Love, Fights...and Everything...


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Maddie and Mason are about to head off to NYU for university. They both got in and Maddie is going into photo... More

1 week to go
Girls night in
Old times
Not again..
Drive me crazy
Hang out
You're obsessed
Kinda boring
A lot of drama
Night in
5000 words
No sleep
Back home
No way
Next day
She needs her bestie
5 hours
So In Love
Just a little bit of everything
Chill day
Ice cream
Fun night
Why now!?
No sleep and the beach
Lukes place
Not a big deal
Oh shit.
Everyone knows
Will you........
Wedding day
Here We Go Again.

Our life

3.8K 76 8

Bonus chapter 2:

  "MASON!" I giggle when he lifts me me up from the small kitchen and carry's me over to our bed.

"What?" He smirks when he's on top of me on the bed. He bites his lip.

"You're annoying" I laugh.

"You love me" he says.

"Unfortunately I have a kid with you too" I said he gasps.

"You mean fortunately right?" He asks.

"Sure..." I said. He rolls his eyes but chuckles. He leans down and kisses my collarbone.

"I know you do" he mumbles against my skin moving higher up now on my neck.

"Mmhmm" I sighed out and I felt him smirk on my skin. He gets closer to my lips and hovers above them.

"Maddie I'm irresistible in your eyes" he smirks I roll my eyes.

"Don't get too cocky" I said.

"Well with the way you look at me and make me feel I'm pretty sure I have the right to be" his smirk never leaves his lips.

"Shut up" I said.

"Make me" he says.

"Oh my god are you ever gonna stop that?" I asked.

"No way" he says and then kisses me. Things get heated when the baby stays wailing. My shirt was already off. I push Mason off.

"Baby calls" I said when he groans. I go to the crib picking her up.

We had a girl and named her Jo cause we thought it was cute. I rock her in my arms and her crying starts to ease a bit. I then put her pacifier in and she sucks on that and stop crying.

"You wanna eat?" I asked but then he eyes closed and she falls asleep. I smirk at the sight. She looked so you.

"Wow, Maddie mom duty just turned me right on" Mason comes up from behind me.

"She's so cute" I say smiling at her.

"Yeah you are" he says I roll my eyes.

"Don't be an ass" I roll my eyes.

"Kidding even though you are still cute. Yeah she is cute" he says with a small laugh. "I mean she obviously gets it from you."

"Not true she has your eyes already" I tell him.

"I do have better eyes than you" he smirks I nudge him he laughs. He kisses my shoulder. "Honestly Maddie. You being a mom is way hotter than expected" he says. I put the baby back in her crib.

"Thanks? I don't know what to say" I turn to him. He grins.

"It's a compliment" he grips my hips and pulls me close. "You're a hot mom" he says lowly.

"And you're a hot dad" I say to him he smirks.

"I know" he says cockily I roll my eyes. He leans in and kisses me. "So we can now continue what we were about to do" he leads up back to the bed. I'm on his lap. My hands run through his hair. His hands slide down my back.


  The baby cries and I groan waking up from my deep sleep.

"I'll get it" Mason says "I mean her" he gets up. My eyes stay closed but her cries keep me awake.

"I should have a bottle ready for her on the side table" I tell him waving my hand somewhere.

"Yeah I got it" he says. I open my eyes and he's rocking her in his arms and feeding her the bottle. I was tired as fuck but the sight was cute. "Just go back to bed babe" he tells me.

"You sure your good?" I asked motherly instinct kicking in.

"Yeah I'm great" he waves me off. "Sleep. Love you" he says.

"Yeah love you too" I turn closing my eyes and falling asleep.

I wake up the next morning to an empty bed surprisingly. I get up Mason wasn't in the kitchen and the baby's not in the crib. Then I see them on the couch Jo was laying on Masons chest and stomach he had one hand on her small body and his body was sprawled across the couch his eyes closed lips parted the slightest bit and it was the cutest sight. I took a couple picture because I couldn't even take the cuteness.

