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"Just, don't fall in love with me, ok?" DISCLAIMER - strong language and mentions of sex I promise it's not t... 更多

House Party
Just kinda thought you'd wanna see this


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Ya boi was listening to 5SOS's new album and was bLOWN TF AWAY
Babylon was the best song fiGHT ME
Every single one of those songs are on my playlist
That has never happened with me and an album before
Go listen to it now it's called Youngblood by 5 Seconds of Summer and it's fucking good
Now back to the story

• • •

As Atlas was driving back towards the city, she began thinking of what might happen while they were there. She knew that the sun was going to be coming up soon, she also knew there was one more thing she wanted to do. She had the supplies in the back for a long time, she was just never sure when would be the right time to do it. Or if Lucas would even want to. But might as well try, right.

She pulled up in front of the first motel she saw. It was cheap from what she could tell. The car she took looked really out of place next to everything else. The scenery was rustic, run down. The sign was beginning to lose its lighting seeing as it was flickering nonstop. The entirely brick building would suffice though. Quite frankly they only wanted to be clean again. And of course Atlas one more thing for them to do, but they could do that here. She grabbed a small bag and took some clothes that she knew they'd be changing into. As well as the supplies. She walked back up next to Lucas, who was currently looking at the hotel with a doubtful look lacing his features.

They both shared a look of reassurance, then walked in. The double doors creaked as they entered. The lobby didn't look the best, and the receptionist was fast asleep at the desk. But who wouldn't be?

Lucas looked at Atlas, "Should we wake her up?" He asked. He felt as if it was rude to do so, but he also felt really fucking disgusting.

Atlas on the other hand saw it as an opportunity.

"No, there's no need for that." She replies to him. She began smirking and looked back towards Lucas. She held her index finger to her lips and slightly puckered, she was telling him to be quiet. She began silently walking up and behind the desk. If this dumbass was gonna fall asleep then why not take advantage of it.

She quickly grabbed a set of keys from the top tier, the highest rooms were always the best.

Ok, at this point, Lucas could admit he should've expected it. I mean, you really shouldn't expect anything less from Atlas.

As she came back, from behind the desk she pointed to the stairs frantically. With gritted teeth and wide eyes she was jumping up and down and signaling Lucas to go. He could now see the lady was starting to wake up. He began trying to run as silently as he could to the door, Atlas following behind him.

As the door closed behind them, they heard the lady at the reception rapidly wake up. Their hearts were both racing, and they ducked down so she couldn't see them through the wedding. But as they heard her laying her head back down on the desk, they both let out a breath and slowly rise up once again. They both turned their head towards the stairs, not really feeling like climbing to the top.

"Yeah, fuck this. We're going to the second floor and getting on the elevator." Atlas said as she began climbing up the stairs towards the next floor.

"And what if someone's there?" Lucas replied, there could very likely be someone there monitoring the elevator. Although, when you take a look at the establishment, it doesn't seem probable.

"Act natural." She replies before opening the door to the second floor. She immediately notices the elevator, and the fact that there's a man near it. She pulls Lucas behind the wall.

"What the hell happened to act natural?" Lucas asked in a sarcastic tone. Atlas rolled her eyes in response, she didn't actually expect someone to be there.

"Ok, this is gonna sound weird." Atlas told him, she needed to do something, but wasn't sure, if it would make him uncomfortable. Lucas gave her a quizzical look.

"We need to make that guy feel awkward so he won't ask questions." She continued, pointing her head back towards the direct of the elevator, but keeping her eyes on Lucas, who is a good 3 inches taller than her may I add.

Lucas could kind of see where this was going, but needed to hear her confirm his thoughts.

"So, essentially, I'll need you to just shut up and let me talk, ok?" She said. Lucas just nodded in response, she was the expert after all. Although he couldn't deny he was feeling a bit of doubt in the pit of his stomach.

Atlas grabbed his hand and began leading them to the elevator. She clicked the button to go up and the doors opened. They went inside, the man following suit.

The man couldn't help but laugh to himself as he saw the bag of clothing and conjoined hands of the two obviously young people. He already made up his mind on what they must be doing tonight. Although he was incredibly wrong.

"Is something funny?" Atlas asked, not rudely though, just out of curiosity.

"Oh nothing, I just remember what it was like to be young and in love." He told them, his African accent thick in his deep voice. He laughed to himself again after saying so. Atlas immediately let go of Lucas' hand at the comment. Love. This wasn't what love was like, was it? No, no, not at all. They were simply good friends. That was all, right?

This man couldn't have been more than 60 years old. So what he said next slightly startled them.

"You guys are going to have sex, yes?" The man asked them. Allow me to set this scene for you. The awkward elevator music, two teenagers, that smell of nothing but sweat and salt, and one old man, asking them about sex. Awkward yet?

Lucas, although promised not to, stupidly began replying. "W-well. I-I-I mean. M-maybe-"

Atlas was quick to cut him off after that. Seeing the red flush his cheeks and his eyes go wide at the question. Although her response wasn't that great either. "Yes!" She quickly replied without thinking. She immediately grabbed him hand in hers and held it up. "He taking my virginity tonight!" She told the elevator man, with a bright smile on her face. She could almost physically feel the awkwardness hanging in the air. Especially since she didn't even need to look back to notice Lucas' eyes go wide.

The man began laughing one again at Atlas' false, but apparently believable, excitement. "Ah yes, I remember my first time, it was with this lovely lady named-" the man began saying. Thankfully the sound of the elevator dinging cut him off.

"Oh, well, we must be going!" Atlas said as the doors opened. She ran out, Lucas still in hand. She immediately went straight in the direction she assumed their room to be. She could hear the man screaming down the hall to them, "Good luck!"

