Game On | Lance x Reader(Harr...

By Calybear7

71.2K 2.5K 2.1K

You attend your first year at the new and improved Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. New teachers... More

Play Dirty | Prologue
Blue | Chpt 2
Try Outs | Chpt 3
Kalteneker | Chpt 4
Enemy | Chpt 5
Are You Okay? | Chpt 6
Love Potion | Chpt 7
Family | Chpt 8
Tech Time | Chpt 9
Fair Enough | Chpt 10
Bludger | Chpt 11
Conquer, Not Admire | Chpt 12
Alone | Chpt 13
Mondays | Chpt 14
Bonding | Chpt 15
A-DAMN | Chpt 16
Date | Chpt 17
Stick It Out | Chpt 18
Headmaster | Chpt 19
Let Go | Chpt 20
Return | Chpt 21
Axca | Chpt 22
Annoying | Chpt 23
Milkshakes | Chpt 24
The Yule Ball | Chpt 25
Home Wrecker | Chpt 26
Pick-Up Lines | Chpt 27
Happy | Chpt 28
5 Bucks | Chpt 29
Fantastic Beasts | Chpt 30
Complicated | Chpt 31
Hug | Chpt 32
Charlie | Chpt 33
The Very Best Something | Chpt 34
Laugh | Chpt 35
McClains | Chpt 36
Goblet of Fire | Chpt 37
Meant to Say | Chpt 38
Stupid, Perfect Girlfriend | Chpt 39
Help Me | Chpt 40
Keith | Chpt 41
Secret | Chpt 42
Trial 1 | Chpt 43
Trial 2 | Chpt 44
Trial 3 | Chpt 45
Cry | Chpt 46
Blind | Chpt 47
Guilt | Chpt 48
Desserts | Chpt 49
Talk | Chpt 50
Lucid Dreams | Chpt 51
Visit | Chpt 52
Direct Kiss | Chpt 53
You're Really Cute | Chpt 54
Merry Christmas | Chpt 55
Welcome Back | Chpt 56
Krolia | Chpt 57
In My Head | Chpt 58
Worried | Chpt 59
Caught | Chpt 60
Mystery Culprit | Chpt 61
Bad News? | Chpt 62
Ice | Chpt 63
Rainbow | Chpt 64
Dad Knows | Chpt 65
Sweet | Chpt 66
When Did You Love Me? | Chpt 67
Mrs. (l/n) | Chpt 68
Basically a McClain | Chpt 69
Abuela | Chpt 70
Awards | Chpt 71
Cuba | Chpt 72
Brody Stevens | Chpt 73
Comfortable | Chpt 74
Buenos Días | Chpt 75
Perfect Fit | Chpt 76
Great Boyfriend | Chpt 77
The Blue | Chpt 78
Going Home | Chpt 79
My Fault | Chpt 80
Summer | Chpt 81
How It Ends | Epilogue

I Am Not | Chpt 1

2.2K 53 167
By Calybear7

So second chapter is current the first was introductory!!



(Y/n)'s POV

I was back again at platform 9 3/4 for my 4th year at Hogwarts. I had definitely changed over the most recent summer in particular, and I had grown a substantial amount. I had matured quite a lot, physically and mentally, on account of my mother. I glanced over to my side where she usually would be standing and pictured her bedridden like she was now.

I had debated not going this year but she forced me to, wanting my education to come first. I swallowed a tight lump in my throat and looked around for Pidge. I hadn't seen her all summer I was so busy with taking care of my mom. It's not like my dad was going to. Now she was left to nurses and it made me sick to my stomach.

"Woah." I glanced down and Pidge was stood there. I heard a train whistle and she just stared at me.

"What?" I asked, giving her a side hug.

"Your taller, and like..." she trailed off, gesturing to me.

"Yeah, I guess," I said, my face warm.

"No you look good!! I didn't mean it like that way!" She said.

"Pidge chill." she nodded at me.