So then I went to the washroom doing all my stuff and they were still sleeping when I came out. They must have had a long day. I heard her whimper a little and then stretch but stay asleep. He pretty much does the same. I laugh. I go to the small kitchen area it was all open pretty much so it was all just there and I make myself a coffee. And I sit on the other small couch. I grab the remote to watch tv. I don't have to work today thank god.

"Fuck" Mason says I look at him. "My back is killing me" he says.

"Well you fell asleep on the couch with the baby and the couch is like half of you only" I say.

"I still can't move or she'll wake up" he says. "Please don't tell me you took a picture."

"Oh I definitely did. Who do you think I am" I smirk he groans. "I'll take her" I said. I get up going over to him and picking he up and cradling her in my arms.

"Thanks" He says sitting up normally.

"Why didn't you just go to the bed?" I asked him.

"Because I was tired and I didn't end up putting her back into her crib and I fell asleep" he shrugs. That's when she whimpers and wakes up with a small yawn that was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"Speaking of. Look who's awake" I talk to her in a baby voice. Then she starts crying.

"Yeah I know you need a diaper change" I say going over to the couch and laying her down. "Pass me a diaper please and the baby wipes" I asked him he does.

After I change her we get a bottle ready and feed her.

"Look at that. She's always you" mason says and I kick him while i feed her he laughs.

"Speaking of hungry can we go out today and do something fun then eat lunch?" I asked.

"Yeah of course" he nods.

"You don't work right?" I asked.

"No I don't" he shakes his head. "I gotta go brush my teeth so I can kiss you" he tells me going to the washroom. I put the bottle to the side and wipe her mouth.

"Time to her you dressed. Then to get Mama dressed" I smile at her she giggles a bit I laugh. I go over to her drawer of clothes. "So let's see. It's March, you can wear your onesie that's floral, with a headband and you'll look so pretty. I talk to her like she can reply. I pull it all out then I go over to my bed and place her on it. She wiggles around I laugh when she giggles the cutest sound ever. I put her in the clothes I picked out and she looks adorable.

Mason walks out a minute after.

"Mas, doesn't she look so cute" I pick her up showing him. He smiles.

"Yeah always" he says and I mentally melt. "So I was actually thinking, would you ever call me daddy?" He asks. I stare at him for a second and laugh a bit.

"No don't think so" I shake my head.

"Don't think so?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Do you want me to?" I asked giving him a look. I go into the closet with Jo in my arms.

"No its not a thing I would want or anything. I was just asking?" He says with a shrug.

"No. I don't like it" I shake my head grabbing my black ripped jeans and a long sleeve crop top. "Why were you thinking of that?" I laugh. "Take her for a second" I put her in his arms He props her up looking at me while I get dressed.

"I don't know I was just thinking about dad, daddy and all that shit. I don't want Jo calling me daddy I don't like it because it's too sexualized these days" he tells me and I laugh.

"I agree" I say.

"Like why isn't mommy?" He asks.

"I mean it is if you say Mammi" I say he laughs. I pull my hair out from under my shirt fixing it.

"I guess" he says.

"What do you want her calling you?" I asked.

"Dad" he shrugs. "Can you pass me my pants and shirt?" He asks I go into the closet drawer and grab his regular outfit. I take Jo from him as he changes. "Where do you want to go?" He asks.

"I don't know around" I shrug.

"We're gonna be that hot couple goals that have a kid and look good cause we're young" he says and I laugh.

"You say this all the time" I said. I grab the the bag for her baby stuff. I put it in her stroller basket thing.

"Well it's true" he shrugs. "Both my girls are looking amazing" he said and I smile and pretty much melt into a puddle right there. I place her into the stroller and buckle her up.

"You don't look too bad either" I said turning to him.

"I know" he smirks I roll my eyes but he grabs my hand pulling me in and then kissing me.

"Forgot to do that" he says after we pull away. "You look great today" he tells me. "Well you look great any day" he shrugs.

"Thanks, you said that already pretty much" I laugh.

"I needed to make it clear" he grins. Jo lets out a squeal I turn laughing.

"We should get going. Jo's getting impatient with us" I said.

