons and buckles, but West easily undid it, "Put it on over your shirt." He held it for me as I slipped my arms inside, my black shirt blending perfectly. It felt snug as I adjusted it, pulling it down in the front.

"It's a little tight," I commented.

"It's supposed to be, don't worry it will conform to your body. It was Elizabeth's, most demons and angels have an outfit like this," He explained as he bent down and pulled out a pair of matching black, leather pants with buckles running down the sides of each leg, "The leather has been doused in a potion that makes it so that it adjusts to your temperature, allowing you to breathe in the heat and stay warm in the cold. Where we are going, you're going to need it. It's flexible and durable, difficult to cut through with a blade so it acts as a form of armor." He turned around as I pulled on the pants, they conformed to my shape, accentuating the natural curves of my body. He reached into the chest once more and produced a pair of thankfully flat-heeled, black boots that reached about mid-calf as I slipped them on. He then handed me a belt with added slits and covers for weapons.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and fought against blushing, "I look like someone who is going to assassinate an entire empire." I left my hair down, hoping that it would add to keeping me warm.

West chuckled, "It looks good on you." A smirk curled over his lips as his eyes raked over me, "Very good on you."


I strode out of the mansion with confidence, feeling like I could take on the world in this outfit. I had several weapons tucked into my belt, some daggers, guns, and even some throwing stars even though I had no clue how to use them, but one can never be too careful, right?

Pride nudged Illius in the ribs as I approached, "I am never complaining about these leather outfits again." He clapped his hands together as I took position in the group, "Ava, you look... amazing." He finished, not wanting to use a word that would cause me to flip him onto the ground again.

"Yeah, she does," Illius' voice was low as he took me in. He wore a similar outfit, but his was less tight fitting. He wore a pair of leather gloves of which his fingers poked out of, and a black scarf was wrapped loosely around his neck, the ends dangling down his back. The rest of them, including West wore similar gear.

I narrowed my eyes, "You all can stop looking at me, it's making me uncomfortable." I honestly said and then I pointed harshly at Illius, "You especially. You lost the right to look at me." I snapped. They all averted their eyes, but continued sneaking glances every once in awhile. I shot them threatening glares, "Well, I don't have wings. What are you waiting for?" I watched, exhilaration running through me as their large, dark feathered wings unfolded from behind them, spanning out. I would never get used to their brilliance. My brows creased together in confusion, "Wouldn't they normally of ripped through your gear?"

West grinned, "Another perk of the potion." He extended his hand out towards me, "Are you ready?"

"I can take her," Illius slipped up beside his brother, extending his hand to me as well, "I'd rather take you."

I frowned at him, confused. Hadn't he just told me I was his weakness and so he didn't want me around him? I looked back to West and his outstretched hand, they had both kissed me and then pushed me away, only to return. It didn't make sense, and I was becoming sick of their games. Why should either of them carry me? I rolled my shoulders back, straightening my posture and turned around to face Pride, "Preston, would you mind carrying me?" I confidently inquired.

I watched from the corner of my eye as Illius' and West's jaws dropped, even Eric and Greyson looked bewildered as to why I would ask Pride. Preston, on the other hand, stood frozen for a solid five seconds before puffing out his chest, "I thought you'd never ask." He swept forward and scooped me up into his arms, a grin planted firmly over his lips, "I knew you'd warm up to me eventually."

"Okay big guy," I patted him on the chest, "Don't get too worked up." He chuckled and looked up to the sky, with one beat of his wings we lifted into the air.

I tensed in his arms, my arms tightly wrapping themselves around his neck as I stared, wide-eyed at the ground of which continued to get further and further away, "Don't worry beautiful, I would never drop you." He assured me, his arms wrapping tighter around me.

The sound of beating wings was almost deafening as the rest of the group flew up to meet us, "I'll take lead." Illius swooped forward, his wings propelling him through the air at a swift pace.

Preston was quick to follow, his enormous black wings carrying us through dense clouds, mist collecting around us. I couldn't see the ground anymore through the thick mist and this somewhat comforted me, as long as I didn't know how high up we were, I was fine.

"Are you doing alright?" Preston yelled over the beating of his own wings and the other's in the distance.