"Hey, sorry to hear about your mom, I hope she gets better," Pidge said. I glanced around the platform where parents were saying their goodbyes. I felt myself well up slightly. I noticed Allura and her parents near the train door and only the top of Lance's head as he was mostly covered with his countless relatives. I scowled and Pidge seemed to notice. "Don't let him get to you."

"I know, it's just he's been getting under my skin for 3 years Pidge," I said, and she just pat my arm.

"I know, but that's his problem. You're going to have fun this year. Quidditch right?!" She said.

"Yeah," I agreed, following her onto the train.

"Come on, there's Matt you like him," she said. I felt a brush crawl up on my cheeks.

"Shut up Pidge."

"Hey you're the one crushing on my 16 year old brother," she said.

"I AM NOT," I said, a tad too loud. The train all looked up at us and Pidge smirked at me. How many times do I have to say it?!

"I didn't even mean it that way but now that you mention it..." I smacked her hard on the arm and we squeezed down the thin aisle between the train pods. I now noticed that Takashi was sat on the inside. I forget they're friends.

"Hey nerds!" Matt greeted us. "Kit Kat."

"Don't call me that hoe," Pidge called. I knew she didn't like her real name as much as Pidge, and I guess Matt was keen on making her mad.


Matt's definitely different. Instead of his normal nerdy stature, I noticed over the 3 years he had made a steady, but drastic change. He had longer hair and his facial features were a lot sharper. He had a new scar on his face from Quidditch most likely, I wasn't sure, but I had left a few days early last year for my mom so it could've happened then. Of course he was still his nerdy self, but it was a definite change.

I gave a wave and Pidge just plopped in the seat. "Shiro you know Pidge and this is (y/n)." Matt finally looked over at me and stopped.

"Oh so you're (y/n)?" Shiro said. He knew about me?

"Yeah, hey," I said, sliding into the seat.

"Since when did you grow up?" Matt asked. He was staring at me for a while, waiting for an answer. It almost made me uncomfortable.

"I don't know," I replied, smiling.

"I haven't seen you all summer," Matt added.


I still wasn't really feeling another year of school. Not when my mom was all alone.

"(Y/n)! Pidge!" Allura came running down the aisle towards us, tackling me in a hug and therefore both of us crushing Pidge.

"YOU'RE CRUSHING ME!" Pidge called and Allura pulled away, bumping my hip so she could sit. Pidge and I were small enough so she could fit too. She finally looked over at the opposing side and noticed Matt and Shiro.

"Oh, uh hi," she said, her face red.

"Hey, Allura this is Shiro, Shiro this is Allura," Matt introduced. He caught eyes with me and winked. I grinned and noticed Allura's face go a bright red.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too," Shiro said.

"Kashi, (y/n) here might just be our competition for Quidditch," Matt said.

"Kashi?" I asked, laughing.

"I told you not to call me that dude," Shiro said, shoving Matt.

"What? It makes us look cute and I know you love me," Matt said. Shiro just rolled his eyes. I ship it.

I felt the train start up and I smiled for the first time in a while. Between working out for Quidditch and taking care of my mom I had little free time, but I honestly needed the distraction. Maybe friends would've been a good idea. After a few minutes I felt Pidge's head drop to my shoulder.

"It's been 2 minutes how is she sleeping?" I asked, pulling her into me so that she was comfortable.

"She was pretty excited to finally see you, she barely slept," Matt said. I felt guilt eat away at my stomach. I had sort of left Pidge hanging, but it was for my mom. "But honestly who wouldn't be excited to see you after that long?" I glanced up at him and he grinned.

"Yeah, I'm pretty cool," I said, glancing at Allura. She was quite obviously staring at Takashi who was looking out the window. No wonder she'd been so quiet. "Hey Matt come be my pillow," I said, making up an excuse.

"What?" He choked.

"Yo Allura move," I said, and she reluctantly obliged.

"Sure thing princess," she sassed.

"Hey, hey I'm a queen," I said as Matt replaced her and I watched her slip into the seat next to Shiro. He glanced over and laughed at our little interaction and she awkwardly smiled back. "Ah I'm a genius," I murmured, resting my back against Matt's arm, shifting Pidge in my grip.