"Seems like someone I know" Mason says. I roll my eyes.

"You know what Mason. I'm amazing so don't judge me" I tell him he laughs.

"I would never" he gasps. I go behind the stroller.

"Mm-Kay" I nod. "Let's go" I say. He opens the door and I walk out rolling the stroller. He locks the door and we head out.

"So wanna go to lunch first?" He asks as we get into the elevator.

"Yeah we can" I nod. "Where should we go?" I asked.

"I don't know, that diner not too far" he suggests.

"Yeah sure" I reply. We get out of the elevator and out of the apartment building into the busy city.

Mason puts a hand on the small of my back as we walk down the sidewalk.


We got to the diner 10 minutes after.

"Hi what can I get you guys to drink to start?" A waiter comes to us. He was around our age. He looks down at the kid. "How old are you guys?" He asks.

"19" me and Mason say in unison.

"Oh...anyways so drinks?" He asks.

"Water" I reply.

"Yeah same" Mason nods. The guy nods and leaves the table Jo was smiling a bit. I grab her finger with my pointer one. She grabs mine wrapping her small fingers around it but it can't even fit. I smile at her.

"So, second year is almost down the drain" Mason says I look at him my finger still with Jo.

"Yeah I know. It's been going by so quickly" I said. "I can't wait to go back home with Jo."

"Yeah. Lila's gonna go crazy" he laughs. "How has Lila and Luke been?"

"They're great. Surprisingly " I laugh a bit.

"Yeah pretty surprising" he nods with a small laugh too. He looks over to Jo then me. He pulls out his phone. "I'm taking a picture of you guys" he tells me.

"Mason I didn't do my makeup today" I say.

"You don't need makeup babe you look hot still" he tells me pointing the camera at us. "You took one of me sleeping with her come on" he says with a small grin.

"Fine" I mutter then smile. He takes a couple.

"Perfect" he smiles.

"Mm, I'm sure" I laugh. The waiter comes back with our waters.

"You ready to order?" He asks and we do.

"Honesty I feel like he's judging us for being young parents" Mason says when he leaves with our orders.

"Whatever" I shrugged.

"Why does he care?" He scoffs.

"I don't know, because he hasn't even found a girlfriend yet so..." I say he laughs. I bring out Jo's bottle when she starts getting a little whiny and I put it to her lips. She opens and starts sucking.

"This is so your kid. She sleeps a lot, she eats a lot, she gets impatient" Mason grins. I roll my eyes.

"Whatever I'm amazing" I state.

"Never said you weren't, but just telling you" he shrugs.

He came back with our food not too later we ate and chatted over all that.


"Oh my god ice cream please!" I said once I see the ice cream shop.

"Yeah sure" he laughs. "No need to be a child."

"Ok, says you the one who acts like a 13 year old when you're other Nathan" I state we walk into the shop.

"It's different" he mutters I laugh.

"No, not at all" I said. We get in like I look at the menu while I hold onto the stroller.

"You can go sit down and I'll order" Mason tells me.

"Ok, I just want vanilla" I tell him he nods and I bring the stroller and sit down. I look around the small ice cream shop. It was cute. Then I look at Jo who was biting on her finger. Well trying to.

"Hey!" I said in a baby voice. "How's my Good girl?" I tickle her she giggles. "You're so cute" I sighed. "Like stop" I laugh.

Life has been great actually. With Jo now in or lives everything has been great. I know it's only been just a couple months but even when I was pregnant. It was all great. I look at her smiling.

I feel like everything is coming together. Me and Mason, I know we've always been so good but we've had our downfalls. I mean a lot but still. We're doing great. Better than ever. I'm so excited to have this family with him. He's been so good, to Jo, to me. Everything.

Everything is gonna be great, because it already is.



ANOTHER!? Or NO!? Tell me what you guys think I should do because I was thinking I could do one a year ahead in the summer? Unless it's getting too much. But idk. Tell me what you guys want I'll do whatever. But anyways. I hope you all enjoyed and if you don't like me or my book please don't fucking read it. But other than that shit. Have fun reading it. Xoxo.


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