Sleepover (Len Kagamine X rea...

By AiHaru-chan

964 22 8

Rin invites you over for a sleep over with your gang. You had fun but when everyone fell asleep something hap... More

Welcome !
Last Day

7 minutes in heaven

330 9 3
By AiHaru-chan

Yeah , I'm just going to complete your stay over the Kagamine's 

Enjoy !~

After bathing I head down stairs to get breakfast. Everyone was sitting down eating their food.

Len was eating a banana. Rin ate an orange. Luka managed to eat a tuna sandwich. Meiko complained about not having sake around. Miku ate her leek raw.

I just realised I never introduced the boys.

The boys were eating their meal peacefully. Kaito had ice cream. Mikuo, Miku's older brother, ate the same thing as Miku. Gakupo ate bread while Oliver ate yoghurt.

"(Y/n) , find what you want to eat." Rin pointed at her fridge.

I went over and opened her fridge which was filled with snacks. You spotted your favourite food and reached out to it. A nice breakfast with (F/f). You smiled happily and sat beside Miku. You ate to your heart's content.

Rin threw her orange peel away and wiped her mouth with her sleeve. "So, what do you want to do ?" Our group exchanged glance and shrugged. Rin looked over at the boys and they too had the same response.

"Rin where's your parents?" I asked. Taking a another bite from my food.

"Didn't I tell you ? They went on a vacation until next week." She pouted. "Len, what do you want to do ?"

Len finished his banana and threw the peel to the rubbishy bin which was at the other side of the kitchen. I was mesmerised as he threw it and it made it in. Well, he is a basketball player in my school after all. "Dunno."

"How about... 7 minutes in heaven ?" She showed out seven fingers and smiled widely. I nearly chock on my food when she said it. "Whose in ?!"

Everyone hesitated at first but gave in except me.

"(Y/n)~ come on! Please! Pretty please!" Rin begged. It was an odd number so they needed me in.

'How did I end up here...' I mentally said. The boys were writing their names on a piece of paper before putting it in to a box.

Rin shook the box and Miku went first. "...Mikuo...." She glared at her brother. They went to a dark room (guest room) and closed the curtain and no lights.

The game went on. Miku and Mikuo came back arguing about leek. Luka and Gakupo came back blushing. Meiko and Kaito didn't reply when we said time was up. I checked on them and it ended out that those two slept. We needed to drag them out and place them on the sofa in the living room.

Rin and Oliver went next and Rin came back with a the word defeated on her face. She explained to me they managed to play 3 board games, two chess and one checker and she ended up losing all.

There was only one name left in the box which was Len. Both of us went to the room.

I sat there a blushing mess, luckily it was too dark for him to see.

"So (y/n) what do you want to do ?" Len broke the silence.

"I-I don't know."

I heard the sound of the bed shifting. "Oh well, I'll sleep. Wake me up when time is up, kay?" He yawned.

"Are you serious?" I gave him a weird look but it was too dark for him to see.

"What else do you suggest ? Oh." The sound of the blanket moving was heard along with footsteps.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness around me. The blanket was wrapped around me and a warm figure sat beside me.

"L-len?..." I was flustered and couldn't breathe.

Len snuggled closer putting his head on my shoulder. The atmosphere was cool and peaceful. I wanted to sleep but who knows what will happen when I don't wake up on time. I heard his breathing and it was normal.

My heart beat faster. 'Ju-just few more minutes and this is over.'

An arm wrapped around my waist causing me to flinch. It was hard, harder than I thought. The seven minutes felt like years. Len sitting next to me like this. It was like this morning all over again.

I couldn't resist placing my head on top of his. Then a knock was heard. "Your seven minutes are up!~" The familiar voice of my friend Rin.

Len got up and stretched his arms out. "Oh well." He arranged the blanket back onto the bed like it was untouched. "Ladies first." Len opened the door.

My eyes readjusted to the bright light. It took me some time before I could see well.

"Well (y/n) ?~" Miku came over and hugged my left arm. "What did you do?"

Luka and Meiko walked over to listen to our conversation.

"It was nothing really. I was doing something..." I mumbled. A blush crept onto my face remembering how close Len was. How his arm was around my waist.

Len was in the kitchen grabbing another piece of banana when he heard the conversation and cut in, "I'm something by the way." Winking before heading towards his friends.

"Wait- (y/n) what ?!" My gang eyes widened and cried.

"IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" I screamed making an 'X' with my arms. "We were doing our own things, a-across the room."

Damn you, Len.

This whole book is unedited by the way , hopefully you enjoyed

~ AiHaru-chan

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