"So humble," he said and I could feel him laugh.

"Hun I know." his head ducked down to my ear.

"Hey meet me in the Library tonight, I wanna hang out," Matt said.

"Yeah sure!" I said, figuring Pidge and everyone else was coming.

The ride was rather short and I could feel Pidge punch at me lightly in her sleep. I woke her when we got there and we all headed off the train. I now noticed Allura was enthusing about Quidditch with Shiro. I gave myself a mental pat on the back for making them acquaintances as I gripped my suitcases. I felt a slam into my back and I stumbled forward, my feet catching on the gravel.

"Damn, someone changed." I glanced around with a sneer until I noticed Lance. His eyes were shifting over me uncomfortably.

"Creep," I commented. I hadn't gotten a good look at him before, but he was substantially taller and his shoulders were wide. He would've looked handsome if he didn't have that sour look on his face.

"Hey back off," I heard a voice from behind me say, distinct and male. I again turned and saw that it was Keith. "She doesn't need your dumbass commentary." I smiled. I was one of the few kids that talked with Keith, and he seemed to take a liking to me. People were kind of mean to him anyway, so I can't blame him, and I could always count on him to defend me against Lance.

"Keith!" I exclaimed, throwing myself on him with a hug. I heard him make an uncomfortable noise and his arms wrapped hesitantly around me. He's not really a hugging person, but he goes with it.

"Get a room freaks," Lance spat, and I noticed him staring at us with a mean expression. I glared at him sending him to run off to his friends. I heard a little growl from Keith and I just put a hand on his arm.

"Don't worry about him," I said, smiling. "I see the hair is as long as ever." I ran my fingers through the front part and he shrugged.

"I like it," he defended.

"So do I," I said, smiling. He gave a small smile back. No matter if I was close to Keith or not he still tends to hold back. "Now come on."

I remember when I first started hanging out with Keith.

I had noticed him struggling in the library with his wand pointed at a feather. I had glanced from him and to a table where Pidge and Allura were waiting and I headed over to his table first. I placed a hand over his book so that he'd look up at me, red in the face from frustration.

"Need some help?" I asked, he glanced down again and I could tell he wasn't going to admit it so I just shut his book, taking it. "Come on your sitting with us." he stared at me and then the book and got up anyways. We started walking over to our table and I could see him gently smile out of the corner of my eye.

"Thanks (y/n)," he murmured, and honestly I was just so happy he remembered my name.

After that we hung out more, not just school work wise, but he'd always be the quietest when we were in a group. I supposed I seemed the easiest to talk to, so I let him be for now. What strikes me as odd is his personality. He's so quiet and sets himself off from others, always sulking about something. I've seen this and a more relaxed Keith, but that boy was honestly a mystery to me. Not to mention he's temperamental, especially when it comes to Lance. I can understand where he's coming from, but to see him lash out like that makes me wonder what other sides of Keith, I haven't seen yet, look like.

We all started in and I passed where Hunk was with a few other Hufflepuff. I gave a small wave to him to which he returned happily. I followed everyone inside, Keith by my side and the Holt kids in front by a few feet. We passed by where Lance was now with his friends.

"Whore," I heard him murmur and I just stared ahead as they all laughed.

"Why don't you shut your big mouth snake boy!" Keith snapped.

"Bring it over here and fight me mullet!" Lance shouted back and Keith shifted away from me and towards him. There he goes.

"Keith," I warned and just scowled at Lance. "Find something productive to do with your time and stop picking on me," I said. He met my eyes, cold blue ones staring at mine. His face flickered and he just turned away. "Keith you don't have to defend me like that."

"Oh," he paused, glancing down at his hands, "sorry." My stomach twisted and I felt bad, the look on his face too much for me to handle. We made our way into the mess hall where everyone was waiting. There was still another train load we were waiting for so Keith and Matt just joined us at the Ravenclaw table for a while. Keith usually walks away for a while when he's sad, but he decided to stay. Pidge talked about a new device her and her dad had been working on and Keith was sat on the floor in between my legs. I cautiously put my hands in his hair and he stayed silent, watching ahead and letting me braid and put his hair in ponytails. He leaned back to look at me after a while.