I nodded, slightly relaxing in his grasp. My eyes fell on Illius who swirled through a cloud, his wings folding around him like a bullet before snapping open and pushing him heavenwards. He bent back, his wings fully expanded as he flipped. He fell towards the earth, his head leading the way as his wings folded tightly beside him. He was beautiful. They burst open once more, catching wind that lifted him up, a huge smile of freedom decorated his features as he returned to flying in line with the group. We were like a flock of birds, migrating, except we weren't birds at all and we weren't migrating.

We soared over a mountain, brushing against the tops of pine trees. I extended a hand and allowed it to trail over the prickly ends. I grasped one, ripping off the tip as we pushed forward through the air. I raised the tiny branch I had plucked to my nose, the smell of sweet pine filling my senses. Illius was right, flying was exhilarating, when you stopped worrying and simply took in the beauty of it all. My eyes wandered to a lake, sparkling at the bottom of a mountain, the sun reflected off of its surface and a warm smile grew over my face. I let out a giggle of excitement as I closed my eyes, allowing the wind to brush over my face and dance through my free hair.

Preston looked entertained as my eyes met his, "I thought you were afraid of flying?"

I grinned, "I was." My eyes fell to the fields of crops we passed over at an unbelievable speed, the wheat dancing in the breeze, rippling in ways I never knew it could. I saw everything from a different perspective as we sailed over the beautiful earth. There was so much I was missing out on by staying grounded, I supposed that every once in awhile it wouldn't hurt to let myself soar through the blue sky, blue like Illius' eyes. I frowned, why was I thinking about him like that? He had pushed me away, he didn't want me around him for fear that I would make him weak. Yet, I couldn't push him from my mind. I'm hopeless, I thought.

My eyes wandered to the clouds to the side of us, I watched as their foggy substance swirled, much faster than it appeared to from land. I gasped as I caught sight of a long, white feather that brushed through the thick cloud. I squinted closer, but it had disappeared behind the mist once more. My heart leapt in my chest, it couldn't be, could it? The cloud thinned and I could make out the distinct shape of a human body, giant wings flapping behind them.

"Pride!" I screamed, pointing towards the cloud, but it was too late. The figure swooped towards us and suddenly we were being ambushed by angels. Preston pushed to the side, dodging the advancing angel. He soared up, evading giant wings as we whirled through the clouds. I peered down, the rest of the group was engaged in an airborne battle. Wings slashed through the air and weapons swirled, while West's guns shot, echoing across the sky.

Preston's grip on me tightened as he shifted me to one arm, wrapping it tightly around my waist, I grasped tightly to his gear, "Hang on!" He shouted, pulling a silver hand gun from his belt and firing at the fighting angels below. He hit one in the wing and the angel flailed helplessly, falling from the sky. They just kept coming, angels swooped in from every direction, pummeling the boys.

"We have to help them!" I shouted. Several angels circled around Greyson and Eric, binding them with a golden rope. They cried out in pain and my heart clenched.

"There's nothing we can do for them now," Preston's wings pushed us higher into the air, taking us away from the battle.

We were suddenly jerked down as one of the golden ropes twisted around Pride's ankle. His wings attempted to continue to push us forward, but the pull of the rope was too strong. A group of angels soared towards us, their white wings encircling us. Another rope wrapped itself around Preston's neck, he cried out, the rope dug into his skin, burning it. His grip on me loosened, "Preston!" I screamed as I slipped from his grasp. I flailed through the air as my body freefell through the clouds, fear gripped my entire being and I helplessly reached for something, anything to stop my fall, but there was nothing. Preston and the angels above were fading into the distance and I was accelerating towards the earth. I closed my eyes, this couldn't be it. My mind fled to Luis, poor Luis, to Amber, Emily, the sins, and finally West and Illius. I kept their memories close to me as I accepted my fate, but clearly the angels had something else in mind for me. A pair of strong arms slid under my legs and back, stopping my fall. My eyes shot open, I was moving up now, passing through the clouds and air with impossible speed. I looked to the glowing, white wings that carried me through the sky and my stomach twisted with another wave of fear, "Let go of me!" I screamed, struggling against the angel's grasp.

"You're safe now. Calm down, I understand you're in a state of panic, but that gives no reason as to why you need to struggle against me. Do you have a death wish?" The frustrated female voice hissed into my ear, "If you do not cooperate I will have no choice but to-"

"Go to Hell!" I cried. That must have really pissed her off because the next thing I saw was a fist flying towards my face and then everything fell into darkness.

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