By nxthernlightsjpg

5.7K 130 15

"Just, don't fall in love with me, ok?" DISCLAIMER - strong language and mentions of sex I promise it's not t... More

House Party
Just kinda thought you'd wanna see this


309 10 3
By nxthernlightsjpg

Longest chapter woot

• • •

They had been driving for quite some time. And of course, Atlas had once again intentionally failed to mention to Lucas what the hell was happening. Although what else is new?

As they were making their way dkwn the road, Lucas couldn't help but let his mind wander to what had occurred tonight. All the amazing things they did and were still going to do. But of course, you must take the good with the bad. His thoughts began traveling to the dark place of tonight, more or less what would happen afterwards.

He had to catch a flight at 8:00am back to Chicago. He'd be forced to return to real life in 4 hours, and away from the fantasy world he was building with Atlas. He had no doubt they would still talk, one doesn't simply leave you after an experience like this. But would it be the same?

Meanwhile Atlas was doing everything in her power to not let her thoughts wander. Who knows where they would lead her had she not kept a leash on them for so long. The last thing she wanted to contemplate was the clichè of "what's gonna happen when this is all over?" Quite frankly, she was someone who chose to live in the present and not think too much. If you did you would miss what was happening in front of your very own eyes right in that moment.

Of course, she never anticipated tbat the empty streets in front of her didn't capture her imagination and take hold of her thoughts with all the possibilities. She didn't anticipate the day where what was in front of her would be boring. And hopefully she would never have to.

Her mind was raging and thrashing with happiness as she thought of the place they were close to. One she hadn't been to in am incredibly ridiculously long amount of time.

Atlas hadn't shared this little place with anyone in years. Her and Jessie had discovered it together while they were driving. They had both been ecstatic at the news that one of them would finally be able to take them places at a quicker pace. Walking and biking everywhere was tiring. They decided to take the car they had fixed up together along with the help of their neighbor, and close friend Cesar. They were driving at an unreasonable speed down this empty road when they heard the sound of water hitting the lake rapidly. Needless to say, they investigated. They never thought it would lead to such a spectacle.

And now here she was, driving down the very same road, Lucas riding shotgun. This place was exclusively for people who Atlas felt she could trust. She's just hoping Lucas isn't afraid of heights.

Atlas noticed the stick her and Jessie had planted in the ground that marked the beginning of the mini trail they had to walk through to get to the clearing. She stopped the car right along side it and opened her door.

"Why are we literally in the middle of nowhere?" Lucas asked, confusion lacing his features. Atlas had opened the door to the back now. She was beginning to wish she had taken swimwear along with her when they were in the store. Instead she pulled out undergarments for the both of them. Close enough.

Atlas made sure that Lucas couldn't see what was in her hands as she made her way towards the trail. "You'll see." She called back, as she began making her way through the woods. Lucas made a quick move to get out and follow her.

It was fairly dark, although the stars above illuminated quite a bit, the old and massive trees covered quite a bit of them. Atlas had navigated her way through it from instinct, memory. Lucas would be damn near lost if she hadn't grabbed his hand. He doesn't know this place at all. He isn't from California after all, everything here was completely new to him, and what better tour guide could he have a gotten?

As they were both nearing the clearing that led to Atlas' favorite spot, she began to feel her heart beat faster. She hadn't been here in so long, everything just seemed to catch up with her. But what would Lucas think? She wanted him to like this place desperately, it was somewhere she felt a deep connection to. It was personal to her.

As the sound of water rushing graced both their ears, Lucas was beginning to realize what they were going to do. He had never actually attempted it before. But, hey, it always looked really fucking fun in the movies. And it's not like he's that scared of heights.

But of course, what he was expecting to see wasn't nearly as beautiful as what was actually in front of him. They had come up on the clearing, so now the bright lights of the night sky was illuminating the beauty before them. The waterfall glistened and reflected the brightness of the stars. The thriving plant life surrounding it made it all the more spectacular. With the flowers of all different types and color and size. The leaves that they were placed in seemingly suiting the scenery so perfectly. And the water, oh the water; it was just the most astounding blue. So crystalline and bright under the dark sky. The stars above seemingly making you believe all the galaxies were right there before your very eyes. The grass under their feet was flourishing, and if they were to take their shoes off, they would feel the softness in between their toes. Better than the feeling of walking on the white sands of the most magnificent beach.