"Do I look amazing yet?" He said with a sad smile. I giggled. He was a funny guy when you got to know him. I think I'm making progress.

"I mean, if I'm doing it then you're 200% percent better," I said and he smirked lightly, putting his head back up. Everything was okay. I glanced around the room, catching the icy ocean eyes from across the room. They were staring at my hands weaving through Keith's hair. He glanced up and we just made eye contact until he gave a harsh wink, causing me to shake my head and look away towards someone else. Every time he looked at me it's like ice in my veins, I've got to keep control of that.

I just don't get that boy. One minute he's harsh and rude and the other he's smooth and flirtatious and honestly I hate both. Makes me wonder what Lance is really like. Or if he's really just that way.

"Wow, when do you get to braid my hair?" Matt asked, distracting me. I raised my eyebrows.

"You do have nice hair, but I wouldn't trust me, I'd probably cut it."

"What you don't like it?"

"All in saying is a trim because oh my God."

"Wow thanks."

"I mean that with love," I said, sitting back to look at my handiwork on top of Keith's head.

"Yeah." I glanced up at him and he was watching other students again. Okay then.

"Oh my God," Pidge snorted and I glanced over.

"What he looks beautiful," I defended and Keith's hand went up to feel the top of his head.

"Did you give me little space buns?!" He asked and Pidge broke into laughter.

"I love that you know the name for them," I laughed.

"Oh my God I look like a bear! Take them out!" He said, his face dusting a light pink as he glanced in the reflecting of a large window.

"Alright, alright," I pulled them down, running my fingers through to comb out the braids as well. Just from the short time braided caused little unnoticeable waves.

"Last time I let you do my hair," he threatened.

"Nooooo," I whined and Pidge just grinned.

"Fine," he said, sulking. There's that face I hate. It's whenever Keith is in his own head or alone that caused him to make that little sulk that just drove me crazy. That's why I always love to make him laugh or smile.

"Hey your taking care of magical creatures right?" Pidge asked. I nodded and she smiled as Honerva quieted everyone down, Keith and Matt hurrying to their table. After the sorting we were assigned rooms and I picked the bed between Allura and Pidge like I've had for the past years.

'This will be a good year. Don't doubt it (y/n),' I thought to myself as I headed down the the stairs. I had to sign up for Quidditch and go find Matt. I headed down the large corridors and glanced down at the sign ups. I noticed Lance leaning up against the board. He was talking to some girl, Nyma, who was giggling like an idiot. I sighed and made my way toward the sheet. Lance didn't seem to notice me, blocking the paper.

"Excuse me." he glanced down at me with a smirk. "move." I bumped him slightly, signing my name on the sheet to which he laughed.

"You're trying out?" He sassed and I stepped back.

"Yeah, what's your problem?"

"Not gonna be my fault when you make a fool of yourself during tryouts," he said, clearly proud of what he had said.

"We'll see," I glared and began to walk away. I heard Nyma laughing again at what he had said, the tingle of a stare at the back of my neck. I just tucked my pen in my pocket and hurried to the library. When I entered there were a few people there, Matt sat with his feet propped up on the opposing chair of his table. Where was everyone else?

"Hey, where is everyone?" I asked.

"No it's just us, I haven't seen you in forever," he said. I felt my face flush as I sat.

"Yeah, how's Quidditch going?"

"Really good! I'm excited to kick your ass," he commented and I placed a hand over my chest.


"Your butt is just kickable," he commented.


"Not literally, I mean like--"

"Hey guys," I glanced up at Shiro who had broken the awkward little exchange.

"Hey Kashi," I teased and his face scrunched.

"See what you did?" He asked, taking a seat next to Matt.

"Yeah," Matt replied. He seemed more awkward than I've ever really seen. What was up? We were like brother and sister, what's his problem with commenting?