She found their room, 1267, at the end of a long hall. Atlas immediately inserted the key and opened the door, closing it after Lucas entered. They both stood silent for a moment, breaths heaving. Then, almost as if it were on cue, they both bursted out laughing.

"Oh, are you two going to have sex." Lucas began saying, mocking the man's accent. He immediately cut himself off at the end with his own laughter. Atlas was laughing even harder than before. Her stomach was beginning to hurt.

As they were coming down from their high, they looked at each other. They shared one more giggle before they sighed.

"You go take a shower first." Atlas said as she nodded her head towards the bathroom door. The smile was still gracing her face. She needed to set everything up first. Before Lucas could object, she turned back to the bag and pulled out his clothes. She handed them to him.

"I feel disgusting anyways." He said, finally admitting defeat. He turned back and locked the door to the bathroom as he walked in. Atlas began to set everything up.

• • •

After Lucas got out, he waited for Atlas to finish taking her shower.

He couldn't notice the slight changes in he room, so he didn't notice Atlas' surprise for him.

When she walked out, she was towel drying her hair. She was now in grey sweatpants and a white and blue striped t-shirt. She threw the towel onto a chair and beckoned for him to stand up.

"I have something to show you." Atlas told him. Of course, Lucas shouldn't expect anything with her to be uneventful. Besides, her smile and hopeful blue eyes were irresistible. He didn't reply, just placed his palm in her outstretched hand. He smiled as he looked back towards her once again. She gripped his hand and led him towards the window. They were going to the roof.

When they got up there, he couldn't believe what he saw. He was in awe of the fact she would do something like this for him. The lights of the city were illuminating the sky this time. And it was magnificent. She had laid and strewn and assortment of pillows and cushions in one of the corners. She had also surrounded the little make-shift sitting area with white fairy lights. It looked comfortable, and inviting, and oh so beautiful. Especially considering the sun would be rising any moment. She laughed as she pulled him to come sit down next to her on the pillows.

Atlas sighed, "Look at it, look at that and tell me it isn't beautiful." She said, pointing at the skyline. With the clock racing, she looked back towards the India ink and the pencil with the needle attached to it, and the lighter that sat next to her. But all Lucas could see was the sparkle in her eyes. He was looking towards her.

"It sure is." Lucas said, although he wasn't looking at the sky at all. He was looking at the beauty in front of him and smiling to himself.

Atlas felt his gaze on her, she looked back at him and caught his gaze. She began smiling and feeling the flush creeping up her cheeks. She was blushing? She looked back down shyly. What the fuck was she doing?

She quickly snapped out of it and turned towards the supplies next to her. She looked back towards Lucas and turned her body towards him.

"Ok, so, I have an idea." She said "But only if you're up for it." She finished, putting her hands out in front of her in a surrender motion. She then pulled out the makeshift stencil.

"You up for a tattoo?" Atlas asked Lucas cautiously. She was unsure if he was open to this. It's not like she hadn't done it before, so it'd be safe.

"Hell yeah!" Lucas replied enthusiastically, causing all of Atlas' work to fade away back to where it came from.

And although Lucas seemed ready right at the moment, Atlas insisted he watch her do hers first. He was surprised that she didn't wife once as the needle broke he skin slightly. By the end he noticed she had done a treble clef on her wrist, it looked surprising good, for a prison tattoo. She washed the stencil and then began doing Lucas' afterwards.

From the second Lucas closed his eyes he could feel the small, stinging pains in his wrist. He felt the pricking feeling the needle left as it entered his skin for the first time. And he felt how his body's shock never seemed to vanish with every intrusion. Each time he slightly jumped and winced. Although near the end he began feeling a bit numb to it. He didn't even know what she was doing, she could be inking a dick into his skin and he wouldn't know. He didn't want to look. And besides, he trusted her.

"And.... done!" Atlas said as she finished his tattoo and began cleaning it slightly. It was a bass clef.

"You're cheesy as fuck." He said as he noticed what she had set into his skin for eternity.

"Hey!" She said joking as she shoved him. "At least it wasn't an infinity symbol or something!" She began chuckling. And, of course, Lucas couldn't help but laugh too.

As they calmed down, they began to notice the sun rising in front of them. And let me tell you something, it was the most gorgeous thing they had ever laid their eyes upon. The beautiful hues of yellow and pink and orange and finally blue as the night began fading away was beautiful. They sat there for a very long time, just looking at the sunrise. Not at all caring if it may harm their eyes. It was beautiful, and oddly enough, something Atlas had never seen before. Those things don't come around often, seeing as she's someone who prefers to see as much as she can. But no one had ever made it through the whole night before with her, so she never had any chance to see the gorgeous sight in front of her. It was magnificent.

Lucas, although very much aware of how beautiful everything in front of him was. Suddenly began realizing the night had come to an end. Back to reality. He looked down at his watch, it was 5:58am.

"I have a flight to catch at 8." Lucas said randomly, his eyes never leaving the scenery.

His comment had caught Atlas off guard, and had slightly dampened her mood. She had never wanted this to end. But she replied nonetheless.

She sighed. "Let's wait a few more seconds." She said, refusing to look away from the sunrise, although the sky was now mostly becoming a light blue. She was determined to make this moment last as long as possible.

"Okay." Lucas replied simply, once again refusing to take his eyes off the blue sky. He hated that this night was coming to a close. He hated that he'd have to go back to reality and across the fucking country again. His life obviously wouldn't and couldn't ever be the same after this. That was for certain. He just hoped they'd keep in touch. Lucas looked back down to his watch. It was now the hopelessly dreaded 6:00am.

• • •

I'm aware that this sounds like the end, but there's like two more parts. If you count the epilogue. Byeeee


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