Both of them couldn't help but look up and down and all around in awe. For Atlas, memories of her and her friends were replaying themselves in the scenery in front of her. When her and Jessie had first discovered this spectacular place. When they brought Cesar and Bowie and Daphne here for the first time. She saw Rania when she was still just a little 5 year old and they brought her here. She was running through the grass and picking flowers. She was playing tag with Cesar. She was learning how to swim.

Although for Lucas, he was experiencing quite the opposite. He was seeing all the memories that were going to made here. He saw them jumping down the cliff and diving head first into the beautiful water. He saw himself meeting the people she held most dear and getting to know them by the beautiful flowers. He saw himself bringing his dog here sometime to see just how marvelous this truly was. He saw Atlas playing with his little canine, her hair all what as they laid in the grass together. They would try to point out any shapes they could find in this incredibly full night sky, although it's be near impossible to actually do so. Not with all the stars in front of them.

Atlas began to leave her nostalgic daze as she spotted the rocks they climb to reach the top of the cliff.

"C'mon!" She said enthusiastically as she grabbed his hand and started making their way up. She was laughing as she pulled him towards them. And he laughed along with her. Her laugh was contagious after all.

When thy had reached the top, she began to take her clothes off. It seemed as if, for once, Lucas was expecting this. So he started to strip as well.

When they both been down to nothing but their undergarments, Atlas noticed Lucas look down. He saw how the water rushed, how it hit the lake down below; and the anxiety began to set in. But it was good feeling. This was something new. He was supposed to feel this way.

Atlas reached out her hand as a silent gesture of comfort. She had expected him to be nervous, much more nervous than he was at the moment. Or as much as she seemed to let on. Lucas graciously accepted her offer.

"On three?" Atlas asked as she looked down, it was exhilarating and she hadn't even jumped yet.

Lucas nodded his head yes, he was afraid to use his voice; not wanting to ruin this perfect moment.

Atlas noted his silence and nod as a yes, she began counting.

"1."  He was beginning to feel the rush that all those novels spoke of.

"2." The lovely panic of trying something new had settled in his stomach.

"3." Atlas shouted as they both jumped down into the watery abyss. He immediately felt himself free falling and screamed along with Atlas. His eyes were closed out of fear, a natural instinct. He felt himself hit the water below, being completely submerged by it. As he came back up he saw Atlas there laughing. He felt amazing. Absolutely fantastic. He had never experienced something so thrilling. And he completely adored it. He relished in the adrenaline high he was feeling. Lucas began laughing as well. As they calmed down, they shared a look. One of adoration. One of pure happiness. It had been such a long time since Atlas felt that. It was odd. But she welcomed the feeling. They laughed again.

From then on the next 45 minutes went by in a blurry haze. Unlike the one at the house, there was no worry here. All there was was happiness and excitement. There was beauty. There was a blossoming friendship. One that both believed would go on for ages and ages to come.

They had swam and jumped and looked at the little animals surrounding the area. They laid in the grass and talked about anything and everything. They looked at the stars and tried desperately to make constellations that clearly weren't there, but enjoyed it anyways. And when it was all over, they couldn't have been happier. As Atlas would always say, what's the point of doing anything if you're not happy doing it?

They had both changed into the different undergarments that Atlas had left at the top of the cliff. As they were walking back to the car, even in their happy daze, Lucas couldn't help but feel the salt on his neck. The heavy and sticky sweat on his skin.

"I feel disgusting." He suddenly spouted as he closed the door on his side of the car.

Atlas got closed her door and looked at him. She put in the keys and began starting the car when she said "Ditto." Quite truthfully, she could never stand being all sweaty and disgusting. Covered in chlorine. She was covered in little spots of blood as well from Malachi. As he crossed her mind she hoped he was ok.

Atlas began driving, already knowing where she was going. She headed towards the direction of the main city. As she began heading down the road, she briefly looked at Lucas then the digital clock in her car. She chose to ask him a rhetorical question.

"Do you think a hotel will let us check in at 5:00am?"

• • •

I had phone troubles for quite a bit, BUT WE'RE FINE NOW

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