"(Y/n)?" I glanced up at the sound of Allura's voice and she came running into the library, looking excited and nervous. "Lance said you'd be in here." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"How did he know?"

"I don't know, I just asked and he said he saw you come in here," she said. I nodded, but was still puzzled. Wasn't he still with Nyma at the extracurriculars board? That wasn't anywhere near here.

"What's up?"

"Okay, look what I got!" She said, helping a small creature onto the table.

"You had a mouse in your hand the whole time?!" I asked, glancing down at the small but lazy looking creature.

"Mice," she corrected and a few others crawled from where they were nestled in her braids.

"Allura you can't just keep mice in your hair."

"What rule says I can't?" I just sighed, knowing it wouldn't make a difference.

"Cute," Shiro said, scratching the one that Allura had let down first on the back with his finger. "What are their names?" He glanced up to where Allura was standing and she just stared back, her face warm.

"Uh I haven't decided yet, you could help name them," she suggested. Shiro chuckled as the one ran up his arm to rest in the crook of his neck.

"That sounds fun," he said. "hey buddy." He said, a cheery smile and a pet directed towards the mouse. I glanced over and I swear I think Allura was steaming at the ears. She gathered up the mice and Shiro left with her, the largest of the mice refusing to budge from nuzzling Shiro's neck. I glanced back at Matt who had been quiet for most of the time.

"Hey, I'm heading to bed, maybe we'll hang out more some other time," I said.  He just hummed in response. He wasn't budging from his glare at the table, "and hey, my butt is pretty kickable, but don't count on winning Holt."

I swear I saw a smile. I smiled to myself in accomplishment and left, heading down the hall. I bumped into someone resting against the wall right outside the door.

"Oh so--" I glanced up at a devilish smirk. "Rry," Why was he waiting outside the library? How do I always run into him? I stared up at him, slightly distracted. Man he was taller now.

"Watch it!" He hissed and I scoffed.

"I said I was sorry, jeez. I don't know what your problem with me is, but--" he cut me off, pulling me close. His arm pressed into my back, his breath on my face. His stare sent shivers down my spine that I had to suppress. I could see he had freckles all along his nose that I hadn't noticed before and I felt my stomach flop.

"I've never met someone so desperate for me before," he said, and obvious look as he leaned into me. I leaned back away from him.

"Hey (y/n) you forgo--" Matt stopped right outside the door, holding my jacket up for me. He paused when he saw us and I pushed at Lance.

"I'm not desperate for anything that even remotely involves you," I said, stomping on his foot as he reeled back. I took my jacket, watching as the 2 boys glare at each other. "Uh, thanks Matt," I said, brushing past Lance, now extremely awkward.

I just can't seem to escape him. What was his main goal anyway? He just wanted to endlessly flirt with and be mean to me. How wonderful.

I headed up to bed where Pidge was sat, reading. I hopped into my bed and she just flipped a page.

"Have fun making out with my brother?" She asked, smirking at her book. Pidge. Always endlessly seeking to make me as uncomfortable as possible, by I still love her.

"Pidge! You know I don't wanna do that!" I said, my face flooding red, glancing around the room for anyone else in here.


"Shut up scrub."

"Who the hell uses the phrase scrub?!"

"I do and you're one."

"Oh I am, am I?"

"Yeah so stop it."

"Oh (y/n), it's so obvious."

"I'm begging you to stop."

She just winked at me and I huffed, turning over in my sheets. I am not. No matter what she said I know I am not crushing on Matt. That's weird. I didn't want to.

I'd rather suffer dating Lance.

"Pidge do you think I'll be stuck in any classes with Lance?" I inquired and I got a soft hum in response.

"Something's telling me it's not my brother who you like," she implied and I threw a small ball of paper at her.

"Get the hell out of here. Leave this planet," I threatened, curling up so my back was to her.

Just the thought of Lance in my classes made my chest burn. That would be hell, but why was I thinking about it? It was quiet for a few minutes until I felt a stare at my back.

"Say anything and you die."

"Love you too (y/n)."


Stay awesome!


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